Gav: The podcast on Haunted Hill will contain
Gav: spoilers and swearing.
Trailer Voice: I am the devil and I am here to do the
Trailer Voice: devil's work.
Trailer Voice: I sell this vicon.
Trailer Voice: Be one of us.
Trailer Voice: I didn't tell you my name, hang up.
Trailer Voice: I didn't tell you my name.
Trailer Voice: They're all apart.
Trailer Voice: They're all apart.
Trailer Voice: Come it is time to keep your appointment.
Gav: Hello and welcome to the podcast on Haunted
Gav: Hill, episode 144.
Dan: My name's Gav and my name's Dan.
Gav: Welcome, welcome, your guides through the
Gav: world of dirty, dingy, 80s New York's trash
Gav: and rats.
Gav: The segue straight away.
Gav: There we go.
Gav: Got rats in my loft.
Dan: There's not a goat man, that's what it is.
Dan: It's not a goat man, it's just a giant rat.
Gav: There's a lot of rats up there.
Gav: The other night it kept me awake.
Gav: It was like a party.
Gav: It was literally like there's a rat orgy.
Gav: I don't know.
Gav: I was like fuck's sake.
Dan: I'd hate to be involved in a rat orgy,
Dan: unless I was a rat, of course.
Gav: Well, it's just a regular orgy for anyone
Gav: else.
Gav: Really, whatever thing it is, you put orgy
Gav: to it, it is still what that is.
Gav: But multiple variations of that Dern things
Gav: and putting things where things sometimes
Gav: don't go and sometimes do go.
Dan: Wow, so we've kicked off with rat orgies.
Dan: This is great, but yes, you're right, new
Dan: York is full of rats and we're going to be
Dan: discussing New York a lot in this episode.
Gav: We could call it the episode rat orgies.
Dan: Rat orgies, there we go.
Gav: Will that be my punk trash, punk band?
Dan: Rat orgies that does sound like just rat
Dan: orgy would be the name.
Dan: Rat orgy.
Dan: Yeah, so for this episode, yes, we will be
Dan: traveling to New York in the early 80s and,
Dan: as you've seen, if you've clicked you know,
Dan: we will be covering basket case from 1982.
Dan: And chud from 1984.
Dan: Two films that, and we'll get into this,
Dan: but two films that kind of always sat out
Dan: on the shelves when I used to go in the in
Dan: the video store and you know the covers of
Dan: them and you'd wonder what it is about them.
Dan: Was it going to be?
Dan: They rely on some special effects or
Dan: practical effects.
Dan: So, yeah, we're going to be discussing
Dan: those.
Dan: They're our main reviews.
Dan: But we'll also be talking about New York,
Dan: the New York, the weird hot pot creativity
Dan: that is New York, especially in the early
Dan: 80s, and all the stuff that happened.
Dan: We'll talk about some films that you may
Dan: want to watch to get you in the mood, if
Dan: you like, your New York movies, your New
Dan: York horror movies and some some creature
Dan: stuff as well from this sort of period,
Dan: because this is, you know, before 85.
Dan: So it's that nice sweet spot between the
Dan: late 70s and early 80s and mid 80s where
Dan: people were just we talked about it before.
Dan: But you said you know the effects, guys,
Dan: with a rock stars at this point and you
Dan: know if you could pull off some great
Dan: effects you would get the ladies and the
Dan: cocaine.
Gav: Yes, especially 80s New York very much
Gav: crack and cocaine, crack and coke, crack
Gav: and coke baby yeah.
Gav: So that's what we're doing today Quite
Gav: interesting run, really Kind of.
Gav: We've delved into sort of New York type
Gav: films I've always liked.
Gav: For me, when I first got into hip Hipbitty
Gav: hop, new York was like you know where some
Gav: great hip hop was coming from, and it's
Gav: always like I've never been there.
Gav: I'd love to go there but, like you know,
Gav: beasties came from there and just so many
Gav: cool things.
Gav: Such a cultured place.
Dan: It is a hot pot.
Dan: I hate to use the term, but it is a hot pot.
Gav: And yeah, and certain movies and you know
Gav: the look of these movies we're looking at
Gav: today Kind of also like Driller, killer,
Gav: things like that.
Dan: Yeah, we'll get into all of that,
Dan: definitely.
Dan: I've been there twice, so I'd like to sort
Dan: of chair some of that as well.
Dan: But yeah, so before we, before we head over
Dan: to New York, how are you?
Dan: What have you been doing?
Dan: What are you doing?
Dan: What's going on in your life?
Gav: Not much the normal stuff really.
Gav: I was wondering still trying to do delge
Gav: into what Delge, delge, delge it's a new
Gav: word, new word what I should do for my
Gav: birthday.
Gav: I think you know episode and I still think
Gav: I will.
Gav: So I was watching just before I came on.
Gav: I think I might do it, it's that or
Gav: something else, but I'm not sure what.
Gav: I still think I'll do.
Gav: It should be Studio 6 at 6.
Gav: One thing I think I'm going to do I think
Gav: we'll go there.
Gav: I think, we'll do it, yep.
Dan: Are you making the decision live as we
Dan: record?
Gav: I think so, otherwise I won't commit to it.
Dan: Excellent.
Dan: So that's the sorcerer of William.
Dan: Friedkin, studio 6 at 6.
Gav: Older film yeah, so the sorcerer is going
Gav: to be a really good conversation and I'd
Gav: love to have done something like the Holy
Gav: Mountain, but those two are both fucking
Gav: deep movies.
Gav: Oh gosh, very heavy, heavy shit going on.
Gav: I don't especially Holy Mountain, so I've
Gav: picked something to go live and I thought
Gav: Studio 6 at 6, because it's also Netflix
Gav: recently, for I know UK, I presume
Gav: Stateside and the rest of the world as well,
Gav: so everyone can sort of watch it.
Gav: So it's always good for people, because
Gav: sorcerer is not going to be everyone's cup
Gav: of tea.
Dan: Yeah, cool, and it isn't about a sorcerer,
Dan: so I know I was kind of cussing.
Gav: Spoiler alert Because I thought it was
Gav: going to be, but yeah, it wasn't.
Gav: But it's actually kind of cool.
Gav: I did go to the cinema, though.
Gav: Ben and I went.
Gav: The other night we went and watched
Gav: Thanksgiving the Eli Roth Thanksgiving.
Dan: Oh right, please tell me.
Dan: This is the first time I'm hearing about
Dan: your views, and it tells me and our
Dan: listeners what you thought.
Dan: No spoilers, though.
Gav: No, I won't.
Gav: Well, it's funny because I was kind of like
Gav: actually, you know it's Eli Roth.
Gav: I've kind of not moaned about him before,
Gav: but he's kind of like Rob Zombie.
Gav: They can mimic Eli Roth.
Dan: They're buddies, aren't they?
Gav: Yeah, well, I expected it would hold Orders.
Gav: They could both really make a film.
Gav: They know how to make a movie and they both
Gav: absolutely adore and love horror.
Gav: And Eli's almost like a torch bearer in
Gav: certain aspects of horror, like doing his
Gav: own Eli's horror uncut show all over on AMC.
Gav: You know more.
Dan: Yeah, it's great show Eli Roth's history of
Dan: horror, yeah, stuff like that.
Gav: So he really, like torch bearer, is such a
Gav: real ambassador of horror and like all of a
Gav: sudden he starts off with cabin fever and I
Gav: was sort of premier in UK at the right
Gav: first and just like what the fuck is this?
Gav: This is great.
Gav: And he had a little video introduction and
Gav: straight away I was like this dude Love him.
Gav: I've never seen him before.
Gav: Then hostel and that's obviously torture
Gav: porn.
Gav: I almost opening up that into a very wide
Gav: market Doing that.
Dan: Yeah, that was the first real proper.
Gav: Yeah, and it's a great film, you can watch
Gav: it in my collection.
Gav: I'll watch it now and be like, yeah, good
Gav: film, and then obviously doing a couple of
Gav: bits of pop here and there, but then all of
Gav: a sudden like doing a cannibal movie which
Gav: is just like left field, because no one's
Gav: doing a cannibal movie the green inferno.
Dan: The green inferno for anyone who wants to
Dan: watch that.
Gav: And no one's asking for a cannibal movie,
Gav: but he did it and you're like, fair play
Gav: man, it's alright, it's okay if you into
Gav: cannibal movies, but it's like, yeah, fair
Gav: play man to you.
Gav: So I was kind of getting around to it in a
Gav: very long winded way.
Gav: I was kind of excited for this Because he's
Gav: looking to slash us and I know he's a
Gav: massive slasher fan of like pieces and
Gav: movies like this, so I kind of did enjoy it.
Gav: I didn't bother seeing anything or reading
Gav: anything, apart from the original
Gav: Grindhouse 2007 Grindhouse trailer and if
Gav: you don't know what that is, that is when
Gav: Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez both made
Gav: two films and put them together as a
Gav: package and it flopped, unfortunately, as a
Gav: double package.
Gav: I've got a blue rail of it as a whole
Gav: massive thing with all the fake traders,
Gav: and there's these fake traders by different
Gav: people, and Edgar Rye, rob Zombie and Ilo
Gav: Roth did one called Thanksgiving and that
Gav: trailer had a lady coming down doing the
Gav: splits on the trampoline and the knife
Gav: going into her.
Dan: Into her.
Gav: Yep Beans are being in there a minute.
Gav: I've got my dog with me today.
Dan: Yeah, don't whistle.
Dan: Sorry, I won't whistle again.
Gav: Yeah, it'll be like what?
Gav: No, bro, it's too hot, it's too hot, it's
Gav: tired, I'll be sleeping and that is.
Gav: But there was a girl on trampoline but they
Gav: did the knife, but they didn't do that at
Gav: all and they shied away and it's like
Gav: that's a shame.
Gav: But, there was some real good gory depths.
Gav: I wanted more gore.
Gav: I don't know what it says about me.
Gav: I wanted more because he was doing like a
Gav: love letter to 80s movies and there's zero
Gav: tension, not one bit of tension, which was
Gav: kind of a shame, but it's kind of like,
Gav: well, what was he making?
Gav: Like he did the Cannibal movie.
Gav: He was making one of those Cannibal movies.
Gav: This movie was him making like an 80s
Gav: slasher movie, coming from this ridiculous
Gav: kind of grindhouse trailer.
Gav: So I can't expect a masterpiece of cinema
Gav: which is going to history of 10 greatest
Gav: movies of all time, but like it felt like
Gav: almost a shame that he couldn't have done a
Gav: bit more tension to it and actually pushed
Gav: that a little bit further.
Gav: Do you know what I mean?
Gav: He was?
Dan: there.
Gav: I think he was on the wall when he could
Gav: have just gone a little bit further and be
Gav: like whoa this is a good movie when you've
Gav: got it, it's fine.
Dan: When you've got directors making things
Dan: like Bone, tomahawk, dried to Cross,
Dan: concrete, that director I can't remember
Dan: his name now off the top of my head People
Dan: can push it and those films do do.
Dan: Well, they might not make a huge commercial
Dan: amount of money, but they're great films
Dan: and you can make very violent and I'm not
Dan: saying we're a kind of classic, yeah,
Dan: exactly.
Dan: But you can make a really gory X, an old
Dan: school X rated film if you want.
Dan: And my prediction when we discuss this in
Dan: the last episode, when this film was about
Dan: to come out my prediction was from reading
Dan: the early reviews is that you and I and
Dan: other horror fans would probably like this,
Dan: but it probably won't be gory enough for us.
