Cinema_PSYOPS_EP454: Al Adamson Fest: The Female Bunch 1971 (Main Feed)
Thank you for listening. Now, back to the cutting room.
All right. So that is Ringo Starr with it. Don't come easy like life didn't for the female bunch.
Yeah, right. Yeah, it does not come easy for the female bunch here.
Well, let's tell them why.
All right. If you're about your first 20, we start out with a actual message.
The female bunch was scanned and restored from several faded 35 millimeter release prints of varying physical condition.
The negative is believed lost.
Every effort was made to use the least damaged sections of each print to ensure the best possible image quality throughout.
So, you know, right now, the originality for all the original stuff for all this is believed to be dead and gone.
There's at least three or four different films that Adamson has made that have been lost.
They just have not been taken care of because he was making them just to make money on the quick.
So we're lucky we got this one.
And that was the message that the seven films that put this out left there.
So, yeah, well, we start out with a horse riding group of ladies.
They are chasing a couple driving in a convertible.
There's a plane in the air and they're also chasing this couple there.
The couple ditched the car and the plane is shooting at them.
The person in the plane is shooting at them and they actually hit the guy in the shoulder.
They are able to hide in the cave.
And there's some dialogue. So this leads to our first clip.
I think we lost them. Your shoulder looks bad.
I don't get you.
Why are you risking your neck for me?
I don't know.
I'll never understand these girls for as long as I live.
The way things are going, it may not be much longer.
These rods, this gang, it's going to kill people.
You just don't fit.
There, I think that'll hold it.
At least it'll stop the bleeding.
You're a very pretty girl.
Tell me, how did you get involved in this mess?
Tell me, how did you get involved in this mess?
It started in Las Vegas instead of marrying me.
My boyfriend gambled away our savings and then disappeared.
I couldn't go back home and admit that my elopement was a failure.
So I had to take a job as a cocktail waitress in a Las Vegas nightclub.
After a few weeks, I met the greatest thing that ever happened to me.
Scotty Mason.
Close only counts in horseshoe.
Almost never wins any game.
Close only counts in horseshoe.
But losing was as close as I came.
And that little old lady in the front row, I thought for sure she was going to fall out of her chair.
Yeah, but did you see that wild-looking redhead give me that old evil eye?
Oh, Scotty! Come on, you're just no good. You're rotten all the way through.
You know, sweetheart, you know I could really go for that redhead too.
I'm going to get you!
My only other friend was Libby. She was a star dancer at the club.
Libby never had any trouble. At least she didn't show it.
Yeah, we get some pics of Libby dancing here. Everything is great, but then the dude starts to get bored of our main heroine here and starts getting a wandering eye.
And she wants to know exactly where they stand, and that leads to our next clip.
Okay, what do you want? Hurry up, make it quick. I haven't got all night.
Why, Scot? What went wrong between us? What did I do wrong?
Nothing happened. You know, it wasn't you and it wasn't me. It's just one of those things. Can I make you understand that?
Oh, Scot, please, let's give it another chance. I know we could make it work. It'll be better. It'll be different.
Please, I'll make it up to you. I just can't live without you.
Look, Sandy, let's face facts. You know, it was fun when I lasted, wasn't it? You enjoyed yourself, I enjoyed myself.
But you know, the game's over now. It's finished, done. That's all, no more. Can I make you understand that?
So why don't you just kind of jump up on your horse and ride out of this town and ride back to that farm that you came from and forget about me. You understand?
Good night.
Oh, my God.
How many did you take?
Hey, come on, come on, get up. How many did you take?
I don't know. I don't think I took enough.
I told you men aren't worth it.
Oh, Libby, what am I gonna do?
I can't go home to work. I can't go home.
I'm lost. There's no place for me to go.
Are you up?
Look, I belong to a group of girls and they've all been through the same thing you have.
And if they accept you, you can go out there and you can do whatever you want to be happy.
Just before sunrise, Libby and a girl called Pug picked me up for the trip to the ranch.
Hi, Pug. Meet Sandy.
Hi, Pug.
Hello, Sandy.
They drive her out blindfolded to the ranch and they get there and there's some other new girls out there and they're all being initiated in our next clip.
Just remember, we're completely independent of men here.
I know.
You swear to obey the orders?
Well, that depends on what the orders are.
Any order I give you. Got that?
Well, we haven't got all day.
