Cinema Beef Burnt Ends : Ring Of Steel (1994)
Is this a private obligation?
Or do you allow spectators?
Get the fuck back in your car, old man.
Don't let me interrupt.
Watch it again and again.
So where by?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, amen.
He fights and runs away. He lives to fight another day.
But it's usually best to face one's destiny.
What you agree?
He was destined for the Olympics.
There's no one more in your national test.
Until his dreams were shattered by a twist of fate.
What happened was an accident.
It wasn't your fault.
That's supposed to make me feel better.
But one man is willing to give him another chance.
Alex, magic make it.
For price.
Our fight is a well paid and very well trained.
I'd like to join them.
The come one of the best.
And this is the ring of steel.
That's Jack.
I love Jacky.
It's very good.
So far he's the best.
I think Alex could do better.
Alex, welcome to the class.
You're just in time for your first lesson.
Number one, I decide who fights and wins.
Number two, there is no fighting outside
the ring of steel ever.
Number three, inside the ring of steel, there are no rules.
You can't make me fight.
What have you done with Elena?
There is a lot of stake here, isn't there?
Is it dangerous, man, Alex?
Don't you ever disobey me again?
I never do you understand me!
Don't underestimate him what he's asking you to do.
If I do, I say and when I say.
You'll last a minute.
You wish I'll see.
He's caught in a deadly game where the winners rule.
And the losers die.
Joe Don Beaker, Carol Old, Robert Chapin, Gary Casper,
Darlene Mowell.
Death has just become a spectator sport.
Ring of Steel.
Hello, folks.
It's another Sidby F. podcast, "Burntens."
But the fan's part about this one is this one's
going to be on your main feed, because I'm hoping
to show it in a something.
And I-- yeah.
Listen to the Beaker first three episodes that got the other guy
and be had a good time doing crippled theater.
And I would hope so.
And I want to dig in more of those things with him.
So I brought him here.
It's like a twist in his arm, ever.
But Ricky Morgan, how are you doing, sir?
Well, it's happened, man.
I'm always glad to be back and hang out with my buddy.
Yeah, man.
Be too.
You know what I like about what you bring is--
it's always a shock to me, right?
Because I recently had Dave Z. O'Mycho,
and I expected some horror flick, and he picked neighbors.
And that's the way I feel about it every time I get with you.
It's like it's going to be something that is never really
talked about.
And that's what I love about it, right?
I love not having to do another dawn of the day
or we know what everybody else does.
I like you just bring something up that I'm like, never
heard of it.
Let's give it a shot.
Yeah, I could have told you, Dave Zeele's
neighbors is one of his favorite things.
It did that--
We had him on the show one time.
We didn't Johnny Dangerously.
And that's one of his favorite things too, so--
Oh, well, I didn't know that.
Oh, yeah.
I'll have to hit him up for that one then,
because we've talked about a couple of other ones.
Yeah, I mean, and again, even though we're all kind
of horror fanatics, it all comes from somewhere else, right?
There's these other movies that maybe even lead you in the horror.
But we are 80s HBO kids, right?
That's what kind of drives us to finding all these movies
that are sent to Max, whatever you had at the time, which
easily would have been where you could have seen this movie
in the time that it came out.
About 1.45 in the morning.
After you made some bad decisions with some friends,
let's try not to just film about an underground fighting ring.
That's original.
Oh, oh, boy, how do you do this, though?
Because-- wait, we get to do--
Yeah, the reason I want to do this for Ricky is to kind of restart
but not replace our good friend, Johnny Kruegan,
watch something stupid and talk about it,
because Sure, Buzz was a lot of fun, dude.
You guys take great chemistry together.
I missed that, man, so much.
That was my first War podcast.
I've listened to Was Krueganation.
He was into it, man.
It was just-- it was the right thing.
And you know, I have those thoughts of, I'd love to do a show
and cover those kind of flicks, but that one was just special.
I mean, the chemistry there just-- it worked so well.
And so I'm glad that you're trying to carry on something
kind of into spirit of that.
