The podcast on Haunted Hill will contain spoilers and swearing.
I am the devil and I am here to do the devil's work.
I saw this when I come.
Be one of us.
I didn't tell you my name.
Hang up.
I didn't tell you my name.
I didn't tell you my name.
I didn't tell you my name.
I didn't tell you my name.
I didn't tell you my name.
I didn't tell you my name.
It is time to keep your opinion.
Hello and welcome to the podcast on Haunted Hill, episode 141.
My name is Gav.
My name is Dan.
We are here.
This isn't the musical.
Don't worry.
You are going to follow.
I'm Dan.
We are here on Haunted Hill.
It's in great new words and stuff.
That's it.
Welcome Gav.
Welcome me.
We are almost hello.
We are getting close to it now.
As we record this, we are midway through October.
It is very exciting.
We are banging out a couple.
We are not totally.
As promised, we would get a couple out because we have been a bit slack lately with life stuff.
This is an exciting episode though because a couple of years back we started a little tradition
of a little franchise face off, didn't we?
We are going to be covering two movies from two different franchises.
You should have done Jason versus Freddy.
I know.
We are doing Jason separately.
I know.
We should have done.
We have done our own new franchise haven't we?
We have Michael versus Freddy.
There we go.
Loomis versus Crazy Ralph.
Who would win in that fight?
Crazy Ralph.
Depends on what stage Loomis were at.
Are we out drinking on set Loomis or my daughter says it's like John Carm to directing Loomis.
We are covering Halloween for the return of Michael Myers.
He is returning.
He is returning.
He is returning L.
From the same year 1988 we are also covering a nightmare on Street 4.
The dream warrior.
I did realize that both of us are here.
Before we get into all of that shenanigans and we talk about films and all the other stuff.
How are you?
What have you been up to?
Very well.
DJed locally.
My favourite little pub.
Some hip hop.
Some hip-body hop.
I played low stuff.
I only had one person ask for requests.
Pretty drunk guy.
I was going to ask you if there had been any requests.
I don't drink anymore.
I am fairly used to it.
Anyone request it is good because it is kind of like I was almost going to get a t-shirt
that says no requests.
What was the request?
I have curated the music to play and I have got some really good.
I shared you the playlists.
I have really good tracks on there and I am especially for that pub and that place.
The request was Oasis.
That fits nicely with 90s hip hop back.
Went off and came back and asked for Oasis again.
I have got Oasis.
It is still a 90s.
I was playing also.
Not to say a pop.
I have played Dusty Springfield, Queen and Clearwater Revival.
I have finished with White Zombie.
I have just put all the other match up and it is cool.
I am playing there next month.
I am playing regularly and monthly playing there now.
Do you want to tell our listeners where so that if they want to come along?
The William Covid pub in Parliament in Surrey UK.
We will get a fly posted up on the Facebook page genuinely if anybody wants to come along.
Of course.
Come along and seek out.
Spinning the wheels of steel.
They asked me to DJ on Halloween and I said name your prize.
I can't because I am already DJing on a wedding.
You are just a man who has been sought after left, right and centre.
It is kind of annoying because I would like to have done Halloween.
Next year I do Halloween though.
You had to play with the whole room stuff.
I could play like goblin and all sorts.
I could do loads of stuff.
I am going to play it monthly.
It is quite nice.
I have a room there and a little area to play.
It is nice because I can play the songs I want to play.
As a detail it is my choice.
These are records from my mind.
Sitting in joy rather than if you have got a racist.
No fucking hell I have not got a racist.
That is anyone that is not too bad.
That is it man.
Doing 31 and 31 is kind of because my list is my specific list.
I am not going to get them but I have been watching other stuff as well with my eldest with Jay.
A different film.
I have actually started another 31 and 31.
The current side of mine is the ones I am watching I am keeping count of.
I am also putting a watch next to that list I have put together.
I have adjusted a little bit.
I added koojo and added something else as well.
I took some stuff off.
That is so obscure.
I am changing that.
That is it.
Not an awful lot for me.
I am saying to you 31 and 31.
I am doing my werewolves.
We are going to talk about where we are at at the moment at this midway point in just a moment.
Yeah it has been fun.
I have a little family holiday away a couple of weekends ago in a very big old cottage.
It is a barn that has been converted to an Airbnb cottage.
It is absolutely huge.
Really scenic.
Very cozy.
No spooky vibes but definitely could have been an Agatha Christie novel.
It could have happened in there I think.
Very good stuff.
I have got a little shout out to one of our patrons and listeners and friends.
Matthew Godly.
He is gifting me with a copy of the original Woman in Black on DVD from 1989.
Very nice.
He did say often as a patron he does support us obviously but he does often say if there
is any movies that you guys are struggling to get hold of he has got a very vast library.
I forgot that you said that and that is actually really handy to know.
Every once in a while when Dan and I both are in message in each other again I can't find
it and you are like I can't find it.
We both need to put our brains together and remember that.
We do.
He was watching the original Woman in Black recently a couple of days back as we record
this and I said I love this one.
He said he prefers it to the remake and he said have you seen it?
He said do you want a copy of it?
He is so kindly sending that over to me.
Thank you so much Matt and sending all I love to you and hope that you are doing well.
Thank you for Dan's little present.
I like Dan to be happy.
If Dan is happy then I am happy.
We might get to watch it together one day who knows with a little blanket over us.
I wanted to briefly give a quick shout out to our friend and fellow podcaster.
She has appeared on our show Kate Pollock.
You should go check out her show Eternal Sunshine of the not so spotless.
No Eternal Darkness of the not so spotless minds.
It is a long one and it is hard to get out as they say.
She messaged me randomly listening to our last episode where we covered the final destination
one and two.
She said it is funny.
She had a funny experience where she went into a shop and she paid for her whatever she
bought and the price came to £17.17.
She got her phone to pay with her apple pay and the time was £17.17.
That is weird.
It is for £17.17 at £17.17 pm.
I like that.
That is spooky isn't it?
I do not know what the significance of £17 is but avoid £17 for a while Kate.
If you are going to get on a bus, do not get on the number £17.
I guess that is the moral.
How long is it for £17 days?
Oh god.
Now you are ready.
You do not do it for.
It is £17.17.
How old do you think Kate is?
I do not know.
Anyway I just wanted to mention that because I thought that was funny.
It is numbers though wasn't it?
It is all these numbers that say numbers.
I wonder if it is a code.
Just go out to all doors Kate which have codes which numerical codes you can press and just
And just press 17, four times everywhere you go and eventually you'll find something I
opened them, I'm sure.
It's like that movie with Nicholas Cage where he discovers all of these numbers that add
up to - Yeah.
Is that where it is?
They can fore see disasters.
No, that's, that's next.
Oh no.
That is that one.
Yeah, there are one thing you don't fucking have any any.
I know, I don't know what Nicholas Cage is doing, he doesn't know.
He doesn't know, I want to put him in at night in a sexual sort of way on a night out.
I mean, I want to put him in for a movie.
That'd be fucking well good.
Oh yeah.
Wouldn't it?
Do you want to come around and watch a film with us?
I could probably film him sitting there watching a movie with someone and just made that movie
and people would go.
You could film him watching the unbearable weight of my talent.
That's quite a matter man.
That's even more matters.
Have you been watching some films?
Yeah, so let's, we and Gab are going to, I say, I've been a good day at all now because
obviously our Halloween episode, which we can never do like the whole 31, 31 because we
recorded the episode before the 31st and we could release it just before Halloween.
So it's always going to suck so we can't do that.
Well we're just going to talk loosely around where we're at so far with our 31 movies,
so what do you want to do?
You go first because I've got a couple more than you.
Do you want to tell us what you've been watching?
There's a couple.
I tell you what I did watch.
I watched cat people, the original cat people.
Yeah, that's a lot of atmosphere there.
It's alright actually.
I did also watch a white zombie, which I thought was a bit shit.
Yeah, it's alright.
It's a bit slow isn't it?
Yeah, I did watch a movie on YouTube called Witchcraft from 1964.
Yes, I've seen that.
I watched that when we did our witch episode.
That was pretty good.
Yeah, good stuff.
Not bad.
A few number of imagery here and there.
Apart from that of my 31, 31, that is it, which is really bad.
But I will get all over it but I'm also working on the Star Wars film at the moment in almost
bad times so it's quite hard.
But I have been watching other stuff and I quickly, very much quickly, I did also watch
Frozen, House of the Devil, Blood Bar for the House of Death and Vacancy.
Nice, all vacancy is a good one.
It's enjoyable to watch again actually.
Yeah, and I think you know what, it's good to peer off your list sometimes as well.
It doesn't matter.
Yeah, I'm still indulging just in horror this month, so that's the main thing.
Yeah, that is cool.
Very cool.
Nice one.
I'm doing my werewolf month.
I did Hammer, just Hammer-only last year.
So this year it's werewolf only.
So I'm trying to do two a night because I like to get my numbers in and there might
be the odd night, I can't do any.
So I started off the first night with American Werewolf in London and then American Werewolf
in Paris.
You and I both love that sequel.
We've talked about this.
It doesn't really matter.
I did work my way painstakingly through the fucking howling franchise.
All eight of them.
Oh man.
Like the murder mystery one I like isn't that great movie either, but I quite like the
art concept of that in the castle.
Well, I will say this.
The howling one is a classic, you know, it's good.
It's definitely a very good, it's not my favourite, but it is a very good werewolf movie.
Howling two is a lot of fun.
Howling two feels like- I've never seen it.
I had a dude in it scratched.
I can watch it.
It feels like one of the house movies.
It's got a really weird sense of humour about it.
Howling three, which is the Australian one, Ozz Poitatia.
Ozz Poitatia.
Yeah, the Ozz Poopia's.
That one is silly and fun as well.
The fourth one is awful, really bad.
Is that a freak show one?
No, that's the sixth one.
The fifth one is- That's the fourth one.
It's called the original nightmare.
It's based more on the book.
What happens?
It's the same story as the first one.
It's just based more on the book.
They try and tie it into the first three movies.
It just doesn't work as well.
The fifth one is really good.
That's the rebirth.
That's where they all go to the castle.
I'm hungry.
It's the one I like.
Christopher Lee's in it.
Christopher Lee's in it.
He's in the second one.
Yeah, you're right.
He's in the second one, sorry.
It's really good, the fifth one.
Actually, one of my favourites.
The sixth one is quite good fun.
The freaks.
It's about the carnival freak.
And then there's the Howling New Moon Rising, which came out in '95.
And then there's Howling, the reborn in 2011.
Anything after number six is really awful, to be honest with you.
Obviously, I've watched our movies for this episode.
There's our Halloween, 4, and Nightman L Street,
which I'll include, but they're not werewolf movies.
I also thought Scooby-Doo, the relative werewolf,
which I try and watch every year.
I do love that one.
That's a good one.
And then I started on my black and white movies.
Werewolf of London.
The Wolf Man, Frankenstein meets The Wolf Man.
She wolf of London.
Yeah, I've got a wolf man box that I've got last year for last,
haven't we, actually?
Yeah, and after She Wolf of London,
I'm going to go into female werewolf.
So that's all I've watched so far.
But I'm going to then go into Cursed with Christina Reakey.
And then I'm going to do the Ginger Snaps and a few female-led ones.
So I'm really looking forward to cracking on with some more werewolf
movies for the end of the month.
There is a few werewolf films in, isn't there?
I've got a list of 49, which I'm going to be watching.
But there are more than that, but I'm doing the Brotherhood of the Wolf.
And I'm not doing the certain ones I'm just not going to do.
Because they're either really bad or I just don't really want to include them.
You know, somebody said, are you going to do Wallace and Gromit and the Wereab,
Cursed with the Wereab, but I don't really want--
Not legit werewolf, is it?
And to be honest with you, She Wolf of London isn't a werewolf movie.
They talk about werewolves all the way through it.
The killer must be a werewolf, but it turns out it's just a woman who's got schizophrenia.
She puts a hood up and goes out killing people with her hood up.
Well, that isn't a werewolf.
Is it?
Not really.
It's just a hoodie.
So there we go.
But yeah, it's exciting month.
And Gav and I want to thank all of you listeners for keeping the page so busy.
There's time of year with everybody posting up what they're watching.
We've got Laura watching all of her Friday the 13th movies.
You know, I've seen people watching some of the classics I mentioned, Matthew, with his
woman in black.
And there's just all sorts of random stuff.
Your Sarah is posting up stuff left, right, and center.
It's just so much fun to see what people are watching at this time of year.
It's really nice because it's always nice to have fun joining.
I feel more annoyed because I can't keep Adam of '81,
That's why I just put up a little disclaimer.
My list everywhere they have done.
I put up a film whilst watching it because it wasn't even on my list either then.
No, it's great.
It's really, it's a little Christmas.
It is, isn't it?
It's good fun.
And we'll probably very quickly wiz through everything we've watched
when we do our Halloween special in a few weeks time.
But yeah, let's leave it there then.
So anything else you wanted to add before we...
I was going to say the New Exorcist films just come out.
Oh, we do want to talk about that, didn't you?
Not that I'm a big, much of a fan of The Original Exorcist.
I think it's a fine film.
It's a very well crafted movie, absolutely.
And I imagine it came out as really shocking.
I'm not, you know, I'm not...
Those sorts of films aren't really my bag.
So I don't feel as passionate as some people do,
but I totally understand it.
It is a very good horror movie.
It's a very well acted, crafted film.
But yeah, the new movie came out.
And David Gordon Green did the Halloween franchise.
I do know what he's been doing.
He's making another...
This is original part of '1, 2 and 3'.
And it cost them 400 million to secure the rights.
So they really need this one to do well.
But everyone's just like, why are you touching that?
Now William Friedkin's died, unfortunately recently,
but he knew he was going to know what he'd do.
And he said his last review interview,
to the interview Ed,
the guy who's made those new Halloween sequels
is about to make one of my movie...
Make one to my movie The Exorcist.
That's right. My signature film was about to be extended by the man
who made Pineapple Express.
I don't want to be around when that happens,
but if there's a spirit world and I can come back,
I plan to possess David Gordon Green and make his life a live in hell.
That's what the Exorcist director William Friedkin said about his film being touched.
He hated the sequels.
I didn't realise he was saying that.
That was so funny that he said that,
especially because he directed The Exorcist.
Now he's still talking about possessing somebody.
And then he actually sadly passed away a couple of months back.
Yeah, he would never have watched anyway.
And hilarious.
Because I think this whole time has been like,
no one's going to touch it.
Unfortunately, he's just about to die and his film was going to be made,
so that's gutting really.
I love the Pineapple Express, but it's hilarious when he puts it like that.
I don't think it's that funny actually.
Oh, I really liked it.
But I think it's hilarious when he says,
that's right.
One of my films is about to be remade or to extend it by the man that's
the Pineapple Express.
I didn't know what it was doing.
What it's doing, it's done really until I read that.
Because we both saw the first Halloween in the cinema together
and we were like, yeah, it's pretty decent.
I'd have been happy just with that one.
No more.
Just that.
And why do you have to make it a free,
not this one?
Why do you have to make it a free part?
Oh, I know why.
Because you may have had some passion.
You're like, David Gorgrins, I love the original Dada Dada,
and Blumhouse, we love how we want to put a passion in there.
And they're doing it great.
But why do you need free parts?
Just to put the passion into one movie,
put everything in that one film.
Oh, because it probably makes money.
Well, neither of us have seen it,
but I can say that all I've heard is negative things about it.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, shit.
No, shit.
It's not easy.
No, it's not in any way scary.
You know, I watch it when it's available to stream.
No, I won't watch it.
I'm not going to bother, you know.
But if the producers would be like,
yeah, but we have to have a free part to try and make
money back, it could cost us 400 million to secure rights.
Don't secure the rights.
Spend that money on original properties.
There's so many stories out there.
And the other thing is, where does this end?
You know, what's next?
Is you going to buy the rights to the American world?
Prangyce, and then make another one of those.
Don't say that because that is a perfect one to go because no one's,
well, they did do make a lot of Paris.
But that is a good one to actually go to.
So don't say that.
All right.
Everybody doesn't listen to our podcast anymore.
So that's fine.
So I don't know.
The funny thing is, there are franchisees out there
where I feel like we need another one.
Like, I feel like we need another another, another Friday.
The 13th.
The 13th one.
Why doesn't Blumhouse do Friday the 13th?
Chuck's money into a big, you know, everybody's interested.
Well, I've been happy about that.
I guaranteed it's probably some fucking rights issue or something.
That's probably wasn't in touch or something stupid.
But I don't know.
It's just a weird one.
But yeah, it's been really slated.
But I'm not here just to dislike.
I haven't seen it.
It's hard to make a movie and well done for making the fucking film.
But like, why?
I must say, when I saw the first trailer, I thought,
oh, that looks like it could be quite good.
And I like what they're doing with it.
And it's two girls that are possessed and this, that, and the other.
But all I'm hearing online, and I don't really want to read any reviews
because I prefer to make my mind mind up.
But I'm seeing nothing but poor reviews of it.
Just before we go to our first movie to review today,
actually, you've just reminded me, I watched the trailer for another
Christmas horror movie coming out by the same people that did.
Happy birthday to me and then did free key, which we both really enjoyed.
I feel like freaky.
So obviously, happy death day is like the horror version of Grindhog Day.
Free key is the horror version of all those bodies to what movies from the 80s.
Well, now we've got a movie coming out this Christmas called It's a Wonderful Knife.
And it's about a girl from the trailer.
It's about a girl who stops a serial killer who wears this awesome white mask,
like a snow angel mask that they look like.
And she stops him, but she's really unhappy with the life and she makes a wish.
I wish I'd never been born.
And then it's like, it's a wonderful life.
She then sees what would have happened if she had never been born.
Is it Blumhouse?
I'm not sure.
It's by the people that did Happy Death Day and it's freaky.
It's absolutely good.
So basically, she's going up to her dad and he's like, I don't know who you are.
I've never had a daughter.
And then the serial killer never got stopped.
So he's going around killing people.
I'm kind of tapping out because it's like, it's at the moment, Amazon with a Blumhouse for me,
just for right now.
And it's kind of they're back to the future horror movie.
It's just come on called Totally Killer, which is just dropped about a girl goes back into one of us.
And it's like a, like goes back to the 80s.
And it's just like, stunting it.
We've done that already.
I watched that movie.
And final girls.
Yeah, yeah, me and Jay told them.
And that was great.
That's all right.
But it's just taking these concepts and these classic movies and then just going,
Oh, no, horror.
But soon she said I was like, Oh, for fuck's sake.
Why take these concepts?
It's so lazy.
Well, I really like freaky and I really like Happy Death Day and the sequel.
So I will.
Yeah, they have a market.
They have an audience.
I'm just fucking grumpy.
I'm the trader.
Looked fun.
So and I love a Christmas horror movie.
Like I love it.
That we get a certain business.
The list.
It might be right.
But I know exactly what it could be already.
We've seen those films already.
It's going to have it's happening to the teenage market,
which I'm not on.
I'm not a Democrat basically.
I know exactly what that films could be like in it.
It'd be a, uh, I'd have a be a 5.6 out of 10 or 6.4 out of 10 around.
DV, you know.
It's enough my lawn.
Old man, Shakespeare's at Clouds.
That's the Simpsons reference.
Very well done.
Thank you.
Gold clap.
First one in 10 years.
Um, okay.
Well, we are going to now have a trade of a Freddy got fingered.
Not that one.
Well, sorry.
Well, that might have been why he's angry.
Oh, wow.
Freddy Krueger got fingered.
Uh, we are going to launch into our franchise face off with our first review,
which is a nightmare on Old Street for the dream warrior.
Not the road warrior, the dream warrior.
So here's a trailer.
Do you know what terror is?
Do you live here?
No, but do you live here?
Real terror.
How long has it been since you've been on Old Street?
Welcome to a brand new nightmare.
He is the first in fear.
Second to none.
Don't let them put you to sleep.
He has no mercy.
And no evil.
Now no one sleeps.
Get ready.
This August, your wildest dreams will come true.
How sweet, fresh-meant.