Gav: But it'll be a nice little 90 minutes where
Gav: you can just watch it and whereas I think
Gav: people who aren't seasoned horror fans will
Gav: probably think it is quite gory, oh yeah of
Gav: course there's a couple of old people there,
Gav: which is amazing, but one of the old guys
Gav: actually got up halfway through, went over
Gav: to a woman who must have been using her
Gav: phone, and then she's having words of her,
Gav: and then she's like oh no, no, no, no, no
Gav: no, then another woman, her, his wife, must
Gav: have been went over and they're quite old.
Gav: And Ben was clapping.
Dan: Nice.
Gav: Because Ben, who I was with, obviously you
Gav: know Ben from who filmed Sanctuary Me,
Gav: which I hope everybody's watching now
Gav: Stoller, Sanctuary Me and Deb Bolt YouTube.
Gav: Go and check it out.
Dan: Just over 9000 views as we speak.
Dan: Keep watching it.
Dan: Remember people.
Gav: He was the one who was in the cinema at the
Gav: time and ended up having a fight with
Gav: someone because their phone was on.
Gav: I think I said it on here before.
Gav: Possibly he was in the cinema once
Gav: Someone's looking at her phone.
Gav: It pissed him off so much he went over and
Gav: he took their phone and put it in their
Gav: drink.
Dan: Oh my god.
Gav: So he started having a punch up with the
Gav: guy and he dragged him out of the cinema
Gav: screen and then came back and sat down and
Gav: watched the rest of the movie.
Dan: I mean, I've had words with people, I've
Dan: had arguments with people.
Dan: I couldn't do that.
Gav: I've had a fuck with you.
Dan: I remember watching Jason X with my friend
Dan: Rob.
Dan: You know, rob, and there were some kids in
Dan: there that were talking all the way through
Dan: it and, although it's just a Jason movie, I
Dan: went over to them and I said, right, are
Dan: you all going to give me my money back?
Dan: And they looked at me and I said are you
Dan: all going to give me my money back?
Dan: And they said what do you mean?
Dan: I said, well, we've all paid to watch this
Dan: film, but all I'm hearing is you guys
Dan: talking.
Dan: So no, you should prepare to give me my
Dan: money back.
Dan: Shut the fuck up and let us, the rest of us
Dan: in here Enjoy it.
Dan: And I got a bit of a clap from three or
Dan: four people in there and Rob hated it.
Dan: He turned into a turtle.
Dan: He put his head down into his shirt.
Dan: He's like why did you do that?
Dan: I said because I'm sorry.
Dan: I was trying to enjoy this film and I got
Dan: these dickheads chatting away and another
Dan: guy I remember another film I was in a guy
Dan: was using his phone and listening to music
Dan: and then he lit a cigarette.
Dan: And that was the point.
Dan: I stood up and I went.
Dan: I think I knocked the cigarette before he
Dan: lit it out of his hand and I said are you
Dan: seriously about to light a cigarette?
Dan: I don't care if you smoke, I'm not opposed
Dan: to smoking, but we're in a cinema.
Dan: I've had to listen to your music playing
Dan: off your phone.
Dan: What are you thinking?
Dan: And I was like no, no, he was like a young
Dan: lad.
Dan: He thought he was a bit of a gangster
Dan: outside him and his mates came over and
Dan: tried to have a word with me and I just
Dan: said I can't remember what he said.
Dan: Now I was younger.
Dan: I just said shut up or something you know,
Dan: get out of my face.
Gav: They're noisy now guys.
Dan: These days they would sadly.
Dan: Or if it was in America.
Dan: You know that guy in the Batman film.
Gav: Nice to get and film it yeah.
Dan: Put it on TikTok.
Gav: Anyway.
Gav: So Thanksgiving, yeah, I wish it had been
Gav: more tension.
Gav: I feel like it outlived it's welcome a
Gav: little bit, but at the same time I was
Gav: happy to go to the cinema as a horror fan
Gav: who loves slasher movies to watch
Gav: Thanksgiving.
Gav: But it's not like April Fool's Day or
Gav: Halloween or Friday 15th.
Gav: It was a themed movie and I'm kind of
Gav: hoping there isn't a part two, because
Gav: there's no fucking need to be one.
Gav: It should just be a one and done, and that
Gav: is it.
Gav: If it, I don't know if it done well, fair
Gav: play.
Dan: I hope not.
Dan: He doesn't really Fair play done in cinema.
Gav: But he has got some help with his name.
Dan: He doesn't tend to do many sequels I mean
Dan: Hostel 2 and Hostel 3, but he was only
Dan: really a producer on those and then Cabin
Dan: Fever got two sequels and then, weirdly,
Dan: they remade Cabin Fever Like only five
Dan: years after it came out, which I don't
Dan: think I've seen the remake.
Gav: I think a remade, actually Eli's exact
Gav: script.
Trailer Voice: It's very strange.
Gav: But after there was a remake or something I
Gav: can't remember.
Dan: So I'm a fan of Eli Roth, as you know, for
Dan: the most part.
Gav: That's Toy West, you realize yes that's
Gav: right.
Gav: And he's tried to have his name taken off
Gav: it.
Dan: And he can't do it Hilarious.
Dan: Well, I link in that director to another
Dan: director that I'm a bit of a fan of and a
Dan: lot of people think he's a bit up his own
Dan: arse, but I don't mind.
Dan: Is Kevin Smith and I watched finally.
Dan: Only came out last year, but I finally got
Dan: around to watching Clerks 3.
Dan: I don't know if you've seen Clerks 3.
Gav: No.
Dan: Okay, really.
Gav: I don't actually.
Gav: Is it a new thing?
Dan: Yeah, 22, 2022.
Dan: Oh, no, no, no, yeah.
Dan: So I only just watched it last week and I
Dan: was really, really into it.
Dan: And yes, it is a very self-referential, as
Dan: all of Kevin Smith movies are, but I know
Dan: that and that's why I kind of like them.
Dan: And this film is about Dante having a heart
Dan: attack, just like Kevin Smith did.
Dan: This is why he wrote it, because it's all
Dan: about having a heart attack and reviewing
Dan: your life and sort of thinking, shit, what
Dan: am I doing?
Dan: And then Dante and I can't remember his
Dan: friend's name now, the other one, the
Dan: goatee they end up they're going to make a
Dan: movie about what it's like to be working in
Dan: the Clerks shop, you know, and it's kind of
Dan: very self-referential, but it's good and it
Dan: had me crying at the end with some stuff
Dan: that happens and it's definitely the end of
Dan: those Clerks movies.
Dan: And I love Kevin Smith.
Dan: People often slay him, but I think when he
Dan: first came out he was like so cutting edge
Dan: and his writing is incredible and maybe he
Dan: lost his way a little bit somewhere in the
Dan: middle, but I'll always go for him.
Dan: So, a bit like Eli Roth, I will always
Dan: check out anything Eli and Kevin Smith do.
Dan: I do like those guys.
Dan: So, yeah, I just wanted to mention Clerks 3
Dan: I thought that was a really good movie the
Dan: only other movie I've watched really it's
Dan: worth mentioning.
Dan: Don't know if you've heard of this.
Dan: It came out in 1982.
Dan: It's a bit of an old one, but I sat down
Dan: and watched the film by a director, but
Dan: what's his name?
Dan: John Carpenter.
Dan: Yeah, the Thing.
Dan: Have you seen the Thing, gav?
Gav: Not seen it.
Gav: What's it about?
Dan: Not heard of that one.
Dan: Yeah, I was a bit boring, to be honest.
Gav: No, I'm what's it about?
Dan: It's about an alien.
Dan: Now, I'm, of course, joking.
Dan: It's a 10 out of 10 film and I've
Dan: re-watched it because it's been about a
Dan: year probably since I've watched it.
Dan: And all I'll say is because we've all
Dan: reviewed it and everybody knows what the
Dan: Thing is.
Dan: But that film, honestly, honestly, it gets
Dan: better, and the more I watch it, the more I
Dan: realise just how perfect that film is
Dan: really.
Dan: Okay, yes, it has flaws, only because it's
Dan: aging and some of the effects don't hold up
Dan: quite as well.
Dan: But at the same time, no one was doing
Dan: anything like that in 1982.
Dan: And the story, the characters, the acting,
Dan: it's just.
Dan: I just get sucked into that word within two
Dan: minutes of the credits rolling.
Dan: And man, it's just, the weather's turned
Dan: and it's one of those films you put on when
Dan: it's a bit snowy or a bit cold.
Dan: I just wanted to mention it because you
Dan: know we love it.
Dan: Yeah, that's what I mean.
Dan: We love it.
Gav: Yeah, cool.
Gav: I've actually put up my Christmas tree
Gav: already and the weather has turned.
Gav: It's really cold.
Gav: I'm in my dressing gown Quite often.
Gav: I'm here at the top list Not that the
Gav: listeners can see these things In the
Gav: summertime, but I thought I'm going to go.
Gav: Well, I class this.
Gav: You have to, because we've got Pink Light
Gav: on the cardigan.
Gav: Sorry, dressing gown.
Dan: You look just like him.
Gav: Yeah, I did, do I.
Dan: No.
Gav: He's dead, isn't he?
Gav: Yes?
Dan: That's the only couple of movies I wanted
Dan: to talk about Other than Thanksgiving.
Dan: Is there anything else you've watched or
Dan: you wanted to talk about?
Gav: Not really, and we recorded, oh my God,
Gav: only last week.
Gav: So, yeah, there's you know.
Gav: Yeah, I'm happy to get the fuck into it.
Dan: Well, let's get into New York.
Dan: So before we have our first trailer and
Dan: we're going to talk about Basket Case first
Dan: of all just wanted to talk around New York,
Dan: specifically New York in the early 80s, and
Dan: then I've got a few recommendations for New
Dan: York set horror films and early 80s
Dan: creature features for anybody who wants to
Dan: get a taste of Basket, case and Shard, and
Dan: if you like those movies and you want some
Dan: recommendations and you probably would have
Dan: seen a lot of these anyway.
Dan: But but first of all let's talk about New
Dan: New York.
Dan: Can you do your New York accent please?
Dan: Go New York.
Dan: Can you say can you give me that coffee
Dan: please?
Gav: Give me that coffee.
Gav: Wow, hey, give me that coffee.
Gav: It doesn't even sound like New York.
Gav: Sounds like I was trying to get more urban
Gav: or something.
Gav: I'm walking here hey.
Dan: They're all just walking.
Trailer Voice: Yeah, you guys, I always go a bit, I always
Trailer Voice: go a bit.
Dan: Italian, Italian Mafioso, with my New York
Dan: accent really, or I go quite Jewish.
Dan: It's one of the two.
Dan: It's hard to do.
Gav: I can't see.
Gav: This is the thing.
Gav: I can't just be like performing monkey with
Gav: me impressions.
Gav: I need to like watch something, and then
Gav: what I do?
Gav: I'm like a parrot I watch and I'll just
Gav: start working it, and working it, and
Gav: working it, and then I'll get exact sort of
Gav: tone and the reflection and stuff.
Gav: I can't, but I can't throw it in like I'm a
Gav: dancing fucking monkey.
Dan: Oh well, you'll always be a dancing monkey
Dan: to me.
Dan: Well, let's talk about New York first of
Dan: all, just very briefly.