And let's roll, man.
Well, the film I chose for this first time
go around for this official, unofficial thing
is Ring of Steel from 1994.
This is rated R, I have no idea.
Well, you do see a boob in there.
It's a pretty, pretty, uh, passionate skin of Max
sexy in this movie.
But in case you don't know what this is,
I will read the plot set options to you.
A champion fencer actually kills an opponent in a match,
disgraced his black ball from the fencing community
until a mysterious stranger saves his life one night
from a gang of muggers.
He soon finds himself caught up in a world of underground illegal
sword fights, working battles, fight to the death, sometimes.
That puts that on there.
Sometimes they do.
This is directed by David Frost who didn't do a whole lot.
Did a lot more producing.
One of my favorite things on his list is he directed three episodes
of mass writer, which is a thing called common writer in Japan,
which is where powering just came from basically.
And those are really cool to watch.
We know a common writer is going to go check it out.
I think they're all on the to be, I think.
Wasn't he involved with the death stalker stuff, too?
I don't think so.
I thought he was.
I'm going to look right now and tell you, OK?
I thought maybe he directed one of them or something to that niggory.
The magic of this man, I guess.
No, I don't see the-- oh, maybe yeah.
Death Stalker and the Warrior from Hell, supervising
a producer in 1988, which I didn't even know what that one is.
It's best left unsolved.
I know of Death Stalker 1 and 2, and I prefer the second one,
other Death Stalker movies.
Although you do see which Jason--
Richard Brooker, you get to see an actual acting girl
in the first Death Stalker movie.
I think it is.
But this is written by Robert Chapin and Starring, Robert Chapin,
which I think is a fascinating dude.
Actually, he had a pretty big life beyond acting.
But the stars, the amazing Joe Don Baker,
which come to work for his Joe Don Baker.
That's why I showed him.
I was like, Joe Don Baker, I mean.
Carol Alt, who is a swimsuit model,
who shoot during an actress.
I know her most from watching wrestling,
and then Thunder and Paradise become on the TV show
with Whole Kogan and a boat.
She was the IKD on that show.
Darling Vogel, who, as Elena Carter, who you may know,
has punk number three, the Girl Punk, from Back in Future 2.
She was in that movie, but didn't do a whole lot past that.
Jean-Roy Favourite, Don Stark, plays a cop in this movie.
You may know from the evil speak, and tons of other stuff,
but Bob from that 70 show.
Bob, yes.
Don't forget Switchblade, Sister.
And Switchblade.
He does do some great genre stuff.
He does.
But this stars Robert Chapin, who plays our lead character.
Who's not even listed on these top cast,
oh, here it is.
Alex Fryer is the guy in question who kills somebody.
And you see Telegraph the mile away,
because from starts an offencing tournament,
and after the adventurous soundtrack that ensues
in this movie, I would replace.
Like the way they're going to Swashbucklin.
I'm sorry.
Oh, sorry.
No, I mean, you're right.
I mean, this maybe just changes its mind
when it wants to be every 45 seconds or so.
It's like insert saxophone interlude here.
And then insert the Swashbucklin music back in here again.
Then insert the Casio Keyboard soundtrack.
And of course, he's Mr. Joe Cool.
He's trying to hit on this girl.
He's trying to show how smart he is.
And of course, he lets you know who he is.
He's third time world champion, Fincer, Yada, Yada.
And he's like, hey, can I hit you up for a cup of coffee
later on?
Because we know what that means.
I mean, saxophone saxophone music, brother.
But yeah, like you said, he gets in this Fincent tournament,
and he gets up there and accidentally kills the guy.
Or was it accidental?
Well, you see the tip of the sword,
because they're fencing in competition.
So the very sharp tip of the sword is covered.
But that breaks off.
He stabs the guy in the eye hilariously,
because he had a right spot.
It's supposed to be an Italian movie,
because he hit the eye trauma right away.
And apparently, you bleed out with that,
because he didn't know.
I didn't ask it.