A nightmare on Old Street, part four.
The dream master.
Okay, so first up, a nightmare on Old Street for the dream master from 1988.
Oh, one hour.
Time to take off.
Okay, one hour and thirty eight minutes.
This guy likes to always say the running times.
Freddy Krueger returns once.
Oh, finished.
Yeah, sorry.
Sorry, let me interrupt.
Continue, continue.
Freddy Krueger returns once again to terrorize the dreams of the remaining dream warriors,
as well as those of a young woman who may be able to defeat him for good.
She doesn't because there's about another four sequels after this, but that's the synopsis.
This is directed.
And this is the first film, major film really.
Directed by Renny Harlan.
How does Renny Harlan go from this to die hot too?
I don't understand.
And then cliffhanger.
My brain does not compute.
Straight off the bat here, I wasn't totally into this film.
I'm sorry, spoiler.
Well, I do love die hot too.
And recently, you've become quite fond of cliffhanger.
Yeah, it's good.
He also did The Longest Good Night, which is great.
Deep Blue Sea, which I'm a fan of, cutthroat island, exorcists at the beginning, one of the
two versions that came out, some controversy around that.
And he's done a bunch of other movies, one of the most recent of which I've watched,
which is a Jackie Chan movie, Skip Trace with him and Johnny Knoxville, which is not great.
Jackie Chan, Johnny Knoxville.
It's not great.
Who you thought that's a great pairing.
I think they'd seen Jackie Chan with Owen Wilson and Chris Dacheron thought,
well, Jackie Chan's always good with your pair of up with someone who's,
but it just wasn't.
Obviously Jackie Chan does his own stunts.
Johnny Knoxville does his own stunts, I guess.
Yeah, that's the thing.
They're both the same sort of stick in this not really totally,
but in a big ballpark of entertainers.
They are both kind of that physical, slapstick.
Maybe that was the reason, but then it's like, how does that work?
Johnny Knoxville's humor is just completely way off.
And Jackie Chan's humor is going to be slightly more Eastern orientated in a way.
Obviously, he knows the American market very well because he's worked in America for many years,
but do you know what I mean?
His origins of where his humor came from as a child is going to be doing,
so that's a weird pairing, man.
Well, what happens?
Is there like some stunt shit going on all?
Yes, I think there's quite a few things where they're handcuffed together for ages.
I can't really remember it now.
It's to do with...
It's with Chris Dacher, didn't he?
Yeah, he did that as well.
It's to do with human trafficking, I think, but it's just not even worth talking about it.
Because I love Jackie Chan and I'll always defend him,
but it wasn't one of his finest movies.
But back to this film.
But back to this film.
So yeah, this came out in 1988.
So the original Nightmare on the Street came out in 1984.
So by four years' time, we've already got the fourth movie.
So they are banging these out, aren't they?
Yeah, well, I know what was going on here, and it's in quick succession,
They do go the humor route with Freddy,
and he becomes more and more slapstick and stuff,
and more and more commercial, like Freddy lunchboxes,
Freddy word, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Freddy rap songs.
They kind of knew what they're doing.
It was a "Shay", wasn't it?
"Ninchay's Brother", what's he called?
The house of Freddy built their word class as the studio.
What's the studio for God's sake?
Tell me the studio, man.
New line cinema.
New line cinema.
And Bob Shay.
That's it.
And another thing with this film, though,
is my personal opinion just coming at it,
because I couldn't remember this at all whatsoever.
I remember maybe one little bit of it,
so I was like, "Oh, I have seen it."
It feels like it's more like an effects artist showcase.
Yeah, so I agree with you in some ways.
I think the Freddy movies got progressively more and more like that,
because I certainly, watching these at a younger age,
always went to these because you'd hear about,
"Oh, the new Freddy, this happens and that happens."
This one, Alice watched this one with me.
She actually really enjoyed it.
She was really drawn into it and said it was really stupid,
but also she found some of it quite scary,
but then she's not like a seasoned horror movie fan.
But you're right.
Interesting take, though.
It's good for her when she does,
from it asks to know what her thoughts are,
not as a seasoned horror veteran, like all of us people.
Yeah, she dips in and out.
She watched, I think I always said,
she watched The Deep House and she watched Orphan 2 with me.
So she dips in and out if it's on and it captures her.
Otherwise, she's happy to carry them,
just drawing or doing a painting or whatever she's doing in the same room.
But yeah, she enjoyed this.
I really like this. It's not the best Freddy movie.
I think one is definitely the scariest.
I really like to, I really like three.
I think three is for me is The Peak.
This drops down from three a little bit.
I don't really like the fifth one.
And there's a one or two towards the end that are quite good fun,
but I still find a lot of enjoyment in this one.
I really like the tie into the one before it.
We were bringing in those characters and then spoiler alert,
we're killing off a lot of those characters that survived the movie before this.
And at the end of the day, a dog pisses fire out of its dick.
So there's always that.
But yeah, I know what you mean though.
Going back to what you were saying, it's just a showcase.
Every 20 minutes, what practical effects can we do some crazy shit with?
But I'm here for that.
I quite like that.
But the thing was though, this is around a time when the effects artists
are at their peak of being rock and roll stars.
They were just like worshiped.
It was like a certain thing.
And they're all against each other.
And there's all of them trying to up the next person who can do the next thing.
And apparently there's like a book.
I can't remember what it's called.
It tells all.
And it says, "All the crazy, co-fuelled stories of them just
and effects and just women and just craziness."
Because it was really rock and roll.
So it does feel like that.
And almost story is like second, like, "Oh, better do a story."
Yeah, and I can disagree with what you're saying, to be honest with you.
I agree with that.
You're not really here for the story by this point.
You're here for the deaths, the effects.
Which is fine because at the time, that was at the peak,
really coming up to the end of the 80s.
But we've gone through the mid 80s, where it's like the height of the slashes.
And then it goes, "How's Jason going to kill the person?
How's Freddy going to kill the person?"
And that's what the kids talked about in the playground.
So yeah, that was what got people to go to watch films.
So that's kind of what it feels like for now in 2023 watching this film for myself.
Yeah, and I think out of the three main franchises, you know, Freddy, Jason and Michael,
you know, both you and I think that Jason is the better,
I see, better franchise.
But Freddy always had the more elaborate and crazy effects.
The effects, I think, always will go out, be one.
The award for Best Effects will always be won by the Freddy movies.
Because he comes in your dreams.
He can turn anything into anything because it's all dreams.
And it's all very surreal and psychedelic.
Whatever he wants to, he can make real.
Whereas in Jason, there's only 70 limbs and heads and ways to kill people, you know.
And Michael really only uses a knife, really, for the most part.
So I think that's one thing that always drew me as a kid.
And I think most of us, us listeners and anybody who likes horrors,
one thing you can say about the Freddy movies is you're going to get some crazy
prac- and they're always practical, really, for the most part effects.
And I do, that is probably the stand-out in this movie is the effects, really.
Yeah, yeah, totally.
Well, I tell you what I'm going to do because I'm just looking at the effects department here.
And it's big, it's large and there's a lot of names.
Yeah, I actually imagine.
A lot of names sticking out Harold Berger,
the Screaming Matt George, Steve Johnson, Chris Yeager, Kevin Yeager.
Some of those people are like fairly big names.
It's funny though, you know.
So we were doing another film of the same sub-genre of horror at his peak
on this show later on, which is Halloween 4.
So I'm going to check out the effects department there and just see,
like, just visually, if it's smaller, I'll barely, you know.
And I think the reason they probably would have had various people working on this movie is
they would have had someone who works exclusively on Robert Engdens' makeup.
Then you would have had probably almost a different team for almost every death
because one of the deaths involves like a giant bug.
You know, so there's lots of different ways that people die in this.
And then even like, oh my god, the end.
Say what you will about this movie, the end scene where all the faces appear on his torso
and all that kind of stuff, it just looks crazy and amazing.
And that would probably another team on their own.
So like when you go and watch a Marvel movie or something these days,
and the effects team at the end is like thousands of people.
Oh, I've literally just found, again, special effects by so I was actually only looking at
the makeup department. What am I doing?
So special effects by, yeah, that's got, I would say,
for maybe names.
So big budget is for that.
On the payroll.
Yeah, yeah, totally.
That's crazy and only like five visual effects credits.
How that has changed.
Yeah, totally see the way around, isn't it?
Yeah, and tons of stunts and stuff.
But yeah, that's interesting.
So definitely going to check out.
But Halloween fallo later on, Michael's Mars on one point,
rips a chunk of flesh and meat out of a policeman's neck at one stage.
And it was just brutal.
It was really like 70 zombie-style.
That was like, whoa, that's pretty full on, wasn't expecting.
But anyway, back to this one, should we do it?
Yeah, let's do it.
Go for it.
So following on directly from Dream Warriors, where the kids in the mental institution
or club together in their dreams and defeat Freddy,
well, we follow on with this movie.
So we'll get a terrible song.
Which song?
Oh, that 80 song about the nightmare.
Oh, some stages.
But there was a lot of good songs in this other than that one.
I really like the fat boys doing their Freddy rap over the end credits.
Didn't notice.
Oh, right.
Yeah, there's a music video.
I've seen that.
See, that's the stage where we are, Freddy.
And we did.
Wouldn't it be funny if it's jumping around,
it's Michael Mars with the fat boys.
But it would be awful because he wouldn't say anything.
That's the difference because Freddy's got a voice.
And that's why I had to always be in England.
Freddy had albums.
He had music albums available, vinyl, CD.
Just insane, isn't it?
Yeah, you know, like you said, he was on the stage.
He was like, yeah, he's like everything.
There was probably a Brett Passirial, there was everything, you know.
And there was kids buying all this shit that shouldn't have been.
But again, it's the 80s, you know.
Kind of watched them because you just did because you go to a video shop
and grab a video and it'd be like, I've seen that man.
I've seen that man.
And you just have to watch it because everyone else watched it,
regardless if you wanted to not.
But you had a limitation of what horror was out there.
There wasn't much.
So you'd just get whatever you could.
Like, it's giving up to me like a fucking fix.
On the street off your fucking junkie,
your fucking drug dealer.
A horror dealer.
Yeah, so I don't know.
I watched it in that.
But watch it this time now, I'm saying it since then.
I don't know.
Didn't hold up for myself.
But you liked it, didn't you?
Just kind of threw in there for one thing.
There is some threw in there.
So I thought, I know what Dan Nonsense has come through in it.
I said that, Tala, this is fucking hell.
Any movie in the 80s, they just had to get karate and come through into it.
Nunchucks, all that kind of stuff.
It was a name and a credit.
It's Danny Nazel.
Just popped in my head there.
Sounds like me if I'm doing it to cocaine.
And someone called Tuesday night.
And they're saying their name was K-N-I-G-H-T.
Yeah, she's our main actress.
Oh, wow.
Okay, so it's an actress type thing.
Very cool name, I think.
I like that.
So we do start with that song.
It's a bit porn, but yeah.
Tuesday night.
What are you doing Tuesday night?
It's like, "Crape David's song, isn't it?"
I met a girl on Monday, took her for a drink on Tuesday night.
So we start off with our usual ones who Freddy's coming for you type music playing in the
background after the awful song you mentioned, which is a very 80s pop song.
And we see a little girl drawing on the ground with chalk and she's drawing a
Freddy's house on Elm Street.
We do.
I don't think, well, I suppose some people wouldn't think it.
You do know kind of realize fairly soon we're in a dream because it just feels a little
wishy-washy with the way it's being filmed.
I don't think that's like me going, "Oh, I know because I make films."
It's not that at all.
It's just like, you know, I think most people would realize we're in the dream.
And, and Kristen played by Tuesday night.
I mean, sorry again.
One more thing with this film, I did think it felt like it felt like a part
tour of like a two-part TV movie or something.
The way it jumped straight in there, it bunks us through a load of characters
right at the beginning, which is a load of them.
But it was so hard to remember who was who and what's what because there's so many of them all at once.
Like really quickly, it felt like it's a continuation and we've already been introduced in part one.
Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, but I do think if you go and watch any movie like this from the eighties,
there's 12 characters.
You only remember three other names because they're all going to get killed off over the next
90 minutes.
It just felt forced.
Fair enough.
But we meet Kristen.
She's in this dream that we're talking about and she suddenly, you're right,
we're in the dream because suddenly it's nighttime and she's going into Freddy's house.
It's raining.
She hears the one two Freddy's coming for you.
She goes into the very scary house.
She gets locked in the window explodes and she wakes up.
She's she called well, she doesn't make up.
She calls her friend first of all.
She sort of helped me help me to her buddy.
It's just a last time.
She says and I was like, "King Kane."
I was like, "Is that a kid from last time?"
And it was.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then Paul's another one and they're both like, "Bitch,
why don't we get Paul to send us into the dream again?"
Joey was the other one.
I think Joey was the one doing magic tricks on the last one who became a wizard and
King Kane is the one who was really strong in his dreams.
That's right.
What would we do?
I mean, yeah, if we just pulled into a dream, we'd be like, "Freddy's a-
where are we?
Who are you?"
Like, "I've pulled you into help me."
Why have you pulled into like where are we?
Freddy's drawing-
Freddy's coming.
That's fucking brilliant.
What would we do, Dan?
What would we team up?
We would team up and I'd use my kitboxing skills.
Do you think we'd have a double thing where you would link arms
and not spend over and you'd fly with my back kicking them?
I'm glad there was more to that.
Like golden axe.
What's on the thing?
Yeah, something like that.
Fucking 80.
Special move.
I got like it.
The Beard Brother.
Beard Brother's special move.
I like it.
Both tugging-
You tell us beards and then-
Something happens.
Well, you're right.
Kincaid and Joey are very annoyed that they've been dragged into Kristen's dream.
Damn straight.
And they say, "What are we doing here?"
She says, "He's back.
He's back.
Freddy's here."
They're like, "No, no, no, no, no.
We killed him in the last film.
You're stupid."
It's what it feels so,
but I guess it is a continuation of a series of films,
I suppose it does make sense.
But do you know what I mean?
It feels so like,
"Oh, you need to be like straight in in that last movie.
Watch Nick."
Cause I was just like, "Okay."
I did remember-
I met him as a characterist before that.
This would have been really fresh to audiences because they would have been-
It would have been.
It would have been watched part three, here we go.
And they would have been at height of their VHS,
what re-watch them over and over.
I would have watched it that day before we went to cinema to watch the next one.
Kincaid's dog bites Kristen on the arm,
and then everybody wakes up and Kristen's got a bite mark on her arm.
For those who haven't remembered,
we're reminded that these kids can link up in their dreams,
and they've got powers when they're in their dreams.
They're stronger.
They're stronger, they're better, they're faster, they're harder.
In their dreams.
But yeah, fucking Darth Punckesong.
So in the morning, Kristen calls around for Alice.
Now there is, in the last episode,
there was a Tim and Enora in one of the films.
Oh, you like that, didn't you?
I guess it's your first family in yours.
And in this episode, there's Alice and her boyfriend Dan,
which is funny to me.
That's weird.
Yeah, very strange.
Well, most movies has a Sarah.
Actually, I'm going to quickly check up,
but it's not a Sarah in here now.
I don't think there is a Sarah in here.
Am I wrong?
So yes, Kristen calls around for Alice on the way to school,
Alice has a brother called Rick,
and they've got a dad who is a drunk,
and they have a dead mum, sadly.
So they're dealing with-
Not in the house.
Not in the house.
That would be strange.
Let's say they're breakfast.
But Dad works a lot and drinks a lot,
and we get to find out more about this.
Dad works hard.
He's a hoty-tour.
He does.
He does.
They get to school and we get to meet a bunch of-
It doesn't really matter what their names are.
I love, though, a good movie,
which we have, especially in '88.
Pretty much,
well, it's like a good wine,
or something like not drinking,
or a good don't alcoholic wine, maybe.
You see, Skaters.
Skaters are all in off a curb.
I love it.
There's like a scream,
as soon as you scream the first one,
that being Skaters are all in off curbs.
It's just like the smallest-
It's always just an ollie.
You don't have to have much,
maybe a kickflip,
but just not.
And it's always just sets, for me,
the perfect scene of the '80s quintessential slasher film school setting.
And these kids,
they couldn't be more '80s if they tried.
Some of their hairstyles are fantastic.
One of them reminds me of Casper from Kids.
Is that what that is?
The movie Kids.
Larry Clark film.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Of course.
Oh, he does.
He looks like him too.
I used to have my hair spiked up like that, you see.
I think that guy,
Rick, is trying to be Christian Slater so hard.
Yeah, I guess Slater would have been there.
It's got a long coat on the spike, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
That's what he's going for.
He was an idol of mine as one of the years.
I had about three Christian Slater posters up on my wall.
I was just like, man,
I've got to be this cool one day.
See, see, I have curly hair.
You can't be cool with curly hair.
You can be like Simon and Garfungers.
You just can't be fucking cool.
Feel the spectre?
Look at that.
It just doesn't work.
Give me a time to try with it.
Someone called Brian May.
Fuck off.
Mine's pretty cool.
I can't really stop.
Please, go get the guitar.
He's not cool.
He's not cool.
He's not cool.
Nah, come on.
The star is on my ears.
Got talent, you know.
Um, sorry, I'm from Dist and Queen fans or anything.
I like Queen, you know.
Well, these kids' hair and hairstyles and clothes are awesome.
They're everything you would expect from 1988.
Probably '87 when this was made.
And they all head on into the school.
And King Cade and Joey come up to Kristen at the lockers and say,
"Look, don't pull us into dreams anymore."
Yeah, fuck off your stupid twat.
I was having a wank.
And not even that.
Just don't pull me into the dream.
Like, if you hit a pointy into your dream, I've gone off.
I've got an exam, right?
That does have to be sexual every time then.
I've got an exam in the morning.
Don't, you know, I don't want to be fighting Freddy Krueger.
I can't exam tomorrow.
Sorry, I'm sorry.
Late teacher.
I was fighting a dead pedophile that bit burn by all our parents.
It's not like the dog bit my homework is there.
It really isn't.
Why are you late today, King Cade?
I'm going to say, if it's English and creative writing,
I'm going to say that the teacher gives them a pass.
Oh, that's a pretty good statement.
All right.
I'll tell you why I was late.
Because my dog pissed fire and I thought Freddy Krueger, okay?
He's Freddy Krueger.
Then go through it like a dead set on fire pedophile.
It's just like a, it's a whole thing.
Just throwing pedophile in there is a whole thing.
It's a battle, it's like a thing you got into.
You can't just throw pedophile around anywhere.
Well, we cut to a karate montage because this is an 80s movie.
I've literally wrote Cry Guy montage, but yes.
That's great.
So Rick, who is Alice's brother?
Not Kung Fu, because it's 88.
It's karate.
Yeah, he's got the bandana and then he's practicing all the moves.
This would have been when I was actually doing Cry because I would have been 11.
I would have been doing Cry literally in England while they were pro-filmenists.
And he's got a little dojo set up in his garage and he's doing all the moves.
And the dude that taught me is still teaching.
What the shit?
Yeah, well, some of these karate maps just lived till like 19.
That's what I was thinking.
I was thinking I was thinking of some kill bullshit going on.
So he's doing his karate and he's got nunchucks as well.
So he starts using the nunchucks a bit and then their dad gets home.
It's always just like Dan likes this movie for this reason.
And then John can all dad get home and there's some issues there.
They've got Dokal Jason.
Well, no, Kinkade's got Dokal Jason, which I find hilarious.
So dad's basically annoyed that Alice is presenting.
His daughter has made him lovely dinner and he says, "What's this slop?
What am I supposed to do?
I'm not a rabbit.
This is just vegetables."
And she keeps having these dreams that she's going to kill him or something like these little
daydreams, but obviously she doesn't act on it.
So her and Rick, her and her brother are dealing with this drunken dad and their
mum's no longer with them anymore.
So these are all the issues that are set up for our main star.
So we've got to Kinkade and he is going to have a little sleep now.
Kinkade wakes up and he's in the boot of a car, the trunk of a car.
