Cinema_PSYOPS_EP499: Giant Monsters FSU: Godzilla vs. Gigan 1972 (Main Feed)

There is very little time or point in an explanation. To be blunt,

the audio came from a timeline and dimension that has collapsed

at a quantum level, rendering it null and void in terms of existence.

Operational time in the dimensional continuum where the beings that created

the audio collapsed in on itself, rendering all of their

civilization, including technology, null and void.

Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and changing.

The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema PsyOps.

10 years. Man 10.

10 years.

10 years. Man 10 years. 10 years.

10. 10 years. 10 years.

What is the most likely way humanity will be wiped out? Maybe it's something.

Or us. Although the way the world ends might be because

of you. And if this is the case, you wouldn't have any control over it.

The global temperature rise underscores a chilling reality.

Our planet is trying to tell us. Something, but we don't seem

to be listening. A recent study has suggested that one third of annual deaths

due to heat are directly related to global warming.

On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear light,

which is 180 million degrees, which catches every everything on fire

in a nine mile diameter radius. On top of the bulldozing effect

of the wind and all the buildings coming down, and more fires igniting more

fires on top of the radiation if they happen to have survived poisoning people

to death. On top of all that, each one of these fires creates

a mega fire that is a hundred or more square


Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and changing.

The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema Psyops.

A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place.

Biotechnology has been progressing at stunning speed,

giving us the tools to eventually gain control over biology.

Solving the deadliest diseases while also creating viruses more

dangerous than nuclear bombs, able to devastate humanity.

It's man returning to the most primal,

violent state as people fight over the tiny

resources that remain. What if the world we live in. Is just a

dream or a simulation? Whether it's a dream or some advanced.

Computer game you are playing right now. When it ends, you would

be what. Causes the end of the world. Please do us all a favor.

Continue dreaming or playing this game of life. Because when you wake

up or unplug, there's a chance the rest of us will be blaked out of

existence. Timelines across the entire continuum

are collapsing and changing. The destruction has a nexus that centers

on Cinema syn. 10 years.

10 years. Hello and

welcome to the 499th consecutive week of

Cinema Psyops. I'm your host, Cort, the guy that's really

Just high enough to be able to discuss the film that we're talking about this

week, which is Godzilla versus Gigan from 1972.

And joining me in the confusion of trying to figure out what the fuck is

going on and whether or not he's seen half of this footage before is my

co host, Matt. So when will then be now?

We are in the past now,

Matt. O. Okay. All right. So when did we pass that?

Just when I hit recording. Yeah, we just started this recording. So,

yeah, yeah, I wanted to do this film. I pulled a

Selfish in multiple ways this week, including making Matt record

his episode first, even though it comes after this one. Yes. So there's a bunch

of things that I said that I also said that I shouldn't say because

I'll look like a fool in retrospect. So if I fuck it up this week,

then I'm really going to look like a fool next week for everybody. Yeah.

This is all on you. Yes. Godzilla versus Gigan

is one of the films.

Starts the trend of using a lot of stock footage.

I did my best to call it out in the notes whenever I could,

but there's going to be a lot of stuff. You'll be looking at this and

going, hey, that looks like Destroy All Monsters. Yeah, right.

Hey, what's going on around here? Yeah, well, I feel like I watched this movie

already. Right. You are not wrong. We're not wrong at all. Now there's

plenty of people too, that have watched Godzilla vs Gigan and they're like,

what the fuck is this bionic destructive

murder chicken thing with a saw blade for a tummy? They didn't

get it. Like, it just couldn't work for them. There's other people like

myself that are like, what the fuck is this giant hook hand,

ionic murder chicken destruction machine thing?

It's got a saw blade in his tummy. I'm in. Yeah. I mean,

listen, it seems scary, but.

I will freely admit that he looks like he's one of the good

feathers turned into a bionic murder machine of giant proportions.

That's exactly what he looks like. Yeah, I freely admit that. But it's

still terrifying to look at when he starts doing shit.

Yeah, yeah. No, it's. Then you would just start. It'd be hard

to see this attacking your city because one, you should run, but you can't

because you're laughing so hard. Look at this fucking thing. Yeah. It disarms

you with looking ridiculous while being terrifying at the same time. Yeah,

yeah, yeah. That's about it. This is also

Kind of. Well, we. Jesus, you know, we skipped all Monsters

Attack like I talked about already. We did Godzilla versus Hetera and

now we're back with trying to do with what works

a lot in this and I'll get into it when we actually do the notes

and everything. But there's a. There's a lot of weird things going on

with this film that we kind of have to do discuss. And again I'm going

to try my best to call out in my notes everywhere I remember stock footage

and then if I miss it in my notes, I'm going to do my best

to try and remember where we were in the film. But as we said,

I already recorded Matt's episode first. And me being the

well adjusted adult who is in no way shape or form struggling with the

most horrific depress of his life currently may not have

made the best decision and gotten way too high before he did this show.

How high is too high? Giraffe pussy?

I think I could probably still read my notes, but we'll see how it goes.

Let's do it. Yeah, I might be. High Court always makes a good show.

I don't know what you're talking about. Well, I may be too far

gone possibly to recall the things that were all stock footage

off the top. Well, you know what? People will be fine. They understand. Yeah,

but I also know me and I notate way worse than.

I laboriously edit the clip which by the way I have 18 of.

How I got 18 clips out of this, I don't know. How the fuck did

you do that? Let's find out. Right, we'll take the break now. Yeah, let's get

to the show. Yeah, we'll go ahead and play the Legion Patreon ad and on

the pirate radio edit immediately following that. Released in 1972.

Like Godzilla vs Gigan is the Carpenters with a song

hurting each other right after this? It is plausible.

You have already heard the End Game of A Universe in which a much more

clever version of Counselor Dan manipulated one of the weaker willed

versions of Kord into ending Mad Life simply by appealing to the concept

that someone can run an anarchy. It was a dangerous yet ultimately brilliant

plan where Dan embezzled the funds defrauded from clients through sandy

shores less than accredited and wholly unregulated services.

Shamir was forced into sobriety by the weight of the legal battles left behind

in the wake of Dan's abandonment. Scapegoating Dan,

Shamir was able to spin his predicament into claiming all of the

malfeasance was on Dan's part and rebranded himself as a new

age freedom fighter who was destined to channel positive feelings and

emotions into changing the world. Tragically, Dan's rage

for Shamir made him an immediate target when the court run technocratic

fascistic state developed without the moral compass of the bots to keep

it in check. Seriously, this sort of thing would never happen naturally within

a reality that someone hadn't mucked about with. Once it becomes something

that had happened in the past of any reality, it becomes history, doomed for

all to repeat every 100 years or so. This is because of

the thought that all consciousness is a loop of current understanding. Recession by

intervals of unconsciousness where things left misunderstood get worked out

by the brain on a subconscious level until the more fragile aspects of our

psyche are strong enough to process it. This is what a number of well

respected minds in the fields of psychology and brain development

refer to as a load of horseshit. When dealing with reality altering

technologies, one has to be predisposed to concepts that minds

will at best scoff at and at worst attempt to incinerate your body

while it is lashed to a stake. To rid the world of your perspectives on

reality. To scare the intersections of multiple realities in the

face. An attempt to manipulate and control how and when events occur,

to persuade a preferred outcome be reached in a controlled and calculated

way might seem perfectly logical for one to attempt with carefully calculated

and expected results. However, as far as logic calculations

and preferred outcomes go, these are rarely achieved when humans

are directly involved. At best, humans get trial and error.

Or as Cort prefers to call it, fuck around and find out.

When successfully executing any stage of fucking around,

it is imperative to document what one has just found out.

Very talented voice and a very tragic loss with Karen Carpenter.

Oh, of course. That song just cuts right through you, dude. Oh yeah it does.

It's good stuff too. Just like one of Gigan's claws. It cuts right

through you. Right through ya. It makes you sad.

Let's start talking about Godzilla versus Gigan to get everybody happy.

So first 30 opens with with Big G's theme and the

badass himself strolling.

And the badass himself strolling down the greenery covered rocky

lands of Monster Island. The film's alternative title was

Godzilla on Monster island. So one can safely assume that

he is on Monster Island. Yeah, I would assume. This sounds like he's definitely

on Monster Island. They zoom into Godzilla's face as he blasts

atomic breath at the screen as the title pops up on screen and then

it dissolves into a credit Sequence that shows the interior of

what we can safely assume at first glance is the interior

of the spaceship of the next evil aliens to die

horribly after trying to use monsters to take over the Earth. Spoiler alert, everybody.

That may happen. That may. That does. That's. That's going to happen.

I'm not saying that that's the plot line we know has worked in the past

that we are going to go back to after Hedorah left us all

scratching our heads a little bit. What I am saying is that were I

some type of evil alien who was coming to Earth to use

monsters to conquer it, my spaceship interior may look something like this.