Dan: So in late seventies, as covered in Gav's
Dan: other podcast, you had quite a lot going on
Dan: in New York.
Dan: In the late seventies you had the summer of
Dan: Sam, or the son of Sam.
Dan: You had all the blackouts, you had rat
Dan: infestations, trash strikes, riots, murder.
Dan: You had the guardian angels, vigilantes.
Dan: So New York is literally it's like you
Dan: couldn't write it really and some of the
Dan: movies that came out, like Warriors and
Dan: stuff like that, they are all sort of.
Dan: There is a little bit of truth to some of
Dan: these movies in some ways, but obviously,
Dan: if you want to do, check that episode out.
Gav: It's episode 66 of the hottest, strangest
Gav: podcast.
Gav: Even if you know all this to any of the
Gav: other ones, check that episode out.
Gav: We sort of really went in and talked about
Gav: the whole trash thing stuff.
Gav: We're going in looking at the seventies
Gav: with son of Sam and killer and stuff where
Gav: the movies today and the crack and the coke
Gav: and a lot of the things did still carry on
Gav: flowing through a lot of trash problems and
Gav: stuff like that.
Gav: So obviously just one of those things into
Gav: the eighties, but that episode's on the
Gav: seventies, if you want to check that out.
Gav: Of all New York and the weird stuff going
Gav: on and the killings and the shit like that
Gav: and the guardian angels and, like you say,
Gav: all that stuff did sort of spill over into
Gav: the eighties.
Gav: Well, what you're going to end up having is
Gav: just I'm not saying it, possibly and
Gav: possibly not the CIA bringing crack and
Gav: coke into New York and just dropping it
Gav: into the areas where they'd already been,
Gav: like no, we don't want to go there.
Gav: You police it yourselves with all the
Gav: gangsters and all that shit, and just it
Gav: just then went.
Gav: But then you also had the Wall Street boom
Gav: as well, and then the cocaine involved with
Gav: that.
Gav: Just watched Wall Street with Charlie Sheen.
Gav: So it's a weird time.
Gav: Seventies and eighties in New York Very
Gav: strange time.
Gav: And then.
Gav: So we had movies like this.
Gav: What we've got coming out?
Dan: Yeah.
Dan: And so to paint a picture of New York
Dan: itself before we look into horror films and
Dan: stuff, new York in the very early eight to
Dan: mid eighties it was just so there's a lot
Dan: of originality and creativity come out of
Dan: it.
Dan: Hip hop although hip hop was born in the
Dan: late seventies really came out proper.
Dan: You had run DMC Beastie Boys, you had Big
Dan: Daddy Kane, you had Rackim and Eric B, you
Dan: had.
Dan: Hip hop was really becoming this
Dan: underground creative platform.
Dan: The fashion, you know the slang, the way
Dan: people spoke, rap, the DJ, all that stuff
Dan: you had and sadly, some linked into that.
Dan: You also had a bit of a crack epidemic that
Dan: was still spilling over.
Dan: Aids was reported for the first time in the
Dan: very in like in 1980, 81.
Dan: And that was a big thing because everyone
Dan: was quite free with their sex until AIDS
Dan: came on Almost on a reckless sort of time
Dan: as well.
Dan: Yeah.
Gav: When the knowledge about starting around of
Gav: AIDS is still being slightly reckless at
Gav: time.
Dan: Well, I think the word I would use, gav, is
Dan: excess.
Dan: There was a lot of excess and there was
Dan: another.
Dan: You can look at yuppies, because the yuppie
Dan: culture came out of the early eighties
Dan: Cocaine, having money, driving around in
Dan: sports cars so there was a real divide
Dan: between the poor and the rich.
Dan: There was a lot of urban legends, which we
Dan: may or may not get into for word, of the
Dan: strange as well, because New York is a big,
Dan: very vast city with a lot of people living
Dan: there of all types of life, all backgrounds,
Dan: religions, colors, creeds, sexes, and you
Dan: can be a very rich man, like Donald Trump
Dan: was, you know, living in New York, or you
Dan: can be an underground rapper who's got no
Dan: money, but everyone in your hood respects
Dan: you because you're well known and then
Dan: there's or be someone who actually lives
Dan: underground, and there was.
Gav: Doc Day, a really good documentary, a music
Gav: by DJ Shadow about the people who lived
Gav: underneath the New York yeah, actually
Gav: underground, which is cheaper, and they
Gav: felt safer and they made a little city
Gav: under New York, which is crazy.
Dan: And that's what I find so fascinating about
Dan: New York is literally from underground all
Dan: the way to the very high skyscraper.
Dan: There's so much activity and it really is a
Dan: city that doesn't sleep.
Dan: Like I said, I've been there twice.
Dan: I went there exactly one month after 9-11
Dan: happened.
Dan: Sadly, we wouldn't have gone really had we
Dan: been able to cancel all our holiday, but we
Dan: wouldn't have lost a lot of money had we
Dan: done that.
Gav: So we still went.
Gav: I had two different groups of friends that
Gav: were at New York and I live in from Farnham,
Gav: oh right and they were in their windows
Gav: watching it.
Dan: Yeah, I spoke to a guy.
Dan: It's crazy.
Dan: I may or may not have bought some weed from
Dan: a guy in Washington Park, which is very
Dan: near where the trade centers were, and I
Dan: asked him what happened on the day and he
Dan: said he was smoking a big joint and he saw
Dan: the first plane hit and sat down, finished
Dan: the joint, and then the other plane hit and
Dan: he put the joint.
Dan: He said he'd almost finished the joint.
Dan: The second plane hit, he put the joint down
Dan: and he thought and he didn't smoke for
Dan: about a week after that.
Dan: He couldn't quite get his head around what
Dan: he'd just seen and it was a very eerie time
Dan: to go there.
Dan: It was still smoking.
Dan: Actually four weeks after there was still
Dan: smoke coming off of the ground zero.
Dan: It was crazy.
Dan: So I went there then.
Dan: But then I also took Alice there, about 11
Dan: years ago now, one of our first holidays
Dan: together.
Dan: I came into a very small amount of money,
Dan: nothing to write home about, and I was able
Dan: to treat Alice to a really lovely holiday
Dan: in New York for a week and we went there
Dan: then and we experienced what I would say
Dan: real New York very lots going on 24, seven,
Dan: those fires and those fire, engines
Dan: whizzing past, people chatting, industry,
Dan: everyone's got energy and excited and it's
Dan: also a little bit dangerous.
Dan: But also, you know, it's just all going on
Dan: there and it's a great city to visit.
Dan: Just be.
Dan: I would say, be careful that obviously with
Dan: any big city there are areas you probably
Dan: wouldn't want to go into and you would want
Dan: to stick to the mainly the touristy bits.
Dan: But it is a great, great city and it was
Dan: fantastic to be there and see things like
Dan: Statue of Liberty and all these monuments
Dan: and areas that you've seen so many films,
Dan: you know going to Central Park.
Dan: How many movies have been set there?
Dan: You know Highlander, ghostbusters, so many.
Dan: But it's a great city and obviously another
Dan: reason I loved it was, like you said, gav,
Dan: new York hip hop was kind of born there
Dan: really, so it was great to sort of see all
Dan: that and the murals.
Gav: It's a very good skateboard scene as well.
Dan: Yeah, it's.
Dan: I mean, there's honestly a scene, whatever
Dan: you're into there's a scene for it there as
Dan: well.
Gav: Yeah, on six.
Gav: It's all there, yeah.
Dan: All right, cool.
Dan: So that's New York.
Dan: So let's talk about some horror movies that
Dan: are set in New York, just briefly, and
Dan: we've covered some of these already.
Dan: Some of these we haven't, but there's some
Dan: quite famous ones, like King Kong and all
Dan: of its remakes, you know, obviously, ending
Dan: on the Empire State Building, you don't get
Dan: much more famous shot than that, really, of
Dan: King Kong himself, even movies like Rory's
Dan: and Rory's Baby.
Dan: You've got Sisters Driller Killer, which
Dan: Gav mentioned, cruising, which you watched
Dan: recently with Sarah I did, and that was an
Dan: experience.
Dan: Yeah, the Ghostbusters 1 and 2.
Gav: You know, I think you always said Sarah
Gav: says why did I pick this for my birthday
Gav: episode?
Gav: Why?
Dan: Why American Psycho is obviously set there
Dan: and that is that yuppie culture.
Dan: We were talking about Wolfen, you know that
Dan: kind of comes into the.
Gav: I like Wolfen.
Dan: Yeah, and that falls into the category of
Dan: like basket case chard of a really gritty.
Gav: We covered it, didn't we?
Dan: Did we cover it?
Dan: I don't think we did.
Gav: No, we didn't.
Gav: We should do, though.
Gav: Yeah, I wouldn't mind covering that.
Dan: Yeah, Even the first Howling movie, the
Dan: majority of that is set in New York as well.
Dan: There are so many movies that are set there.
Dan: The Sentinel Jason takes Manhattan,
Dan: although it's only the last five minutes of
Dan: that, Ray shows up in Manhattan.
Dan: I'm pretty sure it was filmed in like
Dan: Canada or somewhere.
Dan: I think it was in Vancouver, I think you're
Dan: right.
Dan: Cloverfield Godzilla, you know, the one
Dan: that we like, the 90s Godzilla.
Dan: So there's a ton of.
Dan: Is there ever been a Godzilla?
Dan: No, but there should be, right, A fish
Dan: movie.
Dan: Yeah, yeah, there should be.
Dan: So there is a lot of horror movies set in
Dan: New York.
Dan: There's a lot of movies, obviously, but
Dan: horror movies specifically.
Dan: But let's move slightly adjacent to that
Dan: and talk about this era or era of horror.
Dan: So the very early 80s where, like I said to
Dan: you, the effects guys were the rock stars
Dan: Now, I've already talked about the thing
Dan: you know from 1982, but it was.
Dan: There was just this thing happening in
Dan: horror in the very early 80s.
Gav: The thing Rob Bould, rob Bould, heane as
Gav: effects is a little bit higher than these.
Dan: No yes, of course Okay, but I'm just
Dan: talking about creature feature effects,
Dan: horror movies like the Blob, yep, the
Dan: remake of the Blob.
Gav: The Blob is amazing.
Gav: The remake of the Blob.
Dan: Gremlins came out around this time as well,
Dan: you know, and that was really pushing.
Dan: You know the effects, boundaries, you know
Dan: the stuff which we've covered as well, even
Dan: critters In the early to mid-80s.
Dan: A lot of the more successful, whether on
Dan: VHS or whether at the cinema.
Dan: A lot of the more successful horror movies
Dan: were creature films, like the Fly, anything
Dan: with special effects on it, predator,
Dan: pumpkin Head.
Dan: There's a ton of them really and it's a I
Dan: would highly recommend and probably say
Dan: that anything from 1980 to 85, the effects
Dan: are going to be practical and they're going
Dan: to be some pushing boundaries.
Dan: They're competing with each other, so
Dan: they're going to probably show you
Dan: something you've not seen before.
Dan: Or try and do something Doesn't always work,
Dan: but try and do something you've never quite
Dan: seen before.
Dan: My last thing I'm going to say before we go
Dan: into our trailer is and although Wolfen and
Dan: Parts of the Howling was set in New York
Dan: because New York is like this urban jungle,
Dan: this concrete jungle you've never had a
Dan: proper werewolf movie set there.
Dan: How good would a werewolf movie be in New
Dan: York?
Dan: You know Central Park, running around all
Dan: the buildings at night.
