Duncan and Bo Come True Detective: Night Country – Part Two
Are you seeing the dead?
When did that start?
Miss Travis.
I know people are born with it.
And then of course there's Ennis.
It happens around here all the time.
I think the world...
is getting old.
And Ennis is where the fabric of all things...
is coming apart at the seams.
Duncan and both come correct.
This all seems on the up and up.
This seems like something I can do.
I want to start with a little story.
Oh, I love storytime with Paul. It's been a while.
It's not that good a story.
But I think it's more of a bizarre happening.
So I'm walking the dog.
Get home from work, grab the dog.
The dog's all excited, you know, because it's poop time.
And I take the dog on his walk.
And someone has lain across a garbage bin.
As you say in your Nick of the Nape.
A full size.
And when I say full size, I mean human being size.
Stuffed bear.
So it's just like sprawled across the thing.
As if it had been shot and staggered backward and fallen onto it.
So I walk by it and I'm like, well, that's pretty fucking weird.
And the dog, like the hackles go up because the dog thinks it's a person.
A somebody is there.
And I'm like, no, no, no.
So, you know, we go on her walk and on the way back, here's the here's
the reason I want to bring this up, Duncan.
Here's the reason it's a problem is the first thought I had was like,
well, I got to get that, right?
Like I can't just leave that there.
But then I like cooler hits prevailed.
Yeah, because then I was like, well, then I'm just going to throw it away
in like a week after I realized like, what the fuck am I doing?
Why did I do that?
Right. Like rescuing stuffed animals from their rightful fate
in the dump.
But it was like, but it kind of blew my mind that there's this like
pristine, like it wasn't ratty or missing an eye or anything.
And immediately I'm building this Hemingway-esque tale of a love gone wrong.
And this was the bear that he won for at the fair.
It's almost as if you've never watched any horror movies.
At all, boy, like not one, not one.
I literally opened into a horror movie right there.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'd really be asking for like a five nights at Bose scenario.
Five nights at Bose.
But it blew my mind.
Like I could look at my window right now and see it.
And it's there taunting me with its very existence.
Yeah, you will be saying that if you open the curtains and it's like, well, hi,
bowl, right, it's right there right at the window.
Like that. Are you going to rescue me?
I'm going to rescue you.
Oh, fuck Duncan.
Call the bear police.
It's like the screen goes black and all of a sudden it's Duncan and bear conqueror.
Do you want to watch Twin Peaks with me?
Yes, yes, I do, Mr. Bear.
We can speak in the Twin Peaks, by the way.
Come come on.
What's going on?
Did I what did I miss?
We have a new log lady.
What Fiona?
Sure. Oh, shit.
OK, she is she is she is log lady.
Come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
I was like, what the what have you heard?
What's going on?
Are they are they're going to be another season?
We have a new log lady, ladies and gents.
In fact, actually, if David Lynch wants to replace the log lady, yes.
And the future, that's who you replace her with.
Well, yes, we'll get it.
Fiona Shaw comes front and center in these episodes or this episode episode.
I've not seen the next one yet.
No, no, no, as soon as we finish this, I'm going to watch that.
That's literally what I because I thought I didn't want to color any.
It's what I said, yes, we're working professionals.
That's fucking professionals.
So. So.
We are, of course, talking about true detective season four.
Episode two, we'll get into that in a minute.
We didn't say this earlier, but this is, in fact, Dunkin'A-Bow.
Not Dunkin'A-Beer come correct.
Not Dunkin'A-Bow come correct.
I'll be here if you need me.
I'll be waiting in the wings.
Just watching in the judging.
You know, you're falling hard times
when a teddy bear that's been thrown out is judging you.
So at that time, I don't know if I've ever told you this.
I used to have, I used to be particularly fond of
when I was a bit younger of a clothing brand called Iron Fist.
And they used to make the most obnoxiously loud tops.
I mean, like really, really, really loud tops.
But it do look like horror collabs and stuff.
It's really, really cool.
And I had this one top and it was called Tentacle Eyeball.
And it was pretty much what it sounds like.
It was like the most like garish,
illuminous colored, like blue tentacles or all these things.
And giant eyeballs all over it.
And I fucking loved this.
And I wore it out for a night out drinking in Edinburgh.
And Edinburgh already looks like it's fucking Hogwarts, right?
Already, it's like it's an old myth, like the fog rolls in.
It's like, you literally expect to hear like, Jack the Ripper struck again.
You know what I mean? Like literally that's a Barbie walking by.
Oh, it's what it feels like.
And I was walking down one of the many alleys,
which if you didn't know Edinburgh, you would think,
well, I'm going to die if I walk down there, but you're not going to die.
I was walking down and a shit, you know, as I was walking down
with my now wife, what passed a homeless guy who said,
excuse me, man, excuse me.
And I found out about what it was like that, even I wouldn't be at that top.
I was like, I've just been heckled with a home,
heckled by a homeless man who would be a very self aware homeless.
Oh, yeah. He was like, he was fully, he was fully looked at that top.
And he was like, even if I was cold, even if I was hungry,
I would not wear that.
I mean, I'm a piece of shit, but even I wouldn't wear that.
I have no idea why fucking Dick Van Dyke all of a sudden has appeared.
Allow Mary Poppins.
I would wear that hoodie because that is how I.
No matter what country you are from in the UK,
it all sounds like Dick Van Dyke to me.
Is it so is all an American doing a bad thing with accent?
Oh, awesome. Right. Awesome.
That's kind of sound smart also.
I don't know if he was trying to send smart on airs.
Anyway, this is off to a very good start.
Awesome. Duncan. Yes.
Let us talk about what we've been watching one good, one bad.
And please, by all means, kick it off.
Take your pick. What do you think?
Yeah, so in my good, in my good, I revisited
because we are mere what a month and a bit away from part two.
I revisited Denis Villeneuve's Dune.
Yeah, I've yet to do that, but I will.
But you had seen it first time round. Oh, yeah, I love it.
It's it's even better on the second watch.
But even better like like small nuances that I picked up
and in some of the design.
Like Villeneuve is such a fucking great director
that like you can miss it just watching the scenes,
like stuff in the background, like a particular detail.
But what I had forgotten is just like just in general,
how great the casting is in that movie.
Like across the board is just like actors
that I don't particularly like shining the roles that they've been given.
And then all the actors are just like phenomenal.
Like it's a tour de force watching them.
So and I mean, that movie is what I was about two and three
quarter hours in length, I think, and it flies flies right through.
So so yeah, like this is your this is your
public service announcement, your PSA, ladies and gents,
to remind you out there that Denis Villeneuve is arguably
pound for pound, one of the best directors just walking the planet.
And it doesn't matter if these movies make millions upon millions or the they do.
It doesn't matter because he will still make incredible movies as if it's nothing.
That man has never made a bad movie.
In fact, if anything, his movies just keep getting more engaging, grander.
His world building is just as mind blown.
And yeah, we are all better people for having him in here.
He did tease that I wanted to do more
than beyond the second and final chapter.
And as much as I want that, I'm also going to say no, like no.
Do you got the two parts out?
That's great. Now go and do something else.
Go go do something else.
But give me another Blade Runner because I'm selfish that way.
Yeah, just do anything.
Yeah, I I think I'm partial to Arrival.
Arrival Arrival is arguably his best form.
And I think it's because the the the concept,
the visuals and the storytelling are probably at their peak.
It's so good.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I am not.
I agree, he does not have a bad film.
Just something about Arrival.
And I have a little bit of an Amy Adams crush naturally.
And so I just love it.
But like you said, the design, the whole concept of these aliens
communicating in a way that is just totally beyond our pin.
And that being the puzzle of the movie, that appeals to me in a very
like I love linguistics.
And so yeah, it's just I think he just operates as a filmmaker
on a completely different level.
Yeah, I think he is.
Like there are certain filmmakers that just find their their language
very, very, very quick in their career.
And then they just like for better or worse, they continue that through.
Oh, we spoke about it on when we were doing our recording
for the Palma on podcast under the stairs, the first part.
And I was talking about how like there are just there are a few filmmakers
now that just can command huge budgets and studios.
Like maybe they do get involved, but it doesn't like appear to affect me in any way.
And even though he's made a lot of trash, I always come back to Ridley Scott.
Ridley Scott is a filmmaker that just seems to churn out
like hundred million dollar movies.
Like just and it doesn't it doesn't matter how they land at all.
He's like, as soon as it's out there, he's on to the next project.
And I get the feeling that like didn't deal with us a much better filmmaker.
But the comparison being like he's had some movies like Blade Runner was not
a financial success, Arrival was not a financial success.
And I want to say Sicario was, but I don't think it was by much.
But he still he still was like that done.
And we're like, yeah, two like what two movies and all the money like here here
and have it and he just he just keeps.
But his movies are so well put together.
Like it's like proper storytelling when you watch one of his movies.
I just it's it's incredible.
But the one thing you can say about being being new and getting money at least is
like you said, I mean, out of the gate, he is he was freakishly good.
Oh, yeah, like you look at he had him as two early movies where enemy,
which I still think is fantastic though.
Yeah, mind blown and prisoners, which is also like like an incredible movie as well.
There we go. And to that point, prisoners garnered Oscar attention.
Yes. Oh, yeah. As did every movie he's made since.
So even since it wasn't critically, they've all been very well received.
And like from from an awards point of view,
his movies are always in contention, like every every single one is always.
And that's probably why at that level you can command budget.
Right, because, you know, studios do gamble to an extent.
But if like every time out of the gate,
this guy is getting Oscar nominations for his cast or the movie or whatever.
It's like one of these days, one of these is going to fucking.
Yeah, one of these days is going to land.
Yeah, he is one of those guys that you imagine
like the Oscars are eventually going to do the apology award.
And it's going to be his least impressive movie.
And they're going to like best picture.
His return. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, because that always that always happens.
It always happens where they kind of feel like, you know, this guy,
like, we're going to take a look at the list here.
He hasn't won an Oscar yet.
That's on us, ladies and gents.
We will fix that.
What are you direct this year?
A toothpaste commercial? Best I've ever seen.
Like the new Garfield movie, Oscar like government.
But it's actually about President James Garfield and not the cat.
But yeah, that's that's what I watched.
Good. What I watched bad.
And we mentioned Ridley Scott.
Don't know why I did this to myself.
I saw it in the cinema and I thought I'd put myself through it again
because I thought maybe it was just it hit me wrong.
Maybe it's because I went in expecting.
I don't know a history biopic.
But I'm going to check out that Napoleon movie again.
It's fucking awful.
It's really, really, really, really bad.
Just kind of like bafflingly bad as a movie, which I don't.
I think I think he just decided
he didn't like the French and he was going to troll them.
I honestly think I don't know
how you could take arguably for better or worse,
one of the most important people in European geopolitical history
and devolve them into almost a comedic.