Yeah, okay. No, that. I get it. They dissolve from this

to audio being played over what is either comic

book panels or storyboards for a movie production. We find

out they actually are comic book panels. There are noises being made

with taki holes during this sequence. And that explains that it is

actually a comic book in our very first clip.

Look out.

The monster Shukra. Is the

monster Shukra gonna be see through? No,

that's just an outline. A rough. Huh? Well, why do you bring me unfinished work?

I'm sorry, sir. Anyway, what sort of monster is this? The monster

of homework. Homework? That's what you told me. You said find

out what the kids hate most and then visualize whatever it is is a monster.

Right? That's your answer? It's far too

simple. Kids are much too sophisticated for that now. Yes, I know,

but my monster's created by telepathic action of kids. Their hatred for

homework streams into space, informs a monster there.

Well then, how's that? I think it stinks.

That's too bad. And after all the trouble we had to get an introduction.

We'll just have to try another place. Now wait. Take it

easy. I want to rest a while.

There's no time to take a rest. We've just got to keep going

until. We sell some ideas. Here. Next place,

the construction committee for the World's Children's Land.

You know it? They're the ones building that Godzilla tower.

That's right. Oh, what is this? Am I supposed to start shoveling

dirt? Just cut the humor and let's go.

Now what's wrong?

You're a hard bitch.

What's that? Would you say that again?

Oh, no, I won't. Not with you

being a black belt and karate. I like how he

says some shit under his breath. To her or about kill her bitch?

Yeah, yeah, I think so. There's a couple of swear words I think in your

movie, someone Says goddamn at one point. Yeah. And then in my

movie I think. Hey, there's nudie magazine pictures in my movie.

Yeah, there's. I. I mean, you know, not to get ahead and spoil it

because we definitely weren't going to talk about that in your episode we already recorded.

Yeah, no, no, I totally forgot to even bring it up.

Yeah, but there's a little bit more adult themed stuff that ends up creeping in

here. Like, I'm pretty sure he calls her a hard bitch, which is why she's

like, would you like to say that again? And he's like, no, considering you have

a black belt and karate or whatever, which. He's a little bitch,

man. Stand behind what you say, motherfucker. Yeah, if you're going to fuck around,

you got to find out. Because if you don't find out, you're going to

keep fucking around till you find out worse. Yeah.

Little bitch. All right, so they cut from that very healthy

conversation to the construction of a kid themed amusement

park with some okay, stock footage of heavy earth moving equipment

mixed in with some almost seamless and really well

done model shots of the same type of equipment in motorized model

form. Looking incredible. Like they show the earth movers doing their thing,

which is a regular set for earth and everything like that.

Like that's stock footage. Then they cut to the model that has like the

buildings that are being done and you actually see them moving the

stuff around in model form with little people in it and everything like that.

And it's almost seamless the way that they do it. It's really well done and

I was actually very surprised by that. I just wanted to mention it. Yeah,

it wasn't so bad. It looked actually pretty good. They focus in on the draw

of this particular show, which is a seriously kick

ass tower that has a life size Godzilla built around it.

All of it tremendous and a humongous building. So it's

like this office building that has a Godzilla shape to it and all of

the windows are out the front and it looks like Godzill is about to walk

up and smash the building the way that they build it. And it's a theme

park for kids. Hey, you know what?

I think everyone's getting tired of your judgments, all right? These kids are tough.

They can handle it. They cut to an office inside.

After that super impressive model work. And we see

the artistic rendering of the plans for this park.

A dude walks into frame and opens up his talkie hole. So that becomes

our second clip. Look. It's quite impressive, isn't It a monster

around the tower. A good idea. Very good. In fact, in the tower

we're building a museum. It'll be the first one ever of its type. It will

be devoted solely to the monsters, Western and Oriental.

All sorts of monsters, ancient and new. The elevator will run right to

the top, into the monster's head. Over 150ft. High lights for

aircraft. A contribution to the community. But the rest is for kicks. Everything they want

here, including peace. Peace. That's what they want. But don't they have peace

already, though? They don't. Not a real peace, just a sham. I mean real

peace and perfect peace. The only thing to save the world. Monsters in peace,

huh? Doesn't seem to be a connection. There is. But you have to be a

child to appreciate what it is. And what about my job here? What am I

to do? I want to make this place even better than it is. Do you

have any ideas? Any suggestions? I don't think you got enough monsters.

Kids will want to play with them. You need some more. Like Shukra and Mamagan.

Shukra Mahmoggan, the Homework Monster and the Monster of Strict Mothers.

I see that you don't think much of that. I like it. I think they're

both very good ideas. Thank you. And what about Monster Island?

The island's full of monsters. All the monsters in the world are there.

I haven't forgotten Monster Island. But still, the monster

is. The monsters kept there are hardly peaceful. So we'll make models of them.

And once the models are installed in children's land here, we'll destroy

Monster Island. Destroy it? That's right. We intend to

wipe out all the monsters. Every one of them.

Shukra, the dreaded Monster of Homework Magan,

the Monster of Too Strict Mothers.

Yeah, come in.

Congratulations. You managed to get the job. The boss is very

happy with you. It's a big deal. I just can't stand the guy.

You can't afford to be fussy where you work, right? Yeah, but I don't like

this assignment. That's so. But why not? They like you. And they're paying

you pretty good too. Even so, there's no feeling there. We're getting sensitive

now. You can't afford to be sensitive. What don't you like there? This peace

bit. Peace? That's what the man said. All peace.

A nice ideal. Hey there. What's all this? Hmm.

It's something they want to have first thing tomorrow. But what is it though?

Shukra and Mamagong. Mama Gun. Is there a certain

resemblance here? You cheeky


World Children Land Committee Office,

fifth Floor.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Wait. The tape.

What are you doing here? Where'd she go? Who go? The girl, of course.

What do you want to know for? What'd she go to? At the end of

the clip, our would be comic creating hero points the mean men

in the wrong direction and then scoops up the tape everyone left behind.

Then heads inside the giant office building. He ran into all

of them outside of the film. Then cuts to the would be

hero snooping around an office. A security camera

follows him as it moves around in all directions. He moves around as

well, and still he lurches around some freestanding displays

of some sort to try and hide from it. No matter how or where he

tries to dart or weave. Including as his clumsy ass

falls on his face. That swivel on a ball like

camera follows him the entire time. This is supposed to be our comic

relief, but for me, falls as flat as the actor doing

the lame pratfall that they just showed. I will say one thing.

Comic relief and monster movies never works for me. Never has.

In this movie, it's just another show of that. I just never get

it. A clear plastic phone that is supposed supposed to be futuristic

starts ringing with a weird sci fi sound that you'll get to hear at the

start of our third clip. Hello there. Hurry up and come in

here. In where? Chairman's office. Just go straight


Come here. And who are you? My name's

Gengo. Ah, so you're the young man I got the report on.

Who are you? Chairman. What? Is something wrong?

Well, I am a bit surprised. Well, I don't see why you should be.

What's Nebula

M? Space Hunter orbit. You know it? Not really.

But Chairman, she got away. That's very bad.

I know. We have to find her. Unless we can get that tape back quickly,

we'll have to considerably alter our plans.

What's this tape you're talking about? It's a tape on which our whole plan is

based. And the girl? Industrial spy, eh? No, she's much worse

than that. An enemy of peace. Enemy of peace? That's right. We're working

hard here to bring absolute peace to the whole world. And she wants to stop

us. Give me the tape back. The tape. I watched you

picking it, but it isn't yours, is it? Now get

it back from him. Not here. What? What have you done with it?

Where is it? Where?

Oh gosh. I think he's fainted. He must have thought it was a

gun. It's you. Just hold on a

Minute. Just a minute. Eh? Easy enough. We're not bandits. But. But.

But. But you're Pistol. Pistol? You mean this,

huh? I'm sorry. I should have tried to explain everything first. I'm sorry.

Yeah, that's right. My name's Sh. And my name's Machiko

Shima. How do you do? Bandits introducing themselves

must be unique. I told you, we're not bandits or enemies of

the peace. They're the enemies of peace, not us. Is that so?

Right. Tell me the whole story. It's my brother. He's a computer technician,

and he's been working at that Children's Land. And something happened? Yes, he disappeared.

He hasn't been home for the last three days. And when I went to Children's

Land, they more or less told me to mind my own business. I'm sure there's

something wrong out there. You see, my brother had been acting very strange.

At first I thought he'd just been working too hard. But then I read his

diary. What did it say? My suspicions were right. Their plans are diabolical,

and it's all on tapes. And so you borrowed one of the tapes and

your brother? We just don't know. We thought that they guessed he was becoming suspicious

and just locked him up. But where? I must confess that we haven't any

idea. The tape, though, might give us a clue. I haven't got it.

Huh? Yeah, I put it into a paylocker. Here's the key.

Just put it there. Chima. No sabotage.

Now, listen, you can't get away with this. I think we can. We're just holding

you here for a while. It's illegal detention. We're sorry about that, but we no

other choice. There'll come a time where you'll thank us for keeping you here like

this. Thank you? That's right. There's no other equipment in the world like this.

