The Friday Nightmares Podcast: Episode 94
Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Friday Nightmares Podcast.
This is Episode 94, and with you, as always, is Mr.
Smokeshow Crawford, coming to you from the town of Sports Creek in the county of Genesee, in the state of Michigan, in the United States of America, in the North American continent, in the Western Hemisphere, on the planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy.
I'm fully vaxxed, boosted, whacked, and ready to climax, and if you can, please get me wet and feed me after midnight.
I'm the man with the glorious beard, aka mother of cats, aka the man with the humongous ego, aka Scott Howeson, aka Scottish Pony, aka Spanky, and with me, as always, is...
The other premium podcaster from this very professional number one podcast, Heather Powell.
Oh, I need to add that to my intro.
Heather Powell, coming to you today from Waterdown, Ontario, Canada, who is slowly getting over another cold because my life sucks.
Maybe it's just karma because of all the mean things I say to people like Matt Wood and Tim Davis and Lance sometimes I kick on too.
And rubbing it in that you have free healthcare.
And rubbing it in that I have free healthcare.
I didn't even go to the doctor for it, but I could if I wanted to.
So maybe that's just karma coming around to get me, which is fair.
I'm a kind of an asshole.
I sent Scott a message a couple of weeks ago.
I've been watching a lot of true crime stuff and I'm like, you know, if I got murdered, no one would really be surprised.
I feel like someone would be like, well, she finally ran her mouth one too many times.
And that's what happens.
But it's Scott knows what I and who I present on this podcast is a very exaggerated version of myself in person.
I'm much nicer.
Is it though?
I think it is.
Don't you think so?
Don't you think I'm nicer in person?
I don't know.
It's going to be like, I think I am.
I don't know.
Maybe I'm not.
Maybe I'm just just to see you next Tuesday all around.
And this is how I find out.
I just got to fuck with you.
Well, it's fair, right?
The amount that I harass you.
Did Erica listen to our last episode where I talked about you being a stripper and her being at the top of the pole?
I don't think she has.
She's too busy.
That's why.
Well, I was saying, now she's doing audiobooks like I am, so I think that's where most of her time is spent.
Well, do you guys have a little book club going on?
She's reading her own books, and I'm reading mine, and they're more themed, but she's...
I don't know what's going on with our internet, but I didn't hear a word you said, Scotty.
Oh boy.
I was saying there seems to be a delay going on.
Is there?
You know what we'll do?
We'll shut off our cameras for a second and see if that makes a difference so we don't have to see each other.
We'll go and dry.
Oh yeah.
We'll see how it goes.
Well, that's a little better, right?
Oh, you're still like, well, this is what happens on a premium podcast when you have so many people downloading your episode.
That's why.
Like, Scotty and I, this is not how the internet works, but our internet is just so shoddy because when you're premium podcasters like ourselves and everyone downloads your episodes, this is what happens.
So try saying something again.
Just talk about your book club.
Oh, you know, we get naked and we just like sit there talking about.
You probably heard that.
Yeah, I heard that part.
Sounds great.
Sounds like a really good relationship building.
All right, I'm going to try turning my camera back on and see if it makes any difference.
At least you can see me.
That's right.
Yeah, I can see you.
You know what?
Are the boys on the internet right now?
You know what?
Tell them to stop downloading porn.
That's clearly what the problem is here.
I mean, I do have the power.
I can just go in here and turn the internet off for specific devices.
Well, maybe you have to imagine you do that.
You're like, boys, I am a professional podcaster for this premium podcast that gets 500 downloads a month.
I need to make sure Heather and I can record our episode.
We may not record again until I'm back from my trip.
This may be it, everybody.
So if you don't hear from us in a little bit, Scott and I did not break up.
Scott isn't too busy starting a new book podcast with Kate or something.
We're just not recording because I'm away.
And I'm not being lazy and not releasing the episode, which I mean, yeah, that probably could be part of it too, but still.
I know you'll release it later this month and you'll be like, oh, well, I had to, Heather, you're away.
Like, I couldn't release it too early.
I wanted the fans waiting.
The fans, like Matt Wood.
Matt Wood and Tim Davis are the only two people waiting.
And Rob Humphries.
The people we insult the most are the ones that download it right away.
And Dave Bailey.
Oh, yes, and Dave Bailey.
That's true.
Are you eating too right now?
I thought you had your lunch already.
I didn't.
This is a fruit.
Oh, it's your dessert.
Yeah, I mean, I'm being all healthy.
Yeah, very boring, healthy adult dessert.
Before we get into these awesome 2024s with our spoiler review of Imaginary.
So buckle up, everybody.
Scott and I have a new number one for 2024.
He's going to win all our awards.
We're so good.
Just like Rob.
Just like Rob Humphries, number one is Lisa Frankenstein.
Just like that.
It was also so good.
I think you need to let everyone know what Connor had to say to you about Skin of a Rink.
I think that's a valid thing to share here.
What the hell did he say now?
He liked it.
First of all, he liked it.
He said he acknowledged that he liked it.
He said he liked it and thought I was crazy for hating it.
And he's like, but that's the point of this movie.
Because I was telling him, like, it's so boring and nothing happens.
Like literally just it's like someone dropped their camera and said, Oh, there's a scene.
And he's like, it's supposed to be through the eyes of kids.
I'm like, I know that, but it doesn't need to sit there.
No kids.
It's still that long.
You're like, look, you little gen alpha.
You don't know shit.
Well, he's Gen Z.
OK, I saw the border.
Yeah, I was like, you're a Gen Z.
You're you're the late stage Gen Z.
Hey, and you know what?
If that's who that movie was made for, fucking all the power.
I'm glad he enjoyed it.