What's this?
Louder. We all want to hear you.
Thank you. What will you do if a man tries to follow you to this ranch?
I know. No men are allowed here.
I asked, what would you do?
I'll kick him in the ass. I mean, I wouldn't allow it.
Here come Libby and Pug with their new morsel.
Hope she's choice.
Let's see the morsels beautiful eyes.
Or did Libby bring us a sleeping beauty?
We don't give a damn about society's rules. We have our own laws here.
You understand?
Or you can do anything you want.
Anything you want on this ranch.
But don't disobey one of my orders.
I'll do anything you say, Grace, no matter what it is.
All right.
We'll test your desires to join.
It takes guts to be free, Sandy.
Let's find out how much you've got.
Okay, Jackie, you're first.
Or do coffins bother you?
You're going to bury us in there?
That's the general idea.
Do we have to?
You're not afraid of a little thing like that, are you?
But how can we breathe?
Breathe? Oh, we'll take care of you.
Well, how long are you going to leave us in there?
Until I decide to let you out.
I'm sorry, Denise. I just can't.
Take this thing away. Your turn, Sue. Get in.
Okay, lay a little side in there.
God, let me out, please!
Let me out! Let me out!
Let me out, please!
Oh, God, let me out!
Open it up.
Get out of here.
I'm sorry. I lost my nerve.
I expected more of you, you punk.
Okay, all right.
Well, as you can tell, they bury all the girls.
Our main character is last buried, and she lasts for a while,
and so she is in the game, and that is the end of the opening 20 minutes.
So we know that it's going to end badly for her,
and we find out how she's going to get mixed up in this
because they have to do a little saga sale at the beginning with the best accent sequence
just to bring you in and get you to pay attention, right?
Yes, exactly.
I mean, they kind of play it again, and you get to see even more of it,
but it just opens up, and then boom, they're running, they're being shot at, he gets shot.
You're like, "What the fuck is going on? Why is this evening happening?"
And then just about the time you're about to ask yourself that,
the lady takes off her shirt to bandage the guy's arm after ripping up his shirt,
which was fine to use as a bandage because it's just as dirty as her shirt.
This doesn't make sense.
Yeah, no, it definitely does not make any sense.
Especially if you're in a desert climate, you're going to want to have as much skin covered as possible.
But then again, she's topless now except for a bra, so thank you, Moobie.
Thank you, Moobie.
Yeah, and the heartbreak stuff and all of that, yeah, was a little kind of dull,
and I'm glad you kind of moved into it.
But it seems that's what all these women in this ranch are there for,
is they've all been spurned by some dude, by a dude someplace.
Yeah, it's a woman's man-hating club, essentially.
Whoa, man.
Whoa, man.
Right, so we can move on.
They're women-ous before women-ous became a thing.
We can move on. It's fine. We're good.
All right, next 20. We have the next 20.
The two new girls, they're having to show their ability to ride horses.
Then we get a whole thing where one of the ladies is trying to break a wild horse by whipping it.
And then the plain lady comes in, and they all go to meet her.
Well, the two new girls go to get horses, and that is our next clip.
Hi. You're the two new girls, ain't you?
Yeah, that's right.
Then what's your name?
Well, my name's Sandy, and that's Mary.
You know, I sure done you a good turn.
What do you mean by that?
I broke these two bullies myself.
You know, I used to be the dead stuntman in the United States. That's what they said.
Well, we're supposed to show off on those horses.
Oh, don't you worry about that. You be nice to them, they'll be nice to you.
(Horses galloping)
Hi, Sharon! How are ya?
Hey, how was Europe?
Oh, pretty groovy, I have to say, for myself.
Hey, I hear you got hung up with the race car jack.
I'll have you know it was a great pre-winter, sweetie.
Give you a good ride?
Baby, I showed him gears he's never even seen before.
Hey, Grace, now that Sharon's here, does that mean we get to go to Mexico?
You bet your ass we get to go to Mexico.
Are you not too tight?
Are you kidding?
It's been a long time, Sharon.
Yeah, it's been too long.
I wonder who the girl on the plane is.
Oh, that's Sharon Miller. She's the queen bee around this aisle, loaded with dough.
She's got enough money to last two lifetimes, but she's a junkie.
She won't live long enough to spend half of it.
You girls take your horses. I'll meet you in a minute.
Oh, Miss Grace, these horses haven't been carried in two weeks.