When the whole thing's assembled, you'll be the world's foremost authority on electronics.


listen. Someone's playing the action signal tape. Yeah,

that's bad. Hey, who in

the hell are you people?

What is it? Wrong speed, maybe?

Well, it doesn't make any sense to me. Oh,

Lights out. Tape must be finished. Now what? We'll have to change the computer program.

Change plan number three to number six. Right. We're safe enough. No human being

can understand that. The monsters on Monster island can understand it.


I'm funny.

Going up. You better. Jack.

Hurry up.

We see. As the tape is played at different speeds, it draws the attention of

Godzilla and Anguirus. Also, this is the first and last

film that I'm aware of that they ever dub voices into the monsters

as it is a terrible idea and they should have never done it again if

they ever tried. No. Yeah, that was the best. That wasn't cool.

Yeah. I had to hear it while doing the notes. So now everybody else has

to suffer with it in the clip. Thank you for that. That's the kind of

prick that I am. They cut from Anguirus taking off at Godzilla's

command to go find out what that fucked up noise was to the comic

creator and would be heroes snooping around some more.

In a private quarters area in these offices.

He steals a fancy lighter that he finds and is busted

somewhat in the process. Which leads to our fourth.

Hey. Oh, hello. What were you doing? I was just looking

for you. I brought the layouts. Oh, that's my

brother's. Look, T.S. that's his initials. What's his name?

Takashishima. And where'd you find it? In the tower. Oh.

Did you see him? Didn't see anyone, but I'm sure he's there.

Yeah, it's not going to be easy to find him. The whole thing gets more

suspicious every minute. Perfect peace, my eye. Yeah, but even so,

there has to be some sort of significance behind all this perfect peace giving.

Yeah, there's something very odd about the Chairman, too. Yeah, I call him the

Chairman, but in fact, he's only a child and he seems to be a whiz

at mathematics. He does coordinate geometry for

fun. When I was there, he was working on something. Know what it was?

He was calculating the main orbit of Nebula, Space Hunter M.

Nebula, Space Hunter M, huh? You know it? Huh? What?

No. Never heard of it. Well, I guess we ought to look

into this. But where do we start? Sure is tough,

hmm? Yeah. No. Somebody kick me. Kick me hard.

What's wrong? We're stupid. Why don't we start with the things we already know?

I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Children's Land, that's what.

Let's do a little digging into the background of these people. And maybe that

way we can find out what they're up to. Yes, he's right. The Chairman and

Secretary. Let's find out where they come from. Sure. Let's check

at City Hall. Right.

This is what I got. People behind Children's Land are the Children's International

Federation. They get all their finance from private donations, but they never accept donations

with any strings attached. So they can do just what they want.

And no questions asked. Non profit making organization.

That's suspicious. HQ in Switzerland? Yeah. That's just too

convenient. Oh, and you? Oh, I checked on the secretary. He looks a bit

foreign. No, regular Japanese citizen. He comes from Yamanoshi, just 50

miles away. Yamanoshi, you say? The young boy they call the Chairman comes from

Yamanoshi. His name's Fumio sudo, and he's 17 years

old. Could be a coincidence. I simply don't believe

in coincidences like that. Nor do I. Right. Let's check it out.

Sure. How much farther is it now?

About 40 miles. Be there in an


The Chairman's house? You're the priest? Yeah. Sounds like somebody's died.

Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Hello. Good afternoon. Good afternoon.

Can I help you? We're making some inquiries about Mr.

Fumio Sudo. Fumio? Yeah. Is he here? No, he isn't

here now. I see. In Tokyo, huh? What do you mean? Is this some sort

of joke? Fumio's been dead in his grave for over a year. Huh?

Today's the first anniversary. Can't be. Huh?

Visitors, eh? They've just told me they came up here to see Fumio.

Oh, that's not possible. Fumio's gone to a much better place. But I

saw him in Tokyo last week. That's impossible. I was there by his

side when he died. I saw him breathe his last. You must have made a

mistake. Please, could you possibly show us a photograph of him?

If you could, please. Thank you. Tell me. Now, this Fumio you

say that you met, just what sort of fellow was he then? He's the chairman

of the Children's Land. Children's Land? Is that some sort of fancy name for a

lunatic asylum? It's a charitable prize. And this

young fellow, Fumio, he's an extremely brilliant young man. A genius,

in fact. That's certainly a different fella.

That just settles it. This Fumio, he was as thick as two

short planks. I'm afraid this is the only photograph

I could find. Thank you. Tell me,

who's that fellow with him? Why, that's Mr.

Kubota Kabuta. He was Fumio's

teacher of English when he was in junior. They were killed together,

climbing in an accident when they were climbing up that big mountain

over there. That's right. And I have to get

going to arrange a commemorative ceremony for them both tonight at the temple.

Goodbye. So they've been dead for

more than a year now. It is impossible.

Here's a message From Nebula and space Hunter,

connect translator I. The change

of plans is approved. Prepare for arrivals. So it's starting. Commence sending

action tape one. Right. No, wait.

Keep out of this. What sort of tape is this? The tape of

peace. Peace? Peace for who?

Anguillas. Anguillas has entered Sagami Bay.

Move out mobile units 2 and 4. With that order,

the film cuts to footage of actual tanks and military equipment moving into position,

intermixed with models of even more military vehicles

moving into position as they expect Anguirus to make

landfall. This leads into footage of the inevitable evacuating

townsfolk. And Anguirus is shown coming into the bay

as the appearance of the anti Kaiju invention,

the maser or microwave laser, as it's put into

position. Yeah, I'm not sure when they start actually referring to these

things. Things as masers, but that's pretty much what it is. It's like a replica

of the stuff that, like what Ghidra can fire

almost where it'll shoot back at the Kaijus and

it causes them pain and it puts them like. Makes them turn around. But it's

not necessarily something that's supposed to kill them. It's like a non lethal like

taser thing. But they call it a microwave laser. It may

even be laser later on that they call them that. But they all pretty much

look like this. And it's some form of new weapon that's like an anti Kaiju

deterrent. And this is. This is laser. Yeah. And this is blazer.

And by the way, that is the end of the first 30 minutes of the

film. So that's the first third of the film down already. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You. You busted yours up into 30 minute marks, but yeah, again,

another short movie. Only 89 minutes. Yeah, not terrible.

There is a lot of focus more towards kid film stuff as we

were talking about. But they do have the kids getting brought into

play and they're more integral parts of the stories. We already kind

of talked about how. I really dislike that they did the dialogue

for the monst in this. And I don't know why that they. They did that

before, but this is a very big change back to

everything that they had been doing that they knew that was working After Hydra,

as we kind of talked about earlier, I don't really know

how to describe it other than the Godzilla versus

Hedorah was so different that I think they kind of went back to the.

Well when they finally decided to do this one almost.

And they just decided to create a new monster with Gigan

just to Be a different threat. And you

know, but at the same time he's still more of kind of the same where

alien creature, where they're trying to do something that they did with Ghidra, where it's

something that's very different and it's not another animal based thing. But it's also not

this nebulous glob that's just made out of toxic waste.

It's just weird. It's just. Hey, hey, hey. That glob

has feelings. There were some things that I really did

enjoy about Godzilla versus Hetera. But we talked about it

when we covered that film. It was very much a step into the focus around

a kid to where it's almost like Gamera, where they're really trying to sell

it to where like Godzilla is friend to all children and is our protector.

And they even have him checking out strange noises that don't make

any sense by sending off his best friend Anguirus. Yeah, I mean,

like the two of them are together in such a way that

like, it's almost like I picked the love song from the Carpenters for We hurt

each other. You know, for the two of them.

Like they're very clearly heavily bonded and taking care of each other in this.

And it's really cool, actually. Yeah, I like it.

They probably like to get sexual. Maybe. We'll see. Let's move into the

next 30 and find out. I don't even know what it would be like for

a Kaiju's 2 Kaiju's boning. I'm assuming

the thrusting would cause earthquakes or something.

Probably split the Earth in two. All right, so the next 30 starts with Anguirus

coming ashore. The maser being moved into closely and threateningly

so then the lights are ordered on. This bothers Anguirus and

irritates him. They are commanded to open fire. So there is a

hellstorm of missiles, tank fire and explosions with the blasts

of the mazers hitting him as well. This onslaught causes enough discomfort

that Anguirus calls all of them a

bunch of dicks and he grabs his toys and heads home.

Yeah, you're all dicks. They cut from that meanest

to the offices and control rooms inside the

Godzilla tower. And their talkie hole dialogue is

our fifth clip. Tell me now,

what will we do with Shima now that we know the power of the Earth

men? He's no further used to us even as a sample.

Hey, you in there. Who's that? Are you Shima? That's right.