Gav: Yeah, because Wolfen kind of allures to
Gav: that in a way.
Gav: Yeah, totally.
Dan: What about an English werewolf in New York?
Dan: What about if someone was to remake that?
Dan: It will not remake it, but like do a late
Dan: sequel.
Gav: Uh, I don't know.
Dan: What about Sting's?
Dan: I'm an alien in New York If.
Gav: Sting could be a werewolf.
Dan: Yes, in New York, that'd be a bit shit
Dan: there, I'm a werewolf.
Dan: He's a bit shit there.
Dan: You know I'm a werewolf.
Dan: Sadly one of the only sadly one of the only
Dan: vampire films really that happens in New
Dan: York is one that I know that you're not a
Dan: fan of, and that's Eddie Murphy's Vampire
Dan: in Brooklyn.
Gav: I'm not gonna say like I'm not a fan, like
Gav: explicitly, like walking down the street
Gav: with a fucking board saying I'm not a fan
Gav: of Vampire in Brooklyn, like I don't know.
Gav: I'm not gonna jump out saying that I'm a
Gav: fan either.
Gav: I don't remember it, but I don't remember
Gav: it being good.
Gav: I only watched it once.
Gav: It's not that great.
Gav: It's one of those times back in the day
Gav: when, before boys and girls, before the
Gav: internet and all that shit, when you have a
Gav: girlfriend, what should we do?
Gav: Should we go get a movie?
Gav: Should we get a sp it's something to do.
Gav: Wanted to the video shop, spend some time,
Gav: bring it back, put it on.
Gav: I hope it's not a shit.
Gav: Vampire in Brooklyn, just don't remember.
Gav: It's not that good.
Dan: But there we go, guys.
Dan: So that is a taste of what New York is all
Dan: about at this time, and I want to say that
Dan: I'm and also the sort of horror movies that
Dan: we're out and about.
Dan: So Large apples, the big old, the big old
Dan: apple, the city, so nice, they named it
Dan: twice.
Dan: So, yeah, bear all of that in mind when we
Dan: talk about Basket Case and Chud, Because
Dan: they both sort of allude to especially Chud,
Dan: some urban legends and stuff.
Dan: So but before we go to Chud, we're gonna
Dan: talk about Basket Case and not the song by
Dan: Green Day, which is a great song, by the
Dan: way.
Dan: You know the song there.
Dan: You go yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah of course, do
Dan: you have the time to listen to me?
Gav: Great song.
Gav: Yeah, we're going to do that, because then
Gav: we'll start singing.
Dan: So no like on the last episode where we
Dan: can't be saying thanks to Rachel for that.
Dan: We ended up singing Postman Pan is Black
Dan: and White Cat the five times Yep.
Dan: Thank you for your feedback, rachel.
Dan: I'm glad you enjoyed that episode, by the
Dan: way.
Dan: Yes, all right.
Dan: Well, that's New York.
Dan: That's horror movies in the early 80s.
Dan: Should we take a little break and have a
Dan: trailer for the older?
Gav: Basket Case.
Gav: Okay, yeah, here's the trailer.
Trailer Voice: What is the secret Dwayne is hiding in the
Trailer Voice: basket.
Trailer Voice: What's in the basket?
Trailer Voice: Easter eggs?
Trailer Voice: What's in the basket?
Trailer Voice: Clothes.
Gav: What's in the basket?
Trailer Voice: What's in the basket I've found it.
Trailer Voice: What's in the basket?
Trailer Voice: Open it, if you dare.
Trailer Voice: Basket Case.
Dan: Okay, so our first film of the episode is
Dan: Basket Case from 1982.
Dan: It's only an hour and 30 minutes, wasn't
Dan: rated at the time it came out.
Dan: Here's the synopsis A young man carrying a
Dan: big basket that contains his extremely
Dan: deformed, formerly conjoined twin brother
Dan: seeks vengeance on the doctors who
Dan: separated them against their will.
Dan: Directed by Frank Hennan-Lotter, who I
Dan: think also did Frank and Hooker and a
Dan: couple of other movies with a similar style,
Dan: that's another 80s New York movie.
Dan: So with this one, with this movie, this was
Dan: one of those ones, like I mentioned earlier,
Dan: where I walk into the video store and I'd
Dan: see Basket Case and you'd see the eyes
Dan: peeking out of the basket on the front and
Dan: you think what is this about?
Dan: And you read the back, you know, and that's
Dan: an opposite.
Dan: I've just read out.
Dan: You want to see it as a kid.
Dan: You want to see this deformed creature
Dan: living in a basket.
Dan: You know you didn't want to see it.
Dan: Don't show him.
Gav: I'm going to the video shop and like, in a
Gav: way, you did have a lot of horror titles
Gav: when the boom of VHS came out.
Gav: At the same time you didn't have a huge
Gav: range, if that makes sense as well.
Gav: And I don't know the mutant type subgenre
Gav: I've never been a fan of.
Gav: Really I don't want to see like groves.
Dan: Yeah.
Trailer Voice: I mean you're not fully in.
Trailer Voice: Yeah, you're not.
Dan: I know I'm body horror.
Dan: Yeah, I was going to say, and I think the
Dan: same with Chud, really Chud's front cover,
Dan: American Werewolf.
Dan: In London, you know there's a lot of horror
Dan: movie covers that stood out when you're
Dan: looking around the shelves.
Dan: I used to read the back of this box all the
Dan: time and I didn't probably see it until
Dan: probably when I was in my 15 or 16.
Gav: I did watch this a few times when I was
Gav: younger, did you?
Dan: Well, what I would say is it's a very, very,
Dan: very, very low budget film.
Dan: They do very well with what they've got.
Dan: There are some.
Gav: There's one scene.
Gav: Later on we get to and I'll say about now.
Gav: He goes to visit a vet with his basket and
Gav: he turns up and he's like hello, I'm here
Gav: with my cat and she's like, okay, come in.
Gav: Okay, he goes into the river and then she's
Gav: like he's like, actually, it's not my cat,
Gav: life brought here for you to see.
Gav: Oh, what is it?
Gav: At that point I expected him to get his
Gav: cock out and it to be porn.
Gav: It was like this has to be porn.
Gav: The act was so wooden.
Gav: It was like this is almost out of boogie
Gav: nice.
Gav: It was like what the fuck?
Gav: It was funny.
Gav: It was funny as fuck in a very sweet way.
Dan: Well, they were working with barely a
Dan: budget.
Dan: Apparently, the amount of money he's got he
Dan: carrying around with him in his hotel room
Dan: in the scenes, that was the actual budget
Dan: for the film.
Gav: Amazing, probably about you know, less than
Gav: $10,000.
Gav: So they had to film those shots first then,
Gav: otherwise they wouldn't have had the money
Gav: later on.
Dan: And then go out and spend the money on
Dan: everything.
Dan: It's so funny and it does feel like this
Dan: could.
Dan: This is like a more sinister version of a
Dan: trauma film.
Dan: Do you know what I mean?
Dan: There's and it does deal with some not
Dan: tough subject matter, because it's quite
Dan: unbelievable at times.
Dan: But also we have heard of stories of
Dan: conjoined twins and people who've got their
Dan: twin inside them, and we've recently had
Dan: that movie, malignant with conjoined twins
Dan: and stuff.
Dan: So that's kind of something that fastened,
Dan: always fascinated me anyway.
Gav: Really, it's a fairly unusual subject.
Gav: You have, of course, have twins now they're
Gav: not conjoined.
Dan: They're not conjoined, they're not part of
Dan: me.
Gav: Sometimes you're probably like I wish you
Gav: both were conjoined, because then you
Gav: wouldn't be like I wouldn't be able to look
Gav: over there.
Gav: Then what if you run over there?
Gav: You'd be in the same spot the whole time.
Dan: Yeah, but one of them runs in one direction
Dan: and the other does the other.
Dan: That's fine.
Dan: Some of this film can be quite harrowing,
Dan: especially with the stuff when he's younger
Dan: and he's having the operation and there's a
Dan: lot of screaming and stuff Like my wife
Dan: kept popping her head back in the room.
Dan: It's been screaming for ages.
Gav: I watched it earlier and I've got the dog
Gav: with me like I said earlier, old beansie
Gav: and at one point a lady started screaming
Gav: and I had to turn it down about five
Gav: decibels and the order controller because
Gav: the dog was not liking it and I was like
Gav: fuck me, that is loud and long.
Dan: But it's a great idea.
Dan: And the idea came about because the writer
Dan: thought of the phrase basket case and
Dan: thought well, what would that be like as a
Dan: horror film if someone had a basket with
Dan: something in it?
Dan: And then he came up with a whole conjoined
Dan: twin thing.
Gav: Yeah, I assumed it came out.
Gav: I was thinking about it as we watched it,
Gav: like oh, they came up with it first because
Gav: basket case was like a saying as such.
Dan: Yeah, Now I do think that this film has a
Dan: great plot and you're probably not going to
Dan: think that, but the acting obviously
Dan: doesn't always stand up very well.
Dan: But I do think it's a great story in that
Dan: it's a revenge film about a guy and we're
Dan: going to spoil this obviously off the bat,
Dan: but we'll get into the story properly in a
Dan: minute.
Dan: But it's a revenge film about a guy who
Dan: used to have a conjoined twin.
Dan: He was forced to have that twin removed
Dan: from him.
Dan: The twin didn't die.
Dan: He keeps it a basket and they go around
Dan: hunting down the doctors that did this to
Dan: them.
Gav: It's quite dark, it sounds like a
Gav: Cronenberg movie.
Gav: Maybe Cronenberg should like remake it.
Gav: If Cronenberg and I'm not watching that and
Gav: Sarah be all over it.
Dan: And what's the?
Dan: Is it Lloyd Kaufman from Troma?
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: If him and Cronenberg sat together, got
Dan: drunk in the early 80s, this would be what
Dan: they came up with.
Gav: Oh my God, what sort of a love child for
Gav: film would that be?
Dan: There'd be a lot of New York cocaine in it
Dan: as well, which I should imagine there was
Dan: in this behind the scenes on this.
Dan: That's probably where a lot of that budget
Dan: went.
Dan: In fact, some of those notes were rolled up,
Dan: so that wouldn't be surprised me, no, okay,
Dan: well, let's, let's get into it.
Dan: So we start off with Dwayne, our hero, if
Dan: you will, played by Kevin van Hettenreich.
Dan: He has got Brian Mayhair.
Dan: His hair is pretty big, isn't it?
Dan: Garth Huge.
Gav: Goddamn this movie, like at times I was
Gav: just like trying to just watch the film and
Gav: it just doesn't matter what was on the
Gav: screen, any dialogue, it could be the
Gav: fucking, the most magical words you only
Gav: hear and you could die like then and be
Gav: happy with eternal happiness.
Gav: These certain words, and I wouldn't be able
Gav: to hear them because looking at his fucking
Gav: hair, yeah, it's fucking massive.
Dan: It is a big hair, it's fucking huge.
Gav: It's so big and at times the camera's like
Gav: down, looking upwards, like why are you
Gav: choosing this angle?
Gav: Like what are we doing here?
Dan: Yeah, it's pretty big, is it?
Gav: like a bird with plumage, like I'm going to
Gav: attract you with this.
Gav: It's not a good afro.
Gav: It's not like a good good afro.
Gav: It's a bad afro.
Dan: It's not a good solo.
Dan: Well, it's a white man.
Dan: It's a Brian May.