Like like Bethune is the best way I can discuss.
He's a Bethune in the movie.
Like and it just like skips over all the all the stuff.
I'm going to see a movie about Napoleon.
I'm like that are the battles that we are going to get to see.
And he had a Yada Yadas through a lot of it.
And then we do a bit of digging in the background.
I think the movie was shot in 30 days,
which is fucking a bit like action scenes and everything.
He was in and out in 30 days.
And I heard the story that essentially there was three or four movies
pitched on Napoleon that were trying to get off the ground.
And I think he had time in between projects.
He was just like that.
I can make a Napoleon movie and just do it in 30 days.
And that but that's the craft.
That's what was saying earlier on as a filmmaker to watch that
and think this was done in 30 days is mind blown.
It doesn't make sense.
It doesn't make sense, right?
But when you see the story, you're like that.
Yeah, this is why you just cut out all the really, really,
really, really cool interests and stuff.
And he's like, oh, yeah, there's a four and a half hour cut in this movie.
And I'm like, oh, so all the battles are in that.
He's like, yeah, it's all the intricate love scenes
between him and his mistress and what that no one wants that movie.
Right. Well, yeah, when you think of Napoleon,
what you think about is like palace romance, intrigue.
I honestly think there was a part of him that when he put like.
I looked at the reason I mentioned this is because I watched Prometheus last night.
Well, since I watched that, I really like Prometheus.
It is a hugely flawed movie, right?
A hugely flawed movie.
But I like it because.
Conceptually speaking, the idea of.
You know, the creator meeting the creator and realising.
Well, I think expecting answers to a question you'll never get as a
as a concept is incredibly nihilistic.
And I kind of love it for that, right?
That did made that movie and people were like,
it's not really an alien movie.
And then he made Covenant, which made me wonder if Ridley Scott knew
what an alien movie was because that movie is fucking garbage.
Like absolute garbage.
And I wonder if there's a part of me that thinks that maybe he's just a troll now.
Like, oh, you didn't like it.
Oh, you want me to make a Napoleon movie?
Well, I'll make my Napoleon movie, which has none of the good shit in it.
Oh, you want an alien movie?
Do you want a sequel to Prometheus that's sitting all well instead?
I'm just going to get a shite movie, which cuts all the good stuff.
And all we'll put them with special features and YouTube.
But the whole YouTube thing that explains what happens to
the main character from the previous movie.
Imagine if I did that to to Ripley in Aliens or that.
Oh, yeah, you have to go on YouTube to find out what happened to her.
But here are the Marines.
And it's just I don't know.
I don't know.
It's technically a very, very well made movie.
As a movie, though, shit.
How about you?
I don't think I'll see Napoleon.
I just I can't think of a good reason to.
I heard the movies.
Plus, it's long. Yeah, that's real long, yeah, it's long.
Yeah. And if I'm going to get into that, then why am I not just watching
like, you know, Killers of a Flower?
Yes, he's another thing like at the end of the movie,
he puts up, you know, like at the end of I open, she gets stats.
Like generally, you know, in this year or that.
The stats that come up at the end of the movie are how many Frenchmen died.
That's it. And the Napoleon Wars, not at one point, he conquered
like basically all mainland Europe, you know, and in Africa.
All these all the campaigns you go to Africa.
It goes to Africa for Africa for five minutes
when it shows Napoleon shooting a cannon at a sphinx.
All right.
And then he's like, oh, we think your your your your wife is having an affair.
And he's like, well, I must go back to France.
And that is it.
Like none of the concrete I'm telling you is baffling.
It is like it is like I can't get my head round.
What he thought he was making.
That sounds like what what you people would call a shite.
It is. Oh, yes, it's very much a shite movie.
So yeah, that was my that was my bad.
So I went like the dizzying highs of cinema to the the fucking dark
and murky lows of cinema and the space over weekend.
So all right, well, let me let me hit you with my good and bad then.
My good is for some reason.
My my vibe of late has been movies that capture kind of a 70s era feel.
Yeah, of like character drama stuff.
OK, so like holdovers is what started down this dark path.
Dark path of awesome bull.
Yeah, well, so I ended up watching Air, the Michael Jordan sneaker movie.
Oh, right. Yeah. Have you seen it?
I have not seen it. No, it is a great.
Like tangential sports movie.
This is what I'm hearing.
And it's Ben Affleck directed it.
It's well directed.
He is very funny and self deprecating in the movie.
He's a good director, but he's like he's another one where like you can sleep on.
Like you take a look at some of his directing credits.
Ben Affleck is a surprisingly good director.
He very much is.
And and this is, you know, not small stakes.
It's, you know, the drama is, hey, Nike,
this fledgling company that is only known for running shoes
is trying to break into the basketball shoe game.
And they're going after this rookie
that everybody believes is going to be amazing.
And it's just that movie.
It's it's Matt Damon as this like schlubby dude,
like bouncing around the country, trying to secure this deal.
And it's got a lot of good other character actors
alongside them, and it's wonderful.
It's occasionally very funny.
And yeah, it's just a solid movie.
Like it it's a nice character drama.
And when you finally get the payoff,
it feels it's not like Hoosiers level stand up and cheer.
But it's that moment of like, I'm glad everything worked out for those guys, you know,
like it's just a really nice story.
And Matt Damon has a great moment
where he talks about the significance of Michael Jordan
that is like, oh, this is an Oscar speech.
You know, like he just nails it.
It's really good.
So if you haven't seen air, check out air.
It's if you have a frame. Yeah.
Yeah, it's free on prime and it totally worth your time.
I think it's under two hours, I think, or right after that.
Well, that will win an argument for me, but I can't do it.
Yeah, it's not super long.
Yeah, it's it's a great, you know,
like it like to call it a great movie isn't right
because like Lawrence of Arabia is a great.
Yeah, you know, air is a really, really, really good,
comfortable, enjoyable, enjoyable, entertaining movie.
Yeah. OK.
Then with the bad show, I did.
All right, dude.
So in my journey through getting ready
for my own top 10 list for the year.
You film at some blank spots here.
Well, I was and what I ended up watching
because people were like, no, no, no, this is a good one.
I watch fucking saw X.
And yeah, and I like I was duped.
You know, I was like, yeah.
See, I went in with a bag of skepticism,
like I was like, do I need this movie?
And the answer is
if I'd come out first.
Yeah, yeah, maybe.
Yeah, but we're so far in and now that the idea
of retconning this character in any way to make me feel,
I don't know, a modicum of sympathy.
Like, see the end of saw.
Do you ever?
I mean, the first movie, do you ever feel sorry for Jigsaw?
No, I mean, you can.
You see his rationale.
You have some empathy, I suppose, for his plight.
Yeah, but my my kind of my kind of overriding feeling was.
I mean, in print, in principle, I like your I like your idea
of doling out some sort of justice, but it just seems like
it's just a little bit heavy handed.
Yeah, the scales seem to be colossally weighed in one direction.
Well, in this one, man, have you seen it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So this one, this one made my top 20 by the skin of its teeth.
So the problem with saw X as I see it.
Is that it's more of the same?
I mean, it's brighter.
The color palette is mostly different until at a certain
point in the movie, you just become another saw film.
Yes, like all this stuff with him getting like going and getting
the treatment and figuring out that he'd been conned and all
that stuff. I'm like, oh, you get him, Jigsaw.
You know, like I was I was into it.
I was like, but I wanted it to be like, you know,
I've been waiting in the back of your car all day.
Yeah, this trap here, you know.
And instead, it's like, you know, I've lured you into this factory.
Now all of you are going to play a game.
And you're like, yeah, this is the same fucking movie I've seen.
Yeah, yeah, that's literally I don't know at what point.
Filmmakers wanted to start making the villains in our movies.
Sympathetic or like likable.
Well, the whole point is like we like our killers in our movies
and our franchise movies because they're not likable.
Like Jason Voorhees is not a likable character.
Yet you cheer him to kill the, you know, the the co-eds or whatever.
Like Freddy Krueger is not a likable character,
but you look forward to seeing what he's going to do.
Michael Myers is not a likable guy, like as soon as like for some reason.
And I want it like the the the time came on that don't breathe to a movie.
We're the like, remember that guy that kidnapped a woman
and like artificially inseminated and raped on loads like that.
Oh, well, now he's looking after this little girl.
Well, we should root for this guy.
And I'm like that rape, like the previous movie, rape, rapist,
rapist murderer, like and I have to cheer for him.
You're right, he could be coming after them.
That's fine.
But yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't know where the switch came in.
And my problem with with Saw X is like very much like the insidious prequels,
which like drive me fucking crazy, although that insidious,
like fucking five movies pointless.
That like as soon as I as soon as I start watching those movies,
it retcons things in a way that don't feel satisfying.
Like now now the structure
of those movies don't make sense
because the motivation that was assigned to that movie
now no longer makes sense after it.
And that just that you might as well just like piss in my open mouth.
Like that's that's how that's how welcome I am to having like fucking
all the ideas of canon just ruined for me.
So yeah, like as I'm as a standalone movie,
yeah, like as a movie where someone is wronged and gets revenge.
It's fine. It's good.
Well, that as a saw movie is just another saw movie in some movies.
Ain't great. Yeah. Yeah.
And it also has one of the more ridiculous like
I knew you were going to do that.
And so I I planned this incredibly elaborate thing that I knew.
I knew you were going to do it.
I've created this elaborate thing,
but I couldn't realize you were calling me over my cancer medication.
Like how fucking stupid is this guy?
But at the same time, a fucking genius.
How did the two marry? It doesn't make sense.
Yeah, if you were such a student of human behavior that you can predict.
You know, like down to that,
like the the betrayals that you'll make with each other.
You know, like human chess, he's like that.
So if I move the queen here, he'll move the pawn there,
which means I need to check moving seven.
You know, check me.
I just like it's just a lot of fucking nonsense.
Like Linda Morrill and Cooper, the delicate chess game.
I had the heady days of Linda, Meryl.
That man's head was on fire.
But I'm still fucking fire.
Those are the ones I'm watching now as I've been going back through it.
And so I'm on like episode 17.
Oh, you're not far from the end.
No, no, no, no, no, no, I'm I'm within what six weeks.
I will have certainly watched Firewalk with me again.
So it's so good, I know.
So but yeah, yeah, yeah, the moral of story.
Pugsaw exits. Oh, you're getting another one.
So they are making and made so much money that you do like that.
We're going to another one of my plans.
This one set like honestly, like there's only so much hello,
fellow children we can do with Tobin Bell, right?
He's fucking old, right?
He looked fucking ancient.
I was like, oh, are they doing a makeup job?
It was like, no, the man is just he's been doing this for what,
30 years at this point?
When was so sauce two thousand and ten.
Two thousand and nine. Is it that late?
I need to find out now.
When was so sauce sauce sauce sauce sauce sauce?