Yeah. Hey, what are you doing here? Oh, just looking

for you. And I thought I'd take a rest. I'm pretty

tired. That's not my room. I don't live here. I'm new here. I hadn't

any idea where your room is. And why have you come here so late?

I had to have your opinion on those layouts I gave you the other day.

Really? So late? It's very important to me. And you said you

wanted them in a hurry, so I'm anxious to finish, that's all.

Simple as that. Well, you have no business to come up here. Go back down

to the office right away. Yes, of course, right away.

Thank you. See you tomorrow. Wait. Oh. Ah,

cigarettes. They're for you. Oh, thank you. Thanks a lot.

Tell me now, what do you think? Stupid, but at the same time cunning.

Seems to me a very curious specimen indeed.

I was right. Your brother is locked up in that tower.

You sure? You actually see him? No, I didn't. But they got him firmly

locked up there. I did manage to speak to him. Well.

So you're all in on this. How'd you find us? There's cigarettes.

Small transmitters in the filters. So that's it.

Leave that. Only taking back her own property.

She stole the tape from us. But the trouble is that you know too much.

Now what? What will you do? I'm back now.

Now then. What are you doing?

You get out.

Are you people sure you're all sane? Of course we are. And you've

got to raid that Godzilla tower. Yeah, right away too. Yeah.

Now, come on. Just on your say so. We've given you the reasons. And this

girl's brother, he's in danger. That's right. It's the truth.

This is his lighter. Attention. We have heard from the

control center on Monster island that the two monsters, Godzilla and Anguillus,

have broken out. They are said to be heading for the Kato district. All men

stand by. They cut to Godzilla at the end of the clip. Heading out

with Anguirus to have a stern talking to with the JDF for

attacking his good pal. They cut from that to the

evil folks control room and our sixth clip.

Receiving pilot signal for nebular hunter. Good.

Synchronized conductor. Right.

Already here. And you ready? This is

the day we've planned for. We came to this planet searching

for eternal peace for us all. Perfect peace.

And now we're going to see our hope come true. The end of

the clip starts. A mega zoom out from the amusement park under

construction to the earth. And then further and further

away from the earth itself. It's a cool sequence with some

okay, models. But if that was not very ambitious. To try

anyway, they definitely made a made a go of it,

that's for darn sure. We can start toot in their course. We continue the

mega zoom out to show two lights in a total blacked

out empty universe. On the screen they

turn into rocks or some. And then one turns into

Ghidorah. The blue gem explodes and implodes in reversing footage

cuts back and forth until the model of Gigan appears. Besides the

Ghidra model, they do some flying loop de loops. And then

the film cuts to Godzilla and Anguirus swimming to what I

assume is the amusement park of evil. It cuts from this to

a view of the giant tower that is Godzilla shaped.

And then the human story padding happens to us all.

In our seventh clip. Look, they've switched the

lights on up there. I think that's the room that your brother's locked

in. No sign of any guards.

Now we'll go on in. You carry out the rest of

the plan. Okay? I think we'd

better use the stairs. It ought to be safer.

Right? I'm finished.

Just get on your feet. Are you a man?

Hurry up. Thank you.

You people can consider yourselves quite lucky. Why should we think we're lucky? Well,

I had meant to kill you straight away, but the plans have changed. Changed?

Looks bad. Over 10 minutes. You mean they've been caught?

You're afraid so when? All right, try plan two.

Now, what we plan is to use you and your friends as what you might

roughly call uniform for friends who are coming soon. Uniform? Yes,

that's what I said. Are you people wearing uniform now?

Yes, we are. Although it isn't really the original

anymore. Now it does change. We've tried many experiments

and we find that human beings make better receptacles than any other species.

Well, just what the hell are you? All right, if you want to know,

look up there. There are many stars in the universe.

And many of the stars have planets just like this one. In fact, the planet

that we came from is very much like this one. The planet

was about the same size, temperate climate and oxygen rich

atmosphere. Yeah, it was a very pleasant planet indeed to live

on. The dominant species was very like you.

A little different. Not much though. Not much because

just like you, they said about ruining the planet. They went blindly

ahead for millions of years, Polluting and despoiling everything they touched.

Eroding the land, polluting the sea, Pouring millions

of tons of poison into the atmosphere. Eventually, it became

too much and the dominant species simply Died out.

And that's what would happen here to your species. Eventually the

human race would simply have faded away. Leaving only a heap of garbage behind

it. But though the human race dies, some other creatures

would still survive. Exactly as we did. We took over our planet and

then we built up a new sort of technology. But why? We're a little

too late. Our planet has already started to die. So you want to take over

the Earth? Conditions here are very favorable for us. Not ideal as it is.

But we could soon make it very peaceful indeed. Peaceful, but peaceful for who?

For us. For our own species. What is your

species? What are you? A species that can survive under the worst possible conditions.

Switch to emergency lighting. Right.

A cockroach.

You see what I mean when I talk about human receptacles?

They run up a shit ton of stairs during the clip and sneak

around a bunch. That shit is super padding filler. And it cut right

out of the audio. Glory gloriously.

At the end of the clip it is revealed that the aliens are wearing

Edgar suits. Apparently. Then we see more of flying Gigan

and Ghidorah on their way to Earth. To allow the alien cockroaches

in Edgar suits to peacefully save the Earth by somehow eliminating

all of humanity. Destroying the planet themselves. Wait, what?

Well, I mean, listen. You can't make an omelet without breaking

a few eggs. And I really think you're starting to judge these aliens a little

too much. They're cockroaches using human corpses.

Do you think Men in Black might have borrowed from this? Or they're just

Edgar suits, man. I don't know. Maybe. I don't know.

Just seems like it. Big cockroach wearing

Edgar suits. Wearing Edgar suits. I'm just saying.

The incoming Kaiju are picked up by the military in

some form of Kaiju scoping interstellar radar,

I guess. And that is explained somehow in our eighth clip.

Sir, two unidentified objects approaching Earth at approximately Mach

4. Switch over to laser radar. Right. Two monsters.

One of them is Ghidorah. The other one is new.

A completely new sound. All men report to action

station. Well, that cleared it up. It's laser radar. That's how it's fired into space.

Laser radar and beams. Yes, of course.

This starts a sequence of the JDF mobilizing to defend the Earth from the incoming

giant monsters bent on fucking shit up.

With shots of Ghidra and Gigan flying into the evil roach

infested amusement park of Doom. The film implies

they are being controlled by those odd tape reel devices. And then

the Pair just fly in a holding pattern around the Godzilla tower.

This is then discussed and I suppose all explained in our night

clip. Look out there, those two space monsters. The one with the three heads

is King Ghidorah and that one's Gigan. We're controlling

them. Their action patterns are programmed on these two tapes here. That's why we

had to get the tape back from you. Without it, we would have no control

over those monsters. Alright. The monsters will now start attacking Tokyo

and destroy everything in. Well, that explained

everything. Well, there you go. Now we're fine. Everything's great.

With that, Gigan starts smashing buildings with his hook hands and stomping

them once waist level. As we get stock footage of Ghidra from an

earlier film. That would be probably destroy all monsters around and

shooting up buildings as they explode. Gigan fires up the

saw blade thing he has in his tummy and then walks into

a building to cut it. And I mean it does cut right down the middle

of the building as it's doing it before smashing it the rest of the way.

While lightning strikes that are not quite the yellow ones from the

Ghidra we saw in the stock footage zap in from off screen

and start explosions as the pair bring down some

seriously gigantic structures. They cut to more stock footage of Ghidra

blasting various buildings and then to Gigan's knifey feet walking

along to stomp and smash more buildings. The pair work together

on this building again with more lightning blasts that were discolored

from the earlier stock footage. And then more of the same stock footage

of Ghidra flying around as well. Gigan stomps an overpass and

then a gas station causing a huge explosion. We see the model

of Ghidra in the background fly by above Gigan's head.

The force perspective of that was actually kind of a cool shot.

Yeah, that is good. Good shot. They then show some JDF

folks getting set up to fight these beasties. This all seems

like stock footage as well, save for one shot of Ghidra that was framed

in solid black with that demonic uplighting that we've seen before.

The tanks, missile attacks and all seemed like they

were reused as well when they attacking Ghidra.

Even the correctly colored lightning that melts several tanks

from the original stock footage that all looked like it was original. You can always

tell because the lightning that's different for Ghidra in this film

what they're using from previous stock footage for Destroy all monsters and before and

then what's in this film because the Lightning in this is like a little more

orange and just one beam in some shit.

I trust you. Gigan fires up the saw in his

belly while standing in a cityscape engulfed in flames. That just

looks amazing and sells this weird look looking gigantic bionic

destruction chicken. It just looks absolutely scary as fuck. It should

not be as scary as it looks in that shot where they're shooting it with

the up lighting in flames all around him. It's an amazing shot.

Yeah, right? It is. It's actually really good. It also cannot be overstated

just how dangerous all that fucking burning model work must have been

to be around. It's fucking insane. The entire thing is an inferno

at this point. Fun times. The suits themselves

are already dangerously hot to be in for an actor because they're all covered

with like carpet foam that they built the suits up bigger and bigger so

that when the person moves, the whole suit moves like it's one big body.