Dan: Yeah, it's a Brian May, brian May's afro
Dan: it's Brian May's hair.
Dan: Well, we start off with Dwayne, and he's
Dan: Dwayne as well.
Dan: So we don't start with him.
Dan: We actually start off with a little bit of
Dan: a bit with the guy in the bushes outside
Dan: his house.
Gav: Is he called Dwayne then?
Dan: Dwayne Bradley yeah.
Gav: He's not doing well in life, is he?
Gav: He's got a horrible star Right.
Gav: Let's call him Dwayne.
Dan: He's got a nice auntie, though it will talk
Dan: about when we get to her.
Dan: Okay, so we start off with a guy who is a
Dan: doctor and he's leaving his house.
Dan: He can hear something in the bushes
Dan: creeping about.
Dan: There's some really good camera work here.
Gav: I kind of didn't mind this.
Gav: It's kind of made me think of like a real
Gav: late night as a kid turn over to tell him
Gav: it's a whole movie on.
Gav: You don't want this, you just turn it on to
Gav: it.
Gav: It's things like that.
Dan: Yeah, and this doctor is chased back into
Dan: his house by these noises.
Dan: He hears something climbing around on the
Dan: roof, he hears breathing and he tries to
Dan: call the cops, but his phone's been cut.
Dan: And then we just see this horrible, gnarly
Dan: mutant hand pop up from the bottom of the
Dan: screen, grabbing.
Gav: And he says no, no, no.
Dan: And then it closes his face off pretty much,
Dan: and that's the start.
Dan: And then we head over to New York City and
Dan: this is where we meet Dwayne.
Dan: So Dwayne, not only does he have giant hair,
Dan: he's trying to be inconspicuous, he also
Dan: has a giant fucking basket that he carries
Dan: everywhere.
Dan: He goes with him everywhere.
Dan: You know, if you're looking for this guy,
Dan: the cops are like I think it was a, what
Dan: did the guy look like?
Dan: Giant hair, giant basket.
Dan: Right, We'll find him in minutes.
Dan: Easy, easy to spot.
Gav: Brian May just taking a towel out of his
Gav: hands and put a basket into it.
Dan: Just think of Brian May doing his laundry.
Gav: Get your sketch artist to do Brian May
Gav: holding a basket.
Gav: Basket of laundry.
Gav: He's just like holding it like a tar pose,
Gav: but a basket.
Dan: Well, he's walking through the streets of
Dan: New York and you know, some guys, hey,
Dan: buddy, what do you want?
Dan: Upperers, downers, coke, weed, I got it all
Dan: and he's trying to sell it.
Dan: And you know, we see prostitutes or sex
Dan: workers, we see drug dealers, we see pimps,
Dan: we see every type of life.
Dan: As he's walking through New York and he
Dan: comes across a hotel.
Gav: Classic guy at the desk, classic kind of
Gav: greasy guy.
Dan: He looks like if Bob Hoskins let himself go.
Gav: Oh, that's not good is it.
Gav: You know he's like a chubby white vest with
Gav: braces over the top of it, because Bob
Gav: Hoskins wasn't sort of George Cleaning it
Gav: up on it every day, was he?
Dan: Rest in peace.
Dan: But yeah, I know what you mean.
Dan: But this guy is just like he's running the
Dan: hotel.
Dan: When Dwayne asks for a room, he's like well,
Dan: how long do you want it for?
Dan: Do you want it for an hour?
Dan: Do you want it for a day?
Dan: Do you want it for a year?
Dan: Basically, this hotel really is mainly for
Dan: people to come and pay sex workers for an
Dan: hour or two of their time.
Gav: I lived at a hotel for two weeks.
Dan: You did when you fucked your backup.
Gav: I don't think I know about this other trip.
Trailer Voice: Yeah, carry on.
Dan: Okay.
Dan: So, yes, he goes to the hotel, he gets a
Dan: room and the guy's like I need money up
Dan: front.
Dan: He's like, okay, yeah, sure, here's the
Dan: money.
Dan: Seems to have a lot of money and all the
Dan: drunks that hang around on the reception
Dan: desk are like that guy's loaded.
Gav: The dudes.
Gav: I've a bit weird, which I think they're
Gav: probably thinking he's a bit how.
Gav: They might look at him as simple.
Gav: They might look at him a bit less
Gav: intelligent.
Gav: The fact is just wondering around his
Gav: basket from the start, but yeah, just
Gav: pulling out a lot of money.
Gav: You just you don't do it, you don't do it
Gav: now.
Dan: And they say to him what's in the basket
Dan: and he's like, oh, just some of my personal
Dan: possessions.
Dan: Okay, so he goes up to his room.
Gav: I'd be like serial killer, definitely a
Gav: head in that.
Dan: Great, perhaps his head is in that.
Dan: As he heads up to the room he walks past a
Dan: sex worker or prostitute or a hooker.
Dan: If you want to be in the New York eighties,
Dan: called Casey and she takes a shine to him.
Dan: She does.
Dan: She is ushering a punter into a room as she
Dan: does it, but she also looks at him and sort
Dan: of says, hey honey, welcome to the hotel At
Dan: the same time.
Gav: She's just been naïve and she's probably
Gav: just like trying to just live her life.
Gav: She just happens to like bang for her job.
Dan: That's like you know, yeah, so he gets in,
Dan: gets into his room and he puts the basket
Dan: down on the chest of drawers and he
Dan: whispers to it.
Dan: We're here.
Dan: And you think, oh, hang on a minute, he's
Dan: talking to the basket.
Dan: What's going on?
Gav: Yeah.
Gav: So I went into this again.
Gav: I've seen it before, but I went into this
Gav: again without kind of knowing anything and
Gav: it was only like later on I was like, oh,
Gav: it's a revenge film later on when there's a
Gav: doctor killing going on, so for me.
Gav: So I was trying to imagine it as if you
Gav: just went to the cinema back in the day
Gav: like you would when this came out, this
Gav: would've been straight for the New York
Gav: cinema.
Dan: That people in there Imagine seeing that in
Dan: the New York cinema in 92.
Gav: Grimy and and.
Gav: But yeah, with the audience, you don't know
Gav: what is in the basket.
Gav: You're yet to find out as much as I am.
Gav: So I was like Okay, I'm going to play it
Gav: like that.
Gav: He might know what it is, but I was playing
Gav: that, so that's what I'm going to do so.
Dan: he goes out by some junk food, some burgers
Dan: and some fries, and comes back and locks
Dan: the basket and starts throwing food in and
Dan: you hear like a disgusting eating noises.
Gav: He's chatting away to it as well.
Gav: I'm throwing in cheeseburgers.
Dan: Yeah, he says um, we need to find this
Dan: doctor in the phone book.
Dan: So let me just could be, could be anything.
Dan: And he says, oh damn it, the person we're
Dan: looking for in this phone book isn't in the
Dan: book.
Dan: We'll have to go to one of their ex
Dan: colleagues and see if they've got the
Dan: address.
Dan: So he's setting something up.
Dan: We know that him and whatever's in this
Dan: basket are looking for a doctor at this
Dan: point.
Gav: How's the thing?
Gav: In a basket, whatever he's feeling, cause
Gav: I'm pretending I don't know.
Gav: How does it shit?
Dan: Well, I should imagine it's got a?
Dan: Well, it's got a penis.
Dan: Because it's someone, well it fucks that
Dan: girl, doesn't?
Gav: it.
Gav: I don't remember this and that was a bit
Gav: shocking earlier.
Dan: And also in case two is or is it three?
Dan: Three he finds out that his brother has got
Dan: a kid, so it's made a baby in the basket.
Dan: Case three oh dude.
Dan: So if it's got a willy, it's got a bum gap,
Dan: which means it can do a poo.
Dan: Does he have to wipe his brother's bum, or
Dan: does?
Gav: it, do it himself.
Dan: It spends a lot of time sat in the toilet
Dan: as well, bilal, doesn't he?
Gav: This is a greasy strangler.
Dan: By the way, the creature is brother, is
Dan: called Bilal, so we will at times refer to
Dan: him by his real name.
Dan: So so in the middle of the night he wakes
Dan: up and it's very good, cheap way of doing
Dan: this because they don't have to provide a
Dan: voice for the creature, for the most part
Dan: because it can talk to him telepathically.
Dan: And he wakes up in the middle of the night,
Dan: Dwayne, and he's like no, look, I'm trying
Dan: to sleep.
Dan: Please just let me sleep, Not now, We'll
Dan: deal with it all in the morning.
Dan: And he's just talking to himself, but he's
Dan: actually linked telepathically to his
Dan: brother.
Dan: So, um, yeah, that'll come into play a bit
Dan: later on.
Dan: So the drunk guy from downstairs is curious
Dan: about what's in Dwayne's room and he starts
Dan: like loitering outside and the prostitute
Dan: Casey, who he said is taking a shine to him.
Dan: She says stop leaving me alone.
Dan: He's just a young lad with a basket, Don't
Dan: worry about it, Let him get on with his own
Dan: business.
Dan: We've all got our own weird business in
Dan: this hotel.
Dan: So Dwayne says I'm going to go and visit my
Dan: doctor friend now, and I'll take my basket
Dan: with me.
Dan: And this is Dr Needleman, he reminds.
Dan: I was going to say he reminds me a bit of
Dan: Peter Jackson's doctor in um brain dead and
Dan: not Peter Jackson but that you know the
Dan: doctor in brain dead that injects.
Dan: You know he's got a Nazi symbol on his arm
Dan: and that's very gross.
Dan: What are you going to say?
Gav: The receptionist takes uh takes a fancy to
Gav: him.
Dan: Oh God, she's attracted to his hair.
Dan: Have you seen his massive?
Gav: hair, she, she has red flags all over it.
Gav: Later on, when she fucking stalks him, she
Gav: says with the minutes of him being there.
Dan: She says, if you, so you're new to New York
Dan: and he's like, yeah, he could be there for
Dan: an STD.
Dan: She says have you been to the World Trade
Dan: Tower?
Dan: No, what?
Gav: I guess she should know what he's got.
Dan: Have you been to the Statue of Liberty?
Dan: No, what?
Dan: And she's really cross that he's not been
Dan: to any of these places.
Dan: And then she says well, maybe I could be
Dan: your New York city tour guide.
Gav: She's well into it.
Dan: And he's sort of like should she be
Dan: checking, trying to chat up like patients.
Dan: I think.
Dan: I think she's pretty desperate, um, but uh,
Dan: he says tell the doctor I need to have my
Dan: chest examined.
Dan: So she says, all right, I'll do that.
Dan: And we cut to Dwayne leaving.
Dan: So we don't see what happens in that doctor
Dan: surgery.
Dan: But Dwayne leaves and she this is where she
Dan: says to him what I'm trying to say here is
Dan: do you want to go on a date with me?
Dan: And he's like no, no, I can't, I can't.
Dan: And then he goes and puts the basket down
Dan: at the other end of the room and he comes
Dan: back over to her and whispers yes, I
Dan: actually would like to go on a date with
Dan: you.
Dan: And this is so below.
Dan: His brother doesn't hear.
Gav: She's like why are we whispering so he
Gav: doesn't hear who the doctor?
Dan: I know it's funny.
Dan: Um, so he's now been in New York for 12
Dan: hours, he's already got a date and he's
Dan: already lined up his first sort of kill.
Dan: And what does he do to celebrate?
Dan: He goes to watch a kung fu movie in a
Dan: theater.