No, you're you're right.
Poor answer. I think it was like two thousand two thousand and four.
You've been doing it 20 years and he was an old man then, right?
Like Tobin Bell is like a 70 year old just walking around like,
guess what? I built an elaborate trap.
That also has the added benefit of giving me my daily geritol.
I was just I don't need like a pez.
It was born it was born in nineteen forty two.
OK, so the second world war, the second world war was still on.
So he's 82 years old now.
I want to play a game.
I'm going to try to get out of this chair.
Try to get the chair. Oh, man, I just like so there's going to be another one.
You know what will happen?
It will not be as good as the one that just dropped.
Everyone's going to slowly lose interest again and rinse and repeat.
Hey, you want to talk about some true detective?
I would love to talk about this right now is my motherfucking.
This is hitting all the sweet spots with me this season.
So far, it's just like what's like remember how we tease some stuff
and you thought maybe they're not going to know we're just we are.
We are fisting the spiral.
We are fisting it right in front of you.
It as soon as episode two really started in earnest.
Yeah. There was a moment where I was like,
oh, it seems so quaint that we were talking about like, do you see there's
it looks like the outline of the spiral a little bit and maybe it was this day.
I was like, oh, fuck, they're like, they're just on his fucking forehead, right?
Everybody's got the spiral and said the ceiling.
Yeah. And like just every I'm just like, there's fucking spirals everywhere.
There's more spirals in this season, a true detective than there was in season one.
And I am all fucking for it.
Give me it. And, you know, the father thing turned out to be 100 percent right.
Although we have we have commerce that we've so we missed a detail
by the way, ladies and gents, as the detail
that would have helped us understand the revelation of who is still alive.
And this episode, I went back through,
watched the first episode again before I watched the second episode,
because I'm going to fucking do this back to back.
And they cover it in this episode.
The delivery driver when he's like, hey, you guys in here.
He's eating the funions and all the rest.
And as he's walking around, there is a shot in the background
of someone that moves past him wearing the pink ring, the pink overcoat.
Oh, OK. So that's why they couldn't find it in the
because I was like that fucks, I hit pause on it.
And I was like, that's the cop.
So he clearly was wearing the coat.
So Clark has that coat.
Yes, he has the coat.
So he was in there when he went in.
So he was still in there.
So it. But the other guys had been dead for.
A couple of days.
Oh, OK. In the snow.
Oh, yeah. And we're going to get to the scene right from the fucking thing.
This this thing is just it was a little bit of marry me.
But. All right.
So just called part two, written and directed by Issa Lopez.
It doesn't start with the thing.
It starts with fucking Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Because it's just straight up the ripoff of.
And like the the the photographs and like flaring.
I had the camera to see, you know, this pile of frozen people.
And totem of human atrocity.
It's oh, it's so as soon as I saw that, I was like, fucking Issa Lopez.
Just like, oh, she said it.
She said she was leaning into the horror on this season.
And by God, did she come out fucking swinging?
But she's just throwing like chum into the water for a movie fan.
Like you are so directly baiting horror audiences with like the thing stuff
and the, you know, the shining stuff.
And and like I said, this is such a direct reference to TCM.
It's crazy.
And we also get some further details that all of these guys also have ruptured
ear drums. Yeah.
So so they bled from the ears.
So we're getting the initial investigations on this.
We've got Danvers as played by Joni Foster and her Padawan,
for lack of a better word, Pete, who she's down like right beside them.
And they're kind of they're brushing away the snow from the ears and the ears
are like basically they've all had ruptured ear drums.
There's a talk about them, you know, being fined naked with no clothes.
And then there's a comment about hypothermia.
Isolopes had said that one of the big influences or was the
deliative pass incident, which has recently been.
Unmystified, where science is basically said, yeah, this is how this happened.
And everyone's like, that's how it happened.
But yeah, during hypothermia, your body tricks itself into thinking
you're overheating and so you will undress because you think you're overheating
when you're actually freezing to death.
And paradoxical undressing is what it's called.
Yeah, it's fucking horrific, right?
So but there's people with bite marks and fucking like the clothes
have been neatly folded and placed at the side.
But not all the clothes are accounted for.
So some of the shoes are missing and we'll touch on that a bit later.
But they're kind of going through this.
I love this scene because Danvers is
surrounded by the worst group of cops ever.
Right. And so and we're finding out these horrible details like the ears.
One dude like try to claw his eyes out.
Yes, basically try to claw his eyes out of his own skull.
Right, right, where we're going.
We don't need it.
I mean, it's like.
And one of the, you know, Pete is pointing out like, hey,
one of these dudes has the spiral on his forehead.
Danvers is like, listen, we don't have a medical examiner.
We probably don't have to send this whole thing down to Anchorage.
And then it's like, oh, she calls that a shitball, which comes up again.
She's like, this is a shitball.
She's like, like, we're never going to solve it.
It's just going to, it's going to lead to misery.
It's going to go on forever.
We'll get kicked this down to Anchorage, get rid of it.
And then she's for what, 30 seconds?
Yeah, I think she looks at it.
And then she's like, but there's she's a really like she's playing
a really interesting role because there's loads of like, I think she's brilliant
in this season. I genuinely think she's fucking awesome.
But she she instantly kind of doubts herself.
I think we're going to, we've still to get the flashback, right?
That true detective gives you.
And I dare say either next episode or the episode after,
we're going to get the flashback to the original investigation of Annie Kay.
And what happened there that basically kind of separated her and our then partner.
So I think we're going to get that.
But it's like that 30 seconds encapsulates that.
No, I need to do something here is she's reconciling that in her brain.
You hear a chainsaw go and I was a guy just cutting it.
She's like, whoa, it's kind of fucking cutting right beside the bodies
with the chainsaw and she's like 30 meters, 30 meters.
Like what are you doing?
And he's like, huh?
And then she turns around and there's a guy doing a selfie.
Like an like an Abu Ghraib selfie beside the fucking.
But it is 1000 percent grab assery every as far as the eye can see.
Like every one of them is doing something fucking knuckleheaded.
And yeah, and she's like, enough.
God damn it. She's like, she's like.
And then she's like, she's fucking gives him a like a.
And it's in fucking our good buddy here.
And I forgot these days, John Hawks Hank.
It's just like, oh, they're just blowing off steam.
Right. She's like, it's a goddamn crime scene.
It's a fucking crime.
And they're just having fun.
Yeah. Oh, these boys, I never seen nothing like this before.
Like who cares that they get a couple of pictures.
She's like, what the fuck is going on with all of these?
And she literally she's like, maybe we should behave like we fucking know what we're doing.
Yeah. And she shuts them down and everyone goes quiet.
And that's what I love about her.
Like like she she isn't there to make friends.
Yeah. And she is like she she's a ball buster in the best possible way.
Like even I even I stopped messing up.
I was like I was eating sweets and she was like, I was fucking like settle down.
I was like, oh, I can put my bag.
Yeah. So I went I went and put on pants.
Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, Miss Foster.
So away from away from this.
Yeah. Borrow and Fiona Shaw, our log lady, as you pointed out,
our hundred percent the log lady by the way.
Oh, she you were this episode is where you're like, oh, OK,
I see why you paid Fiona Shaw money for Fiona Shaw because she's incredible in this.
And she's so good. She's so good.
So they're hanging out on the kind of periphery of this crime scene.
Yeah. And Fiona Shaw is like, you know what?
You really you ought to steer clear of this one, like yeah, away from this thing.
And and Navarro says, I can't because this has something to do with Annie Kay.
And Fiona Shaw goes, oh, well, you're screwed then.
Yeah. It's so good.
It's such a good delivery.
Like it's a matter of fact, it's like, well, that that sucks.
I know you got to do it, but you're not.
And but she tells them are like, hey, when all this is over, come see me.
Check in with me.
And she takes off. And that's where Navarro notices all of the clothes
from these dudes, like neatly folded in the ice,
you know, several meters away from the pile. Yeah.
And back to the pile, speaking of
Wilson is the guy's name.
He's the most responsible Wilson.
Bucking around and breaks an arm off of one of the dudes.
And Jody Foster is like, what did you do?
And he's like, I broke this then Duncan.
I got like, I honestly, like you will you will never know
how much giddy glee I did this.
I like, honestly, I was two seconds away from going, Hercules, Hercules, Hercules.
Like, yeah, I didn't know what the fuck.
But in like that happy way where you're like, oh, you went for it.
Fucking yes.
Yeah. So Wilson breaks off one of the arms
and the owner of said arm frozen in the ice starts to scream.
Yeah. He basically does an inward scream.
He becomes Donald Sutherland from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
It's like.
At which point, Jody Foster goes, Jesus, fucking Christ.
And I was like, yes, yes, credits.
And then we get into the Billy Eilish song.
You're like, oh, fucking yes.
So I was like, throw it.
And I think this is I might be wrong about this.
I think this is the first season of True Detective that gives us those cold opens.
I think you're right. I think you're right.
I've been I've been rewatching season one
for reasons that will come evident shortly.
I'll be rewatching season one and all of those start with credits.
They don't give you a scene.
They jump into credits as I'll start with credits. So.
OK, all right.
It's a smart choice. I like it.
I do, too. Like this is that kind of fun, true detective season
that I've kind of been hoping for.
Like not that there's been a truly terrible season of the show.
And one in three are both very good.
Yes, particular.
But this is the first one that feels like it is.
Maybe it's because it's six episodes,
but it feels like we're really trucking.
Yeah, we will have to be there.
We have no there's no there's no room here at all not to speed this up,
especially with all the stuff that they're kind of thrown at you.
I also think as well, there is an anthology TV show.
You should try and approach things differently.
And we spoke about this before.
Every season has its own vibe, right?
And season two, I think the reason a lot of people couldn't get on with it
and the reason I got on with it so quickly is like I grew up watching
like fucking like 1940s, 1950s in the war movies.
Like my granddad was obsessed with noir.
So like I sat down and watched that.
And I was like, all right, like this is this is just this is a noir
kind of crime story, and I am in on that one.
And like, but that's not how like season one's like a Southern Gothic.
You know what I mean?
It's like a Southern Gothic.
The season, sorry, season three is the unreliable narrator.
Like that's what makes it so great.
It's like, as soon as you realize that, you're like, oh, like fucking,
we've got loads of different time frames here and none of them might be right.
And this one here is the one where of all the seasons where they have teased
something supernatural, whether that's the Lovecraftian element from season one
or the like when you were watching season two, the fucking animal head killer.
And you're like, what the fuck is this?
This is creepy and weird.
And like, it's a Lopez has been like that right.
This is the horror season.
Like she's like, she's put her stamp on it straight.
I am the horror director.
You've brought me in to do the horror season.
Here is the horror season.
Strap in and she is she is it's not subtle.
She is swinging like almost every scene.
She is swinging a big old horror dick right in your face.