Can't you get those girls to do...
I told you to do their dirty.
Aye, aye.
Take care of my horse.
All right.
So the boss lady, the woman from the plane gets in and she gets shot up with heroin from another woman.
And then after that, they bone.
Thank you, movie.
It's a thank you movie.
Definitely a thank you movie.
Then they decide to head to Mexico, and that is our next clip.
That's fair.
That night we headed for Mexico. For me, it was the first time to cross a border illegally.
Libby told me there's a small town just across the border that the girls use as their playground.
[horses galloping]
We were about to cross the river into Mexico.
What the hell is this?
I don't know. He must have moved in since last time we crossed the border.
Well, isn't there any other way to cross the river?
Nah, too far away. Christ, he's got a fence right across the trail.
Let's see if we can persuade him to move.
All right, so they harass the man living there, calling them all sorts of really harsh terminology for a Mexican person.
They are in Mexico. They're the ones intruding on his land, so it's kind of fucked up.
He's also squatting on a trail that's not owned by anyone, but he's in their way and they just hate men, apparently.
Yeah, well, apparently they called him some slurs, though.
Yeah, that's some racist shit and not cool movie.
Yeah, not cool movie.
They get to the town bar that they're going to.
One girl grabs her guy, brings him off to the side, and says she missed him a lot, and gives him a map to the ranch.
The rest are just having a big party. It's a big slot of scenes, drinking, convoluting, people going at it and phoning one another.
So it's all good, good fun.
Boss lady and another lady are having a disagreement about drug use and getting drugs.
Then the boss lady gets drugs from a dude, and once she does, it's time to leave.
Heading back, they come back to that guy's little place, and they torch his home and beat him up.
And that's the end of that 20 minutes.
There was a shit ton of nudity, including the lady that gave the map.
I think she's basically completely naked throughout this sequence at one point.
She's getting after this guy on the bar floor, trying to fuck him.
Pretty much, yeah. And another lady gets on the bar floor and fucks the guy.
They're all in it to win it in this one.
Yeah, they have very little time to get it done, and they're trying to get it done before the lady gets her deal done, because they're going to get dragged out of there again.
And we see there's the one thing in here, and she's just not doing drugs, they're also running drugs.
She's a junkie, but she's also running drugs. She's not as rich as they think she is, is what we find out later.
Yeah, exactly. And that's also big, but there you go.
Yeah, we can move on. That's fine.
All right, the boss lady visits the dude who takes care of the horses, and that is our next clip.
I suppose one of those girls came in here and saw that trunk open.
Oh, Mr. Grace. No way. Come up here.
Leave that trunk closed till I get in here.
Mr. Grace, when are you going to start treating me like a man again?
The only thing I ever promised you, Monnie, was money.
You know that ain't true. You know it ain't true, Ms. Grace. I'm crazy for you. That's why I work so hard for you.
Monnie, you're making more money than you've ever made before in your life.
And isn't that, if you'd only just, just be nice to me again?
Monnie, I'm tired. Maybe some other time.
When? When?
Maybe Saturday night.
Saturday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday.
What in hell are we doing here?
Taking a leak.
I keep thinking about that Denise.
She'd like to catch her on a short miniskirt at a low drinking fountain.
That won't be necessary. She digs you.
When are you going to see her again?
Saturday, probably. I can't wait that long.
Don't run out of walls to climb, huh?
She'll keep.
Yeah, but we'll lie.
Hey, you know, she, uh, give me a map.
I'll drive you to the ranch where she's staying.
Maybe, uh, the only problem is that guys aren't allowed in there, though.
Hey, it's sneaking.
Yeah, tomorrow.
Tomorrow we're going to town, pick up my unemployment.
And you drive me to the ranch, drop me off, and pick me up later.
Let's go back into the city and have a nice, cool beer.
Now you're talking.
Yeah, now you're talking. Nice, cool beer.
And then we cut to another lady who comes back to the ranch.
She just got back after having a stint in jail.
Well, then we cut to two of the ladies talking to the old dude.
And that is our next clip.
I love westerns.
Were you really a stunt man, Marty?
You know what we used to do?
We used to leave the studio at three o'clock in the morning, go out in the rocks 40 miles out,
climb on the old horse, and they'd say, fall off.
Well, where do you fall off?
They'd say right by that rock.