So it's highly flammable carpet foam covered with a thin layer

of latex. But all of that is just trapping and building

more and more of the person's heat inside of it. And then when you place

them in that highly flammable thing inside of an inferno of

a fucking set, that has to just be so fucking dangerous.

Not to mention the burning sets of the city were pushing out some

really thick black smoke. And you know that shit caused

cancer. Just watching it like, I. Oh, yeah, no, yeah. You could get

a more curable cancer by just sitting in the mushroom cloud for sure.

This is so fucking goddamn punk rock.

They cut from this to Godzilla and Anguirus swimming to

land. They give them horrifically bad dialogue. And now that

is everybody's fucking problem in our tenth clip.

Come on. There's a lot of trouble.

Seriously. How bad of a choice was that? That way bad was not

good anyway. It was not enjoyable. Anyway, we watch the suit

actors toiling to move through their waterlog suits through the

giant water tank and pretend that they are swimming at the same time. And I

just feel terrible for them because, you know, that foam soaked up all the water

and they could barely move. And we're probably slowly drowning with.

Listen, I'm under the impression that these are tough people in those suits,

so. Oh, yeah, absolutely. And they're just plain.

It's exhausting to watch at this point because, you know, that had to be fucking

miserable to do this. The waterlog shit. Yeah, yeah.

They cut from that to some new footage of Ghidra blowing up a

large container ship or oil tanker and Then more of a dock structure of

a city where Gigan stomps along the water's edge.

The way they light Ghidra from below really sells him as a demonically evil

looking monster monster as well. There are more shots of the

pair walking around an inferno of burning buildings.

And Gigan kicks at ships while frolicking through an apocalypse

of his own making. Jets fly in and

blast Gigan with lasers or missiles that are animated until

he starts to smash them with his hook arms when

they get too close again. There are so many explosions

and models on fire with black smoke everywhere.

And it looks absolutely horrific, like something out of a nightmare.

But really what's standing there is a three headed dragon which

is a man in a suit and then another guy in a bionic destructive

chicken hand suit with hook hands. Yeah,

it should. It's like a giant sloth hands is what it is. Yeah, it shouldn't

be as terrifying as it is, but the way they light it and all that

fire around, they are absolutely horrifying. Yeah, they did

good on the lighting part. Yeah. While the monsters themselves

are not super horrific looking, I feel as though this amount of fire and

explosions shows just what gigantic bionic destruction chickens

are capable of. Especially when teamed up with three headed lightning vomiting

dragon. I mean, hey, listen, sometimes things are cool.

Three headed lightning vomiting dragon,

Aliens. And that shit's cool. That shit's hardcore.

They cut from this to the roaches wearing Edgar suits in their

control rooms and are 11th.

It's all going absolutely to plan perfectly. All of it.

So what if that was seven seconds? It was talky hole talking. Yeah, there's talkie.

There was words coming out of stuff. Someone's mouth hole. This starts a sequence of

fiery death and destruction as Gigan and Ghidorah destroy tanks and

masers left and right, leaving huge fields of fire where any

regiment used to be. They cut from this to Godzilla and Anguirus still

on their way to them and to the human resistance.

Then they cut to the human resistance led by the comic

book nerd. And our 12th clip. I hope that Mishiko makes it. Of course

she'll make it. It was all part of my plan. That's exactly what worries

me. Your plans never really seem to work. Oh, cut it out now. It's no

time for Quarre. The latest news flash on the two monsters

is that they are heading south and making for Takagi Beach. They are

destroying industrial facilities and oil refineries. More troops are being

rushed into the area as quickly as possible. They cut from

this to the GGs destroying what appears to be

some type of oil refinery or perhaps a chemical plant of some sort.

Which means more hellfire infernos, complete with carcinogenic black

smoke, which looks amazing, but shortened everyone's life

to make that happen. That was on set. Listen, you might as well

smoke six packs of cigarettes a day if you're. Working in a

Kaiju suit In TOHO in the 70s, you pretty much died of something

horrible, is my guess. Cancer is such a 90s thing.

Back then, it didn't even really exist. They cut from that to the Big G

emerging from the ocean, making landfall with his theme music

and a triumphant roar. The monsters roar,

challenges to each other. And they cut to the evil roaches in

Edgar's suits using their takiholes. So that's our 13th clip.

Chairman Godzilla has just arrived. His appearance

is a necessary part of the plan. We have to attract him here, and then

we can kill him.

Whatever. Kill Godzilla, you pricks. The monsters

begin to square up against each other, and that is the hour

mark of the film. Took us an hour to get to here, where Godzilla finally

shows up and finally starts dealing with the fucking monsters. We're finally gonna,

you know, maybe get a little something on this. I mean,

there was some destruction of the cities and all the explosions and everything of the

bad guys doing something. But this is what we really came here for, was the

attribution of Godzilla. And we came here for. I came here for

Godzilla, God damn it. I think this may

be one of the last times we see this particular

suit with Godzilla and the way that Anguirus looks.

And the reason for that is they use a lot of stock

footage in this one from Destroy All Monsters, as I kind

of mentioned earlier. And some of that has to do with making

sure that the suits match up for Godzilla to do. Like the. The attacks

that they use from Destroy All Monsters, where Godzilla is attacking Ghidra that they

use later in the film. And then also some of the attacks Anguirus does.

I'll point them out as they end up happening. But the next movie

that we're going to end up doing, the suit changes very drastically,

and then they start making newer and cheaper suits from there, even right

after Megalon and your film. So this is kind of

the last time we're going to see this particular cartoonish Godzilla.

Well, we're going to see this one, and then it's going to get really cartoonish

for a while. And then they try to make. Make him back to

being brutal again. When we get to The Heisei era in the 80s,

I think is what it's called. Gotcha. Because we're in the Showa era right now.

So from here on out, for the rest of the Showa era, which is

like the next. I think the next time we record will be done. So that's

next four weeks in total, counting this one. But the next time that we record,

we'll be done with Showa era and we'll be moving into the Heisei era.

And it's gonna be cartoony looking, but moving more even towards blood

and stuff like that from here. It's gonna be weird. It's just gonna get real

weird at the end of the hair is all I'm saying. Whatever you got

to do. Yeah, right. All right, so let's move on to the. This is the

end of the hour mark. So this is going to be the run to the

end from here. So you ready to start? All right, let's do it. The run

to the end starts Godzilla making the first attack against Ghidra. There is

an awkward cut, but it appears Big G took a leap at

KG and did some kind of triple headed swinging neck

breaker that takes them both to the ground as Big G gets

up and preps for more rumbling. I really like that about this particular

film. This Godzilla is reeling to scrap and keeps

popping right back up. It's really cool. Oh yeah.

Godzilla's in for the fight, man. Ghidra blows up

a tank right next to Big G and Anguirus almost lighting up

the head of the Anguirus suit. You actually kind of see it catch on fire

a little bit. The monsters roar, taunts at each other some more.

Gigan takes flight, gets a full on Godzilla atomic breath blast

that sends him crashing into yet another fiery explosion of doom that

obscures all the monsters from vision. Godzilla starts a predator

stomp attack at the prone Gigan, but takes a

triple headed lightning blast directly to the face

and is knocked to the ground. He pops back up and roars a challenge.

Charging at Ghidra and shaking off a few more lightning attacks before

the film settles in on even more lightning blowing up refinery

vats and buildings with even more explosions. And that

carcinogenically thick black smoke mixed in with white

vision blocking light cancer causing smoke as well.

It is pretty much everything else on set

all at once that is on fire and it's fucking amazing and insane and

I am not going to sit here and describe all of it, but this is

the shit that makes me love this movie right here. I don't care how over

the top and stupid it is. I don't care how ridiculous of a murder

chicken fucking Gigan looks like. This shit is

terrifying. And I'm horrified for the actors and worried for

their safety and yet mesmerized by all the flames and how amazing it

looks and how terrifying the monsters are. Yeah, I'm sure they're all right.

I'm just going to enjoy. Is so over the top.

It becomes accurate at the level of dam and fire that

would be happening if these creatures were fighting on this ground. Like it just.

The devastation is super accurate to all of the explosions

that would be happening at some kind of chemical plant or refinery where they're battling.

They show. They show Gigan attacking Anguirus after he spears Godzilla

with his chest spikes into a triple lightning

attack and a hook arm slash. Then Gigan starts slashing at

Anguirus with his hooks and saw blade. Ghidra continues

his lightning attacks but starts to rampage a bit with an out of

control attack that catches Gigan in some Kaiju friendly

fire. Gigan hightails it away from this explosion because Ghidra

has gone full berserker. This berserker attack continues as Anguirus

and Godzilla are engulfed in flames and surrounded completely

with fire and explosions. Godzilla stands up and roars

defiantly. And then they cut from all of this to humans because we

can't have too much fun. Yeah. No. Come on. Get it. There's.