It's an integral to the plot of the movie.
So I give him that.
So yeah, he's down and out.
And after a sex or before or after sex,
I forget one, because there's--
I think this is before.
He hadn't quite hit it yet.
This is precoidous, because apparently, this guy
gets really excited.
He's getting mugged in an alley.
And he beats the man that he's called,
Man in Black and the credits.
Our man, Joe Don Baker--
--who is also at the tournament.
He's-- oh yeah.
You don't get to see him.
You just see his hand in like a cane, right?
So you know that somebody set this up for this accident
to happen, supposedly.
Very, very studious.
You know, with letting something's going down,
I missed that, actually.
So thank you for that.
But Joe Don Baker shows up in a hat.
And I think a cape or a duster, perhaps.
I don't know.
But he--
What is he saying?
What does he say?
Something when he gets out of the car is like a--
you don't have any prospectors here.
Something like that.
He pulls out a sword out of this cane.
You know what?
Him in this hat and this duster,
you kind of believe that shit for some reason.
I don't know why.
And you know, you get these thugs
or they're trying to beat up our main character.
Who's really kind of down and out, right?
Because he's accidentally killed somebody.
He hasn't really quite got over it.
Even though emotionally, he doesn't really show it.
But when he talks to the girls, like,
am I supposed to just get over that?
Well, you know, she's trying.
You know?
And so he's emotionally distraught.
And he gets mugged.
Joe Don Baker shows up and shows out.
And then you get, hey, if you ever need anything, look me up.
And he gives him this card.
It says, "Circle of steel."
I think a rainbow steel.
And then our hero joins the men in black, you know?
Manel, man.
That's the end of the movie, by the way.
He joins the men in black.
But no, it's not the end of the movie.
Yeah, yeah.
What do I do next?
I'm a fresh little sword fighter.
You know, how about to get a job, buddy?
But no.
Or I'll just go upstairs and have sex with this woman
that I just met a little while ago, you know?
She's ended with that one.
So she's--
Oh, yeah.
I guess it's consensual.
Like you said, you get the cinema sex
I phone going on.
You get the light--
real light blue lighting going on.
Yeah, man.
It's happening.
You can see some nip, but not a lot of nip, you know?
Because this is why this is right at our.
This is, I guess, what you come for, but not really.
I mean, you know it's going to happen,
because it's just a requirement in these kind of movies.
But it's really not what you show up for.
What you show up for is Joe Don Baker acting like Joe Don King.
That should have been his temporary name for this movie, Joe Don King.
And this is right in the action of '94, where
Joe Don King was doing this thing, making all stupid money
with the boxing.
So you've got an underground tournament of people sword fighting.
So you're basically taking in or the dragon and blood
sport and fencing.
Cape Rian Fencing is very important to the plot, you know?
And this is what you get.
I mean, it's an underground kumatay with swords, you know?
We're sometimes-- well, one guy that we'll talk about,
you know, who's their champion, Jack, played by Gary Casper
in this movie, who's done--
who's working on the base.
It still works today.
He was just unsupergirled a long go.
So yeah.
This is the tough man that the champion of the Ring of Steel.
So he's all in for killing people and destroying them
in any spot.
And he's got a buddy he makes, because he's just
the bigger bandit.
He is Brian, played by Jim Peary.
Their fight is spectacular.
But what differs this from other tournament fighting movies
is the stupidity, but you're really all
in to what's going on here, because you have one fight,
where it's like a brutal high kicking martial arts
with a sword and a shield moment.
And they have Alex and Brian's fight, which
is this big old pirate musical thing.
Where Brian's jumping into the crowd,
like taking drinks from women and stuff like that.
It's showboat, man.
It's showboat.
Yeah, I mean, of course, that's that setup, too,
that you get from, well, enter the dragon, Mortal Kombat.
And take your pick of any tournament movie where you
and another guy become pals, but eventually,
you're going to have to fight each other, right?
Same thing in killer, be killed.
Like I said, pick a tournament movie.
This is going to happen.