No, they weren't going to shumble it up like they do now.
Fall by the rock.
And if you didn't fall by the rock, you fell on the rock.
I don't want you taking up too much of Marty's time.
He's too valuable to me around here.
Oh, thank you, Miss Grace.
But I ain't exactly that good.
That wasn't said for your benefit, Marty.
It was said for hers.
What's the matter with her?
Oh, Miss Grace is all right.
You just don't understand her.
She's a wonderful girl.
She's got problems.
That's all.
Once you get to know Miss Grace, you can't help but love her.
And I mean that.
I mean every word of it.
Something is definitely wrong with Lon Chaney Jr.'s voice in this.
I don't know if he has, like, throat cancer or something or how he got away.
He's got to be.
Yeah, it sounds like, and him trying to speak and straining to speak like this is really painful to watch.
Yeah, it's bad.
So then the two dudes, they're driving up and the one guy's like, "Hey, I'll drop you off here."
He goes, "But be careful. If you get caught, it won't be worth it."
Then we cut to some ladies showering.
So, you know, thank you, movie.
Yeah, I mean, the nudity with them fucking on the floor was a thank you, too.
Yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah.
Then the dude, he's sneaking around.
He finds his lady and they go hook up in the stalls.
Or the barn.
Boss lady and another woman get to talking after her shower, and that is our next clip.
Anytime I take a shower, we're out of hot water.
You know, Grace, I've been thinking.
There's one rule here I really don't care for.
No men?
But we agreed from the very beginning.
It's a shame.
This ranch would be perfect for it.
Look, Sadie, I'm not turning this place into a brothel.
Not even for you.
I know.
But what do you think this is, Grace?
Grace is finishing school for wayward girls?
Anyway, it's a tough rule to keep.
But so far we've capped it.
Have we?
Good buddy knows there's no men allowed on this ranch.
And if somebody doesn't?
What are you trying to do, Sadie? Tell me something?
Baby, I already have.
I'm going to show you in our barn, besides eggs.
Oh, yeah?
Well, we'll see about that.
It's really strange that, like, the first time she leaves a note, someone already knows,
unless they were there in the barn, but they don't show that person seeing it or anything.
So we're just supposed to assume that somehow they knew.
Yeah, that is kind of weird.
Yeah, I don't know, man. I wouldn't enjoy that.
It's fine. We can move on.
So the couple, they're hooking up and, you know, having a good old time for themselves here.
There's some nudity in that and it's consensual, so thank you, Movy.
But then they are caught and the group of women kind of beat the crap out of the dude.
And then they hold him down and they brand him with a cross right in between his eyes.
At least it was right way up.
Yeah, right. But that had to be painful.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
The boss and the plain lady talk, and that is our next clip.
I want to talk to you.
Look, we'll fly across tonight to pick up the rest of the stock.
Good, because I'm leaving tomorrow, you know.
Yeah, I'll return it tomorrow.
So get rid of him, Grace. We don't need him anymore.
He knows too much.
Well, then do something about it.
Oh, I had to come in.
Look, anyway, he knows you fly out of here.
He'll pick up the stuff and deliver it to me.
Look, Grace, I'm telling you in a nice way.
When I first started this business, it was because I needed the smack and you needed the money.
You know, if there's going to be any hassle at all, I'll just go someplace else and get it. That's all.
This place has been safe for you.
Well, you better make sure it's that way.
Look, I'll get rid of him.
That night we went back across the border to Mexico.
We didn't see the Mexican squatter and had no trouble crossing the river.
What's the matter with you girls tonight?
No fun.
Oh, a little tired tonight, pal.
I know what the trouble is.
It's too much of that good gringo life.
Oh, yeah.
Love to kiss the back of your neck.
So warm. You set me on fire.
All right, everybody, who's man enough to have me tonight, huh?
Come on, line up. Come on, suckers.
I want you all to show me.
All right. So then they play a game of catch the brass ring.
But it's explained that you're not really catching anything like a brass ring.
If you win this game, you get the girl and you win the lady.
And then that is the end of that 20 minutes before we get started.
Go to the final 20.
So this movie is kind of straightforward about what it is.
And it's not really there's not a lot to it.
You know, yeah, we can talk a little bit about the game of the brass ring.
Like, the idea is you jump on the horse at the back and you hold on to the lady.
And then she rides like a maniac.
And if you stay on the horse, you get the lady. Yes.