It's just I love it so much.
And even when we spoke about this, even the credits.
Just have this like fucking weird creepy horror vibe about them.
And even the music choice, the Billie Eilish song, it's kind of
it's it's almost minimalist, which kind of makes it even creepier.
Like, I don't know.
It's just it's the marine of opening credits.
It's an animal credit sequence is what it is.
Animal. Yeah.
But yeah, for all of the reasons you've described,
I'm just having a blast with this one.
Like, I, you know, when we get done recording this,
I get to go watch the new episode.
And I'm so excited to kind of kick back and just wallow.
And because I know like the next two episodes are really going to be
the the limits of the the expansion and then the beginning of the contraction.
Yeah, yeah, to start bringing this in to to to give us what we want.
Like I say, I'm almost there would be daft
not to start in either the next episode or the episode after start
to cover what happened in the previous investigation, which led to the fallout.
But at the moment, we are we're getting a lot of ground covers in this episode
who really, really, really do.
And let's let's let's swing into it.
So we kick back to Danvers who's on the phone with the hospital.
And they're like, hey, we've got to take one of these dudes legs off.
But fuck, he's alive.
And she's like, well, can I talk to him today, Dr.
Vlector? And they're like, no, my name is not Dr.
Lector. It's Dr. Henry.
You can see it, Dr.
Henry, Dr.
Henry. No.
it's stupid.
It's so good.
But anyway, they're like, hey, you can't talk to this dude today.
And Pete is like, hey, I've got an idea.
I think I know how we can move these bodies.
And so
so Jody Foster is like, all right, listen, I'm going to be at the school.
I'm going to go talk to my ex-boyfriend in one of the most uncomfortable
way as possible.
She had like, we are going to find out like Danvers
like some dick.
I am I am I am loving the fact that she does.
In fact, if anything, both her and Navarro share that.
Yeah, like when they want to get laid, they go and get laid.
And you know what, I mean, they are the embodiment of DBCC.
The number of times I was thinking, like, I wonder if they're going to do any fucking.
Oh, they should be fucking and they are.
Yeah, it's great.
And when Jody Foster gets down, I was like, fucking yes.
I also think though, Jody Foster is like, whereas Navarro is like she's sleeping
with a guy that owns the, the, you know, the fucking diner and all the rest.
Like, like Danvers is just like that.
Are you married? That's fine.
Like she's like, like the amount of people that don't like her
because she's a bit of a ball breaker as the police officer.
It's probably equal to the amount of fucking families.
She's just straight up fucking wrecked up.
She has wives that are pissed at her.
Yeah, I mean, we'll get to one in a minute, but oh, fuck.
She's like, look, sometimes you just want to get it wet.
Dr. Vector, she does become, by the way,
she becomes Dr. Lecter in this fucking series.
When she keeps saying you need to ask the right questions.
Yeah. And I'm like, oh, come on, come on.
It's like straight in the letter play of it.
So, yeah, so she goes to visit this dude who is Leah's father, I think.
Yes, I think you're right.
And as soon as she walks in, she's like, class dismissed.
Get out of here, you little fucking weirdos.
And he's like, hey, I don't think you can do that.
She's like, I can do what I want. I've got the badge.
And he's like, well, what do you want?
And she's like, she's like, go on now, go on now.
She's going to take care of him. Go on now.
We got it from here. We're going to take care of him.
And he's like, what are you doing here?
And she's like, I need you to explain to me what Salal does, Dr. Elector.
Yeah. And then we then we cut back to maybe my favorite scene of this episode
just because it's it's not the most exciting.
It's just such a cool scene, but it's Fiona Shaw talking into Varo.
It's like her stopping by after, you know,
the police have have taken off with all the bodies and whatnot.
And we do get confirmation here
that she is talking about Travis Cole, Rustin Cole's father.
Yeah. Unless there's another Travis Cole in Alaska.
I think that I think we've done enough that we're like, we're totally.
Yeah, it's 100 percent him.
What's interesting about this, and this is what I mentioned earlier on,
like, as soon as I watched this episode, I was like, that I need to fucking go back.
I need to go back, right? I need to go back and make sure everything's aligned.
So in season one of True Detective Matthew McConaughey says that his dad has leukemia, right?
And this season he died of leukemia or sorry, he died before leukemia took him.
So basically walked out into the middle of the frozen lake and died.
However. Interesting point.
So before, like when he goes undercover with the biker gang,
he takes a leave of absence to go to sick and ailing father.
He obviously doesn't go there.
He goes undercover and does all the stuff like that.
But the police officers in the interview room in the current time frame
say that when they're questioning Woody Harrelson or like that,
how much can you trust this guy disappears, comes off.
And would it surprise you to know that his dad didn't have leukemia?
So I now don't know if that's the cops trying to like
play a hand with like Marty to get Marty.
I think that he's bad by making up all these things.
Or if they didn't have the right information or if he hadn't died of leukemia at that point
or when it like I was just I was watching he's got that.
That's fucking strange, like really, really, really strange.
So once again, not not that I want to muddy the waters,
but like the fact he has leukemia, the fact his name is Travis Cole,
the fact he lives in Alaska, which are all things confirmed
and true detective season one.
I think, well, 99.9, 99 percent probability we can say this,
apart from the fact, even fucking looks like McConaughey.
This this was McConaughey's dad, who apparently was like a like a shaman.
I like I like the other shot talking about him.
Because the borough asks her something to the effect of like, do you see him a lot?
And because he's that like when he died, that's when she got the site.
She wasn't born with it.
She got after the left.
Well, and then with there's a caveat to that, but we'll get to that in a second.
But yeah, she says the thing that,
you know, Travis Cole only comes around when he wants something still,
you know, even though he's dead when he shows up, he wants something.
And so he had been diagnosed with leukemia and then walked into the water.
You know, and she talks about how like she he made her croissants
and, you know, they've made love and hung out in the bed and just
eventually he got up and was like, you know, I'll see you later.
And yeah, goes off and walks into the water.
And the borough was the one who found his body.
Yeah. And Shaw says, well, last gift Travis Cole ever gave me.
Was introducing me to you.
I was like, oh, what a wonderful way to look at that.
Yeah, because it's Fiona Shaw and she's a fucking national treasure.
But she does make a comment here that Travis ain't the only person that she sees.
That's dead.
She can communicate with dead people, which makes me wonder
when she was like that, you don't want to take this case.
Like, did she see something that wasn't Travis?
It's like that.
You know, this is out with Travis's funky dead dance.
Like, did she see something from beyond the grave?
That's like that. Yeah.
This is a this is a noble no touch.
This or had the just the impression or the vibe or whatever.
But yeah, you would think that there was something kind of in tune.
And she also says, you know, that's just in us that people see things.
And this comes up this line. Love this line.
Yeah. Yeah.
She says, you know, the world's getting old and it's coming apart
at the seams and the this in us is where the the seams are stretching.
And she's not the only person that makes reference to dead people being seen
in and it's the fucking truck driver who was seeing a little bit
basically says the same thing. Yeah.
But even the dead get bored.
I think is what he says. Absolutely.
And yeah. And Navarro starts to bring up her sister.
You see shit.
And Shaw because she is amazing in this is like, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Hey, let's not confuse the spirit world
from someone who just needs, you know, mental health.
Yeah. And Navarro is like, yeah, I think maybe we got to do a little something.
And before she leaves, though, Shaw tells her.
Well, she recommends that she goes to the Lighthouse,
which is the second time this has been mentioned.
And I don't know.
I think I want to stretch things out here.
I think the Lighthouse might be behind some of this.
It just sounds like a nefarious place.
And I actually think I think we're going to find out
there may be some capital T involvement with it as well.
Oh, really?
Yeah. I think the money goes there as well.
OK, I have a whole theory that I've passed out from watching this episode
that may be wildly wrong, right?
But I think this is more season one than something else.
OK, all right. Well, when we get to the end, yeah, we will, we will.
I will put down my more people theory.
More people.
Anyway, so this is also the point where Shaw tells Navarro like,
hey, remember, when you're dealing with the dead,
some visit you because they miss you.
Some because they have something to tell you that you need here
and some because they want to take you with them.
Yeah. And you need to know the difference,
which I thought was also fantastic and creepy and one.
And then we go back to the school
where Danvers is talking to her ex about Salal.
Yeah. And he says like they were basically looking for some micro organism
that essentially could give you kind of immortality.
Yeah, they would slow down aging, but also cure all disease.
Right. And he he also says like there was no way this was ever going to work,
though, because permafrost stretches.
And so any of the like mitochondria or whatever would have been ripped apart
and whatever samples they pulled would have been worthless anyway.
And also that they've been up there for years.
Like there's been no rotation.
So you've got to think at some level, like
if we find out this is cabin fever, I would believe that.
You know, I mean, if we find out that one of them just went nuts because of cabin fever,
that would make sense.
Although we're going to get more details about our prime suspect,
which come on the cover of those fucking red herringbow.
But I like it. I like the fact that it's just weird.
Yes, all weird. It's all incredibly weird.
But yes, he basically says, you know, we're up there and we're up there for years.
There's no rotation.
They didn't interact with anyone outside.
And basically what they were doing up there was essentially they were getting
like funding and all the rest, but it was never going to lead to anything.
It was never going to like what they were doing was never going to work.
So I mean.
And just at that moment, Danvers gets a call from the police station calling her back.
And then we have while Danvers is headed to the police station,
we go back to Sean Navarro, like Navarro on her way out the door,
like she was just kind of following to her car.
And they're talking about her sister still.
Yeah. And on their way out,
Sean mentions the spiral on one of the guys' foreheads.
Yeah. And Navarro is like, yeah,
I've seen that before because she's she's seen it on any K.
And she, even though she doesn't mention that by name there,
but she says, do you know what that is?
And she says, well, I know it's old.
Yeah. And she says, you know, older, older than in is probably older than the ice,
which is good old God shit.
Yeah, it's also.
Do you think she seems really superstitious about it because she drew it and.
And then wiped it away and then really, really quickly.
She's like nice and the symbol and she's like, fucking like almost
that she herself understands the importance of it.
Also did make me wonder if she's older than the ice.
Could it be a microorganism?
Like a worm shaped thing because it looks.
Oh, I see what you're saying.
Yeah, that they do find the microorganism.
But it, you know, maybe I don't know.
And like, there's so many things where I was just like that.
If it's older than the ice, what does that mean?
I am still sticking with my this is a weird ghost story thing with the she's
awake and and also the.
You know, nothing but men in this place and the death of the woman
Annie Kay and her ties to this place.
And anyway, I will we'll talk about I have a theory.
People means not that so.
So then welcome to the show, Chris Eccleston.
Like I can't tell you like I grew up watching this guy on TV.
So blows my mind that he's appeared in true detective.
Like a lot, a lot of Americans got introduced to him through Doctor Who.