You're going to end up having to fight when your buddies.
And they're going to force you, oh, need to fight to the death.
These other fights, it didn't matter.
But this one, you got to fight to the death, you know?
So, but they don't really fight to the death.
Because their fights are breaded for the theatrics
and the entertainment.
And with this crowd of people, I
to mention this is your classic, you know,
The Man in Black, Joe Don Baker has a dance club
with the elevator that goes all the way down
to go fight this tournament ring.
And the people that are watching this,
you know, they think they'd be out of for blood.
But they're really into this.
These two dandies fighting each other
with a sword and puppy shirts.
It was like they went back and captured some pirates
and said, all right, let's put them into a ring, let them go.
And, you know, the other guy is probably
my favorite character in the whole movie,
because he's having fun, right?
He said it's the whole thing where Jack is supposed to fight.
And he sends the chicken out there instead.
And, you know, there's a lot of fun stuff like that that
happens in this, too.
And again, like I said, that creates that friendship
between our main character and him.
And eventually, you got to bring that to halt, right?
Because Joe Don King Baker can't have that.
He's got control, everything including it, which
is a goofy aspect.
I love about this movie, you know, to keep Alex our hero
into the tournament.
He kidapses a girl for no reason.
And puts her up in the penthouse, you know?
Yeah, you could have just paid him like a lot of money.
And he would have just probably stayed, you know?
But no, we got to take--
we got to do it by force, you know,
because that's kind of people we are here.
See, another fighting movie like this,
she should have been possibly sexually assaulted or tied
to a chair or something.
No, she just lived in an up-and-up care-all department, you know?
Yeah, she's just hanging out.
What's the order of some Chinese food, you know?
Even like when they meet each other, she's like,
I'm not that much distress, actually.
I'm kind of having a good time, you know?
But dude, when we get to get to this mess with this fighting
stuff, he says, two more matches.
Sure you do, guy. Sure you do, you know?
And of course, when it's all said and done,
I mean, and that's the thing.
Joe Don Baker is pretty much playing all these guys, right?
And what he says goes, and the rules for this are kind of like
fight club.
I mean, there are no rules.
He basically tells of that.
Yeah, there's no rules for this.
You're in there and you fight to win.
And you fight to the other one's ceases.
And in some cases, it's going to be to the death.
And that's kind of how this thing rolls.
And obviously, when you see them teamed up
and who they're fighting each other,
you know if it's going to be to the death or not.
And of course, Jake, Jack, can't stand him because he's
the main guy, right?
Nobody takes my spot.
So you've got that bad blood already there.
And that gets escalated as we go along.
So, you know, Jack wants to be Joe Don Baker's number one man,
which he is, but he wants to stay there.
He doesn't want this new guy cutting in on his action.
And it just goes bonkers, man.
I mean, to lead up to, you know, it's going
to be the big fight between those two.
But they don't really stay in the ring.
No, they get out of the ring and go fight once
the building catches on fire and fight in the flaming building.
And I was one of those things where everything happens
at the right time, right?
Because the cops show up.
They start busting the place.
They're trying to arrest everybody.
But, you know, Jack's got dude's girlfriend by the neck.
And he's taken off with her.
And he's taking a chase in after him.
And then they go to this other part of the building
and it ends up being, I don't know,
whether making metal or something.
I don't know, because there's a lot of fire and lava.
And that's the sword smell right there.
I'm sure the weighted scene that we did not see, you know.
He just happens to be attached to this nightclub.
It has a fighting ring underneath it.
So I don't know, man.
Maybe Joe Don Baker, his character, the man in black,
had a little more action going on just that he just did
this stuff for fun.
His real money was the metal plant next door.
Well, you know, you had to make those fancy swords,
you claim belong to Charles II and stuff like that.
Yeah, he's got the collection to try to woo our hero.
And hey, this is how cool what you're getting involved in is.
It's not just killing people.
It's, hey, we get these cool swords.
You could use my fancy swords from the 18th century,
which you know, if you're going to have guys killing each other,
you know, I was very fighting to the death.