I guess that's exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. OK. So that's pretty much what they do.
And then we'll see, like, the results of that game as to what happens when the guy can hold on.
But yeah, yeah. So far, playful fun.
Nothing too awful bad has happened just yet.
No, they have a standing with the guys in this town.
So, yeah, they're making drug deals.
And the only problem is this squatter guy that is on the trail that is in their way.
And for reasons, because if they were all that racist,
they'd be racist towards these Mexican guys that are there. Yeah. Right.
I just I don't know. What the fuck?
They just hated that particular squatter and were using racial terms to hurt him.
Yeah, I guess that sounds like kind of what's going on.
All right, we can move on.
And I think, yeah, they just hated that a man was in their way. Yeah.
And stop them from going to their good times is what I'm thinking.
Or he may someday know where they're coming from because of the trail
and they need to get rid of him because of that. Maybe.
That would also probably cause some problems. So, yeah. Yeah.
Either way, they wanted him gone for whatever reason.
Everybody else knew that they were making the drug deal and was benefiting from it
because this is a drug dealer and his men, I'm assuming that they're partying with.
Yeah. Right. That's probably why they're after the drifters,
because he's a possible witness to their crimes, I guess. I don't know.
I would say that's probably. Yeah, that's that's probably a good enough cause.
So, yeah. Anyway, we can move on. Yeah, let's go. Yeah.
So the duo that the guy wins, he goes off with the woman and they they go to bone town.
So again, hey, thanks, movie or new duty. I'm happy.
Yeah. Right. So I don't think any problems there.
Boss lady scores more drugs coming back.
They find that the squatter put up barbed wire fencing.
So they are now, of course, very angry and they take down the barbed wire
and they attack the man again in this time.
They wrap them in the barbed wire and they they kill them and they drag them in a horse.
So and then again, barbed wire and dragged across the desert floor.
Jesus. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's some next level stuff right there.
So, Jesus, that's some angry fucking shit right there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, yeah. And especially dragging a man on a horse via barbed wire is loose.
It's also not good for the horse, really. No, it's not.
Well, they it was only attached to barbed wire was only attached to the saddle.
So I guess in that sense, they didn't really hurt the horse that much.
As long as it wasn't flapping up against the horse's leg when it was running like the ropes could do.
Yeah. Right. Oh, that's true. Yeah.
Yeah. You know, I didn't think of that. OK, never mind. Yeah.
They are pretty shitty to that horse, too. Yeah.
The horse didn't deserve that. Not that the guy deserves to die horribly, but like, no, for just living.
Yeah. Just for trying to put up a homestead in the desert, for fuck's sake.
Yeah. Right. I mean, Jesus Christ. Like it's that easy.
Yeah. They burned out his whole entire home just because he was in the way.
Just to try to show you that they're bad people and they're going to be doing even worse. Yeah, exactly.
Oh, and FYI, this was also filmed on the Spawn Ranch. Oh, was it? Yes. Oh, that's terrible. Yeah.
That that gives it some horrible stuff there.
Well, it was a movie set and that's what the guy used it for.
It just so happened to house some really bad people there at the time.
Yeah, yeah. Unfortunately. All right. That's what happens.
So let's see here. Where are we at now?
They cut to Libby in the main character talking, and that is our next clip.
Libby, are you going back to Vegas tomorrow?
I don't want to get fired. I am. Are you?
I don't know yet. I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
How did Grace get Sharon to bankroll this club? Grace and Sharon have been friends for a long time.
Grace's father used to have a lot of money, and then someone cheated him.
Maybe that explains the type of woman she is. Just don't get in her way and you won't have any trouble.
What the hell are you doing?
Oh, Miss Grace. Well, you know, it's Saturday night. You promised.
Well, I changed my mind.
Oh, you can't do that. You can't change your mind.
I said I changed my mind, Monty.
It's the last time you'll ever point this thing at me. The last time.
Honey, you're hurting me, Monty.
No, I'm hurting you. I mean you. For all the times you've hurt me. Understand?
All right. All right. You win.
Shut up. Everything from here on is business with you and me. Every dollar you make, I want half of it.
All right. All right.
No, you're just making up another lie.
No. No, I mean it, Monty. This time I mean it.
Miss Grace, do you really mean it?
All right.
I'll hurt you.
Open the box.
Open the trunk.
I will.