I know him from way before that I know him from there's an incredible.
I mentioned this before.
There's an incredible TV show called Cracker in the UK,
which has Robby Coltrane as a Hagrid to those that watch Harry Potter.
Robby Coltrane, great comedic British actor who actually played a really
serious role in the early nineties as a criminal psychologist who is basically
brought in by the police department to get into the heads of the worst killers
and terrorists and all the rest.
And I believe his sergeant and that was played by Christopher Eccleston.
So like seeing him pop up in this was kind of like, like, yeah.
And then to hear that he's been banging like Jody Forrest is like,
what the fuck does this mean?
Like, I was just like,
putting Stalin shagging the doctor.
What the mayor of Ennis?
And when Dan first shows up, he is basically explaining
in a pretty good American accent, by the way, he's not bad.
Explaining to everybody, like, oh, yeah.
Well, we're just going to give this to Anchorage, right?
Yeah. And then you get like, Hank's fucking passive aggressive.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
No hard work. That sounds like a Dan versus special.
And she's like, not so fast.
I love this scene, by the way.
This is like so fucking good.
And we know right away, like, oh, he appointed her
yeah, to this position in Ennis.
She didn't want this position in this.
This is a technically a promotion for her.
But like when she tells her side of it,
he promoted her to Ennis to see how she would cope
and what was it, a sundown town or whatever she referred to.
No, like town or whatever.
And and the social environment that it creates
or something along those lines.
She gave her one step further.
She's like, you gave me this office, which used to be a dental office.
Like she just kind of lays it in on him.
And he's just like, are you taking this case to
fuck with me? Is that what you're doing?
Yeah, fucking with me here.
And the whole time that they're talking,
she is kind of moving around the room and grabbing books
and flipping through them and then grabbing another thing.
And finally, she's like, oh, here it is, Doctor Who.
Doctor Who.
If you look at these regulations,
it says that you have to hang on to bodies in ice
until they have completely thawed.
And he's like, well, where did you read that?
And she's like in the criminal handbook that you gave me
when I started it.
It's a real passive aggressive bullshit.
And he's like, it's a total measure of the next moment.
Yeah. Yeah.
Like and she just proves that she's smarter than he is, you know.
And he's like, well, how fucking long is it going to take
for these bodies to thaw out?
And she's like, I don't know, I guess 48 hours or so, Dr. Lector.
And now the timer is on.
So basically from that point, we got 48, 48 hours before
we have Nick Noley and Eddie Murphy come up
and they do a stakeout.
And now they've got like basically 48 hours before Connelly's
going to try and pass us off to Anchorage.
So I would love to see Nick Nolte dealing with this pile of bodies.
Oh, Christ, Grinch.
Look at all the goddamn scientists all frozen together.
Like I said, the fucking arm broke off at the fucking elbow.
Oh, Christ, he's hollering. Somebody shoot this motherfucker.
You cannot do a note at this point is just gravel.
Oh, when I showed up on poker face, I was like, I might have to turn on.
Some titles.
Because it's just the fact that he shows up in poker face
and he's basically playing like a like a Greg Nicotero or something
like like Rick Baker, it's just like I was just like this show fucking gets me.
Yeah, makes me so happy. It's yeah.
We are as a show, we are very pro 100 percent pro poker face.
Natasha Lee and while we're at it.
Yeah, let's like yeah.
So we then move Duncan to the hockey rink in town
where Danvers is making a point of not watching Leah play.
I feel so sorry for Leah because she comes out and she's like that.
Hey, did you see me play?
And she's like, no, like she's like, no, why are you not lying in this situation?
Why do you not just say you were great out there?
And why are you not showing love for this child that you clearly are
fucking keeping like looking after?
So instead, she has to stalk off and talk to John Hogg's ex-wife
about storing it there.
And by the way, this woman hates Danvers.
Yeah, hates her.
Fuck any capital each.
He's right. I mean, as they're talking,
the first thing she says is, wow, you must need something really badly.
Yeah. If you've come over to talk to me and she's like,
you got that right, Dr.
Lecter, I really I've stepped in at this time.
Well, why do you keep calling everyone Dr. Lecter?
One day accidentally,
Jody Foster is going to stumble across this podcast.
She could be fucking mortified, right?
She said, I'm an Academy Award winning writer, director, actor.
She's up for another one this year.
She's up for Best Actress this year.
So she could be two times Academy Award winning,
Jody Foster, and we have belittled her down to a fucking role from 1992.
A great role on the list, but also a detective or, you know,
let's not get too high and mighty, Mrs. Foster.
By the way, I think you're amazing.
And I think now it's underrated.
Yeah, I like I like she's one of those actresses who doesn't phone in.
They talk about even if the movie shit, she's still great in the movie.
That one of my favorite things ever in movies
is when Liam Neeson is translating for now
to the group, they talk about nail.
Don't be afraid for now.
Neetata for now, I will find you have a special set of skills.
Take any way in.
I want you to get that.
I want you to see if you can get a description.
Tell me where you are right now.
You're going to be taken.
You're going to be taken by a woman who had a stroke.
Your vocabulary is going to be damaged.
You'll have to get an Irishman to translate for you.
You have to get an Irishman playing an American.
All right. Anyway, so anyway.
So Pete brings this body sickle in on a flatbed truck.
That's his genius idea.
Like I'm I'm not sure why.
But you're like, we are we are we are like doing this scene.
A massive disservice here.
The fucking Beach Boys are playing.
You're right. Yeah, it's the Santa Beach Boys song.
And it's like a parade.
Float coming down a parade.
Float of human misery is coming to Verlet main street and everyone's watching
and all that's protecting the, you know, the screams of agony
that are frozen and itched and ice underneath as a top
which is over the top is fucking great.
And we finally get it inside the rink
and it's just put in the middle of this fucking hockey rink.
Yeah. And the ex-wife rolls up and is like, oh, is that it?
And she's like, oh, my God.
Yes, she's literally. Oh, Jesus, fucking everyone that sees this is like, oh, my eyes.
Yeah, right. Well, yeah, because it's horrifying.
If you saw that for real, you'd never you'd never be able to unsee it.
You'd never sleep again.
You would never sleep again.
And so Navarro shows up here also.
Yeah. And we find out like Leah is going to go hang out at Peter's
place. Yeah. And we'll get it.
She's trying to tell Danvers and Danvers is just like, what did I tell you?
Get out of here.
And she's like, and she like physically says to Pete, I'm going to be yours
loud enough so Danvers can hear it.
And I'm like, what kind of fucking I'm not speaking to you game are we doing here?
This is nonsense.
Right. I mean, do you see what's going on here?
I've got to get work to do.
And so she's telling Pete, like, hey, I need you to look for similar deaths
in in this area and oh, by the way, it looks like maybe they tried to
chew their hands off at one point.
Yeah. And Navarro walks in here and Danvers is right up to her.
And she's like, and why are you here?
And she's like that this symbol that this symbol that was on an key is on one
of your people for anything.
She's like, you like like at her hand.
And she's like, that's right.
Well, you're not on the case.
And she's like, we can work it together.
And she's like, I am never working a case with you again.
Once again, an indication that one time these two were partners and something
to detective style, split them up.
And we will by the end of this episode bring the band back together.
But so there's a pretty good like fuck off.
He does like once again, you don't mess with Danvers.
Like Navarro could crush her like an empty can like you mean like with these.
But Danvers shows no fear at all.
And I fucking love it.
You know, the only other actress I think that could play this part.
And I don't I'm not wishing for this.
Jodie Foster is amazing in this.
But there are some quality Holly Hunter energy here as well.
Yeah. Yeah.
But I always think like Holly Hunter and Jodie Foster are not that like Jodie
Foster is the better actress.
But when it comes to the kind of tougher roles, there's a there's a bit
where the two joining in Holly Hunter just runs with it.
You're like, so, yeah, I would agree with that.
So Navarro gets kicked out and then Pete shows up with a phone
and she's like, what the fuck are you doing with that?
And then he's like, aha, and uses one of the dude's faces to unlock his phone.
I'm going to say is like I I instantly tried like contorting
my face into an image of frozen terror and my phone wouldn't open.
Right. So what model of phone is this?
Like, oh, there we go.
It's open.
That was in the patch notes in 15.
It's like, hey, we'll we'll open if your face is frozen in a room.
Yeah. Yeah.
So he opens the phone and we spoke about this.
We spoke about this last week when I was like that.
He was shooting a TikTok video.
It'll be really interesting to see if we capture the rest of it.
Turns out I was right.
However, it turns out it didn't aid the story at all.
Yeah, you were right in the least interesting way.
So we come back to Navarro, who it was talking to Annie's brother
about this guy from Salal, who had she goes to the diner.
So she walks in, she sees our fuck buddy at the diner, who's like,
well, and she's like, and then she takes him outside and she starts talking to him.
And she shows him the photo of what's the guy's name again?
Charlie or whatever it is. Yeah.
Yeah. She shows him that photo and he's like, I've never seen this guy.
If she was dating him, I wouldn't know anything about it or the rest.
And then this other guy that he was sitting with, he comes out and he's like,
listen, I'm just coming out here to say you're digging up all this stuff again.
I don't want it.
And he looks down, clocks the picture and does a kind of.
Oh, like, oh, listen, she's like, do you know this guy?
And he's like going to poop.
And meanwhile, in the fucking in the diner, there's a fight breaks out.
Yeah. Saved by the brawl.
Yeah. Saved by the brawl.
And then they go in to break up the fight.
And it's basically one of the locals arguing with one of the miners
saying you're like the water's still fucking ruined.
It's your fault. You're poisoning the town.
And then our dude who's just clocked the pictures like that.
Like we put food on the tables in this town.
We built your school like doing this thing.
And then and then he's like, I'm not that I need to try this more
off in the restaurants. I'm not standing this for anyone.
And so he walks out like nudges past Julia and then walked straight out.
And Julia is like, he didn't pay his tab.
And I was like, that's how you do it, boy.
So you get to pay in the bill.
Just cause a scene.
Right. Almost get in a fight and then diffuse it just in time to walk out on your tab.
I am going to be the bigger man and walk away from this situation, not paying.
They call that the Dublin duck.
So it's like he so he basically leaves.
And then we get a scene with Julia and Navarro.
So they get a chance to kind of catch up.
And she's like, how are you doing?
She's like, I'm doing all right.
Like you sure doing all right. And she's like, I'm doing fine.
And they have a little bit.
So we now find that she's working for so she works in the diner.
That's her her job.
She makes the whole buddy brain thing.
All the weird and he's like that.
You're going to be I think it's in the scene.
He's like, you're going to be stopping.
No, that's later on later that is with the ice cream.
So we go back instead to Danvers and Pete as she is spreading out the the files.
And another true detective scene here, like classic spread out all the pictures.