Dan: Yeah, so we cut to a really badly dubbed
Dan: kung fu film and he's watching it with with
Dan: his basket next to him by the way when he's
Dan: in a doctors.
Gav: We did see him about a shirt on.
Gav: He had a massive scar on his side.
Dan: That's right.
Dan: And the doctor says well, we come back to
Dan: the doctor in a minute.
Dan: So while he's in the cinema, what looks
Dan: like a bit of a sex prover is watching him
Dan: and you think is he going to come over and
Dan: try molesting or something?
Gav: He's just waiting for any opportunity.
Dan: He's not as soon as he falls asleep because
Dan: Duane's very tired this guy steals the
Dan: basket.
Gav: Yeah Well he wakes up next to him and the
Gav: basket is gone.
Dan: And he runs.
Gav: He runs off to the men's toilet with it and
Gav: kicks open drops it on the floor, kicks the
Gav: padlock that breaking off of it opens it up.
Gav: But we've seen from the camera looking
Gav: outwards and we still don't see what it is.
Dan: No, but we do see the look of horror on
Dan: this thief's face and we hear lots and lots
Dan: of screaming and his face gets completely
Dan: slashed.
Dan: Duane runs in and he says no, no, not yet.
Dan: Save it.
Dan: Save it from when you really need to do it.
Dan: Yeah, and there's blood everywhere and he
Dan: just runs off with the basket.
Dan: And then we cut to Dr Cutter.
Dan: What a name, dr Cutter.
Dan: That's her name, dr Judith Cutter.
Dan: She's having dinner with a guy in her
Dan: apartment.
Dan: She is offering it to him on a plate here.
Gav: Prepare for name as Dr.
Dan: Dr Dr Cutter.
Gav: Dr Dr.
Dan: Okay, what, dr.
Dan: Dr?
Dan: I think I there's a joke here.
Dan: You're going to tell me a joke.
Gav: No, really.
Dan: Okay, right.
Dan: So yes, dr Cutter is having dinner with
Dan: this man and he says, oh, I'm going to get
Dan: drunk if I keep drinking.
Dan: She's like, well, that's my plan.
Dan: And she gets a phone call and the phone
Dan: call is from Dr Needleman and he says a man
Dan: has just been into my office, a man that
Dan: matches the description of that boy that we
Dan: removed something from.
Dan: We did that operation on him and he had a
Dan: big scar all down him and he wants to know
Dan: you know about what the other doctors that
Dan: were involved.
Dan: And he told me that Dr Liv Lander is dead
Dan: and this is the guy from the opening scene.
Dan: And she says Well, we thought he might come
Dan: back around at some point.
Dan: She doesn't seem bothered by the fact that
Dan: this kid is now hunting her down.
Dan: She goes back to her dinner date and
Dan: probably ends up bonking that man that's in
Dan: her apartment.
Dan: She's got one trap mind Yep Sexy, sexy sexy.
Dan: One trap, mind.
Dan: Dr Cutter cut back to shower in the
Dan: receptionist.
Dan: She leaves the doctors and Dwayne empties
Dan: the basket and he says Right is, the coast
Dan: is clear.
Dan: Whatever is in there, empties out onto the
Dan: floor and he says to his brother Go in
Dan: there and get the address book as quick as
Dan: you can.
Dan: I'll be waiting in the alleyway downstairs.
Dan: So he's waiting outside and Bilal is in the
Dan: office and the doctor, Dr Neal, and here's
Dan: a noise.
Dan: And he goes out and the door is off its
Dan: hinges and he thinks Okay, something bad's
Dan: going to happen here.
Dan: I need to barricade myself in my office
Dan: with all my desks.
Dan: Yep, Lights are all out.
Dan: Here's a noise.
Dan: Goes into another room, turns the light on
Dan: and what does he see?
Dan: Gav.
Gav: So for the first time he sees our bro ski
Gav: Bilal.
Gav: Now it looks like Harvey Wine Steen's
Gav: hemorrhoid.
Dan: Fucking hell.
Dan: That is terrifying.
Dan: I've got to say and I remember seeing this
Dan: for the first time that it was quite a
Dan: terrifying first shot of him, because he's,
Dan: he doesn't really talk, he just sort of
Dan: screams.
Gav: I know it's quite disturbing.
Gav: Actually I found it when I was when he was
Gav: on screen.
Gav: It was on the screen.
Gav: It's quite disturbing.
Dan: It's like a testicle with arms and a face.
Dan: I don't like it, but somehow he's on the
Dan: wall.
Dan: I guess he's really strong and he's on the
Dan: wall and he kills this guy.
Gav: It was suckers Like an octopus.
Dan: Well, he does call him.
Dan: Later on he says my brother looks like a
Dan: deformed octopus.
Gav: Blood's kind of like the hammer horror
Gav: blood.
Dan: Yeah, he rips his guts out of his stomach,
Dan: doesn't he?
Gav: Yeah, and he can, and he's you know, he's
Gav: dying it also kind of looks like that dude
Gav: who thinks he's the head shit at Jabba
Gav: Hutt's Palace at the front Got a big, big.
Dan: Thing coming out of his head.
Gav: It looks like he's love child or something.
Dan: Yeah, a big fortuna.
Dan: The one who's got the big squid things
Dan: coming out of his head.
Dan: Yeah, I mean he is.
Dan: He's pretty hot shit, Gav.
Dan: He's Jabba's like right at her man, he's
Dan: his translator, you know, he sort of brings
Dan: people in.
Gav: I think he thinks.
Gav: I think he thinks he's bigger than he is.
Dan: I know what you mean.
Dan: I know what you mean.
Gav: But Luke takes him down a page, doesn't he?
Dan: So fuck it, fuck big fortuna.
Dan: So, yes, so Dwayne's waiting outside in the
Dan: alleyway and we hear what?
Dan: We see the shadow of Bilal, and Bilal's
Dan: come out the window and he's got the
Dan: address book.
Dan: He pops him back in the basket and he says
Dan: excellent, this is great, Everything's
Dan: going to plan.
Dan: We cut to the morning and Dwayne's feeding
Dan: some rural sausages into the basket now.
Gav: Is that like a new saying?
Dan: I'm going to feed my rural sausage into the
Dan: basket.
Gav: Feed my sausages into the basket.
Dan: But?
Dan: But talking of such things, dwayne also,
Dan: although he's on a mission with his brother
Dan: to kill these doctors, he's also on a
Dan: mission to get his end away.
Gav: Feed my sausage into your basket.
Dan: Because he is so excited about this date,
Dan: he's got Said to Bishop With the lady the
Dan: receptionist, so he's bought a fucking TV,
Dan: a cheap knockoff TV, and he says to Bilal,
Dan: I love it, I've got to go out and case the
Dan: place.
Gav: Yeah, it's cable TV for you.
Gav: Here's some.
Dan: TV, oh, and there's some newspapers there
Dan: as well.
Dan: If you get bored, see you later.
Dan: And he just runs off.
Gav: He's just happy to fly on the wall.
Gav: There's fucking things in there looking at
Gav: a paper wall TV.
Gav: He's on the back door.
Dan: What's going on on Wall Street today?
Dan: Bloody hell, the stocks are up, aren't they?
Gav: What the fuck, what's?
Gav: He care what's going on.
Dan: Well, he does rip the knob off the TV
Dan: because he knows, because he can
Dan: telepathically link.
Dan: No, he's got a comical.
Gav: I think he just goes oh fucking out of shit.
Gav: That's the kind of way this hand is.
Gav: His hand acts in the way of like this is
Gav: shit, not like aggression.
Dan: Yeah Well, he goes out on the date and he's
Dan: really you know, that's where he really is,
Dan: he's not casing Dr Cutter's apartment and
Dan: he's out on the date and he really, really
Dan: likes his girl and she really likes him too.
Gav: I struggled the fuck with this part of the
Gav: movie.
Gav: I was just like, oh my God, because the
Gav: camera doesn't move, it just sits there and
Gav: they talk.
Dan: I would say this is one of the one of the
Dan: worst on screen on screen kisses I've ever
Dan: seen.
Gav: The whole thing is killing me.
Gav: Now, please kill me.
Dan: When they kiss it's like they're trying to
Dan: eat each other's faces and I guess they're
Dan: both quite nerdy and they may maybe not
Dan: have kissed many people, but my God, it's
Dan: really bad.
Dan: And when he kisses this girl, obviously he
Dan: gets a bit excited, but because he's
Dan: telepathically linked to his brother, bilal,
Dan: who's still in the hotel room.
Gav: This would make a great X-Files episode.
Dan: Well, there was one like this there was a
Dan: bit yeah.
Dan: Yeah, they go to that freak show and
Dan: there's a guy whose little thing comes off
Dan: of his body in the night.
Gav: It goes off to the people.
Gav: And oh yeah.
Gav: Yeah, that's true, and I was like a
Gav: telepathic one as well, so yeah, and
Gav: there's also Total Recall, yeah, so this is
Gav: good.
Gav: I can X-Files episode.
Gav: It would make quite a good one.
Gav: Yeah, I love the fact the basket case is
Gav: just about.
Gav: Basically, he is now acting like a teenager
Gav: in 2023, when the internet has gone down
Gav: from all in 10 minutes.
Dan: A teenager made of stop motion animation.
Gav: Yeah, angry, no Getting rowdy.
Dan: I commend them for trying.
Dan: Stop motion animation sadly never really
Dan: holds up that well, and it does look weird
Dan: when it jumps out of the basket and starts.
Dan: I feel like I'm watching an episode of
Dan: Morph.
Gav: I don't know.
Gav: But yeah, but Morph in, like I've just
Gav: taken bad acid.
Gav: Yeah Well it made me almost feel not sick,
Gav: but it's just, I don't know body horror and
Gav: I know it's not even real and it's fucking
Gav: clay, most stop motion.
Gav: But it's saying about it.
Gav: Maybe just be like, I don't like this.
Dan: Well, Bill Outs screams so loud and he
Dan: smashes the room so much to TV and
Dan: everything that every single person in the
Dan: hotel this isn't.
Gav: Every person is complex.
Dan: And this isn't the first time this will
Dan: happen, but this happens about four times
Dan: in the film.
Dan: Every member of the hotel gatherers.
Gav: They have got nothing else going on.
Gav: They literally like so got nothing going on.
Gav: Like you, just stop whatever they're doing
Gav: at any moment and just go wander around and
Gav: stand outside someone's room and wonder
Gav: what's happening.
Dan: Come on, so old sweaty Bob Hoskins look
Dan: alike.
Dan: He says right, what the fuck's going on?
Dan: I've got the key.
Dan: Obviously, this is my hotel.
Dan: Let me go in the room.
Dan: They go in the room and there's no sign of
Dan: anybody in there.
Dan: Mystery when is it?
Dan: Well, there's no one in here.
Dan: They're all sort of like well, we all heard
Dan: screaming and noise.
Dan: And he says right, everybody back out the
Dan: room, come on, it's time to go.
Gav: One dude knows he's a load of money in the
Gav: bed.
Dan: Oh the drunk can go.
Dan: He's like, oh, there's some money in there.
Dan: So he goes back and he picks the lock with
Dan: the intention of stealing this big wad of
Dan: cash.
Gav: Yeah, now there's a point here where he
Gav: goes over to.
Gav: He gets the money, then he goes over to the
Gav: basket.
Gav: He's looking for more stuff.