All right. When he does this, she hits him over the head with a hammer and ties him to a horse and sends that horse running to drag him to his death.
Really into dragging people to their deaths, isn't she?
Yeah, she really is into that. The guy you got Brandon and his buddy are talking and this leads to our next clip.
Aren't you girls running around acting like wild animals?
Figure. Listen, it's not going to make things any better if you sit around here and brood over it.
They'll get theirs.
Believe me, you always get paid one way or another.
I know you want to go get even. I would too.
All you're going to do is get yourself in trouble.
Look, if you don't say something pretty soon, I'm going to pack up and go back to that damn construction job and leave you down here in the desert to lick your wounds.
This coffee's awful.
Look, I'm going to go down to the river and get some cold water. See if you can't get yourself sobered up.
It was early in the morning. I rode off alone. I needed to be by myself. The callousness of the gang frightened me.
Easy, boy. Easy.
Where in the hell is Monty? I'm tired of lugging his crap around.
I don't know. He got drunk again last night. Better do it yourself.
So then the main lady, she decides she's going to leave the group. She's a little too nervous about how everything's being run around here.
And so she kind of wants to leave and not have to deal with this anymore.
The branded dude comes back and he finds the boss lady and they have a tense conversation.
Then he attacks her and attempts to rape her. So that's gross. So, you know, fuck this guy.
I understand you were branded, but there's other things you can do.
There's the fact that a bunch of women emasculated him like that, that he has to do this to try and take some kind of modicum of power about it.
It's about power. That's why. And it's a pathetic male thing.
Yeah. And so some ladies are coming back and they see this. So they attack him.
And as he's getting pulled around, the boss lady stabs him and kills him using a pitchfork.
As they're trying to figure out what to do next, we come to our next clip.
Somebody's coming out of the barn.
You killed him.
Girls, too bad. Your friend here tried to kill me.
Tie him to the post. You must be mad. You'll never get away with this.
Tighter. He can take it.
Did he get a good chunk?
Hi, Grace. What are we going to do? Look, I think we ought to call the police.
Wait a minute, Grace. Give me a chance to think.
Look, I go along with most things, but this guy's dead. That's his fault.
Don't worry about him. He's the guy we've got to worry about.
Well, we could arrange a nice little accident.
Why don't we put them in their truck and roll them over the cliff?
You guys are crazy. I'm going for the police.
No, you don't.
Mary, give me another blouse. Hurry.
Can't any of you girls see she's crazy? Or are you all nuts?
Okay, girls. Get the horses ready.
I decided to play it cool until I could find a chance to get away.
That's when I saw you tied up in the barn.
All right. Well, then at this point, we get back to our escape that we saw earlier.
We're cut to the present, and they're going to try to make a run for it.
As they're going, they make a rest, and it's our final clip.
You can rest for a while.
There's no sign of them yet.
All I've ever known is that just one thing in mind.
What she could get.
Here you are, carrying me around, looking after me.
Maybe we better get moving.
I checked the ravine. No sign of them. They must be headed to the falls.
Yeah, they'll need water.
They're on that creek. We'll head for that ride.
I saw something in the ravine leading to the falls. Let's go. We'll find them.
Right here, we spread out.
Olive, you check the area where they left the car.
Denise, you come with me. We'll catch them at the exit of the falls.
I'll kill them both.
Look, Grace, I think this has gone too far. For my taste, anyway.
I dug the club and all that. I'm not riding into a triple murder for anybody.
Because of your friend in the barn.
You can think and do whatever you want, Grace, but I'm splitting.
Yeah, you do that, sweetheart.
I am.
So long, Grace.
All right. Well, she catches up to the two and right before she's going to shoot them, someone shoots her right in the neck.
And we see it's the old guy. He's back and he's bloodied up for being dragged, but he has a rifle.
He kills the woman. She falls dead. The two leave. Roll credits.
I was totally not expecting Lon Chaney Jr.'s character to somehow survive, although they kept saying he was an old stuntman over and over again.
And he was from the days when you took a pounding.
So he guess he came to at some point and found a way to get himself back to where he needed to be, even though he was being dragged and was seeking vengeance ever since then.
Yeah, right.
It would have been kind of nice to see some of that, but they couldn't have afford a stunt guy.
No, no, no. Yeah. So, but I mean, hey, that was good stuff.