Yeah, a lot of times she's like, just got pictures of all their faces frozen in terror.
Like and also stuff from like social media and things like that,
like all kind of grouped together.
And she is kind of guiding Pete through her own thought process.
Yes, basically saying you need to ask the right questions.
She's doing the doctor lecture here.
Yes, like she's just like to ask the right questions.
How do we first begin to covet?
Yeah, literally, literally what she's like.
She's like, I've marked up.
I'd like to see when you finally get the case file back.
And there'll be all these handwritten notes on it and you'll you'll get it from there.
That you're this human totem doesn't look a little bit too random.
So the so basically we get so she's taking
probably the only competent cop here under a wing because she sees a bit of potential
I hope this is not grooming.
But like, you never know what ambers can walk in hard on.
So she's basically she's like, start thinking about start passing out.
So and we get something like.
This is where we get the horror stuff in a really cool way
because the questions start to get more like, well, what could have caused that?
What would have caused that?
I love this because they bounce a few things off about, you know, what would have, you know,
he's starting to think about it to linear and she's like trying to put the motivation
behind the questions with what would motivate these guys to do this.
At the end of this kind of tit a tit of questioning is
as the line name, what could have, and this is a total fucking
is right from the last broadcast, and what could have scared the men so much
that would they would have ran out without their shoes into the snow?
Like, what could have scared them so much, which reminds me of is the line
in the last broadcast, where he's like, I look at the face of was it like
Stephen Locust, I'm thinking, like, I don't see a man reacting to
the other dude chasing them.
I look at a man terrified.
Like, what causes that frozen image of fear in that guy's face?
And you've got that you what would be the motivation?
Because some of them didn't wear wearing shoes or where they were stolen,
but also the way the clothes were folded.
So the clothes were folded in a particular way.
And what does that indicate as well?
So she couldn't get them thinking.
But at the same time, she she does once again, such a dick move
to peak repeats on that, right?
Well, I bet I've got to go back again.
She's like, you're staying here.
And she's like, but it's my turn to bat little baby Darwin.
And she's like, no, you don't have to worry about that, right?
So you're staying here. You're working on this.
And I'm going to like what she doesn't say is I'm going to go to your house
right past your partner, piss her off, then upset the grandmother
by fucking like calling her like a like a fucking laundromat witch
or whatever she calls her.
I like I just like Danvers like walks into people's houses
like she owns every house.
She speaks to everyone like she is be like above them, speaking down to them.
And every scenario she owns the room is what I'm saying.
Like every situation.
So she basically tells Pete he can't leave and then goes to go and pick up Leah.
Yeah, is that Pete's house?
What? Pete's wife and Darwin, who's waiting on the bath.
It's an incredible dick move, such a dick move.
Real real quick, before we get to that, because we need to
really stew in that for a second, but there's a great moment
when she and Peter do in the questioning when they're talking
about the folding of the clothes.
And she says, well, who folded the clothes?
And he's like, well, the killer folded the clothes.
And she goes, ah, the killer, you know,
like it's the first time anyone said those words like that.
It's not just hey, a bunch of people ran out into the snow.
It's yeah. Oh, somebody.
Yeah, but she says early on, just like that.
I don't think it's a yeah, you know, like so.
Yeah, it's the first time someone's actually mentioned a killer.
Right. And this is also where we get the unlock and Pete shows her the video,
which is really what we saw in the other angle when we see.
We see the dude shaking.
He turns around and like he turns around and says she's awake.
And then there is a power surge and everything goes out and the video stops,
which is not how telephones work.
But yeah, it would still be filming like it wasn't like that.
Can I do not think it remained look like if I didn't know better,
although the electricity was back on, look like a kind of EMP.
You know, electromagnetic pulse, because everything,
all everything goes out, including his phone, which would happen with that.
But then everything was working after very strange.
Something maybe polar and magnetic.
OK, all right, maybe enough to spook the animals to jump off the side of a cliff.
Well, also interesting.
Yeah, because that would also magnets, according to the ICP.
Are magical.
They are magical.
All right, so we've got Navarro and Kovic,
who is the dude who owns the diner.
This is where he is working on his husky.
Like they're like his husky is injured
and he's kind of tending to the dog husky.
That wants to bite him so bad.
Like this husky wants to mall.
She even says, you know, one of these days, this dog's going to kill you,
which I feel is like check offs for boating of a dog walling.
It like check offs seen from Suspiria.
She's having a walk in the dog.
It's like, how did I end up in the middle of like a piazza?
Don't just fucking eat some.
So, yeah, so we get.
That was his life again.
So she's eating ice cream and they're having this conversation.
She's asking how her sister's doing and he's like that.
She's saying, you know, she's set then.
It's all OK. And he's like that.
By the way, you going to be coming by later?
And she's like, no, no, that's not going to happen.
But she lies.
So let's get back to some investigating, Duncan.
Yeah, I love a bit of investigation.
All right. So Danvers is talking to the local
we saw in the last episode who bucketed the guy in the face.
Turns out she also makes some bucks on the side
doing a cleaning job on the Salal Station.
Yeah, this scene is so funny, so weird.
And there is a huge clue in this this whole thing here
that we haven't talked about that we will talk about shortly.
OK, so Danvers is questioning her
about the symbol.
And she's like, I don't I don't recall seeing anything like that.
She says it looks like witchcraft.
And then she calls a character called Blair to come over.
Blair, which I mean, come come on.
It's a Lopez. What are you doing to me here?
You're just like hitting all the right spots.
Pete, meanwhile, is questioning the delivery guy.
And we talked about this earlier.
But this is where the delivery guy says, oh, yeah, this guy, Clark,
that was, you know, the the lead at the station
was starting to talk to himself. Yeah.
And then we get a quick cut back to Danvers as this same woman is like
they never spoke to us. We were just the cleaners.
So why would they ever say anything to us? Yeah.
But what we do know is that Clark would lock himself away
for days at a time.
He would walk around totally naked talking to himself.
And the this is also where the delivery guy says,
oh, I saw somebody that night up at the station.
But if you go back to the first episode, Guy in a pink coat.
And he says, but that's in us.
And you know, the one that you mentioned where he says it's a long night,
even the dead get bored.
And he also says that this guy, Clark, had that same spiral tattooed on his chest.
Spirals for days.
I know, I know, like, again, it seems so quaint.
The last episode where we're like, oh, maybe they're going to talk about this.
It's like spiral, spiral, spiral, spiral.
I love this growy spiral.
Well, did I know it was going to be integral to the show moving forward?
Yeah. Yeah.
So here's a here's a here's a slight conversation.
But it's here is either happened or it's about to happen in the show.
There is a.
Handprint, which they managed to pull out on the shoe.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
What's noticeable about the handprint is there's two missing fingers.
Right. OK.
Do you know who's missing fingers?
Who's missing two fingers?
The woman who was beaten up that worked at the crab place.
Oh, right. Same two fingers.
Well, you see any shot in episode one, any shot,
you see that she's missing two fingers.
So what would her motivation be?
Well, if she helped with the cleaning.
I don't know if she's involved, but.
Maybe she cleaned up.
Maybe it's a print from something.
Maybe she cleaned up clothes earlier on and that's a false print.
OK, I'm saying this is red herring territory.
I think it's steering us in the wrong direction.
OK, this is the coolest one.
She's missing two fingers and we know that they went up to clear up there.
Clean up there. So.
All right, all right.
I was like, yeah, but I'm also thinking like, well, what?
I mean, did I don't think she was involved with the death?
No, right. But what if she knew Annie Kay?
Or maybe she was up there cleaning and she found the time.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, OK. All right.
I can't wait till we watch this next episode.
So much stuff, boy.
All right. Still not even my theory. Still not even my theory.
So we cut over to Navarro,
who is driving like an asshole while singing
want to be these girls, girls, yeah.
And she as she's kind of rooting around,
she finds this necklace that's got a crucifix on it.
And she has a flashback to her crazy mother having this.
And by crazy, I, of course, mean severely mentally troubled.
Oh, yeah, she is rocking and screaming.
I mean, it looks like she's being exorcised or something.
The cut on this as well.
Like the feed, the feed into this is the sound of a woman screaming.
Yes. And it comes out of fucking nowhere.
And immediately we only get a flash of this
and then Navarro throws the crucifix out the window,
which is 100 percent coming back.
Yeah, like we are going to find that somewhere
and it's going to freak Navarro out.
Chekhov's crucifix, a lot of the ball.
So then Navarro goes to the minor dude
who said he didn't know the guy from the picture earlier.
And we know he was full of shit at the at the diner.
Oh, yeah. And it turns out that he bought a trailer
from this minor guy's cousin.
Yeah. And he she's like,
well, why didn't you give me the information earlier?
And he's like, oh, well, I didn't want to say anything at the time.
And he was like, I and Navarro was like,
I think you didn't give me the information because you didn't like any.
Yeah. And he's like, whatever.
And so.
So Navarro is now on the hunt for this trailer that this dude.
And there will be nothing in this trailer, but this will be empty.
This trailer, by the way, is just like the most true detective.
Like like the only way it could be more
true detective is if she opened the door and Russ Cole was sitting in there going,
well, I took you so long, you know, like, it's like, oh, I've been waiting for you.
Yeah. So is a flat circle.
We get a great scene with John Hogg,
who I think is proving that he is, in fact, just a doofus in this.
I still don't know a doofus or a manipulator.
I think a doofus.
I mean, this conversation he is having with this crazy mail order
bride that's got him on the list, he takes a photo of himself in a photo
where he looks dramatically younger to send over to her.
Yes. Thus manipulating her to come over.
Well, but also is sending money to her for her mother's vacation or whatever.
Oh, yeah. From that point of view, well, listen, if Jigsaw can give money
to some Mexicans for a cure for cancer, but still at the same time,
set up the most elaborate murder factory, then like Hank can send money
to his mail order bride, but still be on the take with all those.
Why does he have so many case files in his house, Bo?
It's a fine question.
Like, why does he react the way he reacts with his son when he finds that
box is missing?
Well, all right.
I think both of us agree that he probably got paid off.
I think so. Yeah.
So I don't think that he's clean, but I don't think he's smart.
Because why on earth?
Like, why wouldn't you say, oh, if these files are that important?
It turns out, guess what?
They actually did get, you know, washed away when the flood happened or whatever.
So anyway, he's shown off his house, you know, like, look at this arena.
And then he discovers that, oh,
there's this empty space where those files should be.
And he realizes like, oh, well, Pete, son of a bitch.
And so Pete and Danvers are on the streets out
out, you know, on the main streets of Ennis when they both are kind of chatting
about Clark and like, here's what I found, here's what you found.
Both of us can agree there was something fucking wrong with Clark.
But the question then, as she puts it, the question is,
why did the men put up with it?
What was going on that they would allow this due to just lose his mind in their
midst? And Salal, it turns out, is funded by the Tuttle Group that does
everything from video games to, you know, crops or whatever he says.