Kicks the trunk open and he realizes he's in an old scrap metal yard or a like a dead car
graveyard, if you will.
Hundreds of cars piled up and he thinks, "Oh no, I'm in a dream.
Damn it."
But luckily it's Dokal Jason's there, as you said.
There's obviously, they all must have called the dog Jason because of Jason boys I'm guessing.
Yeah, it's just a weird thing.
Is it a diss though?
It's not exactly like a big high up thing there.
It's called the dog Jason.
It's like, "I love dogs and I praise dogs, but that's why I praise dogs."
I do.
I've got dog statues.
I worship.
I've got my dog dungeon.
I worship.
Big dog of worship.
Doggy's dog.
Well, he jumps out of the car.
He did.
You just arrested the podcars.
Just going to say, just finish off a bit over.
And then just carry on.
So he follows his dog into the sort of centre of the scrap yard and his dog's
out scratching at the floor and he thinks, "What's this?"
Then the dog, as I've mentioned several times,
pisses fire out of its cock onto the floor and the floor cracks open and there's a skeleton in them.
And then there's really good effects here as all the flesh starts to reanimate and grow
back over the bones.
And who is it?
It's Freddy Krueger.
Of course it's Freddy Krueger.
And he's back.
It's a Freddy Krueger indeed.
And you think, "Oh, okay.
Well, we're going to be in for a good fight between Freddy and Kincake now, aren't we?"
It's a really nice shot though, as I said, a Freddy just standing there.
His first introduction with just his hands claws out with the light behind him, a slight distance.
In the In the Anna Jones moment, I call that.
Oh, okay.
It's quite nice.
Because he puts the hand on.
And it's in going, "You shouldn't have buried me."
It's quite...
He says, "You should have buried me.
I ain't dead."
Yeah, it's quite cool.
And he puts the hand on my nose.
I quite like that.
But one thing to this film, at first, it does a little bit lay on right to him,
but it doesn't have enough of Freddy.
As soon as Robert England's on the screen, it brings something more to you.
Like, "Ah, nice."
But there's not enough of it.
His screen time must be really small, but all in all.
Yeah, he's probably in it for like 10 minutes, if that.
It's not much.
And it's a shame because he brings something a lot more.
As soon as he's on, you're like, "Ah, nice."
And it's like, "Oh, it's gone again."
The King Cade, he's still got his super duper dream strength,
pushes the car onto Freddy, but Freddy survives.
And that's really all the fight we get,
because then he just sticks his whole arm through King Cade's stomach.
And he says, "Tell your friends I'm back."
And King Cade says, he screams up into the sky,
"Kristan Freddy's back, Freddy's back."
It echoes around.
And yeah.
That's the end of our buddy, King Cade.
We then cut to Joey, who is the other surviving dream warrior from the last movie.
Joey is watching MTV.
He's having a great 80s old time in a, on his water bed.
Watching MTV, reading a magazine, just really loving life.
And then he looks up at the poster of the hot model on the wall.
She's not on the wall anymore.
She's inside the water bed.
It's a bit weird, but yes.
Great 80s boobs.
And she pushes up underneath, because she's literally inside the water bed.
So she's like a swimming pool in there.
And she grabs him and he thinks, "This is great.
I'll get in with her."
But it's not a woman, is it, Gaff?
They just didn't really think it through, really,
property, did he?
Like, you know, if he realized that there's a woman trapped inside his waterbeds,
about to drown anyway.
And he's just, how did you get that?
She got that.
All of a sudden, he's going to be able to explain to the cops
how he's got a corpse in his water mattress.
Or don't bother.
And she just slightly rotted away or get really inflated.
Don't bother.
Do you say don't bother?
Well, don't bother, but I do they over.
And just, you know, it's not going to smell, because in the water, not secure.
What happened if your mum comes in the room to clean to clean your room or change your bed?
And she is going to have a heart attack and you're going to get the house.
Okay, now.
You've thought this through.
It's a plan in motion.
Oh, shit.
It's not a plan in motion.
I don't know if I'm a parent.
The sexy naked woman.
The sexy naked woman.
The sexy naked woman turns out to be Freddy Krueger.
And the last thing he says to Joey is,
"How's this for a wet dream?"
But he was not as Freddy if he thought about it more as what I'm saying.
It's just long, really broke me saying that.
Yeah, he lived through the last film.
He must know.
But he's kind of weird shit can go on.
He must know.
He might have a long point going.
You know what?
With wisdom and life of learned stuff.
And I'll tell you what, this could be something to do with one of those traumatic events I've had
fairly recently in my life.
Oh yeah, it was that Peter Follkiller came back in my dreams to kill me,
but we got past it.
This could be something to do with that again.
It's the fact that he doesn't realise that and he just goes,
"All right, I'll get inside a water bed."
Hang on a minute.
Topless woman.
Hang on a minute.
If you're a 15-year-old boy and a naked woman shows up.
I was literally about to say, "Hang on here, hang on here."
You're going to just see that as I'm full of sex.
But your mind switches off.
It's literally like sex.
All the blood rushes.
Lift, flip, flip your break.
He's dicks it, she's going, "Here we go."
You're like, "Oh, I've been pulled forward, frosted forward."
Well, cut to...
Back to...
Cut to mum.
Cut to mum in the morning.
Yeah, well, let's talk about that first of all.
She comes in, she's going, "Jowie,
now are you going to be late for a score?"
And finds him in the water bed.
So now she's got to be like, "What do I do?
Do I just put sheets over until the husband he left?"
But also, she's got to explain to the police how her son
got into the water bed.
I know.
Seems to be able to say earlier.
Yeah, I know.
It's the whole thing now.
It's like the Eliza Lamb thing.
It is.
Or she just goes, "Eh,"
"Spalks out."
I'm not going to do it.
I'm not going to wait on her home into the hedge, man.
That's been a new craze, the kids are all doing.
Yeah, I'm not doing this.
Like what Michael Hutchins used to do,
but in a water bed instead.
So we cut back to Rick and Alice discussing
their dad and their dead mum,
and he says, "Look, you've got to stand up for yourself a bit more.
Let me show you some of my karate moves."
Well, to impress women in the 80s,
there's certain things you could do.
Karate moves is one of them.
But this is his sister.
He's not trying to impress her.
He's trying to give her...
He's trying to show her...
Yeah, this is it.
And I guess against their dad,
so if they're not ever to really choice anything,
it could be just...
It is the 80s.
It could be sister, to be fair.
Sister, sister.
I don't know where I'm going with that.
I don't know.
A romantic song about your sister.
Alice and Kristin talk about...
They've both been having bad dreams.
And we're going to find out,
basically, that Kristin, our new final girl.
She's been studying something called the dream warrior.
So just on a side note for our listeners,
she's been studying this whole thing where
the dream warrior is a thing you can do.
In your dream, you take control of the dream.
Because a lot of the time, 99% of the time,
we aren't in control of what the fuck we're dreaming about.
But the dream warrior can take control of their dream
and make it their own story,
their own adventure, their own things.
So she's been studying this.
So this is what was going to come into play later on in this movie.
But yeah, these two are discussing that they've both been up and bad dreams.
Could it be...
Could Freddy be on the rise?
Oh, we don't know.
Then they hear...
There's no sign of...
There's no sign of jelly and there's no sign of concave.
They've got empty desks at school.
Jack and there could be a nightman else who's 69, the wet dream.
Fuck you, now.
Freddy got a finger.
One of my favourite things in this film comes up soon
and it's actually Robert England as a nurse, a female nurse.
I love that one.
It is pretty much my favourite part of the film.
Yeah, so she walks into class and their desks are empty.
King Kane and Joey and she knows straight away
there's something up here.
She screams, she passes out, she's in Freddy's house
and she manages to sort of get out of that and wake up.
But she's in the school office, isn't she?
And like you said, the nurse is there.
Quite a masculine nurse.
It's Robert England.
Looks a little bit like a daydream of coronation street.
Yeah, for those UK listeners.
Yeah, so it's Freddy and he does eventually turn into Freddy
and try and get her.
Imagine if you sneak it as a sneaky, like the rare coronation street episode
as Robert England as dear Dree.
You just didn't notice.
That'd be weird, wouldn't it?
It would be a weird one.
Now, a character called Dan just starts tagging along with the gang.
Fucking Dan, fuck off.
Now Dan is the dreamboat apparently that all the girls are after
and for no reason at all he's got...
He actually decides he quite likes Kirsten
even though she's like supposed to be this sort of pretty bland looking girl.
Who turns out to look like a badass at the end?
It's the usual thing we've seen.
But he takes a liking to her.
He feels sorry for her that her friends are all dead.
So he starts tagging along.
So we've now got this gang,
corgang of four main people who is Rick, Dan,
Kirsten and Alice.
And they go to Freddy's house and Dan just buys into all this.
He's like, oh, okay, great.
So you guys can go into each other's dreams.
Okay, cool, cool, right.
Great stuff.
Let's see what we can do.
And Kirsten gets home
and says to her mum,
"I think Freddy's back."
And she's like, "You are very stressed.
You've two of your friends have died in the same day.
I think you need to have a little drink."
Just drink this, drink the squash, orange squash.
But she's put sleeping pills in it, Gav.
She says, "What have you done to me?"
She's like, "I think you thought you needed to sleep.
So I just day shopping, I just sleep in pills."
To be fair, she's been parental.
She's like, "You do need to sleep.
This would help you."
But you probably should say like,
"You need to go and see, oh, I can't sleep.
Oh, have some sleeping pills."
Or do you want to take some sleeping pills
because it'll help you sleep?
Not just drink it and get a lot of drugs.
I'll just drink it.
I love this now.
I love this now because as Kristen's about to pass out,
she turns around to remember,
she says, "I hope you're happy because you've just murdered me."
And sort of passes out thinking,
"Well, I'm gonna have to go to sleep now.
I'm pretty excited to get in there."
It's such a teenager thing to say though.
To be fair.
You've just murdered me.
Yeah, oh fuck off.
You've just made me feel...
I hear all sorts.
Well, she falls asleep and suddenly she's on the beach.
I like Freddie's claws,
a fin like a shark going through the water.
It's probably my second favorite thing in the film.
And Freddie's on the beach with her shakes on, being all cool.
Not a lot already happens on the beach other than that.
He just sort of shows up and then she wakes up ready.
Just another excuse to get Freddie in a location
you've never seen him in before.
On a beach.
It's an audition, like basically a coke-fuelled idea.
What can we do?
Oh, let's just have it like Jaws.
Yeah, that'd be great.
It'd be hilarious.
I mean, he does bury her in the sand.
But she does manage to break out.
She's on the ceiling in the house.
So an amazing set here.
They would have had to build the whole thing upside down.
But going back to that very quickly, the beach,
I suspect you're right.
Probably was either coke-fuelled or they thought
this will make some great publicity shots
because I've seen loads of pictures of Freddie,
or Robert Englund does Freddie.
On the beach with girls and bikinis
and he's got shades on.
And they just thought, if we get him on the beach,
oh, we probably should film something while we're here as well.
Yeah, OK.
You know, all the other way around.
Let's film something on the beach
so we can take a load of publicity shots.
One shot would be the Freddie postcard greeting some hell.
Love it.
Yeah, it's all right.
It's kind of comical.
But story-wise, I'm just like at this point, whatever.
Well, Freddie reveals his plans right now in this stream.
So she heads to the basement.
Of course she does.
That's where you're going to go if you're in Freddie's house.
And he says, basically, because you also,
because you can pour people into the dreams,
I want you to bring me fresh souls.
More children, please.
Bring me more food.
Because as we know, Freddie feeds on children's fears
and then kills them in their sleep.
So she now knows the whole plan.
She wakes up and her and Rick go over to Kirsten's house
and find that she's dead.
She's dead.
No more.
So Rick and Alice, they are crying about her.
They're mourning her.
And Alice says, you know,
I think I should probably tell you more about the Freddie dream.
So at this point, Rick is sort of
having to come to terms with the fact that this is probably actually happening.
He then gets down to really fully believe it as well.
And we've got a little gang now getting together and ready to take on Freddie,
haven't we?
Yeah, totally.
It does feel like most of the Freddie movies are the same,
but you do have, obviously, how far on this Friday, 13th is the same.
But it feels like, you know, a group of them, they make a plan.
They're all, we're going to, you know, eventually we've got to stay awake.
And then eventually, oh, we're going to sleep and we'll pull them in and we'll get together and yeah.
They've also got a friend called Sheila with glasses.
And she's got asthma and that'll become relevant in a moment as the wife said that.
And they walk into class and they will start nodding off in class.
And Sheila starts having a nightmare about her paperwork coming to life and sort of speaking
to her in writing.
And all of a sudden, Freddie is the teacher's desk.
Do you want to stop?
Kisses her.
And he turns her inside out pretty much, didn't he?
He deflates her.
Uh, uh, the kid who done the, uh, the karate, wakes up in a dojo.
I was like, Dan, I said, for this reason, and he got like a Freddie voice over Sensei
giving us words of wisdom.
It's bloody Freddy Krueger.
And he's, and he's invisible.
So Rick is fighting an invisible karate assassin.
It's almost like, like Freddie is like the best sensei in the world.
We're just going to teach him how to fight invisible.
Well, we should mention, um, that he falls asleep on the toilet.
He just, yeah.
He's just going for shit.
And then, and then suddenly loads of cheerleaders come in.
But when he's in the bathroom.
But it's all part of his dream.
Oh, okay.
Like a damn, and I got to smell my shit.
Because then his, then the toilet keeper calls into an elevator,
takes him down to the karate dojo.
He's just like, what were those mushrooms I took earlier?
I've gone from having a shit.
So loads of cheerleaders.
I'm really just going to shit, going to an elevator, which didn't know.
Um, what is that?
Oh, does that, I need falls and horses episode.
No, no, no.
There's a really good, uh, one foot in the grave episode of Victor Meldrew.
Um, goes to a Chinese place and he goes to the bathroom.
It's like a restaurant.
He goes to the bathroom.
A special bath, a special loot.
And it does the thing.
He's sitting there and all of a sudden the toilet goes down.
And downstairs, it's like a, uh, brothel.
And he's like, huh?
And there's breasts in there.
It's the only episode of one foot in the grave of breasts.
It's crazy.
Very strange.
Carry on.
Um, so yeah, it's like invisible Freddy.
And he manages to start kicking Freddy's ass.
But Freddy's glove, he's got a mind of his own.
He kicks the glove off and then the glove fires it,
where it can kills him and stabs him.
So we're at the funeral now.
So we're there dropping like flies.
And in fact, one of them says,
we're dropping like fucking flies at the moment.
That's why I think there's probably so many intergeals
because they're like, right,
we're just going to have so many effects people just making so many kills.
We need them going dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.
You know, that's probably why there's so many effects teams.
Cause it's like, there's a time we've got to get a state with this film made.
Every burner and chucking them out every year.
So you need to like have enough people working on the kills.
They want to see the kills go.
Like fucking okay, just come up with some kills.
Okay, let's do some lines of coke and come up with some kills, you know.
So at this point now at the funeral,
Rick pops out of his coffin briefly, but it's all part of a dream.
And he basically says to Alice, like, you're going to have to kill him.
So it's now down to Alice and Dan, but also,
their buddy Debbie, who's barely been in it decides, oh, I'll come and join in.
Now Debbie likes to work out.
Debbie does Dan.
And we're going to get lots of shots of Debbie working out soon.
Basically, like she's another stereotype.
She's the Jim Bunny, as we would call her now.
And Debbie gives her a studied bracelet to Alice.
And says, you know, where, you know, keep this.
And I'll always be with you to look after you.
Have you ever had a studied bracelet?
No, I've not.
Have you?
Stonic color, yeah.
Punk Dan.
How are you doing?
No, I think the most punk thing I ever did was wear a Guns N' Roses necklace
for about three weeks when I was about 12.
Bad ass.
Yeah, I thought I was.
No, I'm a man.
Everyone stepped off the pavement when you were coming down the road.
So we should mention now at this point that Alice is now starting to collect.
Things from her dead friends, not, you know, in a weird way, but her buddy,
Sheila gave her a gadget.
Her full pants.
No, her buddy Sheila gave her this gadget.
And I still, for the life of me, don't have a fucking clue what this gadget is.
It looks like a cross between a taser and a flashlight.
Don't know.
She's got an Umchucks, right?
She's got an Umchucks.
She's got the bandana.
Oh, I'm down, that likes it because of the Numchucks again.
She's got the bandana from her brother's dead.
She's got um, a studded bracelet.
So she's collecting many things and she's realized she can harness what it's going to
transpire is.
She's going to be able to harness the power of all of her dead friends because their souls
are in the dream world.
So when she's in there, she can harness their powers and combined, like the power
in just combined, she'll be able to hopefully defeat Freddie.
So that's, that's where this, this plot is going.
Um, her drunken dad says, I don't want you to go out tonight.
And that's because he knows what's going on because he's one of the parents
who tracked down Fred Kruger.
They always are.
And well, everybody who lives in this fucking neighborhood,
is it Springfield they live in?
I don't know.
I think it's Elm Street and Springfield, I think.
But all the parents there, it must have been about 50 parents that got together and
burned this guy alive.
Well, we cut to Debbie, the part-time friend, working out.
I love her favourite thing here is the Chanel Econosan comes on, which I really like.
Yeah, it's the name of the corner featuring, um, uh, is it Mone love?
Because he wraps.
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta touch me, gotta put your hands on me.
Oh, I don't know.
I don't remember that bit.
It's a great, I didn't notice Chanel Econos of the Incredits.
Yeah, I like, I like the version, it doesn't have that.
But yeah.
And all the versions have got, I don't know.
Yeah, no, I've got a version of Spotify, doesn't it?
Well, Chanel Econo featuring a female rapper.
And it's really good.
It's good.
It's good.
So, but yeah, every time they cut to Debbie, working out, they've got this sexy song on,
which is sort of like, "What about putting your hands on me?
I want to feel you touching me."
Some by Chanel Econo and a rapper.
And she is, she's working out, you know, she's pumping iron and having a good old time.
So in the meantime, before we, before, because inevitably, we know she's going to die
in this scene.
That's the only reason they've got her in a leotard working out is because
Freddie's going to come along and kill her at some point.
So, she goes to the, our main hero, Alice sneaks out of the house and goes to the cinema.
And she's watching a film on her own in the cinema and everything on the movie
starts turning into like an apocalypse.
I'm quite impressed by the drinking popcorn flying out of their stuff being sucked into the screen.
That was really cool.
And then when she actually went flying into the screen and then dropped into it and blacked
a white into it, it's done really nicely.
There's a lot of almost too many ideas, isn't there in this?
Because we're, we're rattling through these scenes and they're all so random and-
Yeah, they're cocaine-fuelled.
Um, and it's, some of them are great and individually they are all great, but
put them all together.
It's just because-
It's just a lot to try and remember.
Well, just because you like 10 different ingredients doesn't mean they're going to make
a great cake when you put them all together.
That's kind of what-
There we go.
And that's kind of what's happened here.
You know, I like all these individual ingredients.
I'll probably try the cake, but it's not always going to work.
Sometimes you're going to not want to eat that cake.
Well, there on this occasion, I kind of-
I don't mind eating a slice of this cake now and again.
Um, yeah, I'll probably win.
I'd probably miss it.
Okay, so, um, Dan and Alice get caught in a-
time loop, like a dream loop, which is really cool.
I like this idea.
She runs around the corner, she gets in Dan's car and she's like,
"We gotta go, we gotta go save Debbie."
They get to where they gotta go.
She gets out the car, runs around the corner and she goes,
"We gotta go, we gotta go save Debbie."
And then after about four times, she says to her,
"I feel like we've done this before."
And she's like, "I want a minute.
We're in a dream.
This is stage over.
We're caught up in a dream loop."
And I think that's a really cool thing.
First time I ever saw that, I was like,
I thought that was cool.
Anyway, do you think in Epso 69, the wet dream,
the nightmare would be like Freddy jerk in your off?
Me or?
Just in general, the victim.
You better like this and you know.
Isn't there a, um, what's the movie with the paranormal hand job or something like that?