So, yeah, like I said, it's a story that you can follow all the way through so much so that we have got really fuck all to add on top.
I know it's it was a really good.
I mean, a really direct story, not a lot of that, a lot of, you know, anything to be right home about, I guess, for lack of a better word.
You know, there's there's no some underneath meaning it's all women who are scorned. They create a group much like any group.
There's there's maybe some underhanded dealings to pay for said group and drugs are bad.
Sure, drugs are bad, but it's more the murders that are happening around the drugs.
Like if the drugs were illegal and they could just do this business as shady and underhanded as it actually is, there would be no murders.
It would be a lot better off. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the main thing is keeping men out.
And then if there's murders because they want to keep men out, well, men sneaking in just to spend time with someone.
Yeah, that's weird that you had to brand the guy for that. But he's not allowed in the place.
Why couldn't they just go off outside of the desert somewhere? Yeah. Right. Why did he have to come in there?
Why can't she had just met him someplace? Right. Yeah. It's just anyway, there's a bunch of stuff that once you start really thinking about it, the plot doesn't really, you know,
maybe you can the plot get in the way of the story. This is actually what's happening here.
But it has a few moments that are really entertaining. But let's face it, there's a ton of boobs in it.
There's a ton of nudity. The bunch of ladies taking charge and kicking ass in certain spots other than the fucking crazy, insane racism.
And then seeing Lonchini Jr. get rapey because he thinks that this woman should love him because he loves her.
That was another weird thing that he was in love with that woman. So he felt. Yeah.
Like at one point in time, she was probably fucking him to get him to help her. Yeah.
Because he said he used to be nice to me. Right. Yeah. So I think she was fucking him to get what she wanted. Right.
Until she got the money that she needed and then she tried to switch it over to pay, which is not something that he was interested in.
And that led to that whole thing. And yeah, it's just a lot of stuff that's hinted at that's not really like sort of fleshed out because it's just going to get in the way of the story.
And exactly. The story is ladies riding horses and kicking ass because that's what Al Adamson wants everyone to say. That's what you do.
That's the sort of thing that you should be into for Al Adamson as far as he's concerned. And right.
You have a story time, I'm assuming, for this week. I sure do.
All right. So first, before we play your story time, we're going to have Santana on the Pirate Radio Edit with Oya Como Va.
And when we come back, we will have that story time.
All right. Santana's Oya Como Va, because it's from 1971 and because it features very prominently in Mexico.
I wanted to have at least something somewhat in Spanish, you know, when it fit. It was 1971. So that's why I went with it.
There you go.
But that's not why everybody's here. They're here to hear your story time.
Story time. Well, last night I was watching WrestleMania. My son was having a party.
One of his friends is going through some gender affirming surgery and they were having a little party for this person.
And so that person's mom came over and I had just moved to T. I have a bar in my garage.
So I just moved to TV out there and was going to watch WrestleMania out there.
Let everyone have the run of the house because come on. Well, the mom that came out, she goes, hey, what are you watching?
And I go, I'm watching, you know, watch WrestleMania. And apparently she was a huge wrestling fan.
So she was going to plant herself out there all night too. And I'm like, that's fine. I don't really care.
More people to watch wrestling with. Oh, no. Oh, no.
So we're watching and then my wife comes home and then your wife comes over to hang out with my wife and to, you know, wish this person good luck as well.
And we're all kind of drinking out in the garage. This is just kind of where we are.
And at one point your wife and my wife were making fun of wrestling, just laughing at it.
However, apparently they both really have to pee, but they can't leave until the match is over because now they got really into it.
It was, it was fucking hilarious. They went from, they went from going, oh my God, this is so dumb.
All this is so dumb to your wife having to stand up because she really had to pee, but she didn't want to leave because the match was so good.
So I do what I need to know who wins. And I'm like, ah, yeah, see, you care now.
Ah, that's what wrestling does. It makes you, you laugh at it, you laugh at it, and then you go, well, hold on a sec.
Yeah. And then somebody does this weird fucking somersault that could probably break their neck if they don't land it right.
And then they lay it right on top of the other person who they are dependent on to make this sports entertainment happen.
And you're like, holy fucking shit. That's a great show.
And that's what sucks my wife in every time for anything is if it's an entertaining show and the spectacle of wrestling will draw you in.
If you're not cautious, it will. Yeah. All the time. It definitely will.