We're having a good time. So we got to put humans back on because of

course we're just. Just the worst. The main resistance

lady and the hippie Soul Patch man are lurking around on the hillside

above the Godzilla tower. They cut from that to the resistance squad

inside the building trying to rescue the kidnapped brother. The pair

drag the rope they tied to a distant tower over to

that Godzilla tower After getting the signal. In the clip

above, the hippie dude is dragging a large metal tank

and uses it to inflate a weather balloon which the pair attach

to a wire and send it up the tower. The team at the top catches

the line and ties off the rope creating a decent zip line.

As each one goes out the Godzilla eye window to the tower.

They transform into a miniature person sliding down the line of

the model shot, which actually works pretty well. The guards

shoot the rope as the last person makes it to just above

ground level and he drops to the ground safely. They sound the alarm.

And that is our 14th clip. Now hurry.

Right. Careful. Watch yourself here.

She. All right. Come on. Let's go.

The humans got away. You must kill them all, right?

If we'd been in the car, we'd have sure been barbecued.

Victory. For simplicity. They must have been sure we'd use that car. They're hypnotized

by machinery. Completely. Guess you're right. Still, we're not.

So let's get our feet moving. Right. That was a lot of screen time that

I condensed down. In fact, the thing that I just described about their escape,

that dialogue was included in the escape that I described above. Nice.

Yeah. They cut from this shit back to Big G making

threatening gestures at the camera before charging in towards Ghidorah

and being pushed backwards into a bridge. While on the ground and

writhing, Ghidorah blasts at Godzilla with a triple headed attack of lightning

blasts. They cut from that to the invader roaches in Edgar

suits. And that is dialogue. And our 15th clip.

Monster Godzilla is coming this way. Excellent. Are the laser beams ready?

Ready now. Alright, make sure you get him. If we can kill Godzilla,

then we've won. They cut to the monsters fighting

and we see that Gigan is kicking the shit out of Anguirus before he

escapes to team up with Godzilla. Gigan kicks a boulder at Anguirus and Anguirus

knocks it up to Godzilla, who then smacks at it, sending it hurtling back

at Gigan to smash that bionic destruction chicken square in the fucking

head. Yeah, that chicken. Ghidra blasts some triple headed

lightning that targets right in the middle of Big G and

Angy. The explosion sends the hero pair to

the ground and Gigan is back on his stomping in geras

as a shot of Godzilla shows him looking dazed and disoriented.

That lasts just long enough for a dramatic pop inducing leap to his

feet. Complete with boxing maneuvers and fancy footwork.

That's right. Big G has been training in some martial arts,

apparently. Well, you know what I mean.

How long are you gonna live in that area without trying to learn some Barcelona

arts? You just pick him up. At this point, he's rebounded yet again and

takes yet another triple lightning attack to the face

and full body. And this time is unfazed. So we

see him not only regenerating, but we see him adapting to his

opponents in this to turn them into his victims.

He roars a threat and starts kicking and chucking rocks at Ghidra.

This hellstorm barrage of rocks pretty much all

hit Ghidorah somewhere. Most of them in one of the three

heads and in a shockingly accurate way where it's one head,

then the next, then the next in order. Godzilla even can aim the rocks

he's kicking where they're going to exactly go. It's pretty incredible.

Yeah, man. That sounds. That was pretty fucking awesome.

Ghidorah fires off more lightning, but Godzilla bobs and

weaves. I mean, seriously bobs and weaves like a fucking boxer.

And then he starts boxing at the Ghidra heads and really does a number on

him. Sometimes, man, you got to incorporate a lot of

different fighting styles, all right? It's. You want to survive out

there court. You've never been on the outside court. It's two claws

for three heads. With no waiting on those knuckle sandwiches be

delivered by Godzilla. That's right.

What's basically happened here is Godzilla has discovered that Ghidra has

an inability to target him with the lightning accurately

within such close range. So Godzilla gets a

supercharged into the body of Ghidra right after doing all of those punches

to the face and pushes in so that the Nex cannot target

him with the lightning blast. So he just kind of pins the heads back against

themselves. They cut away from that awesomeness for some

stupid reason. To the humans. Talking about the invading roach aliens

in Edgar suits. And our 16th clip. They're not human beings.

They're aliens who've landed from some other planet. We've got to stop them.

So what do you want me to do? Those damn monsters have got us completely

beat. I know. We saw them. Only Godzilla has a chance with.

I'm not too sure of that. If he goes near the tower, they'll just burn

him down with the laser beams. Well, there's not a damn thing we can do

about the tower for sure. Those two monsters are defending it. We wouldn't

have a chance ever anyway. I reckon the tower must be impregnable.

You're right. Still, there's the inside. The inside. That's right.

They're busy watching the monsters. They're probably watching out for troops. But a small group

could get in there. They cut from the humans talking

talky shit to Ghidorah, blinding Godzilla so that

Gigan can fly past him and saw a slash through his shoulder.

I hope you like that shot. Because pretty much every time you see Godzilla get

injured by Gigan's blade, it's that same shot, huh? It's like

I seen that before. Or you will again here shortly. Yeah, yeah.

Or I will again next week. They have that

slash go through his shoulder is sending Big G rolling down a hillside

before popping right back the up to get hit. Once again

and take a tumble. He takes a third, fourth and fifth hit each time

popping right the back up.

I will say it's one of those few times you see Godzilla bleed. Oh,

well, you see it a lot more in the next couple of movies. You really

do. Yeah. Okay, yeah, that's weird because. Yeah, I'm not used to seeing Godzilla

bleed. Well, you didn't see the right ones in the Showa era

and some of the 90s as well because there's a. A lot of blood and

gore coming for you. Okay, well, that's true. I'm just

saying I'm just not used to it. And I'm usually always. Anytime I've

ever watched Godzilla movies, to be honest, it's usually

mystery science here. 3000. So it's always these ones, you know what I

mean? The blinded and punch drunk, Big G stumbles his

way to the tower replica of himself. He clears the fog

in his eyes by smacking at the side of his own head. And the tower

comes into focus. The angry Godzilla stomps his way through the model

of the park and the order to fire the laser at beams is given

out. The laser attacks are taking it to Big G, hitting him

directly in the eyes and sending him crashing to the ground,

keeping him pinned there for multiple blasts. The humans arrive

hauling boxes of something and declare that Godzilla is

in trouble before cutting back to Big G suffering under a barrage

of laser fire. At one point, Godzilla's in trouble. Yeah, don't help

him or nothing. At one point, the screen gets obscured

by the debris and smoke and we see Big G is back on

his feet and the laser blasts him in the eyes. Another time,

while this next round of laser blast keeps Godzilla down, Anguirus is

blocked by Gigan and his stomach saw Blade thing.

The film cuts to the humans lugging their crates and equipment to the back

side of the tower. We see they are lugging in explosives. The film cuts

back to more Godzilla laser attacks and Geras can't stand

to watch this anymore and charges in only to have his face

cut by the tummy saw blade. The film cuts to the humans setting up

the dynamite in the tower elevator and they cover it with

a crude comic book style drawing of the crew holding

guns and getting ready to attack and send it up to the evil invading

alien cockroaches wearing Edgar suits at the top of the tower.

They show more Godzilla being blasted by the tower laser and Anguirus kept

from helping while being attacked by Gigan. The alarm is raised about the

elevator after the evil Invading aliens declare that Godzilla

is finished by this laser. The guards fall for the drawing as

soon as the elevator door opens and they shoot up the dynamite,

setting off a chain of explosion. Explosions inside the Godzilla tower. Some very cool

shit in here for sure. These explosions are amazing. Good stuff for explosions.

Time the Edgar suits start fading in the dying laments

of the cockroaches is our pent ultimate flip. Where are

you, Kubota?

I'm here. What went wrong?

And why?

Why did the machines go wrong? Everything was

going so good, going so well.

Is Godzilla all right? I don't know. But at

least the space monsters aren't being controlled anymore.

At the end of the clip, Godzilla struggles to get up and Anguirus fucks

up a sneak attack on Ghidra and gets lightning blasted away in

the process. Gigan decides to bravely attack Godzilla.

When he is down, he kicks him bravely.

Yeah, he kicks him in the side to knock him down, then in the head

to knock him out. It appears Gigan picks up the mostly unconscious

Godzilla from what it seems and uses his hook to stab at his

face and the top of his head, bringing out some serious fucking blood.

We all know this is a work before they pop us with the Big G

getting his next win to move on the attack. The barrage

drops Big G back to the ground, and then Gigan

drags him over to where Ghidra is so that the heads can all

hit Big G at the same time, sending him hurdling towards

what is left of the evil alien tower, which the blind Godzilla

attacks in his rage now that he is back on his feet after striking

the tower. That was a weird shot, but they basically have Ghidra use all three

of his heads to smack Godzilla into the air after Gigan

kind of tosses him to do it. It's really weird, but I guess

it works. It's what's happening Cort. Just.