Oh, there is something like that, isn't it?
Where someone's- there's a ghost, just goes around jerking people off.
Ghost blowjob.
Dan Equid.
Shark blowjob.
So many shark movies.
There isn't a shark blowjob, is there?
I hope not.
How's that work?
Unless you're giving the shark a blowjob.
How's that work?
Oh, just get underneath the shark.
I don't know what happens with underneath sharks.
It's not a shark spin sticking out the water or that one.
I don't know what goes on down there.
If any of you know what a shark's penis is like, please let us know on the Facebook page.
If any of you know what a button for shark is like, the undercarriage, please let us know.
The undercarriage of a shark.
That's my new punk band, Sharks Undercarriage.
Oh, Shark Undercarriage.
The Shark Undercarriages.
So cut back to Debbie working out and suddenly Freddy appears
above her.
I get out.
He snaps her arms to the weight.
Oh, kind of cool.
So he bends her back arms back.
So her hands are going back to her shoulders so much that her elbow bones snap out of the skin.
And then randomly, and this is only because she squashed a cockroach in the opening scene
like an hour ago.
It's just like this.
Just what we do with the effects.
She turns into a giant but praying mantis bug, her head burst open and a bug's head comes out.
Then she's in a roach motor when he says something like check in but you can't check out or something.
And then he just crashes her.
All right.
It's a terrible mess at this point.
And I'm talking about the film story, not the effects.
As we said, there isn't really a story.
It's just what effects could be loaded on.
Which I get for the time.
I understand it.
Alice runs ready over.
She suddenly is in the street.
They hit a tree.
They take down to hospital and an ambulance.
She begs them not to put them to sleep because if you put them to sleep.
Someone's face is peeled off as well.
Off the floor, they're just stuck and their faces get pulled off as they're pulled out on the floor.
Who was that?
I can't remember him a little bit early on.
And just before that.
And yeah, it's just like...
Oh no, that is Debbie.
She falls down onto the fly paper.
Oh, that's her.
That's right.
She pulls us off.
Her face comes off and that's on the boat.
That's her phone on.
The bug's head bursts out of her.
Is that Gooey and Yucky?
It's essentially an effects master class, this movie.
Yeah, yeah.
Not much else.
And in fact, if it was one company that had done everything,
this would be the one movie you'd take as your show reel, wouldn't it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I did everything in this.
Did that.
So yeah, they're asking, you know, they beg him not to go to put them down to sleep.
And he does go to sleep and Freddy stabs him,
but he's still a little kind of alive.
He's just a bit injured.
It's okay at the moment.
So Alice decides to take some sleeping pills.
And she wears Debbie's stuff.
She wears Rick's bandana.
She's got his nunchucks.
She's got Sheila's fucking weird gadget.
I still don't know what it does.
Is it a taser?
Is it a dildo?
She really chose what it does.
To make us go, oh, glad she's got that with her.
Her friend says something to her when she gives it to her.
She says, oh, this is my spectral audio analyzer or something like that.
I'm just saying it's a little pound carrying box for when she's at a shopping center.
And she needs a supermarket trolley.
It might be that.
It might be a PK meter.
It could be a vibrator.
I honestly don't know what it does,
other than the light comes on and it makes some noise.
And it looks like it'll stun you like a taser.
But anyway, she's got all these things with her.
And she looks in the mirror.
Obviously, this is the first time she sees herself because her mirror has been covered
up with photos.
She rips them all off and she looks in the mirror and she's a badass.
And she says, fuck in a...
Don't she?
Oh, yeah.
She's ready for a name.
And Dr. Kruger has Dan in the hospital now.
So, Alazent has Dan's dream while he's been beaten by Freddy.
And Freddy puts them into...
For no reason at all, they end up in a giant kaleidoscope,
then end up in a church.
Dan starts hemorrhaging and he fades away.
We think he's dead, but actually what's happened is the doctors have woken him up.
So he's come out of the dream.
He hasn't died at all.
And he says, why did you do that?
I was going to help her.
And they said, well, because we've saved your life.
You were hemorrhaging blood and we brought you back.
So then we get this weird nonsense now where basically,
Alazent starts doing martial arts,
bat flips, somersaults, spin kicks,
all doubled quite badly by a martial artist.
And her and Freddy have a big old throw down in this church.
He says to her, I'm eternal, you can't beat me.
She shoots him with the stun gun thing.
He shows her that his torso is made up of loads of tiny
little faces.
I love that effect.
One of my favorite effects.
And it's all the souls that he's ever killed.
They'll move in his own voices.
You can hear them and stuff.
Kind of like, he's got creepy.
It's like his torture, isn't it?
Kind of like in Scrooge when Bill Murray opens the creature in the lifts.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The Grim Reaper.
Because she's going to shocks him with a beam, doesn't it?
Well, this is the beam from her friend's vibrating gadget thing.
Oh, which we didn't know what was.
So we were invested anyway.
We don't know what it was.
So she ends up slamming back against the wall.
And loads of tiny little arms come out of him.
And all the souls that have ever killed all start grabbing at him.
They just rip him apart.
They rip his face off.
Really good effects here.
Obviously, it's Robert Englund with his head sticking through a wall.
It's like Pinhead being taken back to hell.
Yeah, it's great.
And he drips apart.
The souls are all free.
They all fly away.
And then Alice says, "Rest in hell."
And in the morning down in Alice are holding hands.
They go to a wish him well.
And they chuck a coin in and then we just see Freddy's reflection in the water.
And that's the end.
There is no plot, I'll per say, other than let's get a bunch of teenagers together
and kill them in many, many multiple practical effects ways.
What I will say though is, although we've moaned about parts of this film,
it is fun.
If you put it on on a Friday night or you put it on in the background over like the Halloween period,
whenever you look up, you're going to see a cool thing happening, a cool effect.
It's a Freddy movie.
And it's a later Freddy movie.
So it's not going to be one of the ones that's like,
"Oh, like the first one was just so groundbreaking."
You know, and make kids not want to go to sleep.
Like I was nine when I saw it.
I didn't want to go to sleep.
It really affected me.
It was based on a true story, weirdly, of loads of people dying in their sleep
and in the same apartment block that was craving red in a newspaper and turning into this.
But, so to take Freddy out of this and just watch each individual scene for what it is,
which is, as Gav said, it's a little effect showcase really, each scene.
And then they stitched it together with Freddy Krueger.
And chucking some nunchucks that I'm happy.
I know you are.
You give it a thumbs up.
I'm going to give it a smaller thumbs up.
Jeremy Beidle, still hand.
Jeremy Beidle, it's the last...
maybe the third one.
Okay, I'll be realistic.
The third one is probably the last great 80s Freddy movie.
This one's all right, but it is clinging on to the coattails of the third one.
It really, it came out so soon after it's really trying to repeat
what that guy you're seeing on lunch boxes, cereals, all the stuff we've talked about.
It's really just cashing in on Freddy and he's not in it enough.
Like you said, Gav, he's not in it enough, really.
I enjoyed it when he was on there.
I'd like to have seen more of Freddy Krueger.
I'll give it a thumbs down, really.
I'm not a fan.
But if you're a purist and need to watch them, then yeah.
Or you want to watch, you're like, I just want some effects people,
loads of people dining random ways, maybe watch this.
But then again, I would go Friday 13th, but I'm biased towards that series.
I would say if you want to, if you've never seen a Friday Night
Round Elstreet movie and you want to watch some of them,
I'd say just watch the first three because the third one is Freddy is funny,
but still...
It doesn't work for next year or next time.
I've got to be honest, next year is the Dream Child.
That is my least favorite.
I actually remember that one.
I suppose a child taking downstairs to the basement, isn't it?
I actually saw that a couple of times on Sky movies back in the day.
Yep, the good thing about that one is...
After that one is the final nightmare.
Well, that's six.
With Rosanne Barr.
And the effects in it are incredible.
The practical effects were just insane.
And that was the one that was in 3D at the cinema.
Everyone was raving about that.
When's it...
So then seven is...
Seven is a new nightmare, which is the metal one.
That's the one which kind of seems to scream a bit.
I don't really know.
And then after that it's Freddy vs Jason.
Oh, nice.
I'll be into that one.
Yeah, yeah.
And then after that, and we probably won't be covering it,
is the remake which was fucking awful.
I might have saw it.
I'm not sure.
Really not very good.
But yeah, we still will cover number five
because there was some good stuff about it.
What I like about number five,
She has a much we love this movie.
We're talking about the next one though.
But the number five,
the one we'll be doing next,
has the backstory of Jason,
son of 100 maniacs and all that kind of stuff.
So yeah, yeah, yeah.
So there we go.
But yeah, so small thumbs up from me.
A thumbs down from Gav.
If you're a completeist like Gav said and you love you Freddy,
you can get enough.
You're gonna love this.
If you would just want to see some crazy special practical effects,
But it's not essential like my now I'm street viewing.
Um, right, cool.
Well, I can see Bill Murray's popped in.
Hello, Bill.
Hello, Bill.
What do you mean you can't stick around?
Well, you have to do the outro.
Yeah, you've got to do the intro and outro.
You're paid, you're contracted for both.
But he hasn't got...
He said he hasn't brought anything this week.
Oh, he sent me an email or I'll bring that up in a minute and I'll read that out.
You don't, uh, low point do we say we have to bring stuff?
It's very nice to see you.
No, it's not a waste to be rejected.
But you don't have to bring stuff every time.
He did it on the last episode.
No, he thinks...
No, he's got to do it every time.
It's not like a weird fish or something, bring us gifts.
Or a cat bring us a dead mouse.
Yeah, fish doesn't bring us.
I don't think of fish like, you know, where does your mind go sometimes?
I watched a video where like, um, uh,
a dolphin or a whale.
Oh, it was a young killer whale.
So, "Oh, come with me!"
And fish that goes to the boat.
The boat went out there, right?
And, and they, the mum, the big mum killer whale was like,
bit like, "Oh, I'm fucked up somehow."
So I'd something wrong with it.
They sorted that out and they were all happy
and they brought them back like a turtle or something.
It's mouth as a gesture.
Have you been watching "Free Willy III"?
"Free Willy III", cool.
Sounds like a weird one.
"A trilogy will probably never be covering on this show."
Um, okay.
So, Bill, I know you're busy,
but if you can just take it away, please,
and take us into word of the strange.
"Hi, welcome back to World of the Strange."
World of the Strange.
World of the Strange.
World of the Strange.
World of the Strange.
World of the Strange, Michael.
It's a strange world.
Um, right.
So, Bill's enemy feels like he's as dying.
As you said, you don't need to bring us anything,
Bill Murray, but thank you anyway.
So he's handed me two emails.
He wants me to read the first one out.
"Freddy Kruger is the name.
You know my game.
Elm Street is the place.
If you've got the time, I'm going to bust a rhyme."
This is the lyrics to the Freddy Fat Boys song, Bill.
You thought that was funny.
All right.
I'm not reading that out.
Sorry, Gav.
"It's not funny."
I know.
All right.
So, what's the story you've actually got for us?
Oh, this.
I think Gav's going to like this one.
All right.
All right.
I'm going to read this one out.
"I won't spoil this, Gav,
by giving you the headline.
I'll just start reading the story and let it evolve."
I know you love letting the things just roll out.
I should try not to interrupt you,
because sometimes it's hard to come on.
It's a bit up.
I love it.
I love it when you do.
US Customs and Border Protection
said that the person that they stopped
could have contracted a disease
from the unusual jewellery
and developed serious health issues.
So, I'll get into this story now.
What country?
A box of Giraffe Poo.
Your eyes.
Has been seized by customs agents at a US airport
after a woman tried to bring the feces into the country
to make a necklace.
My first question before we got to it was why.
He said, and you don't answer it before you've been said it.
Change my mind straight away.
And it's saying we're straight away
getting into different questions about answers.
It's like we're ten of a pack or something.
To make a necklace.
Out of Giraffe Poo.
What's wrong with horse poo in America?
I don't know.
Should we go into the story a bit?
Could you not get Giraffe Poo from a zoo?
If you're that desperate.
Why do you have to import it?
There's another thing.
There's so many questions.
The funny thing is she declared,
so they said anything to the clash.
She said, yes.
I've got this Giraffe Poo in a box.
And did I just die?
There's a photo of it as well.
It's not very nice.
It's just lots of rain turds in a box.
And it's just like a shoebox as well.
What's going on?
She obviously got some problems.
Well, let's get into the story.
So the woman declared a small box of poo
when she was selected to have a belonging inspected
upon arriving at the airport in Minnesota
by the US Customs and Border Patrol.
She told the officials,
I picked the poo up when I was in Kenya recently.
So she's picked it up herself,
put it in this box.
And she thought, I'll bring it back with all my luggage
because I'm planning on making a necklace out of it.
Now, I understand you can go on holiday
and go to a castle and go,
there's a little bit of stone from the wall there.
I'm going to take a bit.
And that's a bit of history.
I can kind of understand that.
We don't condone that, by the way, guys.
I don't know, of course.
But I understand that slightly, but like,
you're there.
Look at it, it was amazing.
There's such an incredible heart.
And there's all that poo.
At what point do you look at the poo?
Your mind goes,
Well, I'm going to answer that question for you now.
So the woman from Iowa said,
"Look, I don't know what the problem is.
I've done this in the past."
And they said, "What do you mean?"
She said, "I've made a necklace out of moose poo."
He doesn't make anything better.
I still need reasons for that one as well.
So Giraffe poo can be brought into the US
if you've got the proper permits and inspections.
However, she decided to negate all of that
and just bring it in in a shoebox.
I wonder who got the job of writing up that paper work
on the computer online.
Johnny, Johnny, what about Giraffe poo?
Where do we stand on that?
Oh, we haven't got that one, actually.
Let's get that out of the book.
You need Giraffe poo permit.
Yeah, what we're looking for, like,
is it poisonous?
They need to be like, "What's all poo?"
What if it's a bad poo?
What point is there thin line between good and bad poo?
What's going on?
I don't know, but the state of the radio station
have reported that the woman isn't going to be facing sanctions
because she did declare the feces
and obviously they've confiscated it from her
and it'll be destroyed.
Someone's job that day is to burn a box of Giraffe poo.
I didn't explain it the reason at all.
You just said, "I've made another one."
That did not explain that one over.
We needed some explanation of poo necklaces.
I don't want just under my nose a necklace of poo.
Do you compress it into like a Lego block style?
What do you do?
Do you cover it in sort of plastic so it seals?
I presume you would and maybe they're...
What does she do for...
I need more answers.
What does she do for a job?
Because as much as you dry a poo out,
as far as I know, it wouldn't turn into like,
wood or a material that you could easily then thread through a necklace
and wear a engine.
And like you say, it's going to smell a bit.
And it's just like you say,
you've lagged it up or something.
But what point do people...
That's an interesting necklace.
It looks like shit, shaped shit.
What is it?
Shaped shit.
I mean, do you better than that?
Do you better kiss me?
Oh, okay.
What's that smell?
Is that your breath?
No, it's my shit necklace.
To be fair, the lumps of dirt in the picture do look like
big round beads that you would probably wear in a very big beaded necklace.
Do you like my necklace?
Do you think it's shit?
No, of course not.
It is actually shit.
It's made of shit.
Each one is about the size of like a plum, I would say.
It's quite big.
It's like a Marge Simpson shit necklace.
Yeah, it's a Marge Simpson shit necklace.
What the fuck?
Up with this person.
Bill's happy that you're reacting this way to this story.
Um, is there...
Is there...
See, now I need to know.
Is there what other things have people made in the world out of shit?
Well, because of this, the US Customs and Border Protection have had to issue a statement
reminding people about the dangers of bringing fickle matter into the US.
If somebody enters the US and hasn't declared fickle matter,
there's a high possibility you could contract a disease from the jewellery
and develop serious health issues.
This is somebody who had to give this statement...
I've had to write this up.
A statement to the press about it.
Um, African swine fever, classical swine fever,
foot amount of disease and swine vascular disease.
I've probably got that.
How many?
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Go on.
Are many of the diseases that can be found in Kenya, therefore, in Giraffe Pooh.
So she get a brought in one or all of those African swine fever, classical swine fever,
foot and mouth disease or swine vascular disease.
And start off a fucking pandemic.
How did the pandemic start?
Like, we may as well just kill all of the human race because we're as thick as shit
because we like to wear shit as necklaces.
March Simpson.
Oh, sorry for like understanding that.
Maybe there is these pearly gates and there's heaven in the garden.
He's got a little sign in, book, and he's standing there going,
"Oh, God, how's it going? I'm all right, Adam."
"You've been all right."
"Yeah, that's right.
You, you fucking killed the whole planet."
Like, the whole fucking planet you destroyed because you wanted a shit necklace.
Why can't you just buy some fucking necklaces?
Like, why'd you?
Like, it must be like some symbolisation for the woman,
where she's got the giraffe who've had the whole time,
the innens of the giraffe around me.
I'm really sorry to say that there is no reason given for her to want to do this.
If she's listening, give us an email explaining it and I won't go as harsh.
She's been asked to have remained anonymous.
A fucking would be willing.
Now, Jesus Christ, can you please not let anyone know that I wanted a shit necklace?
Funny is, when you keep saying shit necklace, I just keep thinking of like a really rubbish,
you know, low quality necklace, but you mean legitimately a shit necklace.
I was saying she's saying people drink my necklace of shit,
and I'm not saying that.
No, not at all.
Is there a difference given somebody a pearl necklace, isn't it?
You give somebody a shit necklace.
Like, you know...
Sorry, we wouldn't like that.
Fuck, you know?
I don't think many people would, especially if it's coming out of a giraffe.
You got a standard, did you say?
No, no, no, that's taking some sexy stuff really weird.
It's weird enough anyway, people shitting on each other, but come on, animal shitting on you.
It's not, it's going to snap touch.
And you know that it's done somewhere.
And I'll tell you what, giraffes, their poo is, like I've said, it's rangers between the size of a plum and an apple, I would say.
And they're very tall.
So if you're lying on the ground and those are dropping down on you, that's probably going to hurt a little bit.
It's going to hurt a little bit.
One word, like, I was, I'd ship blumps from it.
I imagine it to be like one of those tennis ball firing machines,
but you're led on the ground and it's firing down.
Oh, it's sort of a pleasure.
Where'd you get from that?
Here we go, it's a weird territory now.
It's a weird one.
This is world of the strange.
This is the world of the shitty strange.
Well, let's shift gears now, because I do have, um, thank you for that, Bill Murray.
So moving away from fecal matter, I mentioned in the last episode that my children had been
talking to me about the people that live in the dining room door, the skeleton that's in the wall
in their bedroom, and there is a plastered over wall, and the werewolf/big dog that lives
in my bedroom.
Oh, and the owl that visits them in the night.
Well, there's a little addition to that now.
So keeping with the whole way in the dining room door, I was told several times in the
over the last week about the ghost that's in the hallway, and I said, "Where?"
And they said, "He's there, right there."
And we were all having dinner, and it was basically this ghost was apparently watching us,
and I said, "What's the ghost doing?"
And they said, "He's eating."
They said, "Oh, he's eating dinner as well."
And they said, "No, but he eats off the floor at night."
The ghost eats off the floor at night.
The ghost eats off the dining room floor at night.
They're probably just saying stuff though, they're very young.
I know, but...
It's the fact that if you actually visualise that, and how the ghost on all the floors
eating off the floor would be the creepiest shit ever.
Yeah, it'd be like that scene in Audition, when that thing gets out of the bag and
such sloping down on that sick.
So that's that.
So there we go, Giraffe Pooh, and ghosts eating off the floor, and fat boys' wraps.
So thanks for that.
Um, Gav, any more to say about shit necklaces?
I don't know, I don't...
I think...
While I'm on this planet, I won't talk about Nexis made of jar shit again.
I'm sure if we googled it, there would be many items made of shit.
I know...
Really not before it.
I know that what Guano is...
That shit.
Well, it's not just batshit, it's another word for shit, but...
Different types of Guano can be made into pottery, and pipes.
Tribes do you shit?