OK, so I actually have my own story time to go in conjunction with this on the opposite side of this because I'm doing my notes last night for Dracula versus Frankenstein while the gender affirming celebration is happening at your place.
Right. And so my wife is creating this little care package for part of that.
Like and we're like, well, how do we do this as a gift? This is not you know, this isn't what's the what's the etiquette on this. Right.
Like there's not do they make a card for this sort of thing? Should we do money or whatever?
And I was like, well, it's based on a surgery. Right.
So why don't we do like a care package like we do would do for anyone else that was going to have some kind of a life changing event that is also surgical.
Right. We've done this before. That's that's the that's kind of where we have to frame this from.
So she started working on making that care package and then found like this little bag that was perfect.
It had a reassuring message that was something about learning who you are for the rest of your life or like being on a journey to discovering who you really are or something along those lines.
It was just perfect. The same. And so she got that prepared and she was all nervous about it.
So I'm getting texts from her the whole night. And then she finally was like, no, no, it went over great.
You know, everything is cool. And then she's like, I can't leave. Matt's making me watch wrestling is what she says to me.
And I'm like, oh, really? And then she's like, she's like, yeah, she texted me again and she's like, I'm having fun.
But, you know, I've I made it all the way up to the last match of the night.
And he said, I can't leave because the rock is going to be on. And then I'm like, oh, fuck, it's WrestleMania weekend, isn't it?
Yeah. And so I'm like, I'm talking with Bev, you know, about it.
And then she finally gets home and we have like a late night pizza and we're hanging out and I'm talking with her about it.
And I was like, yeah, Matt, build a second bar because he needs to do a bar crawl in his own house.
Pretty much. Yes. Yes. I have two bars in my home.
Right. I was like, he's a guy that has to be able to basically be like, hey, this place is dead.
Let's get out of here and then just walk 10 feet in his own house to another bar.
I just I need listen, man, I need I need I needed stuff.
All right. And things in one of the stuff and things I really needed was to be able to have a cigar at a bar so that I can do that at home.
Right. And it started raining really bad last night. You guys had to close the door to be able to close.
We closed it a little bit, but still kept it, you know, crack open.
I'm planning on putting some giant netting up around the garage so I can keep it open during the summer.
Don't worry about bugs and stuff. It's gonna be nice. Yeah.
But after she got home, I had made that joke, which she really, really chuckled, especially about the you have to bar hop within your own house.
Yes, I mean, and that is actually very true. I do need to bar hop in my own home.
You are like when we would hang out, when I actually would go to bars way, way, way back in the day in our 20s.
That was your thing is you're always like, hey, let's go to another bar. Let's go to let's go someplace else.
This place is dead. Like you guys always wanted to go somewhere else.
Like like the next bar was going to be like the magical bar where everything is going to be perfect.
I just like I like changing things up, you know. Yeah.
Yeah. You like to train people watching many different locations and such. That's true.
Yes. Yeah. And my problem was you were always wanting to leave the place that I was feeling comfortable to go someplace that made me feel uncomfortable.
Yeah, because, you know, that's always the best. Yeah, that's why I stopped bar hopping with you guys.
Well, I don't bar hop so much anymore now, you know, I know.
But that's that's why I made the joke, just because I like it back or twice in no way, shape or form.
Am I trying to pad this out to over an hour before? Oh, yeah.
Because just because we had a we had a we had a weird ass movie so that that was so direct.
Yes, I'm not trying to delay time in any way, shape or form. That's that's of course not.
Yeah. But what we are going to do here is we're going to end it now. So we're going to play the show Housekeeping.
Yeah. And then immediately after that, we will have the doors with the song Riders on the Storm on the pirate radio edit.
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Alright, I picked "Riders on the Storm" because, you know, we're riding horses a lot.
It's from 1971. It's the doors. Now we both get a door song. You know, that's how it works.
And then it works for me. Yeah. You may be a bigger doors fan than I am.
I'm not really that huge of a doors fan. I'm not huge in the doors, but I don't mind them.
Yeah, not my answer. The songs are theirs I like. I like a lot. How about that? That's fair.
Yeah, the songs are theirs I like. I like just enough. Yeah.
While you're out there pissed off that I'm not a Jim Norris fanatic, kick the fuck out of this weekend.
Make it your bitch while you enjoy "Yes" with the song "Roundabout" on the Pirate Radio Edit.