Yeah, we're just going to strap it. Yeah. Godzilla turns towards

Gigan and Ghidra and roars a taunt at them.

Gigan bites on that bait and runs smack into a

spinning tail whip that sends him straight to the ground.

Godzilla then charges into the prone Gigan and

pummels him with a barrage of strikes. Gigan is back on his feet

instantly putting Big G to the ground. Gigant overextends his attack

and Big G takes him back to the ground with one small strike of his

arm. They cut from this to Anguirus, looking like the dead

armadillo in the beginning of Texas Chainsaw Massacre

1 before he pops up by getting back

on his feet with an angry yell. We see in the next cut that Godzilla

is still on the back foot with Gigan. The pair fight on either side of

a tower and destroy it to go rolling around in the rubble. They cut

back to Anguirus successfully sneaking up on Ghidorah the second

time and getting a hold of one of the tails. The tail knocks

him straight into stock footage from Destroy All Monsters where

he falls and makes his own crater before crawling out. As Ghidra swoops

in, they use a bunch of jump cuts from that fight

from Destroy All Monsters to recast it as a sort of new

fight before resting on that cool shot of Ghidorah flying off

as Anguirus holds on to the leftmost neck like a

fucking bulldog. They even reuse the middle head attacking

in that shot of Anguirus falling to the ground again. And then

they cut to Godzilla doing a tail squat drop.

It's basically that wrestling maneuver that they used to use where you

basically stand on with your leg on either side of your opponent, and then you

drop your ass down onto their gut to drop all the wind out of their

stomach. And the bonsai drops. Yeah, well, that's what he's doing. He's doing the bonsai

drop, but with the tail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just saying it's

with a Kaiju sized person that has a tail, it's got to be that much

more devastating. Yeah, I'm sure. After Godzilla does those drops a couple

of times, subduing Gigan, he then charges from the prone

Gigan to smash into Ghidorah. When Gigan tries to do a flying attack

at Godzilla, the big G sees it coming, ducks out of the way,

and Gigan crashes into Ghidorah. At some point,

Godzilla's eyes healed up because not only are they opened again,

they're back, and he can see and he is full force attacking and fighting here.

Like we said, Godzilla regenerates. And they've been setting that up all this time.

Hey, listen, G Unit is not your basic Kaiju,

all right? That motherfucker is going to heal. And at some point, one of the.

One of the characters even says, godzilla's back to strength.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, anyway, Godzilla says something to Anguirus

in their, like, weird, like, backwards record language, but they

didn't overdub a voice over top of this, which is somehow worse than the clips

that I played earlier. Whatever it was, he says something to Anguirus,

and then Ghidorah is attacking Gigan for that accidental flying assault

with his lightning. We don't have it. Overdubbed. And there was nothing

in the subtitles in this Kraken release that we ended up using. And I'll

explain explain why in my story time. There we go.

So no clue what it was. Other than Anguirus gets behind Ghidorah,

does a backwards flying leap that basically throws a spiky

shell as an attack. Which is really fucking cool. And I don't know why

they didn't have him do that before. Yeah. Right. Where was

that move? Yeah. And it knocks Ghidra into Gigan. Gigan takes

flight as Godzilla blasts him with his atomic breath again.

And that sends him crashing into an office building. Which I hope you

like that shot because you're going to see that again next week. Yes. Of Gigan

takes flight again and is blasted again by atomic breath. That has

him crashing into a bridge. And stay put there. And I hope you like that

shot because you'll see that again next week too. Godzilla charges Ghidorah

after Anguirus, takes some lightning attacks and pins all three heads

back in a sort of strangling choke hold where all the

heads are pinned between Godzilla's body and the back of Ghidra's body.

And he just basically holds him there. But he does this flip multiple

times. So I'm not sure if what they're implying is

that he's done some sort of, like rolling suplexes with

holding onto the heads while he's doing this or if it's just. This was such

a fucking sweet shot. You have to see it. Jean Claude Van Damme style from

multiple angles. Yeah. Just next

thing you know, they're gonna be doing the splits. Yeah. I don't. Either way,

it was fucking sweet. It was fucking cool. We then see

stock footage of the Godzilla stomping the neck of Ghidorah

from Destroy All Monsters. And then Ghidra and Gigan both

stomp start flying off together, calling Godzilla and Anguirus a

bunch of dicks. They grab their toys and fly home.

Godzilla is declared the winner from the humans. As the monsters

walk off. There is some more dialogue. And that is

our final clip.

This is a real mess. The tower's completely gone.

Perfect piece. That's what they said they wanted. But it wasn't the sort of

piece that we'd like. Like. Still. They did what they had to do.

What's wrong there? They may have been right. Perhaps one day

the cockroaches are going to inherit the world. Maybe.

Oh, Godzilla's going back.

Goodbye. Goodbye.

Goodbye, Goodbye.

Just like the film said. This is goodbye for now with that final Godzilla

roar. And they have an ending song as

Godzilla and Anguirus swim towards the sunset back home

to Monster Island. We assume that's where they're going, but I mean, they're just

swimming towards the sunset and it's beautiful. Yes. As the

nice day, they just pop up, the words the end as a title card pops

up. So that's roll those credits. Because that's what they do

without rolling those fucking credits. Cinema PsyOps 10.

10 years. 10 years. All right,

so we kind of talked about the main reason I did the Kraken

release to have the English language dub. And I'll explain a bunch of stuff

in the story time as to why I made that choice because I

said we were going to stick with all of the prints from the Criterion box

set from the Showa era. But yeah, I just wasn't going to do

that. And I'll explain why and the story behind all of that fun stuff when

we get to the story time. For now, I just want to say, definitely worth

of the fighting. There's some really horrific inferno shots in this film that

really genuinely had me worried. There's spots where fires

end up happening and the suits catch on fire. In both of these films that

we're covering. Yeah, it's not. OSHA would have

a definite problem with this movie. I feel bad

for the actors inside the suits, but I also feel super grateful for how

punk rock they were to do that. Yeah, man, listen,

back in the old days, man, some of these actors were fucking.

They did it for the passion, that's for sure. Hardcore as there's passion

in this. Absolutely. Well, I don't want to dilly dally

and waste time. I want to get into the story time to actually talk about

some behind the scenes stuff that happened with us this week. That's absolutely hilarious.

Yes, let's do it. And then when we come back, we're going to definitely do

that. So first we have to play on the pirate radio edit for this week

all songs released in 1972. So we've got Stevie Wonder on

the show with that kick ass hit Superstition on the pirate radio. See you


While initially fucking around and finding out with the 3 TD chord

had begun with altruistic intentions, he found fixed points in

the histories of multiple timelines where people made choices that resulted in

countless deaths either with malicious intent or thoughtless abandon,

and made audits to stop them. Before they occurred. What cord had

not occurred, accounted for in these early tests, was that removing or

undoing actions that result in horrific outcomes had no effect on if

a tragedy or mass death would occur only when it may occur, and how the

perpetrators of such evil came to do such wicked deeds to cause them.

Realizing that human nature was the ultimate defect that caused

the darkly cyclical trajectory of human history, and that all

of the worst things that happened in any place where humans existed at any

time was directly linkable to human humanity and its poor choices,

Cort devised the ultimate resolution to fix humanity.

Eradicating humanity from ever existing was the only way to stop


God damn, I could listen to that song for ever. I love that song.

I definitely hate it when you try to sing it. So I'm going to stop

you by playing this for our story time.

Story time.

Story time. Okay, so I'm going through my notes for

us, getting ready to record this show, because I'm trying to do some prep

and just kind of see what's going on. And I had basically

decided that I had English language dubs for a lot of these

films. And I wanted to make sure that we're only using the English language dubs

because these two, Gigan and Megalon,

Godzilla versus Gigan, and Godzilla versus Megalon. It's confusing

enough without English dialogue to explain some things as to what the fuck is

actually going on. Yeah. So I was like, I'm not gonna make

him try and explain multiple levels of fucking insanity

for Godzilla vs. Megalon with a Japanese dub. And so

I pop in the Criterion disc and I check both films,

and I didn't double check to see if you had an English dialogue because I

saw that didn't for mine when I was covering Godzilla versus Gigant.

And so I just double checked with you and I texted you.

I'm like, hey, man, I'm not sure, but I don't think if you have an

English language for your file or not, double check for me. If not,

I'll find you a copy that's in English, right? And then

you're like, okay, you text me back. Will do. And then after

I realize what's going on, I look at, like, to try and

find the Blu Ray for Megalon. It should be in English because I'm thinking that

I have to get the Blu Ray for Megalon when it's actually Gigan that I

need the Blu Ray of. And so once I get downstairs, I check my shelf

and I'm like, oh, what the. You idiot. By the way, I'm super high

during all of this because of course if I'm not working or

needing to drive somewhere, folks, I am self medicating and I am

not going to be ashamed of that. No, man, that's. You got to

do what you got to do to get through this time. Yeah. But anyway,

I text you back later after I realized that. Never mind, dude, I got

them mixed up. It's actually mine. I am the one that needs an

English track to be able to make it through covering this. And then I said

I will check yours to see if there's an actually at least an English

track, you know, a language track for people to use. And if not, I'll find

you a copy is what I was basically saying. And then you texted me back

that yo know yours is in English. And then I was like, oh fucking perfect.