Why would you let me use like these priceless swords?
I have no idea.
I just, I'm sorry.
No, he's going to ruin the swords, man.
You're going to ruin the swords.
Yeah, use this $15 one that I just made, you know.
I will say, you know, one guy in this movie
you had a pretty fast and career besides Joe Don Baker.
It is the big guy that the front that comes in from the Renaissance
fair to be a sword fighter.
And that's one scene.
Travis Buchana is the actor's name.
And he's been all over the special in John Rostov.
He played the clown, the fatter clown character
and bad memory churns.
He was in Roadhouse.
He played the big hairy gang Roadhouse.
Well, twice dead, which is a fun horror film.
It's pretty stupid.
That's all my list to do.
It's cheerleader camp, which is a stupid fun horror film
to do.
Hamburger the motion picture, people.
Come on.
Yeah, he's in some stuff.
But that guy, he makes the mistake of saying, well,
I'm just going to go fucking tell all about this place.
It's a room full of tough guys.
Yeah, I don't go over where I get this butt kick because he
thinks he can compete with these guys that are real swordsman
against a guy that pretends to be a swordsman.
Yes, quite comical.
He gets spanked by that.
To put it in perspective, if you watch any of the cobra
cast off, he's basically stingray, except stingray
is a lot much much cooler than this guy is.
He gets spanked by a bar, a bar, a jack, our, our, our foil
in this movie with this, I guess, and like bamboo sword or
It's pranks the swords.
So it had to hurt like a motherfucker.
Oh, yeah.
Those things still hurt.
Here comes Alex.
Get our hero room.
It's a good time.
You know, just more reason than want to kill Alex.
And just building that tension, which is one thing this movie
does as well is building the tension between those two.
Because he's just taken away jacks.
So a thirst for blood there.
And he did it as a jacked or like that, man.
And that's, again, that's, that's the setup, right?
There's for the most of the story, it's pretty predictable,
Because like I said, we've had all the tournament movies
and it's pretty much the same setup.
It's just that got some weird little quirky things that
happen in it that really sets it apart.
And the fact you got Joe down making it here that's supposed to be
the puppet master of all of it.
Yeah, that's that's what makes it kind of unique.
But the story is the story.
And by the end of it, instead of it being like this big sword
fight thing at the end, which you still kind of get, it almost
becomes more a arrow fling.
It becomes more swashbuckling for some reason.
And then it turns into die hard.
I mean, that goes to our star here, who was also the writer
of this movie, Robert Chapin, who, if he read into his career,
before this, he was like a professional Renaissance
fair person.
They had a jousting team and everything.
So he was all in with the sword fighting stuff.
So if anything, it's choreographed very well.
And I think he had a lot to do with that.
Yeah, probably so.
Because you could watch a film where guys are swinging swords
at each other.
They're going to be real sloppy.
This looked like it has some thought
behind it that the fight scenes with the churns.
That's probably where they spent the money, right?
Because the rest of it's just the typical tournament setup.
Not near as many people as in a normal tournament-type movie.
But at the same time, these guys do a pretty good job
with handling the swords and the choreographie, like you said.
But yeah, when you get to the big finale,
it just kind of--
it changes gears a few times because they
fight on that kind of catwalk-suspended walkway
that they've got over the flames that
are burning for some reason in this building.
Yeah, it's on fire, for sure.
So they're fighting, and then he kicks Jack off of there,
and you think, OK, he fell to his death.
I mean, it's a long way down.
It looks like a good, what, 30, 40-foot drop.
And you think, OK, he fell into flames.
He's dead.
Well, no.
So now the flames are getting higher for some reason.
So we've got to do a swashbuckling Luke Skywalker--
rep my belt around this cable.
And we're going to slide down it to the other side,
go on top of the roof.
Guess who was there?
That's right.
Jack's still alive.
But the hevery-dewel-go-way is still alive
and on this bridge over here.
Jack is back, baby.
Which is a great part of that movie.