Better put to hang around your neck.
Yeah, to bring a shoebox full of giraffe turds
home because you want to make a necklace, it's just...
You need to be locked up, really.
The human race is doomed.
Bill, take us out of here.
That's all the time we've got for this week, I'm where it was...
Next week, though.
Gimme iron.
Hairless pets.
Ten years ago, on the night of October 31st,
a small Midwestern town fell victim to an escaped killer.
Under the cover of darkness, he carried out the most horrifying mass murder on record.
Sixteen people in cold blood.
Ever since that night,
no one has forgotten his name.
And Halloween has never been the same.
Now, Michael Myers has come home.
He has returned for one more night of unholy terror.
He's here to kill that little girl,
and anybody who gets in his way.
Oh God!
Who's gonna be next?
Halloween 4, the return of Michael Myers.
Maybe nobody knows how to stop it.
Halloween 4, the return of Michael Myers from 1988.
4.8 out of 10 on IMDB.
Ten years after his original massacre,
the invalid Michael Myers.
The invalid Michael Myers awakens on Halloween Eve,
returns to Haddonfield to kill his seven-year-old niece.
Can Dr. Lumi stop him?
Probably not, because I think he's drunk and just looks fucked.
Now, this is the stage of Donald Pleasance, which is your impression.
It is...
I was listening to him going,
is it Dan?
It's Dan, got my copy of the movie,
somehow dubbed himself?
Yeah, because this is after he's been burnt in the fire,
so in this one he's got all the shit...
It just looks fire!
...special effects on his face,
and he's like hobbling around with a stick going...
And I'm pretty sure that's not me like this in Donald Pleasance.
I'm pretty sure he was known that he was...
I should have known this for sure,
because I'm just...
He was drinking on...
...drink on the set.
Most likely.
Most likely.
Well, this is a funny one, because obviously this is after the...
...right, we're going to try a different thing here.
We're going to do Halloween 3, season of The Witch.
It's a different thing.
I've got an idea.
John got up to sort of...
"Hellmin' at..."
He's on my screen now.
"Hellmin' at little bit as a producer."
"Being involved with composing and obviously the making of the film."
And trying to take that...
...the idea of on Halloween,
there's a different movie every year,
almost like an anthology,
but over a decade or whatever.
And it didn't work, because the crowd and the audience wanted the mic amised,
because he was in the 80s,
as we've said already,
and I said many times on this show.
It was a point in the slashes of that...
...that century where...
...the height of them was the main killer.
Generally, a big male character...
...with a knife or something like killing people.
And it did work, so they had to put it back.
So this is the one where they're putting it back,
and I love the fact Donald Pleasance kept with it,
so he died bless him,
because he really liked the character of Donald...
...Dr. Loomis, Sam Loomis,
was taken from Psycho, the name.
But yeah, this is the first time they bring it back again,
and it's quite interesting,
because they're like, "Shit, we've got to do this again."
What do you think about this film?
Yeah, I think in the same way it's interesting,
so I have this on VHS,
I have all the Halloween's,
Jason's and Freddy's on VHS,
and I always kind of don't bother really so much...
...with four, five and six of the Halloween's.
Before I get into my thoughts on this...
The big pull for this one,
I think first of all,
the Halloween franchise saw what the Jason and the Freddy franchises were doing.
I thought we want some of that money.
You know, they'd only been to Michael Myers movies at this point.
There'd been three Halloween movies, like you say,
but they're only two Michael Myers movies,
and they were thought,
"We can turn Michael into a Jason or a Freddy."
You know, and they tried,
and it didn't quite work for me,
but I was pleasantly surprised re-watching this.
In fact, my score has dropped slightly by 1.4,
the Freddy movie we've just reviewed,
but gone up by a point or so
for this movie,
because this movie on paper
is ticks all the boxes for the horror/ro blueprint.
It's a good story.
It's not an amazing story.
It's a good story.
It's a bit of a loser.
What can we do?
I'm going to have questions,
which obviously I know you can't answer,
but we can discuss.
If they involve giraffe-pooing actresses,
I can't answer them.
Absolutely not.
But what I like about this is,
I like the characters,
I get behind them,
I care about them,
and actually it's well written.
It's a well written plot.
Yeah, that's totally good.
There's a few bits that aren't,
but the main characters that we follow
are quite light,
and I think your sister,
who's in this?
I'll really explain that again.
It's phenomenal.
I actually would think she's incredible in this.
All right, I've got someone in here
who's the best actor,
but we will get to that.
Look at it, a special fix,
like I said, I would do.
I would say,
visually, just check,
check, thrown out there.
I'd say that it's probably
one 24th of the size.
Wow, one 24th.
That's what I'm going with a guess,
from visually looking at it.
Well, that's a,
you know, it's a huge difference,
and this isn't an effects heavy thing.
This is trying to go back to that,
because obviously they're like,
right, what can we get to do?
And obviously they're going to look at,
which they do,
and you can tell through this film
at different points,
you're like,
okay, they're homo-aging,
which is never a good thing to do.
And I'm really sure it's a classic,
because it makes you go,
or which I was watching out of film.
But they've gone back and looked at that,
and gone,
okay, this is the base we're going from.
Let's make that film.
At times,
it has that con,
John Carter,
starts to go that way a little bit,
and then just goes.
It was better than I remembered,
and certainly better than,
than in the series.
It's not as good as age 20,
but it's certainly better than five and six.
I wanted to talk about the director very briefly,
Dwight H. Little.
Interesting career again,
like the last director,
Renee Harlan.
So this was his first main film,
big film that he did.
He did a couple of little films before this.
And then after this, he directed some TV stuff.
He did Freddy's nightmares,
the TV show.
He directed a couple of episodes of that.
He then went over and did some Kung Fu,
some martial arts films.
He directed Steven Segal in "Marked for Death".
And then he directed Brandon Lee in "Rapid Fire",
which is an awesome movie,
if you haven't seen it.
Then skipped over to "Free Willy 2".
We talked about "Free Willy" recently.
And he run.
"Free Willy 2", the adventure home.
Then he directed "Wesley Snipes" in "Murder at 1600".
Is the first for you,
really going to come up later on in the show too.
So you've got all three of them.
He went on to do some ex-files episodes,
and stuff like Arrow.
So really dipped his toe into lots and lots of TV shows,
Good for you.
Agents of "Shield", "Dust or Dawn" in the series.
And he's got a new horror movie out,
which I'm hearing good things about,
which came out this year.
Called "Nati Knox".
I'm not sure if you've heard of it.
I've very perhaps in the name.
People are sort of talking about it.
It's an unusual name.
So he's still doing stuff,
and he's made a horror movie in 2023.
So it's gone round the house.
This is done "Free Willy",
he's done some martial arts with Saggal and Brandon Lee.
But he's gone back to where he started with a horror movie.
So it'll be interesting to see what "Nati Knox" is like.
But yeah, I just wanted to mention that,
especially because "Free Willy" is in his back catalogue.
We've all had "Free Willy" and our back catalogue is somewhere.
Can resist that one.
It's not like "Carry on Bondcast".
It's not all clever in me.
It's not about just backing this one, isn't it?
He's like you said, he is fucked in this one,
because he's all burned and his voice is even crooked!
That is...
Yeah, it's you.
The opening of this film,
we do have quite a nice atmospheric kind of John Carpenter shot
where it's very still.
It's just literally shot to like an old town,
just little things here in it.
Halloweeny things, just the photographs.
We're still not photographs.
A pumpkin here.
Just a short static.
A barn door there.
It's just showing us that it's that season.
It actually kind of really does actually put you in there
and straight into the Halloween atmosphere that John Carpenter created.
Which is the music score, the slowness, the town.
The kind of a Stephen King type way, but more of a stylish way of...
Just leaves blowing along the ground.
No, you don't know that vibe,
and that's kind of why you like Halloween movies.
And that's why it's kind of weird.
It's almost with Halloween compared to Friday 13th and Jason.
They both in their little section over here.
Halloween is a different section,
because it does come with a more of a pedigree.
Not saying it was Craven, not in Elm Street,
but Halloween is a lot more crafted,
stylish sort of film.
More so than the Friday 13th ones.
And I think that set the tone of it.
And they've always tried to kind of keep a more serious thing to it.
I agree, actually.
I agree.
And actually, I talked in our last review,
I said that at the three franchises,
Jason being our favourite.
Freddie wins the award for Best Effects overall.
But I would say, best atmosphere in any of those franchises,
it definitely belongs to Halloween.
Even in the poorer entries,
you still got that atmosphere of this town
with all these houses and this little neighbourhood.
And shit's going to go down,
and you just get this...
And it's always on the cusp of Halloween,
and it always feels so...
And that's the best thing.
It's the Halloween season.
We love Halloween.
And this is why we loved Hubie Halloween, weirdly,
which we are covering on our next episode,
because it still keeps that small town.
Halloween time of year,
leaves blown on the ground vibe.
It does something, and there's something about the imagery
of a pumpkin on someone's porch,
or a Halloween decoration up,
a skeleton in someone's window.
Happy Halloween, and all that kind of stuff.
And then a shot has pegs with masks hanging on it,
and stuff like that.
And let's begin in Tony's set as a vibe.
And so we're strange this town,
but we start off at this sort of mall hospital we find out.
It's actually like the original,
a transfer for the old Fogi Michael Myers, apparently,
who's apparently some now like,
"How old is he?"
I've been to class this.
Well, this takes place in October 1988, so...
But how old was Michael Myers?
What were they saying?
How old is he then?
He must be in his 30s by now.
If it's not...
No, probably 40s, I guess, possibly,
but that's not really decrepit, like they're saying, is it?
No, they mean invalid as in he's been in the coma.
He's not really moving his coma to...
I can't see, aren't I?
He's barely moved.
It's not even
when they're prepping him for transfer.
And my first question before I talk about that is,
why the fuck do they always transfer Michael on Halloween
or the day before Halloween?
It is, does seeing a wrong time to do it,
that like your patient, if there's any moment in 365 days of the year,
or your patient could be traumatized.
Is there anything which might be a trigger?
Well, Halloween, he slaughtered his sister,
and that's kind of why he's here.
Right, when are we doing the transfer?
It's a day before Halloween.
What is it Halloween, is it?
Well, no, they start the transfer on Halloween.
They start the transfer of the night,
like two hours before midnight or something.
Oh, well, it's just before Halloween, we're doing it.
Right, I think we should change it, you know?
It's a nervous nose, and Lewis is not happy, though, when he finds out.
It would be like having a patient who's a werewolf,
and saying, right, we're gonna let them go for a little walk
in the park, so it's been out for a while.
When should we do it?
Oh, for a moon?
Don't, yeah, don't do it on a full moon.
Oh, no, I'm gonna send them out on the full moon.
Oh, it's gonna be a full moon when they're out,
and literally the moon comes out around the walk.
Don't do it then.
I've got some pet, I've got some pet mogwai,
I was gonna take them all for a swim.
No, no, don't do that.
No, no, I'm gonna take, I thought they'd want to go for a swim.
I was gonna wake the vampire up, I know it's daytime birds, right?
No, don't do that, because that's what kills them.
Yeah, they go to transfer him, and they talk about,
you know, you get that kind of silence at the lab.
He gets the info dump, yeah, the guards are going through
10, and what's going on, and it's very science-to-lams talk.
People in here are crazy, you know, that sort of thing going on.
He says, "Welcome to hell."
And he says, "Do you know what I mean?"
He loves him, I don't know.
He's like, this guy murdered 16 people on Halloween 10 years ago.
His doctor, his own doctor, shot him six times and set him on fire.
And when they're back to do the transfer,
the main head of the department, somebody says to him,
"If you inform Dr. Loomis," and he's like,
"No, he hasn't really been in touch lately."
"Oh, he's still working then," he says, "Yeah, to be honest with you,
I can't wait for him to retire or die."
Like in office space, they'd probably just stop paying him
and moved his desk down into the basement,
but he's still there working away.
He is fully lunatic in this, now at this point.
He is, "I'm a raging alcoholic lunatic with a firearm concerned
that this killer has a child from years ago,
which I don't know why I'm still hanging onto this,
because it's been years since I've probably out of other patients."
Some reason.
I'm not getting paid for this.
Some reason.
I'm fucking obsessed with this kid.
Well, as they leave,
as they leave in the ambulance, somebody says, "Drive carefully,"
and then we get the classic score kick in and we know.
No, this is what happens.
We've got this bit going up.
We've set up of what's going on.
They've got the characters.
Oh, I'm kind of felled down.
They put the arm back on the bed, that classic motif.
And then we get the ambulance.
And we've got a slight bit of tension built up here.
Just out there, the atmosphere from early on,
the slight bit of tension, it still needs none.
Completely taken away where Michael just goes,
"Oh, right, fucking, I'm awake now.
I'm going to shove my thumb in your eye."
And then it cuts it like the classic Halloween theme tune.
It's like, that suspense has completely just gone
baseball bad and hit it away.
And we're just, "Dada, dada, dada."
I'm in.
Just before that, somebody drops in.
Oh, apparently he's got a niece.
There's only a living relative.
And then he gets his thumb for his forehead.
No, go.
I was confused.
Where does Michael Myers been able to thumb you through the head?
Yeah, I don't know.
But that just happened.
Not even through the eye.
We don't see any up on our story though,
but like I said, the 124th effects team with the other movie,
but we really don't.
We just see all of a sudden we're seeing it later on discovering
ambience upside down the river, but we get to that.
We get to that.
Well, we cut to the introduction of young Jamie Lloyd,
played by a very young Danielle Harris,
who would go on to become a scream queen in her own right.
She's a very sexy older woman.
And one drunk anoy, a sister to me.
One drunk anoy.
So it was a long time ago you told the story,
but I feel you have it to our listeners who aren't perhaps
a seasoned as others to remind us why every time
Danielle Harris comes up, I always say your sister.
And watching it earlier, watching the shows,
watching it before the show, I actually thought,
yeah, I think this is the movie that got me to send her the
email and I was just really drunk.
And I feel quite responsible for possibly her thinking,
God, my fans are fucking weirdos.
Like, you know, I was just very drunk.
And sent a message saying, you know,
I feel like we grew up together.
And like, you know, so it's like you're my sister,
because I used to watch this film so much stuff.
I don't know why.
It's because she's in stuff, you know, maybe, you know,
I was just drunk.
I wasn't coming on to it.
Well, like, it sounds like a weird thing.
I was sending a picture of my penis,
which, you know, it's weird anyway, personally, not I think.
Um, just said that.
But that's enough for to, like,
it's honestly said to me, I feel like your brother's like,
I don't know.
I don't think it's that weird, but I do think it's probably not.
See, I could said that in a fairly clear way.
You got to remember, I wrote that in an email drunk.
That could have come across with the grammar.
That could have been like, just me just speaking out loud,
with no commas, nothing.
You know, you'd be like, what is this insane person sent me?
Our listeners want to know, did she reply to your email?
Yeah, um, no, I don't think so.
I'm pretty sure not.
I would remember.
I'm praying that I don't meet her ever,
or to some reason would remember, I'm sure not.
I'm sure she doesn't remember every weirdo,
because that'd be weird.
Well, Jamie is, it's going to turn out,
she is the, the uncle of the boogeyman.
And so she's the remaining niece,
the remaining living relative of Michael Myers.
Her parents are both dead, and she's now in foster care.
She cannot sleep, it's 4am.
Why has she got PTSD for?
So her mum is Jamie and he curters.
What was her dad?
No, no.
Yeah, they say that, they say that's Jamie, that's
Laurie Strode's daughter.
Oh really?
I thought it was, that was her auntie.
Ah right, okay.
No, and Michael Myers is her uncle.
Ah right, okay.
Because Michael Myers is Laurie Strode's sister, brother.
It's all fucking, very fucking,
James Point is way, yeah, turn to Jedi Star Wars, isn't it?
But the reason she's suffering,
she's a very young child who only 11 months ago lost both of her parents, so.
So where's Laurie Strode and her dad then?
They're dead.
How did they die?
I can't remember if they cover that really.
It's just, it just seems, I remember what,
I watched earlier today and I was taking notes down and I was like,
I miss these bits, I'm just definitely going to have to ask that.
But I don't think they're without the clue.
I don't think they really say.
I feel like there's definitely cutting room scenes.
And this is the problem with the Halloween franchises.
It's disjointed.
They, there's three or four timelines.
But you know, why they just, yeah, it's like now,
they must be like, where do we start with this coming back off the season,
which which I understand would be hard, but don't bother.
But they're not saying time like must for a cad in the production,
must be like, we just want to make money.
They probably thought, you know, Jamie Curtis,
I think they probably thought Jamie isn't coming back.
Jamie Curtis isn't coming back.
So let's, let's just say that her, that she's dead.
Little did they know that she would come back and fuck up the timeline.
And then come back again in a different timeline.
Yeah, it's, it's, it's weird.
It is weird.
But yeah, so that makes sense.
That's why she got a PTSD.
Thank you.
And she's basically been fostered by a family.
Yeah, she's got pictures of Jamie D.
Curtis that she keeps looking at.
And she keeps seeing Michael in the mirror behind her, but he's not really there.
She's very nervous, anxious, paranoid, scared little girl.
She does a good job.
Like I said, I think she's great at this.
Why are you so concerned about Michael Moore?
Surely Laurie Stroke, Jamie Curs, as a mum, would have hidden that from her.
Now let's take it from the new films, the Gordon Green ones, where that's a thing.
The mum's like a raging alcoholic Jamie Curs, isn't it?
And trying to use that as a coping mechanism for the trauma.
Let's presume that actually happened if we kept this timeline.
She was still, I suppose she said, yeah, she could have been really freaked out.
Again, by the fact that he might be coming back.
Well, it's not for that.
It's not for the cheese as a daughter is seeing these images of something.
Because she's never straight.
I'm trying to tell you, because everyone at school is constantly bullying her and reminding her
that Michael Myers is her uncle and constantly saying, Jamie's uncle's the boogeyman, Jamie's
uncle's the boogeyman.
And they're just like winding her up totally.
And it's just something she, what they should have done is done a, what do you call it,
a witness protection type thing, where they didn't tell anybody her real name and moved
her to a completely different time.
Move from the town where these things happened would have made sense for Laurie Stroke.
Because our school would move away.
Yeah, because at school, as you see in a moment, all the kids are just absolutely horrible to her.
But yeah, so she's not great.
She's going through some stuff that a child probably shouldn't.
And she keeps seeing images of Michael.
She has a moment where her cupboard door keeps opening.
And then her hand comes out from under the bed, which really was one of my traumas as a kid.
That's something would grab me from under the bed.
So that always grabs, gets me that one.
And it's Michael in a very shit mask.
Let's talk about this shit mask.
I'm totally sneaking into a house one night.
Under my bed.
We did box a giraffe poo.
Well, no, he doesn't have a shit mask yet.
Well, we do see his mask at this point.
He pops out from under the bed and but it's all a dream.
Oh, sorry.
Yes, the dream, not the actual because I'm quite interested to talk about when we get to it.
What we do see the stages of development of Michael Mars in this film.
Well, it all turns out that that was a nightmare.
None of it was real.
She's just having these nightmares over and over again.
And we cut to morning and it says had on screen.
It says had on field 31st of October, 1988.
You would think though her PTSD would be her parents having a car crash.
And that's what she'd relive in nightmares.
Not Michael Mars.
What why?
Well, I don't know.
Is that reason for it?
It's just ties it into the second film, doesn't it?
That's all.
It's a delicious.
And cashing in.
So it's family breakfast time and her foster parents are having to go out unexpectedly on Halloween
night to a big function that her foster dad is getting some award or being promoted.
So they say to her foster sister Rachel, you've got to look after your foster sister tonight.
And just offer God's sake.
I don't want to look after her.
I'm supposed to be going on a date with my boyfriend.
He's got a good teenager response.
I could see this.
But little does she know that poor little Jamie's listening at her.
So the door she says, I'm really sorry that I've ruined all your lives.
My parents died and my uncles are killer.
Now I'm here and you're all having a shit time because of me.
You're a bunch of cunts.