Gav: He opens the basket and they'll bro ski,
Gav: mutant, mutant, testicle of Harvey
Gav: Weinstein.
Gav: Bro ski is there in the basket, but they
Gav: could have done it and he wasn't there It'd
Gav: be a lot more tension open up and it wasn't
Gav: there.
Gav: Turns around and then jumps at him.
Gav: You know it's fairly easy.
Gav: It'd have been a bit better, but you know
Gav: he hopes it up and he gets it in the face.
Gav: It's in the face.
Dan: It's quite a good effect.
Dan: Looks like he's been slashed four times
Dan: down the face by claws.
Gav: Those bits are pretty good.
Gav: That happens a couple of times in the film.
Dan: And Dwayne feels that he's killed someone
Dan: from where he is because again they're
Dan: linked.
Dan: So the others come back in the room because
Dan: they've heard more screaming.
Dan: So again the entire hotel empties into the
Dan: room.
Gav: So at this point here it is.
Gav: I kind of give a bit of a cue to this,
Gav: actually, because at the moment it wasn't
Gav: really.
Gav: I suppose it was kind of a structure.
Gav: If I broke it down, I really looked at it.
Gav: But here there really was a kind of
Gav: midpoint term, but the basket case goes out
Gav: the window and at this point I was like,
Gav: does he now go out on the streets of in the
Gav: city, start causing chaos?
Gav: That's what I was hoping.
Gav: It doesn't really happen.
Gav: He kind of he's at home.
Gav: Again.
Gav: I'm a bit confused.
Gav: You need to help me with what's going on.
Dan: In a parallel universe.
Dan: I'd love that to have happened.
Gav: That's what I wanted to happen, and that's
Gav: the most important term.
Gav: And he then goes out into the New.
Dan: York.
Dan: Imagine him mugging a skateboarder and then
Dan: he's wheeling around on a skateboard.
Dan: He's in arms.
Gav: He could have hanged out of quang from the
Gav: towels.
Dan: He is a bit like quang from the towels,
Dan: isn't he?
Dan: Yeah, oh God, imagine those two being
Dan: buddies together.
Gav: Well, he just screams the old towels.
Gav: Nothing could happen there, nothing could
Gav: get done with it.
Dan: Yeah, Well, Dwayne gets back and the police
Dan: are there and they're like where have you
Dan: been?
Dan: And he's like, oh, I've been on a date.
Gav: The detective here is the best actor in
Gav: this whole film.
Dan: He's amazing, isn't he?
Gav: He's great, he's done time he isn't that
Gav: great, but he stands out because no one
Gav: else is at that level he just comes across
Gav: as a genuine cop.
Gav: Yeah, he's just acting, he's just doing the
Gav: thing without it really stalled.
Gav: I'm saying lines.
Dan: You know.
Dan: He says to him okay, so you were on a date
Dan: and you didn't hear anything.
Dan: You don't know anything about this.
Dan: Okay, Interesting.
Dan: And why have you got so much cash in your
Dan: hotel room?
Dan: Okay, Interesting, All right.
Dan: Well, look, I'm going to probably come back
Dan: to you for further questioning, Would that
Dan: be all right?
Dan: And Dwayne's like yeah, that's absolutely
Dan: fine, he plays it very cool, Dwayne.
Dan: It might not be the first time he's had to
Dan: cover the tracks of his crazy little
Dan: brother.
Dan: So they leave and Dwayne looks around
Dan: thinking well, where the hell is my brother?
Dan: Well, he's in the toilet.
Dan: Gal, Of course he's in the toilet.
Gav: Oh, the little hand pops up in the back.
Gav: Hello, yeah, yeah.
Dan: Now what are you doing there?
Gav: Imagine that, though, in the middle of the
Gav: night, he goes to the toilet.
Gav: Oh, he's sitting down.
Dan: Oh, sorry, I've got you in there below.
Dan: Whoa what was that?
Gav: Well, I'm just caressing your balls.
Gav: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, I don't want
Gav: mutant hand crest ball caress.
Dan: Well, they have a telepathic argument.
Dan: That's one of my songs from the album
Dan: Mutant ball caress.
Gav: Mutant ball hand.
Gav: Mutant hand ball caress.
Dan: Wow, by rat or G?
Dan: Yeah, so they have a telepathic argument
Dan: about the dates and you know.
Dan: Basically, we get the impression that Bilal
Dan: won't allow him to live his own life.
Dan: Yeah, yeah.
Gav: Well, we figured that because that was a
Gav: very great at best representation of that,
Gav: as many went and put the basket down and
Gav: came back to receptionist and whispered the
Gav: ongoing date Straight away.
Gav: It's like, oh, he's hiding it from him
Gav: because of yeah, something like that.
Gav: Well, there's almost a similar relationship
Gav: to Norman Bates and his mother and I use
Gav: mother in quotation marks, and he's not
Gav: allowed to ever, you know have a normal
Gav: life before he loves, because he's got this
Gav: commitment to this family member, I think
Gav: that story motif probably happens best in
Gav: the way you just described it, between the
Gav: mother and the child.
Gav: Yeah, the parent and the child.
Dan: Not the deformed octopus brother.
Gav: No, no, not a dude, it is fucking a
Gav: hemorrhoid mutant brother.
Dan: So he says to at the end look, don't worry,
Dan: I'll never do it, yeah, I promise.
Dan: And they sort of their buddies again, ish.
Dan: And then we cut to a nightclub scene.
Dan: A dirty, seedy looking nightclub bar, isn't
Dan: it, gal, everyone's doing everything.
Gav: I imagine they just walked into the nearest
Gav: bar.
Gav: Can we film here?
Gav: Yeah, no worries.
Dan: Oh, Gal, they did.
Dan: All of this was.
Dan: 90% of this film is shot gorilla style.
Gav: Yeah, even the naked teens.
Gav: I know all of the decor was original decor.
Dan: Yeah, the naked scene which comes up later,
Dan: where he runs on the street naked.
Dan: To do that, they basically got him in a van
Dan: with loads of blankets over him and they
Dan: had another van parked at the end of the
Dan: block and someone would go out with a brush,
Dan: brush the sidewalk down all the way to the
Dan: other end, make sure there was no glass or
Dan: anything for him to stand on.
Dan: This was like three in the morning, and
Dan: then they'd go action and he'd run from one
Dan: van into the other van and they did that
Dan: about four times and then edited it
Dan: together.
Dan: So if you'd have seen it, you'd have seen
Dan: this giant Brian May head man running with
Dan: his dick flapping around.
Gav: He's fine enough.
Gav: His bush looks like Brian May's hair again.
Dan: Yeah, he's got it up and down, isn't he?
Dan: Yeah, the collar is much the cuffs.
Dan: I just noticed it.
Dan: Yeah, collars and cuffs.
Dan: Where were we?
Dan: Oh yeah, so we're in the Seedy Nightclub.
Dan: And while he's in there, who does he see?
Dan: He's Casey the sex worker.
Dan: And she says hey, you're the guy with a
Dan: basket from the hotel.
Dan: Listen, I'm getting absolutely fucked off
Dan: my nut over here.
Dan: Do you want to come in?
Dan: Can you come and join me?
Gav: I've never seen people laugh so much drunk
Gav: loudly in each other's faces because the
Gav: acting over the acting is just okay.
Gav: You got drunk.
Gav: Laugh lots, okay.
Gav: No, laugh more.
Gav: You're drunk, okay, okay.
Dan: I kind of like this scene though.
Dan: Oh, what the fuck.
Dan: Why did you?
Gav: like it.
Dan: What I like about this scene is he
Dan: drunkenly reveals the whole plot to her,
Dan: because they're so drunk.
Gav: I do like that.
Gav: I'll give you that.
Gav: It's silly.
Dan: Say again yeah, she thinks he's just been
Dan: silly.
Dan: Yeah.
Dan: Well whoa whoa.
Dan: I think it's happened At first, until she
Dan: goes.
Gav: You're creeping me out now.
Dan: Yeah, because she says to him um, look, one
Dan: thing I want to know about you is what's in
Dan: the basket?
Dan: And he says my brother.
Dan: And she laughs and laughs and she says what
Dan: is he?
Gav: Yeah, but it keeps going.
Gav: She's like, and after a while she stops
Gav: laughing.
Gav: And then she says you're creeping me out
Gav: eventually.
Dan: What is he?
Dan: A midget?
Dan: And he says, no, we're twins.
Dan: And she's like what?
Dan: And he's like, yeah, he's deformed.
Dan: Our mother died giving birth to us.
Dan: Ha ha ha, we were attached to the hip, ha
Dan: ha ha.
Dan: Now he talks to me in my head and she's
Dan: like that's when she says, well, you're
Dan: creeping me out a little bit, because she
Dan: can tell maybe he's been a bit serious here.
Dan: And then we get flashbacks.
Dan: We enter quite a major flashback now.
Gav: It's a flashback.
Gav: It turns into another fucking movie.
Gav: It's like scenes.
Gav: It's not just a flashback with us like one
Gav: shot, it's scenes.
Gav: I was like, oh OK, all right.
Dan: So we cut to the day that Duane was born
Dan: and obviously his mother died giving birth
Dan: to him and his one mother.
Dan: This gets a little bit more serious about
Dan: what you're looking at.
Gav: earlier you sort of said about, Is this
Gav: part here Because it does come down to an
Gav: actual question.
Gav: It comes down to the question of abortion.
Gav: Basically, yeah, it's really dark, isn't it?
Dan: That's what, essentially, she's sort of
Dan: saying.
Gav: And then going no, you cut it off Because
Gav: at least that gives him a chance to live
Gav: more of the human person.
Gav: So just what about the other thing?
Gav: I'll get rid of it, sort of you know.
Gav: Well, they're saying you know what he says
Gav: it.
Dan: I'm not calling it anything, it's not my
Dan: son.
Dan: Only one of these things is my son.
Dan: The other one is just a thing, just a
Dan: growth, so they don't do anything about it
Dan: for 12 years and it says 12 years later.
Dan: Excuse me, and their auntie is looking
Dan: after them.
Gav: You can go look at this from a parent
Gav: perspective though, if they've done 12
Gav: years, they've been trying, and it must be
Gav: to a point where we need to give him a
Gav: chance, because you would essentially want
Gav: to do that.
Gav: But his dad is caved.
Dan: His dad lost his wife, you know, for the
Dan: birth of this son and thing attached to it.
Dan: So he gets to Backstreet Back Alley doctors
Dan: around to his house who we find out later
Dan: on.
Dan: One of them is a vet later on.
Dan: It's bit gnarly, though.
Dan: It's just how I hold him down.
Dan: It's kind of like going into your sort of
Dan: 70s kind of like you know.
Gav: Like you know, sort of like going into your
Gav: sort of 70s, kind of like a Satan
Gav: worshipping top sort of film or something
Gav: it's real like.
Dan: Like fucking hell.
Dan: They take the doctor up to the room and the
Dan: little boy turns around.
Dan: He's 12 years old and he's got a little
Dan: baby, bilal, hanging off of his side and
Dan: it's disturbing to see.
Dan: Man, yeah, it's disturbing to see and it's
Dan: the subject matter as well.
Dan: Really, they overhear everything that's
Dan: been talked about downstairs, so he kind of
Dan: understands.
Dan: I think they're going to try and separate
Dan: us.
Dan: You know, this is, this is kid.
Dan: I hasn't had it easy for 12 years with this
Dan: thing growing out of his side, you know.