It's something to do about.
Didn't you always want to be a pirate or something?
You're like five minutes, and he wraps that chain around
that cable, and it looks good.
The slide down the cable with the chain.
Yeah, it works.
And that's what I mean.
Everything works in this movie.
It's almost not-- you can tell it wouldn't
tend to be a bad movie.
Which no real bad movie is intended to be a bad movie.
It just turns out that way.
But it's a slotted flick.
And but it's just got these quirky things.
Like I said, you get the big finale fight scene, I guess,
on the roof of the building and the cops.
Everybody are down at the bottom looking up
and seeing what's going on.
And then all of a sudden, things change gear.
And the building's going to explode for some reason.
And they jump off like it's die hard in land on a--
they've got a catching platform there for them.
You know, how did they know those people were going to be on the roof
and were going to jump off and have that thing blown up in time?
Well, the cops were there.
And the fire was flaming.
So I imagine the firefighters had something for them
to either climb on or jump down on.
I don't know what the budget was for their giant poofy
inflatable thing.
It's a legit one.
I mean, it's the one that they kind of use.
So I imagine the firefighters knew
they'd be folks trying to get out through windows or whatnot.
And so I'll give them the placement of this giant poofy air
But what happens before this is spectacular
because one of the rules, the man of black
has-- nobody fights outside the ring of steel.
So he finally shows up in the end of this movie.
Stix is his sword came through Jack and says, I told you
I don't know fighting outside the ring of steel.
So he's living by his convictions.
And he wants Alex to be his champion.
And Alex isn't going for it, of course.
So one of the biggest baller moves of this movie is like,
I don't know how to weigh out.
He walks through the door.
Is it the flame shoot up behind him like he's the devil?
It's a great shot of this movie.
And then after the building has burned down
the stuff, you get that flash Gordon ending, right?
The sequel they never showed up because out of the ashes,
you see this rapier or long sort of something.
And somebody's hand-- somebody's glove hand picks it up.
It's like, yep, we're talking the sequel to the ring of steel.
And I probably would have been there for it.
I'm not going to lie to you.
Rings of steel.
Rings of steel.
The follow-up, yeah.
I probably would have been there for it.
I'm not going to lie to you.
I can't say this is high class cinema.
But I did enjoy my time with it.
Because when I said we're going to do this Ricky,
I said, what is it?
I think it's definitely unique.
You know, it was for this kind of movie.
It's taking something that you've seen several times.
And it's pretty predictable.
But at the same time, like I said, it just
does these little things that just make you OK?
All right.
I'll give you that.
Yeah, that's for sure.
I mean, this is made--
I guess post those kind of movies.
And sorry if my cat's making noise, she's in the room with me.
I'll blame it on Dutch acid in post-production.
But yeah, this is made a bunch of times.
You can watch death warrant and lion heart,
or pick your Jean-Claude Van Damme, Turner movie,
The Quest, Kickboxer, Blood Support.
There's more than that.
King of the Kickboxers.
They made a bunch of these in the '90s and late '80s.
But this is like on the back end of those.
And I think that this guy's passion for first sword play
and run us on shit.
It sort of translates a well to this kind of movie.
But it didn't go all in.
But it went all in enough for me to say, hey, I enjoy my time with it.
And I'm all there for the Joe Don Baker,
the rise of the man in black top.
Do you have to give credit to the cast here?
Because if the cast wasn't solid enough,
this could have been a very low grade movie.
So you kind of have to hand it to that.
It's a solid group.
It's like you did a masters with our friend Dan Bone.
And one major fascinating thing I found out about it
was the reason why the sword play looked sort of decent
is because the guy that played Blade
was like a professional horse master and swords master.
You didn't see a lot of horse play in that movie.
Not only do you like the goofy stuff,
but like any horse is at all in that movie.
But the fact this guy has some kind of two-dowage,
and that sense, that's kind of--
I'm sure it made those scenes a little bit better.
I'm sure he helped out with that.
This guy being what he was, I think that it
had to be better than it would have been.