And then the parents say to her oldest foster sister, well, you're proud of yourself.
You really need to think before you speak.
She's already going through so much.
We're only asking you to look after a little girl.
So she feels guilty about that and goes in and they make up and it's all fine.
Well, I'm talking.
She promises her, I'll take you out for trick or treating tonight.
It'll be fun.
We'll have a good time.
It'll be fun.
I'm sure it will.
But it should be because she isn't traumatized by Michael Mys.
She doesn't need a piece of Halloween.
It's not really a thing.
It's her parents' thing.
Unless it's the anniversary of the parents dying on Halloween,
which I don't think it is.
Oh, why is that a piece?
Yeah, because I love a bunch of silly.
So again, it should be fine.
Well, cut two, drunk and old Loomis turning up at the hospital to pay his visit to Michael on Halloween.
Why wasn't I told?
He's got a very burnt face.
He's very angry.
What do you mean it has been removed?
And he keeps saying it.
It's what?
Where is it?
And he's sort of at Michael and then they say...
I love the guy, I would say to him,
I think you need mental help.
He does say, I think you need mental help.
And he says, it's just one of your patients.
He's like, it's not a patient.
It's not a human.
It's evil.
Just evil incarnate.
And the guy's just like, go home.
And just as that happened,
safe by the bell,
Dr. Loomis, old Donald Pleasants,
doesn't need to wipe his penis in the curtain.
He's going to listen to what's going on on the phone call.
That is a reference to maybe not me being crude.
He is going to listen to the phone call that the guy there takes and says to him,
Ah, puts the phone down next place.
And there's been an accident.
It's the ambulance.
And just stump turns around and bottles out like a joker or the penguin.
Sorry, joker.
Cut to the police crime scene.
So the ambulance that was transferring Michael is in a ditch in a river
on its side.
Upside down.
Where are all the bodies?
Did you count all the bodies?
Like, well, they're all a bit mangled.
It's a man's opinion on.
Come on, they can figure out how many bodies are at that.
Why is it a mess?
How has just a bus turning upside down,
like made all the limbs and torso and everything just go right, split everywhere.
And how has Michael done that as well?
Well, this is this first sign of just how crazy he is.
He pushes the cops out the way and he in fully clothed.
He goes, I'm going down there.
He just wades into the water up to his waist.
He is like an insane demented Colombo.
That is point.
About to say the exact same sentence.
He just wades into the water up to his waist.
So it's looking in the back of the ambulance,
which is smeared with blood.
It's a crime scene.
He's intimidating it.
There's a great Colombo website.
We've done all pleasant.
Very good.
Oh, Colombo.
And he looks inside and he says he's gone.
And they're like, "Oh, I've seen bodies thrown hundreds of feet,
you know, when it crashed.
Him, sure, he's around here somewhere.
We'll find his body."
The police are so casual about it.
This is one of the biggest serial killers in the last 10 years.
And to be honest, this should be casual.
And they've been really casual.
Quite a crime scene if there's bodies just all over the place.
It's like, how has that happened?
Like, you know, actually, when he looks in the ambulance
from a distance, get a wide shot of the bridge in the water.
It's a really nice shot, actually.
There's been good choices in this with regards to...
At times, director of the director of photography.
The photography is quite nice.
And I'm actually thinking about some of the films we've mentioned
that he's done, the director, makes good choices.
Mark for Death is a very good cigar movie.
Rapid Fire has some great shots in it.
So, Lewis is so, "I'm good. I haven't filmed."
Turns around and just stumps off.
They just go, let him go.
So, he's just fucking...
He can't be bothered with it, honestly.
Honestly, everyone in this movie looks at him
when he stumps off or says something like,
"Good, just go."
He's pinned out on his face.
"Just let him go."
So, Lewis gets himself over to Gary to get some fuel.
Well, before then, we see the garage,
that way there's a man under the car fixing...
Oh, of course.
Fixing the car.
And he's in an overalls,
an overalls that might just fit a certain Michael Myers bounce.
Do you know?
And he sort of leads under the car and he sees...
Someone's come in the garage.
Who is this?
And I love the look of Michael Myers in his hospital gain
and bandaged up Mummy Face.
See, first stage for Michael Myers,
and it's really cool because I'd forgotten this,
because when you're reviewing a film,
you kind of really look at stuff differently.
And I'll tell you, if you've gotten this,
and I really love it,
I'm trying to find a picture of it now,
I really like that look.
I got it.
It's nice to see something different.
The same as it is when you go back and watch
Yeah, yeah.
See a little bit of a different look.
Yeah, totally.
In culture, popular culture,
we know of them and everything else is the prime,
the quintessential all of the characters,
that their prime peak of what it is.
But this one, we've got just a bloodied white oval
and a bloody mask,
kind of invisible man-like,
but it's really shaped bandages
around the head of triangles,
cut sideways very evenly,
but then just blood all over it.
But no mouthpiece, no nosepiece for breathing.
So it's got a real...
They're basically trying to do a mask,
where it's just the eyepieces.
And it's just a really creepy look,
which is quite good,
because then later on,
the next stage of him is,
in a moment,
he's going to kill his fella.
He gets the overalls,
so he still, though,
doesn't have the Michael Mars mask.
He has this bandage with overalls.
And I was just like,
that's my favorite.
That's my favorite,
it's when he's got his overalls,
but then a bandage that white face.
It's cool, man.
And yeah, Loomis arrives soon after this
and finds the dead mechanic.
Then he finds all the people behind the canes
that have been killed.
And in his head, he's thinking,
"I fucking knew it!
I'm right!
"I knew it!"
All of a sudden, Michael
smashes out an 18-style,
smashes through the garage door.
"The dead, the dead, the dead, the dead."
"Don't look at me, I think, Jim."
It's such a...
Jukes of hazard, 18-stun.
He smashes through,
but then knocks over one of the petrol pumps,
which explodes the gas station.
"Loomis somehow."
Do you know what I mean?
No, it's like a little bit of a feel to it, doesn't it?
But Loomis just dives out of the way,
and as he...
Oh no, he sees Michael first of all in the restaurant,
doesn't he?
This is when he sees him with a mask.
And he just says to him,
"Why now, Michael?
Why now?"
It's like, what's...
Because it's Halloween, you're dumb,
That's why.
It's the perfect time you're fucking idiot.
This is why you're not too detective.
I do like...
I've got to give props to Dr. Loomis' car,
where you've got the exhaust,
where you put the fuel in,
for where the Patrick App is.
Behind the number plate,
why don't cars do that?
I think a lot of Americans always love that.
But why don't...
I guess it's a replacement of where the petrol tank is,
I presume.
But like, seems quite cool for me to go in.
Even if that guy pulled up,
because he starts filling up his own tank,
I wouldn't even let that guy do that.
He's going to have an accident,
or blow something like that.
This guy's a huge little presence,
or "mock'em ice".
Don't look at it.
"I'm not going to say as poor as it is,
dangerous as my cool mask."
I was going to say...
He's more dangerous,
because he's allowed out and about in general public,
filling up cars with petrol and stuff.
Just going like...
With a gun.
That looks like a "mock'em ice" shoot.
There was almost a part two situation going on earlier,
where we almost shoot the wrong fucking person,
just because they've got a mask on.
It's like, "Lumus, this mask is all over the place.
Do tell people this situation.
Don't just go, "Oh, I think it's magical myers on mass."
There was a great moment later talking to magical myers,
where he teleports from a roof to the ground,
but we'll get him to the left.
I didn't see that.
If I can teleport.
So, Michael drives off,
Lumus is left in the dust,
and we cut to Jamie,
receiving at school, receiving some awful bullying.
They say things like, "Your uncle's the boogeyman."
"Hey, do you know what I'm going to go as a mummy?
Do you know what a mummy is?"
"Oh no, you don't do, because your mum's dead."
Ha ha ha.
- "Hi, is that a classic one, isn't it?"
"You're an orphan, yeah."
And then they chase her crying.
"Oh, that's an orphan joke."
The crying, she's screaming and crying through the playground,
screaming at her, "James, he's uncle's the boogeyman."
So, like, it's a double whammy here, really.
They're horrible shit.
- That's before we got this.
When we were at Gage,
just really just rewinded very quickly.
DJ Rewind.
He, old Lumus shoots at Michael Mott.
He's staring right at him.
- He does.
- He's staring at him.
When he said that line he said,
and he shoots at him.
Some of it misses.
He shoots at least five times.
And as soon as he misses,
and he looks,
the music kicks in again.
The classic theme is our first real life listening of hearing it.
And it's basically a homage to the original ending of the film
where he shoots.
Look's over.
He's not there.
The music kicks in.
And it was basically that.
I was like, "Again, stop reminding me about John Carpenter's film.
It's not a good look.
You're going to make me go,
I'm going to turn this off and watch John Carpenter's."
But I've actually got to review you.
You know.
- Review you.
So Rachel, Foster, Sister of Jamie.
Excuse me.
And her buddy Lindsey, they pick up Jamie from school.
And she's obviously upset from her bullying.
And they say, "Look, how can we cheer you up?
Do you want ice cream?
Do you want to go trick or treat in?"
And she's like, "I want both."
They're like, "Okay, cool.
Well, let's go get a costume."
We can buy some costumes,
even though it is Halloween,
that we on sale.
- So if I can go costume that store.
- Well, they go to the store where Lindsey's boyfriend works.
- I've always liked this part of the film.
Don't know why.
- Yeah, I'll just wander around the store.
There's always different Halloween masks.
I think, point of this point,
I'll start to fall asleep and I'll watch it late at night.
You know, just as a movie to watch.
- So Jamie picks a costume,
which is a clown costume with a mask,
like a harlequin sort of mask.
And there's a Michael Myers mask on the shelf behind her.
So clearly they haven't banned this mask
that a serial killer used, you know.
- In that town.
- In that town.
They're just selling them.
It's a bit sick, isn't it?
- You know, like Betty,
it lives at 33 Main Street,
has probably been down the local town hall,
said that, "What the fuck's up there?"
Like sort this shit out,
pull them off.
- Because let's not forget,
in I think Halloween too,
that mask was on sale so much
that a random kid got killed wearing it,
because they must have come from Michael.
- Exactly.
- Let's take it off the shelves.
- There's multiple reasons,
there's been multiple deaths because of this mask.
We shouldn't sell it,
but no, we sell it.
And then there's multiple deaths again.
And then it happens, it carries on though.
- Well, we see her hand grab the classic Captain Kirk,
you know, mask,
and this hand is all sort of gray and a bit grizzled.
So we know this is, this is Michael,
he's shopping.
- Michael's just there, somehow.
- But the bandage on his face,
but no one's noticed.
I guess because it's Halloween.
- Maybe.
And we do, though, get into this introduction
to our three cool dudes.
- Well, just before that,
Jamie looks at herself dressed as a clang,
and she suddenly sees herself as the boy,
Michael from Halloween 1.
- Which does pay into the ending, I suppose.
- But how would she know what her uncle
looked like when he was a boy?
How would she have that vision,
unless she's a Jedi or, I don't know.
- It is really, this is the whole mind.
- The mind thing that happens through the other Halloween films,
they use a lot of mind shit,
which is like, what is this all about?
- One of my favorite scenes at now
is where Loomis hitches his way to Haddonfield.
Because he's mental,
and he's on the side of the road just hitching the lift.
- So a convertible full of youngsters,
Paul's daughters.
- Chili, yes.
- Come on, old man, come on.
- And he's like, oh, go.
- Paul, go.
- It starts to like him.
- I'm like a day.
- And then they just will spin it off and leave him in the dust.
- And then someone else says, come on old man, get in.
- Yeah, and I love this priest.
Now he's like crazy Ralph's brother from Jason,
and he is smashed, driving on all absolutely hammered.
And he starts spouting the Bible to him,
and it's just a weird scene.
And it's the only time in this franchise
that Loomis meets someone who's probably slightly more mental than him.
- And he sort of says to him, like, I think
I can tell you're hunting something.
- And Dr. Loomis, Dr. Loomis, sort of say, oh, what are you hunting?
- What are you hunting?
- Well, and he says he's like, he says he's hunting something.
I've got a feeling he's hunting small children.
- Oh my God.
- That's my, that's my guess.
- Just because he's a Catholic priest, driving along.
- Not just, but he's not right.
- Yeah. Well, we got to dusk.
- How do I feel, by the way, looks like a shit town.
- It looks fucking boring as shit.
- Well, cut to dusk now on Halloween.
So that's just, the sun's just going down, and we see again,
we get this great atmospheric imagery of children in costumes.
- And we can all go on the sides.
- And we do know what's going on here,
as the boyfriend has been told that he can't go on a date with Jamie's
stepsister, I don't know, foster sister.
And he's pissed off.
He's like, why don't you tell me this morning?
And the straightaway is just like,
'cause he's trying to get another date, and you don't realize this.
And he's like, 'well, there's another'.
- Yeah, well, there's another.
- It's like, oh, it's a bit late.
- There's another hot chick that works at the same store as him,
but you find the costumes.
- Which does tell him to fuck off, wait.
- And then later on,
- Yeah, she's-
- Cock the body books, girl.
- Yeah, she's the cops, the sheriff's door.
My favourite character, Sheriff Ben Mica, in this whole movie,
played by both stars, is his daughter.
And yeah, she's wearing a cop's do it by the book t-shirt.
- See, that lady now has had a breast reduction, did you know?
- Fucking hell, I've only heard of this fact.
- Only because Daniel Harris was on a podcast,
and someone else brought it up, I don't know why,
and she just mentioned it.
So that's how I know.
- Amazing.
Well, Jamie's parents go out,
as mentioned, her foster parents have other things they need to be doing tonight,
related to the careers.
So they drive off out of the house, and someone else is in the house.
- Well, I love the fact that she-
because it's before my ball phones,
I love the fact the way she has to get through.
It's like, ring up her boyfriend, he's not there.
You have to leave a message with the parents.
And I was just like, "Shit, you had to do that.
I remember doing that."
- How rubbish is that?
Like, "Oh, get him to come around later on, he's going to come around later on."
Get him to bring them.
- Yeah, but it's back in the day,
where you would knock on your friend's door,
and if they weren't in, you'd just go to where you thought they probably were.
- But it's just leaving a message with the parents.
Why do you want the parents to know what you're up to?
- You know.
- Another great scene here now.
We're in the police session in Stumbles, Loomis,
who's hitchhiked his way to having fields.
- I'm here!
- I'm here!
- So fat, and then I'm-
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Okay, whoa!
- Whoa!
- My name is Gox, and they're all looking at you.
- Sausage doesn't have any wave in his gun around.
- Well, as soon as he mentions his name,
they're all like, "Yes, we've heard of you."
- Yeah, but like, yeah.
- He comes in asking for a sergeant bracket,
which is from the original Halloween film.
And they're like, "That dude's fucking gone out of here.
Like, you should be."
- Yeah, he said they say to him,
"Well, you're at 4,000 miles on the wrong direction.
That guy moved 10 years ago or something."
- I mean, imagine he moved, he probably moved
because of Donald Pleasance, because of Dr. Loomis.
Do you imagine if he still goes and hunts him down?
He's retired, just sitting there on his porch.
His dog's on his lap stroking him.
He's got a beer rocking right back for us at the cigar.
"Who? I found you bracket!"
- I'm like, "Oh, no!"
"This is me alone, Loomis."
- He's escaped again.
I think he's come to your time, and-
- Let me guess.
Let me guess. You shot him six times, yeah?
Yeah, all right, okay.
Yeah, what's great here is that as soon as the sheriff comes out,
he goes, "Well, I'm the sheriff now."
Before he's even finished saying that sentence,
Loomis is like, "Five million phrases and sentences."
He's like, "Listen, please escape.
You don't understand.
We must lock down the town now.
Get it out on the police stations that everybody needs.
There needs to be a curfew issued immediately."
And it's like, "Whoa, whoa, take a break."
- It's like being a freak, too.
"Whoa, whoa."
- And basically he tells him that Michael Mars is escaped.
He's heading to Haddonfield.
He needs to lock the town down.
- They believe him.
- Well, the sheriff's like, "Well, they believe him, though."
I know that it helps the fact the phone lines down.
But yeah.
- And he says, "I suspect he's coming after his niece, Jamie Lloyd."
And that's the bit that makes the sheriff think, "Ah."
- And the only reason the phone lines down is because of Dr. Loomis.
He was there, scared Michael Mars.
So he got in trouble, ran out of frame, hit the phone line, and took it down.
- Fucking Loomis.
- It's fucking Loomis.
- Cutting to Michael now, just slowly stalking Jamie and Rachel as they go trick-or-treating.
And my favorite and most hilarious moment here.
- She does get some friends, though, who want to treat with her?
- She does, but just before that, they say, "Well, no, just after that."
They go, "I like your clown costume."
And they all go not on the door.
And old sexy, sexy cops do it by the book.
Door, sexy girl from the show.
- Our door opens, doesn't it?
- And she says, "Oh, your kids are so cute."
And she gives them all candy and Rachel's stood there,
and then she recognizes her.
And then in the background, she sees Brady.
And he's been doing the naughty naughty with this girl.
Hang on a minute, Brady.
We were supposed to be on a date.
One Earth's going on.
And he's like, "Whoa, I can explain, Rachel."
It's like, "You fucking can't explain me."
You've been caught literally with your pants down.
This girl is wearing a thong and a t-shirt and no bra.
And you were sat in front of an open, roaring fire with the lights out.
- Yep.
- I think we all know what's been going on in there.
- She's not happy.
- She's not a happy bunny.
So she runs off, very responsibly, leaving Jamie
out on the streets with her buddy to then all leave her as well.
- Yeah.
- So she's wondering right about it.
- And so congratulations.
You've got to look after a child who's like,
"What, how old are you at what are we saying here?"
- She must be about nine, ten, I'll miss.
- I'd say ten, maybe.
Ten and a half or something.
It's not that hard to communicate with a ten,
eleven year old, saying like, "Don't go off wandering."
I can understand that she's got carried away with the friends
and all that stuff.
But yeah, it's like, you've got one job to do.
Just look after it.
But I suppose you've got sidelined by your boyfriend,
being boned by Copster by the books.
- Yeah, I mean, to be honest with you, I'd do it by the books.
But she's absolutely incredibly hot.
- It is not.
- Oh, well, I think she is.
- You're just looking at the size of the boobs.
That's what it is.
- No, no, no.
Copster by the book.
Cut to the TV, telling everybody,
stay off the streets.
There's a curfew.
- You've just lost your...
- You've just lost your...
Anything you're supposed to be doing,
and all of a sudden,
and it's very chance of a curfew.
Very, very, very rare.
All of a sudden, it's a curfew.
Nice one.
That's not a good look, is it?
- And this TV is in a bar full of absolute drunken redneck.
- Silver bullet style.
- Yeah.
- And yeah, it's quite amusing.
- And they go, "Hmm, this can't be right.
Let me just ring the police station."
- Well, the bartender's also on the news,
because it takes over the local TV or whatever.
Like, there's a curfew.
Everybody go home, like, you know, lock your house.
And they're like, fuck off.
Like, the sheriff wouldn't do that if aliens landed on his front garden.
He returned to just fuck off, whatever.
So they're like, "I'm ringing the station, find out."
And the station just rings and rings and rings,
which makes them go, "Oh, that's not good."
Right, let's go find out.
- Yeah, so they all stand up,
pull their guns out, down their piers,
and then head on out to their trucks.
They're like, "Well, it's clearly something going down,
so let's all go."
- It's just that right crowd, almost mentality, isn't it?
- The news said, "Stay inside."
These guys heard that and thought,
"We need to drink more, grab our guns and head to tank."
- They did remind me of Scream when they find out the headmaster,
you know, De Fons has been killed in a hurry.
- Eeee.
- And they're like, "Let's go!"
- Eeee.
- And they're all fucked, and they're just, "Drive off."
- Imagine if this bar was the bar from
the F.W. or whatever that movie's called.
What's that movie with those guys?
And they're all veterans of war.
Yeah, the F.W.
- Yeah.
- Imagine if Michael wouldn't stand a chance.