Is this so explicitly season one?
That it's like it's the same title has to be.
Of course it does.
Of course this plays into my theory later on, both.
All right. All right.
So Pete is like, well, I got to, you know, go take care of my kids.
And she's like, the fuck are you talking about?
It's like, you believe that you don't have a kid anymore, right?
You have work. This work.
This investigation is your child.
Go and bath it.
Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, she's like, you need to go babysit that pile of people we found.
And by the way, I'm going to just go by your house.
And this is the scene you alluded to earlier, where Danvers rolls in like a fucking hurricane.
Yeah, like just opens the door, pretty much takes her jacket off, goes across,
checks on young Darwin, like barely makes any conversation
with Pete's wife or girlfriend or whatever she is,
out with the fact that she's nipping her head by saying like that.
You couldn't just send them home.
It's his night to bath Darwin.
He's been looking forward to it for ages.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like just like yadda, yadda, yadders are out the way,
goes around the corner and Leah is sitting with superstitious granny,
who is painting temporary lines down her chin.
Like a new woman have.
And of all the things like, like this is, this is.
This is Al Pacino when he
really saw that you can fuck my wife, Ralph.
You can sit around here in our postmodernistic bullshit apartment, but you cannot.
You will not, you absolutely want.
What's my motherfucking television?
Fucking tears the tail at the wall because.
One episode ago.
Leah, like, filmed essentially child porn on her phone with her friend.
And Danvers was annoyed, but she wasn't furious.
Right? She's got a couple of lines on her chin here.
And she goes like, oh, this is the biggest overreaction ever.
Which makes me think we're going to find out some stuff.
Do we think Danvers may be, may be a little bit racist?
I would not put it past her because she's got that kind of
comparative attitude.
She doesn't want to be there.
No, she keeps saying in the barrel, maybe your spirit animal,
like you put your spirit get like is very dismissive to people that aren't her.
I think, yes.
And I think her reaction, because I wondered about that, too, is her reaction.
Like, you're too good for this.
Which is a very, you know, racially charged reaction to something like that.
yeah, and I mean, she's just like coming in like a wrecking ball.
look, I'm just going to ride on this chain, this big iron ball right through the wall.
And I'm just like, I'm going to ride on this chain, I'm going to ride on this chain.
I'm going to ride on this chain
I'm going to ride on this chain.
I'm going to ride on this chain.
She's got a very, I dare say we're going to find out a little bit more about this, but she's got a very sourd outlook on men in general.
Like men are there for one thing.
You know what I mean? And I'm not against that.
But that's, you know, that's how she looks at things in a very practical way.
And she's basically saying, listen, if you're here, all we'd be doing is getting under your feet and annoying you.
I'm doing your favor right now.
But try to pass the blame off.
Like you see this thing I've done as a negative.
Actually, what I'm doing is I'm helping you.
It's a it's a very straight she's an interesting character.
She's a really interesting character.
But yeah, so like then she gets into it with the grand who this is fucking amazing.
She called it like a lot.
I can't remember what she got like.
She just like hurls abuse at her.
I mean, it is the one of the most disrespectful
things you can do is like coming into
the not your house and taking this like grand matriarch of the family and just
being like quit doing this voodoo bullshit like my, you know, adopted my daughter.
And and even like the partner is like, no, no, no, she's just, you know, like she's
just listening to about some of the native traditions of this area and things like that.
Curious about her culture.
And yeah, and Danvers just is not having it.
And yeah, and again, just immediately gets kicked out.
Like like she's about like she's in a bar about to start a brawl where they're
like, you got to fucking go.
You are disrupting the peace.
But then we go over to Navarro and her sister, Jules,
who are just shopping in a store.
And I really like this scene because I think it's fun to see what this store at
the top of the world looks like.
Yeah. And it's just like the bare essentials, but a lot of them.
Yeah, like a giant ass John and Nutella, which made my heart happy.
Yeah, like all everything you buy is in fucking bulk.
You know, it's it was I thought that was really interesting.
But the rest of the scene is
Julie is still going through some mental health issues.
Navarro brings up the lighthouse and she's like, I don't want to go back there
because all they did was give me drugs and Navarro kind of relents and is like,
OK, I want to see me back there.
And and that's kind of well, no, no, it's not she's not been in the lighthouse.
She doesn't want to go back into care because the last time she was in care,
she was given too much drugs.
Right, right.
They overmedicated her and she felt like so she hasn't been to the lighthouse yet.
In fact, none of us have been to the lighthouse yet, Bo.
So Leah, speaking of getting a sexy pick
from her girlfriend, it's like, hey, come to the store after hours and hang out.
And Leah is upstairs, grounded, of course.
Yeah. And Danvers is downstairs.
She tries to sneak out.
She tries to sneak out here and she starts to go down the stairs.
Danvers is like, will you help me put up this fucking Christmas?
Yeah. Merry Christmas.
And Leah is like, I'm in bed.
Do it yourself. Yeah.
And then just sneaks out her window instead.
And then we get like Primo Danvers try to put up a Christmas tree,
which is a joy I didn't know I needed.
Well, this is kind of how I take the Christmas tree out of the loft where I'm
just like, oh, fucking mother fuck legs.
And the music in the background is all like, Merry Christmas.
Like fucking just separate.
So Leah goes to the store and makes out with her girlfriend.
Yes, she does.
Meanwhile, Danvers going through all the Christmas stuff finds the polar bear
from the credits with the one eye, which was.
Ah, yeah.
Yeah. Well, I don't again, I'm not sure.
Ghost kid kid.
It was kids.
This is the kid that put the hand over her.
His name was like Holden or yeah.
It's it is definitely the son of the teacher and the brother of Leah.
Yeah. And but anyway.
Clearly what happened, Duncan, I'm getting ahead of us
because I don't think anyone has said this outright.
But clearly what happened was he was killed by a drunk driver.
That fractured the relationship.
And Leah ended up staying with Jodie Foster during this breakup,
which is real messy, but it happens.
And so, yeah, that's clearly what's happening here.
Anyway, she calls Pete to get Clark's credit history.
And this is about the time that John Hawk shows up at the roller rink
or the skating rink to give Pete one across the chops.
Yeah, right, right turn plate.
Yeah. It is like, don't you go in my house to steal?
And your mother didn't even do that when she left us.
But you stole from me.
And he's like, by the way, Danvers is not your blood.
Don't don't forget who who you have a loyalty to.
So once again, making it clear like, oh, that Pete is not.
Danvers kid.
Yeah. But it sure seems like Danvers and John Hawks had a fling at some point.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Well, I think she's I think she's fucked everything with a pulse ball.
Speaking of, she shows up at Dr.
Who's house who's like, Dr. Who, I think we ought to fuck right now.
And he's like Rose anyway.
There's there is a there is a lot of this is the last time we're doing this,
which I kind of love because this is maybe the most human thing.
One of these shows don't capture this, right?
Like people are weak.
Yeah. Like, you know, this is the last time we're ever doing this,
which is code for we're doing this again.
My my favorite part of their fucking is when
and he clearly is about to come and she goes, don't you dare?
Don't you dare fucking come.
Don't you dare come is so funny.
Yeah, currently ends up.
I think currently did go a little bit early and ends up smashing her.
He's floppy until she gets there, but she gets there, which is the mean thing.
Um, so when they finally collapse back into bed, he's like, I know.
Just be honest with me.
You're fucking with me about this case, right?
Like you're doing this just to fuck with me.
And she gets pissed off about it.
It just leaves when she gets pissed off because I think.
I think this is going to bear out here.
I think her.
Something happened to her in the barrel, right?
When I think they genuinely felt they could solve the Annie K case, right?
I think along the way, something happens.
I think they've alluded to it once or twice of waters or a Walters or something.
Like there was some running with us.
This is essentially why Navarro got busted down
assignment and Danvers remained where she was.
But I think at that point, Danvers decided she was no longer investing time
and solving difficult things.
And I think as a result of this,
I think this is like she's decided I'm going to do this.
I'm going to get my redemption because she clearly sees as a relation
to the Annie K thing, right?
So she's like, this is my chance to close this out, right?
And I think as a result of that, the
the will that she's maybe burned up with people who now just assume that she's
a if it gets too difficult, if it gets too shitball, she was going to send it
somewhere else.
I think she is taking offense to that presumption that she can't close this case.
Like she's not capable of doing this.
Whereas we know as the audience, and I think everyone else is about to find
it, she's fucking a lot smarter than what a lot of them give her credit for.
I think they're going to find that she's been
a bit interesting to find out what it was that got her.
I don't even know if the show go into it in the six episodes,
but why she was put there.
Yeah, I'm also quite curious about that.
And I think I think we will find out why.
What why did doctor who decide that she was was she an incredible cop?
She lost the kid and then
like just kind of gave up a little bit and they moved her there because she was
too much trouble where she was elsewhere.
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know.
And then why would why would Leah and the dad be there?
So like, I feel like that is since I've been in Anna's.
I don't think you think I am not with the teachers.
I just think that's a fuck buddy.
Yeah, OK, maybe.
I think I think Leah's dad died with the kid in the car.
OK, maybe so, maybe so.
Um, oh, speaking of, all right, let's get back into clues and investigation.
Because after she takes off from Doctor Who's place,
she closes the door and calls him a precocious of them.
She gets a call from the tattoo artist that they were, you know, again,
we're kind of trucking in terms of pacing in this episode.
Like, yes, we discovered all these tattoos.
Now we've got the tattoo artist.
Yeah, there was a model for the tattoo, which, surprise, surprise,
turned out to be Annie Kay.
And so Jody Foster then shows up at Navarro's and she's like, hey,
not only was there this tattoo connection,
the tongue has now been confirmed to you have been Annie Kay's.
Yeah, it's also been there's signs that it's been out of cellular,
cellular decay that it was frozen, it's been stored somewhere cold.
Yes, yes, there is cellular, unusual cellular damage with the tongue.
And they agreed to work the case together and then they're done.
They're like, it's not like, hey, we're not getting the band back together.
Yeah, just we are going to come together, solve the Annie Kay case.
In this case, then we're going to go our separate ways again.
So Leah is on her way home from making out with her girlfriend
and see some flashing lights and goes over to the ice rink where decides to scare
the ever-loving fucking Pete, yeah, and it's staring at like a fucking melting
corpsicle and watching it slowly.
I love this end of this as well, because you hear like all the ice slowly cracking
and stuff like this is creepy already and he's stuck in there.
He's watching TikTok videos and she comes in as a who and he like,
if he doesn't shit himself, he pretty much does.
Yeah, there are others.
Definitely streets and it's a really nice scene.
It's just it's sort of a human scene between the two of them and their very
brother sister. Yeah.
And, you know, it's a lot about like her remembering how Liz and her dad used to
be fun and dance and all this stuff.