I'm glad. I think I wrote oh yeah, I'm definitely doing the English

language track on mine and pulling a selfish. Because that's me of

course. Who gives a shit? Who gives a shit? Who gives a fuck,

right? And so that's sort of why I did it. But also the

main reason why I chose to grab the Kraken releasing

is I double checked the prints. I went from one to the other.

The Criterion release absolutely does look gorgeous. But the Kraken

one looked more than serviceable. Actually was a pretty decent

transfer. Didn't look that much worse than the criterion

1. If anything, it might have just been a little bit more digitized,

you know, it might have been a little bit more blocky and

maybe not have had a higher bit rate. But it was only one movie

on one disc, whereas on the Criterion Collection and it's two movies on one

disc. So there's still some compression there as well. I'm just

saying that the one seemed to upscale a little bit nicer than the other,

which was the Criterion. So this one is probably gonna become a fan edit for

myself where I'm gonna store the HD version with the English language track. Even though

the English language track has the horrible monster voices dubbed in, I don't know

what they do in the Japanese language version. I refuse to watch that because

this one's already confusing enough. I don't wanna try and read subtitles to keep up.

I'm just saying. So that's my story time. That was the weird communication problem

had. Because I'm a self medicating mess. Of course. I mean, that's how it goes.

Listen, this is the time to be a self medicating mess.

Yeah. And with that we're going to play the show Housekeeping and immediately following that

on the pirate radio edit. Also from 1972, we're gonna have

the band Steely Dan with the song Reeling in the Ears because man,

am I really reeling in the weird right after this.

If you've decided you can't get enough of the show and would like to check

out more of it, we're available at When setting

out to find a way to erase humanity, Korg developed

a new pocket dimension where all plausible outcomes of destruction that could

occur due to humanity's repetitious attempts at self destruction would exist.

Simultaneously. This dimension would be a dumping ground of

all inevitable outcomes that would result in humanity self destructing.

Because all of the outcomes exist at varying points along the observable path

of causality within the measurable confines of all of the membranes

of lost realities. This pocket dimension needed to exist

outside of existing space time so that it was the end times of every

destruction, eradication and world ending event captured in an ever

widening time loop drawing in the start of humanity to the end of

its existence in a non orientable surface that has a half twist.

This resulted in a Mobius strip of constant collapse and destruction

feeding back in on itself to spread spit out anachronistic artifacts that

collect like discarded refuse. It was known at first colloquially as

the unending dumpster fire of humanity's doomed future. This proved

a mouthful and shortly the name developed into its much more widely

regarded label that inarguably felt less grim and hopeless

than its first full breadth of a title as the Garbage Heap of the Future.

If the name Garbage Heap of the Future sounds familiar to you in any way,

your reality is now on a collision course with its ultimate end in an ever

accelerating mode. All thanks to the weakest willed version of Kort to ever

exist. What the weak willed fascistic version of Kord could not

calculate in any way was that the elements of that which makes humanity redeemable

within its own eyes, its spirit to grow and thrive would also accumulate within

the garbage heap of the future as all of humanity's best

wishes, all of its hope, its capacity for empathy and

thirst for companionship would inexplicably manifest one day inside of a

highly dysfunctional pieced together replica of a Psy Ops Labs bunker

and utter the phrase that brought a new civilization into this world of

amalgamated doomsday and apocalypse events. No worries.

Let's just pretend that I let that play for an amount of time and that

we're not running out of time to get the out of here. So I gotta

say goodbye. Gotcha. Well, I hope

everybody we play make believe. Yeah, we, we. We covered Godzilla

vs Gigan in very intricate detail. I gave you many

play by plays about the battles that I probably didn't have to because I really

enjoyed it. It's a good one, man. I don't know man, but I think you're

all right. Well, I'm gonna try and make it up for you. For those of

that are out there actually listening to the pirate radio edit, which I think there's

probably about six of you that still do that maybe if

that. I'm going to hope that you're going to actually have the

joy of enjoying Gary Glitter with the song Rock and Roll.

Both parts actually will be featured on the song on the pirate

radio edit. So enjoy that while you kick the out of this week and make

it your day. All right, one more time, Matt. Are you kidding me?

It has to be perfect. One more time. This is hour two.

Detesting the mics. And when it's perfect, we can start

recording. Man, I'm never gonna go home. Test one,

test one, test two. Test, test, test,

test. Okay, I think that's okay. I'm sounding okay,

let's try it one more time. What the. No, no, hang on. Same time.

Both of us. Ready? All right. Test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test,

test, test, test, test, test, test, test. So you were

a little louder than me. Let's start over again. Wait, no, wait, bro. No,

no, no, no. Dude, this is my favorite movie.

I'm gonna send you to that castle if you have us do this fucking

again, you crazed asshole. Look, it's got

to be perfect. If I didn't get drunk for Animal House, which is my

favorite movie, you can let go of this shit for yours.

Alright, fine. Look, folks, I'm really sorry. If this episode

turns out to be absolute shit. It's all Matt's fucking fault. So I guess we'll

just fucking start it now.

That's not too loud? Nope. All right,

that's a little bit better. So it's warm as hell upstairs,

but it's cold as in the basement where we're

recording. Same here. Recording. I'm living that same

life. Yeah, and now we are recording.

So let's go ahead and get this started.

We still got plenty of time, right? We got at least an hour. Yeah,

we're good. Okay, cool. We're way good. All right, so three,

two, one. How the do I pull it together? I am

so gone. Yeah, dude, I don't know. You're sounding great. You're doing

great. Years of pretending to be okay,

trying to fake out a dad who knows what people are stoned, sound like and

act like. See, that's. I get it. We'll keep

an eye on that. Yeah, we might have to restart your phone again. Sorry about

that. Yeah, it's all right. We'll see how this one goes. All right, so just

as you were saying. Yeah, it wasn't bad. So we can come right back in

three, two, one. Oh, Jesus Christ, Cort.

Why did you write that? So stupid. Oh, yeah, you're stoned. Three,

two, one. I wrote that like I was Yoda. Yeah,

right. Hey, I got you back again. Yeah, sorry. Somebody texted

me and that kicked me out. And it did it the last time, too,

so that's weird. I don't know why that's happening. Oh, well, I don't know either.

Yeah. All right, so I'm just gonna go ahead and read where

I left off. Again with that. Okay. Did want to point out a

few more things that I was forgetting about until just

now, and it just left my mind again, which is really funny that that just

happened. Jesus Christ. I just. Just losing you just totally

messed me up. Whenever you're. You're dropping out, it made me forget the thing that

I wanted to mention. Whoops. It's no problem.

Oh, well. Oh, yeah, no,

whenever someone texts me, it drops the connection. That's funny. Well, I just texted

you again, so hopefully it won't drop you again. No, no, no, no. I already

got your text when I was reconnecting, so we're good. Okay. And you're back.

And I'm back. All right, all right. This is getting ridiculous. A bit

annoying. All right, go ahead. I'm just trying to. Want to

add anything to that that. Yeah.


There. Three, two, one.

So I have this new feature, man. I found a way to hook your anxiety

up so we can record it. Oh, yeah. Like an audio form of your anxiety.

Okay. You're a loser. You're a loser. You're a loser. You're a loser.

You're a loser. You're a loser. You're a loser. You're a loser.

See, it's. It's kind of like my inner model monologue come to

life. That's your very much anxiety. Like everything you're anxiety.

Yeah, it really. I say my inner monologue because my

anxiety is everything. There's no other. There's no confidence or anything.

Oh, it's your total inner monologue. That is my total inner monologue right there.

That's what I hear in my head during silences. Now that I brought that to

your attention, let's listen to it again.

You're a loser. You're a loser. You're a loser. You're a loser.

Wow. Yeah. That's what it sounds like in my head.

Jeez. Let's see what it sounds like in my head on my subconscious level.

Hey, fuckers. Religious bullshit. God's not real. That makes sense.

Is it my voice too? Yeah. Weird.

So enjoy that while you kick the fuck out of this week and make it

your bitch. You know that song? It plays at every sporting event you've ever been

to. Yeah, of course, man. I need to stop it so I can get you

the hell out of here. So that means I also need to stop this recording.


Creators and Guests

Podcaster, Horror SuperFreak, Obsessive Movie collector, amateur bass slapper, guitarist, full-stack developer, and low key mad scientist.
Cinema_PSYOPS_EP499: Giant Monsters FSU:  Godzilla vs. Gigan 1972  (Main Feed)
Broadcast by