- Probably not.
- Just saying.
Well, Loomis then goes into Jamie's home,
and he finds photos of Jimmy De Curtis'
scattered all over the floor, and he says to the sheriff,
"He's been here!"
And you think, "Why does he know that?"
And then you see the dead dog.
Michael has killed another dog.
- It's a no-no, so definitely putting across the audience
that he's not a nice person.
- Yeah, Michael doesn't mind killing dogs.
- That whole crowd mentality thing,
that did remind me of the recent,
it's one of recent Halloween movies, second or third, I don't know.
- It reminded me of that too.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Can I see how it happens?
I think in any other Halloween movie I could think of, I guess.
- Cut to a really mental scene where Michael goes to...
- Shh, Mark's associate.
- His mask is awful.
It looks like he's made out of paper.
- It's so bad.
It's just like, at any point, why did you go that?
The bandages look better.
- Just get a Kirk mask.
- You could have done bandages for pretty much most of this movie.
Have a minute, a little bit more.
And then also right in,
I put the mask on and that would have been like a massive crescendo.
- Or even just get a mask.
You know, maybe it was in the police station in the lockup.
Maybe he could take it from there as evidence.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- And then you've straight away,
you've got a dirty old horrible version of the mask.
But instead, he's got this pristine white paper-thin looking thing.
It just looks like I made it in art class.
- And it's like, it's honestly like the real poor man.
- It's the trans version of the John Cops Halloween.
- I think this is the worst mask that Michael wears.
- Is that a Fred Cops?
- It directed it.
- Michael Moors.
- Fred Engineer.
- Now, this next scene is so mental,
because we've got the power plant for the entire Haddonfield.
Michael's drives along to it, shows up.
- Hey.
- You're like, what's he doing here then?
- What's his plan?
- I used to watch this movie quite a bit as a kid.
I know it's a movie called, well,
as a kid, when the guy is like, hey, man, what you doing here?
And he says, he's mugging my son's head.
He turns around and goes to walk off,
go, I'm going to go tell someone, or whatever.
And then he looks back again, and then he catches on walking.
As a kid, I know that that was a bad acting.
I saw some shit acting.
- He says to him, wait, he looks back.
- Don't you try that Halloween shit on me?
I'm going to call the cops.
Don't even think about going anywhere.
You better stay right where you are.
- That's it.
And he walks off, looks back again.
It's just like, I sound bad acting.
- And then Michael just picks him up and throws him
into the power plant.
- How'd you do?
- Which wipes out the power, the electricity
for the entire Haddonfield.
- At least Loomis is responsible.
- Later on, I am going to say, we're not going to get to just yet,
but later on, my favorite actor comes into this,
and you wouldn't know who it was.
- Come.
- Yeah, we're going to see.
- I can't wait to hear who that is.
So, no power now.
So add to the mix now, we've got no power, no phone lines.
- Lost, lost child, which has a crazy uncle
who's come to kill her at a power cart curfew.
It's, it ain't good.
- And Loomis has taken out the phone lines.
- And Loom is a drunken clumb by wandering around with a gun.
- So Rachel's still looking for Jamie.
Jamie's on her own.
And finally, oh, then Rachel sees Michael.
So she climbs over a fence and gets away from him.
- She finds fence jumping all over the place.
- Bit part core there.
She finds Rachel, Jamie finds Rachel finally.
She says, "I've been looking everywhere for you."
So, "Will you fucking left me, dickhead?
You're supposed to be looking after me."
And then finally, the car pulls up, police car,
and you hear, "The Jamie, we found you!"
So who are you, old man?
What the fuck's up into your face?
You're all burning up?
- Oh, it's going on here.
- Okay, he's with the sheriff.
Must be a plausible person that they're just running around
and crazily getting all frantic about.
- At this point, the sheriff's probably thinking,
"What am I doing?
I'm letting this crazy old man."
- At this point, he must go up.
- Tell me where to drive.
- Oh, what are we doing here?
What's going on?
- Now, he says, "Take them to your house."
So they're like, "All right, so what?
Now I'm going to take you and these two girls to my house."
- Oh, that's what happens, Dan.
- Well, Michael is in the shadows watching them.
- Not just one, Michael, though.
- And it, well, first of all, he says, "Look, there he is!"
And then they go, "Look, oh, it's Michael."
He says, "Right, it's down where you are."
- Everybody put your guns towards the person with the mask on,
because it's obviously the killer.
- And then suddenly somebody says, "Look over there!
There's another Michael."
- Oh, like, and then look over there, there's one more.
- And Loomis says, "It's impossible."
- And, "Oh, my God!"
What did Loomis, it is possible, it is,
because you know those masks are sold in the shop just there.
In town.
- For five bucks.
- That's what it's possible.
- Judging by the quality of them.
- The way he responds to it is like,
he's literally saying, "Oh, my God, the evil presence has turned into free.
It's multiplying!"
- And then just the cops are literally about to shoot this kid in the head.
And he says, "Whoa, whoa, it's just a prank!"
- Definitely, no.
Just when the camera looks at my, Michael,
Loomis just pulls out his whizzing bottle, drinks some more,
"Oh, my God!"
- I'm seeing triple.
- And they're just all going along with it,
like a mass hallucination thing, like,
"Oh, okay, we must go along with this."
Like, "Oh, my God, there's three of them!"
They must be some ghosts or something.
Which one is the real one?
Is it like, "Total recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger?"
Which one do we go for?
It's just like, "Come on, guys, that could be the masks."
- So the, what happens?
- Well, the plan is for them to take the girls to the sheriff's house.
But while they're on their way to do that,
we cut to the police station.
And it looks like the Terminator has been in there because...
- It looks like they just, they got 124 for the effects team from the other movie.
It looks like because they just, like,
"We're not going to show up, we're just going to show you the aftermath."
- Which is cool in a way, but, you know, it's a bit cheap.
- But who shows up the town?
- In mob show up, don't they? The drunken mob show up?
And they seal the dead cops and they're like, "We knew it!
We knew there was a reason we all had our guns and alcohol."
- I knew it was a reason why I started drinking at 12 and shooting guns at five.
This day!
- So they decide they want to help,
they want to get revenge from Michael,
and one of them says, "We're going to fry his ass!"
So that's it.
So they are now a Lynch mob who are driving around in pickup trucks.
With guns and booze, trying to find Michael Myers.
You can meet this stuff up, guys.
- Going brilliant!
- Going back to the free Michael Myers,
it goes to the point where they're about to shoot them,
and they put the guns right up to go take them out and they all go, "Whoa!
It's a joke!"
- That's what I said, he says, "It's a prank!"
- At what point do you think of your mates?
- I've got a prank.
Yeah, but haven't a sheriff got guns?
Yeah, but we're just pretending to be that killer that they're looking for.
- Oh, you don't even do that as a prank though, do you?
- Also, surely it was reported in the news 10 years ago
that that other kid got killed who had a Michael Myers mask on.
- Kids are stupid.
- Yeah, they are, that's true.
Well, Michael is in the back of a cop car,
and so he hit just a little lift.
We cut to Jamie's foster parents getting home.
The Lynch mob starts shooting at a rustling bush.
They see a bush literally just rustle a little bit,
and they unload hundreds of bullets into this bush,
and they run over and they go, "Oh, this is Johnny Smith, whoever it is."
- It's like when I shoot in Predator,
this is exactly the same scenario.
- It is.
- And actually we're going to come out the same year.
Actually, you're a fours in Predator 97.
It's just ridiculous.
And it's going to kill one little little resident.
- Oh, well done, Scott.
Well done, piss heads with fucking heavy artillery.
- Whoopsie.
So we cut back to Brady and Kelly now.
They're so Brady is the boyfriend who's cheating with Kelly,
the cop store, and they are getting it on in front of the fire.
And he says to her at one point,
"She takes her top off and he looks at her breasts."
And he says, "I must be in heaven."
- He doesn't do.
- My wife said to me,
"Have you ever said that during sex, when he laughs?"
I said, "I don't think so.
I've said some weird stuff,
"would have been drunk, whatever,
"but I don't think I've ever just said,
"I must be in heaven."
- No, I don't think I've said that.
My favorite actor has already been on the screen very quickly.
He does come back.
He has a few more roles.
It's like he's in a Tarantino film or something,
or a film of horror caliber.
It's the Sheriff's Assistant.
First of all, the thing he does is he just goes into the car
and he's like sweating.
He says, "I'm over above the station."
So I was like, "Where did this acting come from?"
And it just cuts.
I was like, "What the hell? That's really good."
- He's the guy that doesn't know he's got my cameras
on the back seats of his car.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
In Escort's my cameras,
and my cameras are like sweet.
It's like a lazy Uber.
- I'll just slide back here.
- Okay, I'm asleep.
But his acting's really good.
It's just like you are definitely in the wrong movie.
- I always love that one.
Really good acting pops up in a movie where you're like,
"What? Where that come from?"
- It's straight and round.
I was just like, "Well, caliber of acting just popped up."
- So he's talking of cock blocks or maybe cop blocks.
So Brady and Kelly, they're getting it on.
And he's literally about to enter the gates of heaven, let's say.
And then all of a sudden they hear a car pull up,
and she's like, "Oh shit, it's my dad."
Now, not only is her dad coming home,
and this is from Brady's point of view,
but her dad also happens to be Sheriff who has guns.
And he's about to catch his daughter, Boinkin, Brady.
Well, things can get worse because actually,
he's also got Brady's current girlfriend with him
and her little foster sister.
- Man, he is soft.
- It's like, "Man, I was just about to get my underwear.
Now my girlfriend's here."
And the other thing is,
the Sheriff doesn't ban eyelid that his daughter is in the house
with the lights out.
Oh, she's got on his a pink thong and a t-shirt.
- He knows it's not really the main focus on his mind at the moment.
- I would.
- Because he doesn't explain.
- He does say his stuff to him.
- Yeah, he's a to him.
- Well, I just think.
But the most awkward thing is,
is that poor old Rachel has got to stay in this house
with the guy who's supposed to be her boyfriend.
She's now called him twice,
trying to bomb the same girl with the same night.
And it's just a bit awkward.
- But the Sheriff calls his kid over and says,
"Hey, take a gun kid, give him a shotgun."
- He says, "Shakuli, Eric,
and if you grab my door again, I use that shotgun on you."
- Yeah, I suppose he does.
- I mean, he just nods.
- I love the, I love the, can you use a gun kid?
Yeah, of course I can.
And this is where Deputy turns up.
We've obviously given Michael a zuba.
- It does get a bit samey from here on out now,
because once Michael's in the house.
- I know, it's just like.
- We're in one location now.
- It's kind of boring.
- Yeah, why we, yeah, you're right.
- You know, I like it when we keep cutting back to the Lynch mob,
and obviously the Sheriff's really annoyed.
And he does, and it's a good reason for him to leave.
He says, "I've got to go out there,
because you've created a Lynch mob, Loomis."
- Well, he does it a bit.
Well, we get to the point where Jamie is upstairs,
freaked in the bedroom with her foster sister,
and the kid comes up, who's like her boyfriend's supposed to be,
whatever, next space.
She says, "Hey, her uncle, my uncle, Michael was just fucking
come along, and he's gone crazy, and he's back,
and he's just like, what the fuck?
'Cause he's just been told, "Gupstairs,
and I love the windows, and what's going on?"
Like, you know, you would be a bit freaked out on what that is.
- Yeah, it goes in the attic.
- This is annoying, though.
The Sheriff and the Assistant is like,
"Right, what we could do is it they're not there
to protect...
- What they're doing, are they just hiding away from Michael Mise?
- Well, both.
I think they're barricading,
their plan is to barricade themselves in the house.
I don't know what they're going to do after that.
- I know, Tony.
And I do like, really like the next scene with my favourite actor.
There's just a bit of light on him,
and he's slowly staring at the door with a shotgun
and a rocket check and back and forwards.
The older foster sister comes down,
and she's like, "What's going to happen?"
"It's just going to stay here."
And she's going back and forward.
Doesn't look at her once.
I was like, "You're in a Tarantino film,
what are you doing here?"
- It's weird.
- Well, she gets told to go and make coffee.
- Gotta make coffee.
- So she does.
And the Sheriff, in the meantime,
gets a call on the radio to say,
"There's a Lynch Bob going around just shooting everyone
who looks even remotely like a killer."
- The best bit he does on rocket change
is go away to the coffee and he just goes,
"It won't be long."
It's just rocking back and forth,
staring with a shotgun.
It's like, "This is so good."
- Well, she comes back to him after the Sheriff's left.
Kelly comes back to this cop in the rocket chair,
and she approaches him.
She goes, "They're going to be coffee here."
And it's not the Sheriff.
It's not the Deputy.
It's Michael sitting in the chair.
- Michael, it's in the chair.
- In the chair, it sits up the gun.
And so Michael Mars got a shotgun,
that's something we've not had before.
And the Sheriff's dead.
My favorite actor, Al, in an Al.
- She sees him on the floor, doesn't she?
That's how she knows it's not actually him in the chair
because she sees the body on the floor.
- Oh, he's in the ex-dead will.
- Michael, not really very good at using guns.
He doesn't know how to operate a gun.
He, instead of shooting Kelly, he impales her with a gun.
- Oh yeah, he does.
I was wondering where he stuck it at first,
but we do find out.
- Oh, fucking hell.
Double barrel.
Yeah, he just rams it right through her.
- Exactly.
- And makes me.
- Probably.
- Double barrel.
- Do you know how much fancy the old double barrel tonight, love?
- The old pump action.
- Two bumps in a squirt.
Done and dusted, that's me.
- I'm freaking hashtag pumpy,
but that's the highest range of spot-casts.
Episode 69, when the diff goes wrong.
Check it out.
- I know what he's talking about.
- Okay.
So yeah, he's killed.
Michael then picks up a knife.
Yeah, he's finally got his favorite weapon.
So he's complete, his transition is complete.
He's got his overalls, he's got his shit mask,
and he's got a knife from the kitchen.
Welcome back, Michael.
Welcome back.
- Yeah, yeah, totally.
And they find the bodies, don't they?
And it's again kind of homogen,
the original, but just with no tension.
Yeah, because it's Rachel and Danielle Harris,
they come then and says, find all the bodies.
They decide they can't get out of the house.
- Yeah, yeah.
Okay, let's discuss this.
He's like, door's locked right.
I'm going to shoot her a shotgun.
- I'm just about to bring this up.
- Just about to bring this up.
- She shoots it and goes over and says,
And she says, "What's wrong?"
And he says, "It's metal."
She goes, "What's that mean?
We're not going anywhere."
I'd be like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what, what, what?"
- Where's the key?
- "Are you allergic to metal?"
Like, "What's the problem?"
- Well, I think he says it's hot after shooting it,
but it should have just let it cool down.
- Or you get a t-shirt and just move it.
It's just like, "What do you mean, you got me?
I'm going anywhere because it's dor's metal."
- And this is my biggest plot hole really is,
my biggest plot hole really is they can't seem to get out of a house.
There's windows, there's a back door somewhere.
Instead, they all go up into the attic.
- It's like the budget went and then I...
But it's the rehash of it after part three.
I don't understand why I make this.
I think it's probably like we've got to rush this through, I guess.
I don't know.
- Well, instead they all go through the attic window up onto the roof.
- No, they don't.
The guy goes up and he turns around and has like a Vincent Prize
on top of the stairs and not Vincent Prize at the doctor, Peter Vincent and like,
you know, Charlie in Friday.
On the top of the staircase right in the middle,
they have like this fight micamised us with the kid.
- That's right, Brady fights him, doesn't he?
He gets killed.
- Which to be fair, doesn't the right job of having to try and have a thought of micamised?
- No, he's a bit glad, you know, he probably plays American football.
- Yeah, I would like to see micamised versus Jason.
I think I would be called good.
- My money be on Jason.
- Yeah, I'd like to see, yeah.
- I'd like to see that too.
But we never will, sadly.
- No, I won't unless we did a fan film.
- Yeah, that's true.
So yeah, they're on the roof.
Michael's followed them up onto the roof.
They, the girls slip and they slip down the roof,
but they sort of land up against the chimney.
- Just as they're going upstairs though, she turns around, stops,
turns around, stares and says, "Leave us alone."
And then goes, "Leave us alone."
Almost like a teacher or, or, or, or, I don't know,
an expected Michael to go, "All right."
- Sorry.
- She realised...
- Imagine if he just went, oh, sorry.
- She realised is that doesn't work.
Maybe try a colorful language possibly next time,
but she didn't realise this doesn't work.
So she blocks the staircase a bit to slow him down.
- And then they get in a room for my, my notes on now.
Filmer's got boring.
- Yeah, so Rachel then starts lowering Jamie down on a piece of rope.
- The music is, I think Alan Hoerf, he took over from John Carpenter.
He was like a composing partner with John Carpenter kind of.
But the music in it's so lackluster.
It's the weak as anything.
It's the music we know played with the weakest sounding instruments,
which have no meat to them at all.
So hang on, how did John Carpenter do it years ago?
Because he has some nice, good synthesisers,
nades, skokes, uh, ba ba ba ba.
- Yeah.
- Well, it's got a long story short.
Rachel falls off the roof, dies, but doesn't,
because she sort of looks like she might be dead, but she isn't.
Jamie manages to get...
- She doesn't die then, does dies, but doesn't.
- Well, she looks like she's dead, but then she comes back in a minute.
- She falls off and looks fucked like you would have felt the roof.
- Yeah, but she's one of them roof, yeah, exactly.
Daniel Harris gets down, Michael is on the roof,
and then Daniel Harris turns around and he stood there.
- He may have...
- He may have...
- He may have bust the wrongs pop up for just 10 minutes and run through.
- Well, I want to know how you got off the roof in about three seconds.
Either jump, sign, or climb back through the attic and out the front door.
- They're just chased.
Oh, it's an amazing thing of though, where people are testing,
if they could get away from Michael Myers, and Michael Myers just standing there,
just slowly walking along behind him.
As they all run off on each person, just trying up the keys.
Most of them got away, but some of them would get him as he'd turn up.
But it was so funny just seeing like, just in this movie, like,
say this is the bit I didn't really think of when you said about it,
but yeah, all of a sudden he's just downstairs.
I did think that, and then it was like, now he's chasing him.
It was like, oh, bored.
- Jamie starts running and screaming.
- Fine, sweet.
- Rachel wakes up,
so she isn't dead.
And yes, Loomis grabs Jamie and says, for no reason at all.
He says, let's go to the school.
- Yeah, where does he come from?
- You can tell a port as well.
- Let's get to the school.
- I don't know why.
He says, we need to go somewhere where we can be safe.
- How do you know that you can break into the school?
- The school isn't safe.
It's like a fucking maze in there with loads of doors and fire exits and windows.
- Why don't you get in a car and drive away?
- I don't know.
- Just Loomis, isn't it?
So they break it, so he's not breaking and entering into the school with a child.
- He got the drunk guys on the way to the school as well, for some reason.
I don't know how they knew.
- Michael's in the school and he throws Loomis through a window.
- And that's Loomis out of the picture for the moment.
- So Jamie's on her own in the school.
She falls down to some stairs.
Michael starts walking towards her, and then here goes Rachel.
- Here comes Rachel.
- Here comes Rachel.
- With her fire extinguisher.
And she blasts Michael with the fire extinguisher.
This is a guy that's been shot six times.
He's been smashed, burned, stabbed.
But a fire extinguisher seems to, you know, make him back off a little bit.
The lynch mob show up, they rescue the girls.
Don't worry girls, stick with us, it's not good.
- It's really safe, we're not drunk with shotguns.
- And then the troopers arrive, the state troopers arrive.
- The excitement of the drunk guys is that they shoot into the air
when they see the cops come in.
- Amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
Michael is then on the back of the truck as they drive away.
I don't know how he's been clinging on that whole time.
He's like the T-1000 in Terminator 2.
He just somehow he's on the back of the truck and he starts climbing up and back of the truck.
While they're driving along singing like yeah, yeah, yeah, la la la.
And he just starts throwing them off the truck.