I'm glad he was able to find something from it, you know, just because it wasn't for us doesn't mean that it can't be for and maybe just connects better with the younger Gen.
You know, exactly.
Like, as I said to you, I'm glad he found that interesting.
You know, again, I I really have a hard time believing it's a number one film.
Like, I guess personal taste aside, it's just compared to what else came out last year.
You know, I just have a hard time how you could really honestly consider that film a number one film compared to other ones.
But hey, everyone's different.
Not everyone's right, like Scott and I, at our Friday Nightmare Podcast.
I was going to say, we're premium, so of course we're right.
We're always right.
It was always us.
It's always been us.
It's always been us.
A very special shout out to Dummies of Horror, who has done the whole decade versus decade.
And fuck, that's a grind.
Fuck, that's a grind.
Yeah, I don't like, Erika was still working with me at the time when they first started talking about doing this, and she's going, they're going to burn themselves out doing this.
I'm going, yeah, they probably won't, but they will be hired afterwards for sure.
And yeah, so that is a lot that they did, buddy.
Kudos to him.
They did great.
It's hard.
As Scott and I talked about before, we used to be serious professional podcasters like them as well.
And we used to do themes and shit.
But so I know the work, you know, and I don't think, and up to this point, Scott, like I feel like before I did podcasting, I was just a listener.
I didn't understand how much prep can go into a really well thought out podcast.
It is a labor of love.
And I applaud them.
And I really was like, I just don't want the 1980s to win.
Cause I just feel like that's so stereotypical.
I really hope that's not the decade that wins.
Yeah, I was going to say like, I'm thinking maybe the 2010 to 2020s could.
That's what I'm hoping for.
Rob is screaming at us right now.
You're wrong.
Rob thinks I'm wrong about everything.
It's just Rob's way of flirting with me.
Well, that's, fuck, that's true too, right?
So it will be very interesting to see, but I liked their hot takes on things, like not liking Carnival of Souls.
I enjoyed that because I think sometimes, and again, we all have preferences, but sometimes people praise these older movies.
And yes, when they came out, I respect movies for what they did for the time.
There's a lot of movies that if we hadn't had them, we wouldn't have what we have now.
But I have a good friend in the UK that gets very frustrated by me because he's very much a more mature movie fan, we'll say.
He likes a lot of the older stuff.
He's listening right now and probably laughing because he knows I'm talking about him.
And I correct him all the time.
And he's so polite that he will never say anything rude back to me.
But I think it's important to acknowledge that things get better as time goes on.
To say that cinematography has not improved is not true.
But that's not to say that certain movies still don't have their place in cinematic history and deserve the respect that they do.
But when you show it to a newer generation, they may not like it, just like you and I did not appreciate Skinemarink, but Connor did.
It's not that Connor's stupid and his opinion doesn't matter.
Absolutely not the case at all.
Well, to me, his opinion doesn't matter.
Well, Connor, your opinion matters to me.
Because I know you don't know me, but I'm like your cool aunt.
Scott's like a boring dad.
So it's fair, right?
They're like, word, lady, word.
But you know what I mean, Scott?
So we all need that kind of give and take.
But I'm glad that they've gone through the errors.
But the thing that makes me laugh the most is when they would make fun of the 1930s, 40s and 50s with the, oh yeah, now, what do you say here?
Oh yeah.
That's exactly how they all sound.
Well, I think you're a fool.
Well, I think you're a fool.
Oh my goodness.
Well, you get the heck out of here.
Like, oh.
It's so funny.
Anyway, if you're not currently listening to Dummies of Horror, please check them out.
You can find them on Spotify or any other podcast carrier, or you can become a Patreon, like Scott and I.
I'm also a Patreon of The Horror Returns.
I actually have to give them my top three or three picks.
I'm trying to think of what I can torture Lance with, but I don't want to hurt Brian and God.
Phil, sorry, Phil.
Like totally blinked on your name.
I'll blame it on my sinuses.
But yeah, like I want to torture Lance, but I don't want Brian and Phil to be sacrificed in the process.
So that's a hard call.
How do you torture one person?
It would be like wanting to do stuff to Matt, but sparing Kate, right?
Well, that's easy to do with Matt.
You just suggest any movie and he'll throw a fit or hate it.
And he came at me.
I saw you come at me punching Matt talking like, oh, look at my letterbox.
You look at my fucking letterbox, Matt, before you come stepping, huh?
I watch everything.
Fucking bring it, Matt.
Is that what you can imagine?
Matt and I just have an episode with us going back and forth on what movies we've seen.
Well, it's like, cause I think you're in like, I don't think you know it, but you're in a competition with him now.
Cause I think he was like trying to outdo you last year.
And then she was getting caught.
Oh, I know.
I know he was.
I was happy that he beat me.
I loved listening to their year end show.
And he's like, I watched more movies than Heather.
I think that's great.
If I've inspired somebody to watch more than 12 fucking releases in a year and then tell me the year sucked.
Like at least if you've watched enough and you tell me the year sucked for you, then I can be like, well, yeah, you watched enough movies.
I love when Matt competes with me.
Because the more I make fun of somebody, the more I like them.
So like Matt, like I basically adore you.
I basically have a wall attributed to you.
I consider you like my version of Calvin Harris.
Like a low-budget version of Calvin Harris.
You just have a wall?
You just have a wall?
I have a shrine to Matt Wood.
It's a big piece of wood?
I have a Woody for Matt Wood.
Oh, like my dildo is named after Matt Wood.
Matt's a virgin, so he wouldn't know anything about that.
No, he wouldn't.
He's saving himself, you know?
Some people still have morals out there.
So our 2024 list continues to be entertaining.