And she was happy.
Yeah, right.
When, you know, before this accident, clearly.
And so.
And he tells the story about Hank used to be a musician and he wanted to be in a band
for the rest. And like from the time that he was born, he can't ever remember
seeing his dad play anything.
So he just gave up that dream and just settled into being a police officer.
So I thought it was kind of cool as well.
So they share those stories
against the backdrop of decay and cracking ice.
But yeah, it's a nice moment between them.
And then there's Navarro showing up at Kavik's place and scaring him while he's
in the bath and he he she gives him shit because she's like, Oh,
when I told you I wasn't coming over, did you jerk off?
Like, are you are you down for the count right now?
And he's like, well, you know, I mean, give me a minute.
She's like, yeah, that's the other thing.
I can't like the the lack of daylight in this is thrown everything off
because he basically makes her breakfast.
Yeah, he's making her pay.
But it's pitch black outside.
So the concept of time is just.
Yeah, it's fucking with me.
It's very disorienting, which which I like.
I like the fact that it's amazing.
I don't know what time anything is.
And as they're talking, you know, she's kind of talking her way through the case
about this trailer and, you know, she's like, you know, it's like Danvers always
says, I'm not asking the right question.
Like, I guess my question is where would I store if I bought a trailer?
Where would I keep it?
And they both are like, oh, in the nook.
And she's like, fuck, all right, I got to go.
And so, I mean, what does he care?
He jerked off. He's fine.
Yeah, it was like you just spent all that time making her breakfast.
Yeah, I suppose he's now got two breakfasts.
So when and Navarro goes to check it out
and it finds it there like all covered in snow.
And meanwhile, Danvers is going through
some files from Clark and she's like, all right, doctor,
like, tell me something about yourself.
And like some of the pages look fine.
And then it gets into real all work and no play territory.
That's 100 percent the shenan.
Yeah, it's just like all these repeated phrases over and over in all these
different shapes and stuff.
And Navarro then calls Danvers and is like, hey, you need to get to the nook.
I found this trailer.
Excuse me.
And they when Danvers gets there and comes in, we were kind of experiencing
the trailer from her point of view.
And she comes in and there's like animal bones
and shit all over the dining table of this trailer.
And then
Navarro has also found Annie's phone.
Yes, our phone, our smash screen phone,
which was never recovered from the original crime scene.
Right. So Annie has been in this trailer.
Or he's lifted her phone and put it there for safekeeping.
Or that.
But there's this big spiral on the whole fucking inside of the place has all
those wicker things from season one.
Yeah. Right. Everywhere.
Like everywhere.
And then there's a fucking giant spiral in the ceiling.
And then on the bed, there is a construct mummy
of a human being lying facing up at the spiral.
Yep. And I was like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Spitals. And while they're checking this out, they're just like, what the fuck is this?
Pete calls us like, hey, we've got a problem.
You need to come back to the pile of bodies.
So they do, they go back to the pile of bodies.
And Pete is like, all right, check this out.
We've got this person, this person, this person, this person.
The problem is there's no Clark.
And they're like, yep, there is no Clark in this pile.
And so Clark must be out there alive somewhere.
Yeah, or certainly they have six bodies, not seven.
And then transitions into closing credits of Florence on the machine with the song
Seven Devils. Yeah.
And I'm like, who are you doing to mess a little bit?
Just like, at least she's just like.
Well, she's just fucking thrown things at me like ninja stars.
Yeah. So that's all we know so far.
I am still I'm still on my bullshit with the
this is going to be a these guys at the Institute did something heinous to
Annie Kaye or another woman or something.
And like there is something being visited upon them
as a result of that, I am still on that for right now.
Right, ready for my theory?
Yes, please, because it sounds like yours has been Anders.
Right, so in this episode, we've got a really interesting bit of information
that was just completely glossed over very, very, very quickly.
When he was he was chanted to the cleaner when she mentioned Annie Kaye.
And she's like, Annie, like Annie Kaye was a midwife, midwife boy, midwife.
Right. OK, OK.
I think the Tuttle Institute is using the lighthouse
to abduct women, young women, vulnerable women.
And put them into their weird sex trade.
I think they're sex trafficking.
And I think Annie found out.
I think the Tuttle's paid off.
So would we have more missing women in the area then?
I think it's like I think that's a case of.
It's based on what the season is about, isn't it?
They don't care about.
Inuit women at all being I don't even think it's the right word.
And native women.
Yeah, I think they don't care.
I think this could be we don't have not seen where the lighthouse is yet.
I don't even know if it's even in town, it could be out with.
But I think I think young women are being sent there.
And I think they are.
It's tall. Why would tall get mentioned, right?
The Tuttle Institute.
But like we're leaning so hard into season one.
And what would they do? They were kidnapping young girls.
I think that's OK.
All right, I think that I think Annie Key found out and I think.
She was silent because of that.
You you look so fucking proud of yourself right now.
I think why would they mention that she was a midwife?
Yeah, no, I think it's such a such a weird throwaway line.
I know no one's mentioned that sins are anything.
And it's such a weird profession to have there.
Yeah, I hope if the handprint really is a red herring.
I hope that comes up and is dispatched pretty quickly.
I'm hoping so as well.
I'm hoping that what we find out is that she helped clean up in the area.
Or like like something along those lines that she's helped there.
Because to me, that doesn't feel.
Satisfying as a detail.
Yeah, but it's definitely if you go back and watch episode one,
the women at the beginning who has got the black eye has only got three fingers.
Right, and it feels right to make that connection.
Yeah, like I'm on board with all that.
I just like I said, I just hope that at the end of the day, they're like.
Oh, yeah, like I'm we're going to tease you for an episode and then.
Yeah, get rid of this.
I think the she's awake that we keep hearing out with him saying that is just
in the soundtrack.
I think it's like, you know, like how
Sysperia has which I think it's just that I don't think any other character
is actually hearing that at all.
OK, but I mean, we still have somebody shivering and saying she's awake.
Oh, 100, 100, like he then.
But if that's Clark, then he.
But that's Clark Clark talks to himself as I don't think I think Clark is
reetering. I don't think I think Clark was in love with Annie Kay.
I think there's a high probability that the other scientists in that place
may be paid by Tuttle did something to Annie Kay.
I think he's had to live with that as a secret and is eating them alive.
OK, yeah, yeah, that's an interesting idea that the way I think I think it all
goes back to Tuttle and like, why would they mention it?
It's too much season one.
It's too much season one for me.
My brain can't handle it, but there is like episode five.
Somebody's going to open a door and Matthew McConaughey is going to be there.
All right, all right, all right.
It's like it's just sure is dark up here.
Now, I saw a couple of reviews of this episode going up online where people
were dissing this again, and I honestly don't know what TV show this episode.
Yeah, yeah, so far this this like just it doesn't feel like true detective.
And the acting sub part like acting as sub part is what I've heard.
And I just don't get I just don't get I think this is brilliant.
Yeah, people want the thing that they're
that they've they've had that thing that they want to have ten years ago.
But right, I agree.
Like, I think this is everything that I wanted about.
I wanted in reference to season one,
like the fact that it's plain with it in such an overt way is is really great.
But I love I love kind of clock and all the,
you know, the references to other horror movies.
It's a Lopez, which is all the way through this.
And she's like, you see, she's not hiding any of it, which kind of makes me love it
even more. Yeah, you know, what's not I'm going to I'm going to rip off.
Yeah, takes a shame.
If it was like if it was just the VHS, the thing in that room, I would have been
like, you know, we see horror movies and someone walks in and the thing
posters on the wall and you're like, all right, cool.
And in the case of this one, like the fact that it's all the way through it,
we're just getting consistent nods and references to lots of she's thrown up.
Give her a credit.
She's thrown a lot of shit at the wall.
She has four episodes to wrap this up.
And if she wasn't the director of Tigers are not afraid, then I would be
panicking right now, but I know that she is and that movie is fucking incredible.
And I can't wait to see what the show goes.
Yeah, I've been really impressed by this.
I think it's really fun.
Like I said earlier, this is maybe the most enjoyable season in terms of just
pure entertainment balancing of like what when I'm in the middle of an episode,
I'm like, oh, this is so good.
It's really fun. It's a good time watching this.
And it doesn't it doesn't feel like I'm having a good time in and
sacrificing the show, getting stupid or something.
You know, it's just like it's got a real pace to it.
It's got a real like creepy energy to it.
And I just really dig it.
I'm having a great time with this.
You know, I think the thing is if they went down the it was like a man
or it was like a group of men or if they went down that it was a spirit or it was
a contagion or whatever they want to do, I'd be fine with any of that.
You know, at this stage, I'd be fine with any of it.
I don't need the if it moves into the supernatural world.
It loses me.
If it does that fucking great.
Can't wait.
But yeah, this is so far two episodes and one third of the way through the season.
Duncan and Bo are excited.
And if you're following the, you know, three act structure at the end of act one,
our detectives have resolved to work together and they are off on their adventure.
And yeah, well done.
Dramatic theory, Duncan.
Where can people find you between now and the next time we talk below a week from now?
Please check me out on the podcast under the stairs, tputscast.com (not teapotscast haha), if you will.
And I will, by the time this episode drops, have concluded my top 20 movies of 2023.
And I'll be on to some other such nonsense, so please check it out.
It's also available on YouTube.
Just type in podcast under the stairs.
And if you're listening to this, you can hear more of me at the dark parade.
Most recently, we dropped the Heart of War episode with Kay Pollock.
Coming up in the very near future, I'm embarking on a journey where I watch
all of the witchcraft movies.
Why you ask?
Because I don't I don't like myself very much.
And, you know, apparently I have too much time in my hands.
But no, it's actually the it's just a it's it's a it's a study of sleeves
and something that I've been wanting to do.
Even though those movies are dreadfully boring.
I don't know how you're doing.
There's some fun to be had.
If anything, or what have you been watching?
Good or bad, well, you won't have to struggle to pick a bad.
You know, yeah, I mean, yes, they're trash movies.
But I don't know, like they're barely movies.
And that's, that's the thing that I find kind of interesting about them.
But like I've been digging into the weird history of those movies.
And anyway, like again, it's not.
I'm not doing this because I think the movies themselves are good or even worth
talking about, but there's an interesting story to the franchise as a thing.
And, you know, every now and again, I like my crap.
And I like I like to think about how how did this crap happen?
And and so that's where I am with it.
At any rate, there's that coming soon.
So anyway,
we will be back in a week to talk more true detective as we finally get our grubby
little mitts on episode three immediately after this show wraps up.
If there is nothing else, then no other business on the table.
The only thing I've left to do is to
to say to my good friend Duncan, say goodnight, Duncan.
I'm going to shorten it down and say say goodnight, Duncan.
Just when you thought.
I don't know what we're doing.
I don't know.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.