None of them notice he's there doing that.
- There's three of them on there.
There's one, two of them at the front of that.
One of them, the last one, he doesn't realise the people next to him
are fighting the killer.
- Screaming.
- Yeah, right next to him, he doesn't realise that it goes on for a while.
- That's crazy.
And then he turns around and he gets killed as well.
Then Michael leans in and rips the driver's face off with his bare hands.
- He rips the chunk out of his neck.
It's like, whoa, it's a bit of a microwave off in London almost or something.
- So Rachel takes the wheel, Michael falls off and so he rams him with the car.
And he lands in some kind of ditch.
- Very hard sort of thing.
- Yeah.
And the cops all arrive.
And while they're all sort of doing their job.
- The sheriff turns up and he looks to the older foster sister and says,
are you all right?
And she's like, are any screams really loud in her face?
Are you all right?
No, that's not how you ask her if she is all right.
Are you okay?
- Well while he's busy screaming in her face, what he doesn't notice is that little Jamie's
just gone over to the body of Michael Myers.
- Yep.
- Great.
Good job, Sheriff.
She goes over to Michael and she touches his hand.
- Oh, is this supposed to be okay?
- Like the transfer of power or something?
I don't know.
- Really?
- I've never really thought of that as with you.
But now you said that.
Maybe that's where people would have gone back and said,
well that's when it happened, I don't know.
- But then they should have had them close up of the hand,
touching the hand and then to signify it.
- Well anyway, Michael sits up, they blast him and...
- He's shooting into like a grave, drops down and I just go
and have a launch on to him, I've rubble.
- It's like a well or a hole in the ground anyway.
He goes down there.
- And then they're back at the house.
It's like the aftermath.
They're in that nursing Jamie all round,
so he's got the mum to die, the cops and stuff like that.
- The power's back on, don't forget this all come on.
- Of course.
- The poor's not all present, it's just now just turns up,
looking totally fucked.
He looks so fucked, it's unbelievable.
And just says, "They survived this ordeal,
and they will survive its memory."
- What?
What does that mean?
- Oh you know he says, "She survived this ordeal,
so she will survive this memory."
He's in, "If she got through tonight..."
- She could get through the memory of it.
- Yeah.
- Right.
- She's strong, is what he's saying.
- Then he just wanders off.
- Then he's like, "See ya!"
Like who the fuck was that drunken old man with a half a brunt face?
Doesn't matter.
- He only got eggs in the fridge.
- And some shots, or have six shots.
- Yeah, he's vanishing.
- He's two shots.
- And then Jamie,
Jamie decides to put her climb mask back on.
- And it's the OG film of the POV,
Food and Mask with a Breathe in,
straight away we've been reminded of the original
gang stop doing it.
- And she goes into visit with us just to Rachel,
who survived falling off a building.
- And what happens?
- We don't see what happens, but we see...
- We see Jamie step out after just screaming.
- Jamie do some duced and door of pleasant.
- Yeah well let's describe it and then we'll do that.
So she walks up onto the landing after some screaming
and little Jamie's there covered in blood with a knife and drift.
- Large, large, large,
- Large, original.
- And bottom of the stage.
- Looking down the stairs,
come around the corner,
don't replace it, come and say,
- And Loomis clearly is having PTSD
and he just looks at her and goes,
"No, my worst knife, I just want to shoot her."
- Sure, sure.
- Pulls it down.
- The sheriff just...
- He's got to shoot a child.
- The sheriff just stares looking up like the dad
and then the mum, no, the dad,
it's not the old fossil sister, it's the mum.
So is it mum or is it a fossil shoe shoe?
- A fossil, fossil shoe shoe.
- Oh okay, so the dad and mum come around the corner
and just stare, they don't go right,
we best get run up there and find what's happened to a fossil sister,
that might be our daughter's blood,
they're just stare.
- And like my original.
- My note does say that Jamie is a monster
and that refers to the fact that when she was at school,
they were all saying, "You're a monster,
you're a boogie man," and she says a couple of times,
"Am I a monster like my uncle Michael?"
Or, "Yes, you fucking are,
'cause she just killed your foster sister."
- I don't remember this ending.
- Oh, I remember that.
- And if I remember rightly in the next one, she's mute.
- Oh god, the next one.
- So in the next one's got the man in black, the weird cowboy man.
- Isn't that number six?
- Oh, I don't know.
- I think that's number six.
- Oh awful, Paul Rudd one.
- Paul Rudd's in the fifth one, I think.
- No, that's six, that's six.
But next one's the man in black,
which we're gonna put on a story,
then after did that, 'cause I had no idea for it,
I went, "No, I'm not gonna bother anymore."
- That man in black with a cowboy hat,
he reminds me of the bounty hunter in
Friday the 13th, Jason ghost of hell,
you know the guy that's hunting in Dang?
It could have been the same character, but it isn't.
But that's Halloween, not Friday the 13th,
that's Halloween 4.
- The 24th.
- The return of Michael Myers, he returned.
- He did.
- He got run over and shot and pushed down a hole in the ground
and somehow transferred his evil to Daniel Harris.
- Evil.
- New Year's Evil.
- That's our review of the film.
- I do give it a thumbs up.
I don't really think so unless you really need to watch
the Halloween movies, like one, two and three are kind of fun.
The Rob Zombie ones are something to watch, I suppose.
They've got their own thing at least,
you know, the same about them, it's a different take.
And then you've got H2O, which is fun,
one I like.
- H20.
- And Resurrection, I've had a rotation at Halloween,
just in the background because it's kind of shit.
- I just want to wander into the room and just be on
and bust around and go, "Come on, Mikey,
let's have a fight on what he says."
- I give it a thumbs up because...
- Okay.
- In the same way that...
- I give it the Jeremy Beatle thumbs up, I guess.
- In the same way that with the Freddie movie,
maybe not anymore after the fourth one,
if you turn off one or two parts of your brain
and just have it on and know what you're going in for,
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- You get what you get.
- This is similar to Fallout, then I'm not gonna say it for.
- If you go into this one, switching off those parts of your brain,
you're actually gonna be pleasantly surprised, I think,
ignoring some of the weird plot devices like, "Is Jamie Deakert?
Is dead?
Does she get transferred to the evil?"
Ignore all of that and just go along with the ride of Michael's out there.
He's hunting people down in Loomis' acts in nuts
and Daniel Harris is screaming and running
and there's a girl in a t-shirt that says cops do it by the book.
If you want to watch all of that shit,
I think you're gonna enjoy this.
- Yeah.
- I agree.
- So I'd say a thumbs up.
I'd say actually, like I said earlier, this was,
I preferred it this one this time around
and I actually slightly un-preferred Freddy for.
So that's where I'm at on this one.
The scales have tipped.
- Okay, man, cool.
All right, let's get out of here for the out-tray.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- We're back to say goodbye.
- Oh, if you just falls through the whole thing,
you've just stopped at this point.
- Well, front door.
- Yeah, hello?
How are you doing?
- Hello!
My name's Gav, this is Dan.
- This is Dr. Loomis.
- And this is the out-tray.
- I enjoy these franchise face-offs.
They're fun.
It's good to go back and look at these series of movies
and I like looking at the Jason movies that we're doing as well.
So as much as these movies have flaws when you review them,
they're still just there for what they are really,
which is, it was the AEs.
They were knocking that one a year, believe it or not.
It's crazy that they were doing that.
- Yeah, it's, you know, I'm not going to watch
"Not My Own Street" for ever again.
It's interesting to watch them again
and compare them both being at ASE and talk about
their own effects sort of side of that stuff.
And it's interesting to watch.
- Yeah, yeah.
- And keep me watching movies though.
Obviously, there's certain things that have fun,
like different things, different reasons.
But a story is always saying,
like a story I could just follow or something
I can really get into and lose myself in
is what it comes down to the end of the day.
- Yeah. Well, sadly, if you want a good plot or story,
then you need to stay away from these two franchises
because especially Halloween,
it just goes all over the fucking place.
But that's a story for another time.
Talking of another time,
should we talk about what's coming up next?
- Yeah, because we could bang out another one
because it's October, we're trying to get,
we've got our Halloween special work.
- Yes.
- Basically, coming up.
- Our Halloween special,
our next episode is episode 142.
And yeah, that is Halloween special.
So we picked a couple of really fun, silly Halloween movies
that we both love.
Halloween, sorry, Hubie Halloween.
- Yeah.
- And I'm saying, yeah.
Oh, I do say, yeah.
- And I imagine it's a bit like Marmite's
on people who are gonna not like it.
I don't want to watch it.
But we don't have a kind of like it.
- What did he do?
- It's very seasonal.
- Yeah.
- It's got a lot of the atmosphere
that we described through the Halloween.
- It's just kind of fun.
It's not serious.
So, fuck it.
- Rewatching it recently,
it was kind of like almost like a live action monster house
in parts of it.
- Yeah, there are some good little bits in it.
You know?
- And the other one is kind of my choice.
And I love this film.
It's the first film,
the first time I saw the Universal Monsters
and a Universal Production.
- Yeah.
So it's Albert and Costello meet Frankenstein,
which is the best out of the Albert and Constello ones.
- Oh, yeah.
- They met the, they also met Dracula
and they met the Invisible Man.
But this is the best one
because it's got all the monsters in it.
- And the mum.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Mummy's in it, Invisible Man.
They're all in this.
- It's definitely most a high date
they've met before.
- Oh, they, oh, I didn't realise there was five.
I thought there was only three.
- There's other films.
- Yeah.
- No, it's a really good one.
I'm going to go to England and
there's a,
in the police station and one from Changes.
- Yeah.
- So I really like this film.
I'm a big fan of this film.
I love it in fact.
- So one from 1948 and one from 2020.
So really, you know, 50 years or more
apart, 60 years apart.
- Please, if you haven't seen
Albert Costello meet Frankenstein,
watch it before we review it.
Cause it is a, you can watch it if you're kids.
If you've got kids, it's real fun movie.
- Yeah.
So that's going to be really fun.
So that's our Halloween special.
We'll obviously be covering off our 31s
and just talking general Halloween nonsense
and traditions and just getting excited.
You know, that's, you know,
it's our Christmas Eve type episode almost.
So that's what's happening there.
After that, it's episode 143,
which is a patron special.
Now, waiting on two patrons to get back to me.
So I've got a message for one of our patrons, Sarah.
Sarah, if you, I have messaged you,
if you are listening, please get back to me.
If you want to partake in patron pics
because you are up if you want.
- But don't feel pressure.
- Yeah.
No pressure at all.
- And we can just miss it.
If you don't message back, we understand that as well.
- Yeah.
But at any point, if you want to get involved,
we will bump you to the next in the game.
- Just say, oh, I've fought two movies
and go, cool.
What can we talk about?
- Yeah.
I'm also got Rachel, our other patron,
who looks like she's about to drop me
over the next couple of days, her pics.
So it may be Rachel's pic,
but either way, it should be a patron's pic.
- And again, no pressure, Rachel.
- Yeah.
No pressure at all, Rachel.
You know, whatever you pick is your choice
and we will gladly discuss them.
And if Rachel don't get to us in time,
then it will skip back to the very first patron,
which is Matthew Godley.
And I know he's already got his two movies picked out.
So either way, it will be a patron pic.
We just cannot tell you right now what's your film.
It will be.
So that's quite exciting.
Nice little surprise.
And then after that, for episode 144,
the baker's dozen, that is going to be
Shud and Basket Case.
We're finally getting to do our gritty, dirty New York,
special effects, crazy weirdness.
So next episode's looking like that.
And then we're gearing up, really.
We're getting closer to Christmas.
So I'd be ashamed.
- I'd be ashamed then afterwards it'd be Christmas.
- It might be.
We might have another one before.
- We have to, yeah.
- Some like, I don't know at the moment, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- We'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll,
- And I'll schedule a bit loose at the moment.
- By the way, that is also our 10 year anniversary episode.
We should kind of make that a bit more special.
- Yeah, so, - So we can do the whole,
like listeners, you guys like messaging stuff if you want to.
- Yeah, I'll probably put something out the monthly,
not to just a reminder, if you want to send us voice clips
or just messages or whatever it is, we'll give chat out.
- And then we'll do some stuff.
- And 10 years old.
- Yeah, 'cause we know what we're doing
for Christmas episode already, don't we?
- We do.
We're doing National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Because it's not horror.
- But we just, you know.
- We absolutely love that movie.
And we just wanted to do something special for our 10th year.
And then going into our 10th year,
we're toying with the idea,
and I'll just put this out there
and you guys can tell us what you think.
We were toying with the idea of every episode we release
in 2024 to celebrate our 10th year of podcasting.
Every episode we release.
- But that does screw up some things.
- Well, every episode we release,
except for Christmas and a couple of birth episodes
and our patron picks,
rather than just pick two random movies
off of our list of ever growing movies to review,
we were going to do a director special each time.
So it's always going to be two movies by a director.
So for example, we can come back to John Carpenter,
where's Craven, George Romero,
but there's other directors we haven't touched on yet as well.
Plenty out there.
I've got a big list which I sent over to Gav.
So we might do something like that
just to keep the year 10 quite special.
Because saying that like year 10,
that's a pretty fucking big achievement, if I do say so.
It's pretty awesome.
Like, most shows don't go past like a year.
So the fact we've been doing this nonsense for 10 years.
- Yeah, I like it.
- Not that many episodes though.
- Well, 144 episodes.
- Yes.
- Yes, and also, also,
we've got the series on slightly the fine destination.
So we've been doing those as well.
But other ones,
director episodes would be quite cool.
- Yeah, we still want to do Freddie V and Halloween V.
- You want to do Freddie V.
- We still want to do our summer tradition
of the next two Friday movies,
the Friday 13th movies.
So yeah, there's stuff that we, you know,
but I'll come up with a plan as always Gav,
trust me.
And just like Michael and Beaeba Recchus in an 18 van,
smashing out of a petrol station will be there
blasting away along 2024.
That's a weird imagery for you there.
- Yep.
- Okay, cool.
Well, before we say goodbyes and I thank yous,
I will do some admin.
If that's all right with the owl.
- Go for it.
- Let's do it.
Okay, so we are the podcast on Onto.
Of course we are.
You've been listening to us for about 10 hours.
Thank you.
We're a prime member of Legion Podcasts Network.
You can find out more about them if you go to
You can find out about us and all the other shows
that are on the network.
If you go on Facebook,
go to Legion Podcasts Facebook page.
You can join up there.
We've got a Facebook page,
which is where we're most active,
especially this time of year,
just to remind you or post up your 31,
what movies you're watching.
It's just a fantastic time of year to be on that Facebook page.
And all that is is the podcast on Onto.
- Yes.
- Just go on Facebook.
- Thanks for all your input people's.
- We're very listening to us now.
It's where you can continue to listen to us.
We're on most podcast platforms or podcast shows.
Spotify, YouTube, Pod,
I have Apple podcast, Adict.
And you can email me and go out at the podcast on Onto. or you can instant message me on the old,
Facey Bookie.
And we are also on Instagram,
the podcast on Onto.
We've mentioned Star Wars Sanctuary Moon,
good time to pause.
And you can tell us the updates on that, Gavin.
- Yeah, we're going for mid-November release.
That's what we're going for now.
So I'm just getting it finished.
I am like literally today,
just putting in some sound effects and stuff
and a little bit of sound design to it.
And just trying to get all the audio sorted out.
Cause someone else is going to help me do that.
But they've been a bit busy.
So I'm jumping on it.
Otherwise we can't wait for people.
And it's taken too long.
We need to get us finished so we can start doing the next project.
Yeah, it's real close.
mid-November release.
So there you go.
- Awesome.
So that is our from through Deadbolt Films,
which is our production company.
So to find out more there, just go to,
YouTube channel,
Deadbolt Films and Deadbolt Films, Instagram.
And then finally, we're on Patreon.
So if you want to help us continue to grow
and you want to support the show in a monetary fashion,
you don't have to do this at all.
We'd be doing this without any money coming in.
But we really appreciate any help that we can get
to buy equipment, rent movies, buy movies
and keep the show ticking along
for the production value that we've got over the last 10 years.
- Yes.
- Yeah. So thank you to all our patrons.
If you want to become a patron,
all you need to do is go to Patreon
and search for the podcast on Haunted Hill.
If you can't find that, just message me or email us
or that email address I mentioned and I'll send you a link,
whether it's a dollar a month or a thousand dollars a month,
which that's silly.
No one, please don't do that.
But if you want to do more, you can do it.
But yeah, anything helps really.
If you become a patron,
you will get access to all of our past shows.
I'm releasing old shows every Friday.
We call it Friday through Patreon.
Bonus episode, video episode.
You'll get a free t-shirt in one of three colors in your size
and you'll get a shout out at the end of every episode
and very exciting.
You get in the queue to become a patron pick
and you get to pick two movies that me and Gav review.
You can also send us a message about why you pick them,
what you love and what you don't love about them,
etc, etc.
And we'll read all that out.
Basically, you will be the king and or queen of that episode.
- All gendered.
- Quaking.
- Quaking.
- So, queen and king.
- That's why I say king and or queens.
You can be both.
You can be whatever you want.
But yes, so it leads me to thank all of our patrons individually
and as is tradition, each of you will get a silly voice.
So thank you ever so much to Don Goldia.
- Matthew Godly.
- It's just been about one voice.
- Jamie Jenkins.
- Thank you, kindly.
- Kevin S. Five.
- Thank you very much.
- Sarah Kay.
- Thank you kindly.
- Rachel.
- Thank you very much.
- RJ, are crazy.
- Thank you kindly.
- And Lex Boom.
- And thank you very much.
- Six times I shot them six times.
- The patrons, they should the patrons.
- No, no.
- Thank you guys always.
We so totally appreciate it.
We like to entertain you guys and fill your holes in your head
with our mouth vibrations.
- Not holding your head with Michael Myers thumb like he did in Halloween 4.
So yeah, thanks guys.
And thanks everybody who listens, supports, jumps on Facebook,
shares what you watch in, what you're doing and just generally is awesome.
So thank you everybody.
Gavin, I love doing this and we do.
- That's it.
- It's just nice having patrons because we know at least those patrons are listening to us
if no one else is.
- Indeed.
- And we are happy to keep you all happy.
- So it's a good night from a crazy,
paedophile drunken Catholic priest in a pick up truck who picks up an even crazier
doctor, Loomis.
- How many children?
- So it's a good night from him.
- Him and Loomis.
- What a double act.
- What if he says, "It's over, don't mind.
I'm going to pick up this hitchhod because it's young child."
And it's stuck in the middle of them.
Loomis drinking with a gun just looking at you, winking.
Oh my God.
- That's a good night from them.
Good night from Michael Myers.
- I can't help.
- He doesn't say anything, can't talk.
- It's a good night from the fat boys doing a little rap with Freddy Krueger.
- It's a good night from Freddy who's on holiday with his postcard.
And it's a good night from girl trying to boink a boy in front of her dad in a...
- It's not totally in front of him.
- Well, I thought in front of her dad, but like almost...
- Bit weird.
- She almost gets cool.
That's weird.
That was a weird one.
Sorry about that.
- I didn't really have to end on it.
- Don't want to finish on that.
- All right.
Let me finish on this.
It's a good night from Mar Simpson wearing a giraffe poo necklace.
- Finishing on that.
Good night, everybody.
- Good night.
Stay safe.
And remember, if you hear a strange noise, it's probably just Dr. Loomis knocking out the power lines.
- I'm at the door.
Don't let him in.
I'm at the window.
Don't let him in.
- I'm at the window.
- I'm not going to pizza.
- I'm coming down your chimney.
You're making mess.
Stop it.
- Oh, good night, everybody.
- Thanks.
Thank you for listening to the podcast on haunted Hill.
We will be back again real soon.
- Don't reach dead.
- Oh, no tears, please.
- Oh, oh, oh.
- Don't reach dead.
- Don't reach dead.
- Oh, oh, oh.
- Don't reach dead.
- Don't reach dead.
- Oh, oh, oh.
- Don't reach dead.
- Don't reach dead.
- Don't reach dead.