And it's also a look at the different styles of fighting
to, especially with the sword, because you got the samurai sword,
you've got the swashbuckling thing,
you've got the strict fencing approach to that you have.
So it's almost that the whole idea of what Bruce Lee was doing
with the end of the dragon was exposing all the different styles.
And the best style is the culmination
of all of them together into one style.
You're still getting that thing, even though it's not
heavy-handed in it.
You still see it, because when Alex first gets in there
and starts fighting, Joe Dott and I were going to say,
just do what you do.
Don't try to change your style.
Do what you know works for you in the fencing world.
And when he starts doing that, then obviously,
it starts working for him.
So you get that speed on it as well.
I have to mention this clip.
Look for him this time around.
Judo Jean Lebel, the legendary fighter and trainer
who trained many, many people for anywhere
from Roddy Roddy Piper to Raudy Ronda Rousy to so many people.
He shows up at this movie with some kind of bodyguard or something.
If you don't know who Judo Jean Lebel is,
this guy was stretching people into his 80s.
And he was a real tough dude.
I think he died last year, which is--
He lived a good life.
So there's that.
And that's pretty cool.
It's like when Frank Duke's shows up in Highlander for no reason.
Hey, that's Frank Duke's in the car.
That's an tournament to action other movies.
But I don't know if it was a nice touch to throw a true blue
tough guy in this movie.
You know, just kind of slumbered in this movie if you will.
But I have to ask you any final thoughts
that you have on this movie.
What would you give it one to 10?
One to 10?
I'll probably give this a six.
It's a little better than just average to me.
I mean, it is entertaining, even though, like I said,
it's very predictable.
And I think that's something that kind of keeps it from getting
in the higher.
And it just kind of ramped things up towards the end.
You knew that somebody was going to come up and stab Jake,
but you just weren't sure who it was going to be.
So when it happens, and you see his Joe Downback,
he's like, all right, I'll take that, right?
Because he's Joe King.
I mean, Joe King.
Don King.
That's his character in this.
And nobody's going to mess up his game.
You're just the parts that play in the game.
He's running this thing.
He'll care if it has to.
And I think that's really what drives this thing
more than anything else.
And the fact that, you know, would he actually let Alex go?
That's where you need the part, too, right?
So I don't know.
I'd say it's a six.
Yeah, I'm right there with you within six.
It's better than I-- it's better than, you know,
middle of the road.
I had a good time with it, you know?
I'm not like an ironic way.
I mean, I love goofy films like this.
And this one, it was not your average, you know, kick and punch.
You know, I'm going to rape your girl.
Hell, they put up a nice apartment, you know, for Christ's sake.
It's like, dude, we're not going to hurt your girl.
We're just going to put her up for a while.
It's just to keep her.
You heard her arms length.
And so you'll fight for me, you know?
And it's just, yeah.
Because he was really excited about doing this whole thing.
This whole ring is the old thing.
This murder that happens in the opening fight scene.
Yeah, six out of ten, I recommend it.
I want to say, and I'm going to look right now,
real fast while I'm recording this.
I should just support this might be on YouTube.
I-- I watched it.
It's on YouTube.
That's where I watched it.
I watched our friend's video service.
He has it on there.
But you can find this on YouTube.
And I recommend going to check it out.
Because it says that kind of, you know, early '90s,
left over from the late '80s action movie.
That's got a unique change to it.
And yeah, check it out, man.
Show enough.
I don't know how often we're going to do these.
I would hope I get together with Ricky Lee's couple weeks.
There were a couple weeks, uh, do we do what are these?
Or however--
You're going to shot.
However often he wants to do these.
Say it because I'm always down.
But I would let him pick the next one, which he don't know
if that's going to be yet.
But we'll let you guys know.
Something he'll be able to discover.
I'm sure he's been Jones and the Dew on a show like this.
Which you're coming up, man, you're always rolling, you know,
in your car recording episode of Dr. Movie.
What fun greatness is coming up on that, brother?
Well, as far as Dr. Movie goes, of course,
it depends on when this one actually comes out.
But I just finished.
I've got a whole week that's going
to be called Batcrap Crazy, which is just a group of five movies
that are very, very hard to even explain, which is like Demon
Wind, the visitor, shocking dark, the boxer's omen,
and then Court-Syhouse joins me in.
We do a phenomenon together.
And outside of that, I'm looking at the entire list of movies
that are considered the demons.
I call it the Demon Saga, right?
Because it's not really a series.
It's just a group of movies that people decided, hey,
these first two are really popular.
We'll just call this part three.
And people will go see it, because the other ones
are so popular.
And that just got way out of hand.
And you got all the way down to 10 movies,
even though there's actually 15 movies, something like that.
There's three part threes.
That's the problem.
I rewatch demons too recently, because I love the whole switch
of that from the first one.
And I come to realize that I've talked about this for not,
that the girl and demons too becomes the initial demon.
All those folks had the reason to die,
because they played the classic age old tale
of we have relatives over, and they don't
fluck them leave their house at the time you want to leave.
She didn't want those people in her apartment.
They died for that reason.
So if you're that person that sticks around to 11 o'clock
a night at a house party, the company, your company,
and they want you to go home, you're
hosting my trip to demon and kill you.
Just think about that next time.
You know?
And the thing about Dr.
Movie is it's genre free.
I mean, I'm jumping from that to old classic exploitation
flicks, just did vanishing point.
And the next movie was battle beyond the stars.
I mean, it's all over the place, just like me.
And so that's going on.
Hell, me and we're still going.
It's just hard to get together and do anything.
We're supposed to be doing Logan's run really soon.
And it's just kind of hard for Danny and I to get together.
And he's got a lot going on.
So we'll get it when we get it.
Well, I can't wait to hear you talk about Jenny Aguider
and bot.
OK, I can't wait to hear about this.
I've been talking about Jenny a lot here lately.
She's been in two or three movies that's just popped up recently
on Dr. Movie.
I'm like, wow, she just keeps showing up.
And that's not a bad thing.
I've never seen walk about, but she's naked throughout most
of it.
So maybe I should fix that problem.
Do you ever see Equus?
Oh, man.
Is it like a horse thing or something?
Man, you want to talk about a messed up movie.
He's based on a play.
That movie is messed up, man.
Equus, you know, I want to say I want to say I would recommend it.
But it's a one time watch.
You probably won't ever want to watch it again.
Not because it's bad, just because it's like you just kind
of have to shake it off.
The soap is our--
You know, that's what I love to do.
What shows with you is that you'd
ever been about just horror films.
And I always told folks, you know, I admire my friends
that you just horror podcasts.
But I might hate myself and the bad for being
a sticker one genre.
And I can never do that.
You can't do it.
You can't do it.
There's many sides to all of us.
It's just like music.
I mean, you can't just like--
I mean, we gravitate towards one style of music.
But it's all influential.
It all affects each other.
And it's all building blocks.
And I love how things go together, right?
It's just like you recognize people even
in going back to Bob from this one that was in Switch Play
and Sister.
I mean, it's all relative.
And there's no reason.
You can't like steak and cheesecake.
I always tell folks that three ninjas
knuckle up is one of the greatest genre cast--
I should have been a genre cast, ever.
Because Don Stark is in that too.
With Charles Napier and a couple other folks
that you see in genre stuff like, oh,
who's in this movie again?
That's wild.
That's really wild.
But yeah, we'll end this now here.
We're going to hang up our puffy shirts for the day
and our fancy pirate swords.
And we'll see you all again next time.
Hopefully we'll soon with another burnt ends episode.
We might call something else labor.
But right now, it's a free burnt ends episode on the Legion
The other ones are on Patreon, obviously.
So if you haven't done that, they--
They go spend your two bucks a month
and go support our great--
a group of entrepreneurs, our great--
a group of creators and--
lead-- please.
They'll write this one up.
And we'll see you all next time.