Gav: The head starts making sounds like of a
Gav: same sort of sounds of the head in
Gav: Reanimator.
Gav: Yeah, it's like oh, this is all right, so
Gav: they they.
Dan: I'm going to go.
Dan: I don't like this film.
Dan: They hold down this 12-year-old boy, the
Dan: doctors and they.
Dan: He's screaming, he's screaming and so is
Dan: the head thing, and they managed to knock
Dan: them out with an injection.
Dan: Come at it.
Gav: Come Alice, come watch the movie with me.
Gav: It's a good part.
Dan: And then they get the cutting equipment out
Dan: and then we hear all this noises of bone
Dan: cutting and sawing and flash being torn.
Gav: I go I'm going to put my hands up here.
Gav: I pressed forwards through this bit, did
Gav: you Only at 0.5, but it would have muted
Gav: this music sound and it just went through a
Gav: little bit quicker because I was just not
Gav: going.
Gav: Ah, not having a good time here.
Dan: Well, with this scene it tricks you because
Dan: you think, oh, they're not going to show it,
Dan: though, they're only we're only hearing it.
Dan: But then you do see them take Bilal off of
Dan: Dwayne with a horrible squelchy sound and
Dan: they say, well, what should we do with him?
Dan: And he's like, I don't care what you do
Dan: with it, as long as my son's okay.
Dan: What do they do with it, garth?
Dan: They put him in a trash bag.
Gav: I thought they would have injected the
Gav: thing, the child, the mutant child or
Gav: something, to put it out as misery or
Gav: something, or done something, not just put
Gav: it in the trash and go.
Gav: Let's hope for the best.
Dan: I would have.
Dan: Yeah, but they've just think, well, it's
Dan: probably dead, they're going to be like
Dan: fuck is this?
Gav: Oh, it's a big groove.
Dan: Oh, it's moving.
Dan: Well, yeah, dwayne wakes up the morning
Dan: after the operation and he thinks, well,
Dan: where's my brother's?
Dan: Not on my side, this is weird.
Dan: So he then, he senses him in his brain.
Dan: So he goes out and this is where he finds
Dan: the trash bag and it's moving and the arm
Dan: comes out of it.
Dan: So he's still alive.
Gav: That sounded like a kind of like a Wu-Tan
Gav: senses thing, wu-tan Spider-Man altogether.
Dan: And then I don't know why he does this, but
Dan: he creates a machine now with his brother.
Dan: They create this big fuck because in the
Dan: middle of the night his dad wakes up and he
Dan: hears all this sewing and drilling and he
Dan: thinks what on earth is this?
Dan: So he goes downstairs.
Gav: Some actual tension going on here, I'm
Gav: going to say when his dad starts, he's
Gav: fucking dick.
Gav: If a dad wanders around with no fucking
Gav: shoes or slippers on, or go down to the
Gav: basement, where this shit which could fuck
Gav: my feet up and just wander around, he
Gav: stands on a nail, doesn't he?
Gav: Yeah, because he's a fucking idiot.
Dan: But anyway there's a slight bit of tension
Dan: down here.
Dan: That basement is bigger than my house times
Dan: two.
Gav: Oh, jesus Christ, you should see this, I
Gav: was my flat.
Gav: You've seen this, I was my flat.
Dan: It's like doors within doors within rooms.
Dan: It's like a mansion down there.
Dan: But anyway, he wanders around and
Dan: eventually he sees lots of wood and
Dan: equipment and thinks someone's been
Dan: building something down here.
Dan: And indeed they have.
Dan: Dwayne and Bilal have put together a device
Dan: which has got a big buzz saw in the middle,
Dan: loads of spikes and other cutting
Dan: implements, and they've set it up like a
Dan: game of mousetrap where it just flies down
Dan: a big ramp straight as that and splits him
Dan: right down the middle.
Gav: Yeah, and we know this because it has to
Gav: shot loads of floor of legs and feet
Gav: Falling apart from each other.
Dan: Yeah, Just like in 13 Ghosts, and we the
Dan: auntie.
Dan: Then we cut to the auntie saying look,
Dan: dwayne, I look after you both.
Dan: Don't worry, I'll cover it all up.
Dan: But don't worry, I'll tell them.
Dan: You know, I didn't know anything about it.
Dan: You're on your right and we get these
Dan: really disturbing slash touching scenes now.
Gav: Sitting here.
Gav: I tell you a story about Red Riding Hood.
Dan: Yeah, she's rocking on a rocking chair with
Dan: Bilal in a blanket.
Gav: It's obviously just a thing which is not
Gav: moving yet and it's just got these dead
Gav: eyes just staring forward.
Gav: It's just like ugh.
Dan: The face of Bilal is just terrifying.
Dan: And then, obviously, dwayne's sat next to
Dan: him.
Dan: She's raising these boys, trying to look
Dan: after them, but then sadly, she dies
Dan: because we cut to her funeral and they're
Dan: all alone and then we go back to the
Dan: present day.
Dan: So that was the backstory of what happened
Dan: to him.
Dan: No wonder he is so fucked up.
Dan: Jesus Christ, you think it was, wasn't it?
Gav: I've got all about that.
Gav: Thought we'd talk about another movie.
Gav: Yeah, flat was the flashback.
Gav: It's a 20 minute flashback.
Gav: Now remember what was going on before.
Dan: Well, we're drunk in the bar with a sex
Dan: worker, yeah.
Dan: So she helps him get back to his hotel room.
Dan: She helps him into bed.
Dan: She peeks inside the basket, but the
Dan: basket's empty.
Dan: She goes back to her room, which is that
Dan: tension I was speaking about earlier, I
Dan: guess.
Dan: She gets undressed.
Dan: She gets fully undressed.
Dan: She's wearing literally just a T-shirt, and
Dan: then she slides her pants off as well.
Dan: She gets into bed and, as she lies, back in
Dan: the bed, Hashtag me too.
Gav: Basket case, oh, we've got his.
Gav: Definitely Harvey Weinstein's hemorrhoid,
Gav: isn't it?
Dan: Yeah, he's hiding under a pillow.
Gav: Starts touching her boobs.
Dan: No, no, no, that's a perceptionist.
Dan: He does that to you later on this is oh
Dan: yeah, he does it later too.
Dan: But he does like touching up women when
Dan: they're asleep.
Gav: He's a panty stealer in this, though, isn't
Gav: he?
Dan: Is he?
Dan: Yeah, he's a pant.
Dan: Oh, I forgot about that.
Dan: Okay, interesting.
Dan: So yeah, in her bed the pillows move and
Dan: he's under the pillow.
Dan: She wakes up and screams.
Dan: She runs out of the room and she's again.
Dan: What happens?
Dan: The entire hotel runs up to the floor they
Dan: must be getting sick of this by now and she
Dan: says something's in my room and it's trying
Dan: to kill me.
Dan: It was a thing in my room, so every single
Dan: person in the hotel.
Gav: And at this point you think he's going to
Gav: get, it's going to get caught.
Dan: Yep.
Dan: Bob Hoskins is there again.
Dan: He's like.
Dan: Jesus Christ, Where's Roger Rabbit?
Dan: He's annoyed.
Dan: Obviously he checks the room, the windows
Dan: open.
Dan: We see the hand go back into the basket and
Dan: Dwayne wakes up with a big hangover.
Gav: Before that we do see basket case, find the
Gav: knickers.
Dan: Oh, yes, that's right.
Dan: So he's going to have a little basket wank
Dan: with those.
Gav: He's sniffing them.
Gav: I'll tell you that.
Dan: Maybe he's eating them.
Dan: Who knows what he eats.
Dan: So in the morning Dwayne wakes up with the
Dan: worst hangover ever and he says right then,
Dan: let's get this over with, let's go and see
Dan: Dr Cutter.
Gav: This is the fake porn scene or actual real
Gav: porn scene.
Gav: The acting here please anybody go watch it
Gav: and be like is this it's not, it's so like
Gav: it.
Dan: And what makes it more like a porn film is
Dan: the receptionists are twins, so wooden.
Dan: The receptionists are twins, aren't they?
Dan: The two women on reception?
Gav: I'm looking now.
Gav: So one in red and one in white.
Gav: I didn't realise.
Dan: Yeah, it's really weird.
Gav: It's really weird.
Gav: Casting decision, but Just because they're
Gav: twins is probably like oh, because we've
Gav: got a twin thing going on here, let's put
Gav: twins in it, can they act?
Gav: No, Just put them in it.
Dan: So not only did this happen to him when he
Dan: was 12 by these doctors, but one of them
Dan: wasn't even a proper doctor, she was a vet.
Dan: But, like you say, yes, they have some bad
Dan: acting here.
Dan: And he says she's like so what's wrong with
Dan: your cat?
Dan: And he says it's actually not a cat.
Dan: There's something else in my basket that
Dan: you need to see.
Gav: It's so bad.
Dan: She puts the basket on the table and he
Dan: reveals himself and Bilal jumps out and
Dan: kills her.
Dan: Well, starts to kill her.
Dan: She starts screaming.
Dan: The receptionists are trying to get in.
Gav: This is what I discovered.
Gav: It's a revenge film.
Dan: Then this is a great moment, because she's
Dan: trying to grab a scalpel because Bilal is
Dan: strangling her, and then instead there's a
Dan: drawer that she pulls open full of scalp
Dan: holes and sharp things, and Bilal just
Dan: slams her face down into it.
Dan: So when the receptionists run into the room,
Dan: she's there's a great shot where she's got
Dan: all these scalp holes sticking out of her
Dan: face.
Gav: She does scream for about 20 minutes
Gav: straight and the receptionist outside knock
Gav: us out.
Gav: Are you all right?
Gav: No, how can you not hear the length of
Gav: these screams?
Dan: I think the reason they left her screaming
Dan: for so long was A it was terrifying, but B
Dan: it gives you a chance to look at the
Dan: effects, because some of those scalp holes
Dan: are right next to her eyeball.
Dan: It looks so good.
Dan: They're all just like imagine pinhead, but
Dan: with those of scalp holes.
Gav: Scalpel head.
Dan: Scalpel head, that's my rap name.
Gav: It's not that good.
Dan: All right, like you know, rapper or G, jack
Dan: the Rapper, jack the Rapper.
Dan: Okay, so back to the hotel and Sharon, the
Dan: receptionist from earlier.
Dan: She shows up Red flag, red flag.
Dan: She says my boss has been murdered.
Gav: And I've been thinking about you all day.
Gav: Why?
Dan: She says I don't know why I've been
Dan: thinking about you all day, but I have.
Gav: Might be going on a date potentially, but
Gav: that is a bit full on.
Dan: They've only kissed, that's all they've
Dan: done.
Dan: So she cries, they hug, they kiss.
Gav: She is going to boil his bunny yeah.
Gav: That's not going to give him a handjob on
Gav: the table.
Dan: Well before that.
Dan: They're on the bed and he's about to put
Dan: his raw sausage in her basket, but he
Dan: forgets that Bilal is in his basket, isn't
Dan: he Watch it?
Dan: So he starts to imagine this.
Dan: So picture yourself as Sharon Gov forget
Dan: all the red flags.
Dan: You've gone to this man's hotel, you're
Dan: getting down and dirty on the bed with him,
Dan: it's all getting hot and heavy and then,
Dan: all of a sudden, this haemorrhoid bursts
Dan: out of a basket, screaming at you.
Dan: Yeah, what would you do?
Dan: Because she screams and runs out of the
Dan: room, but then she tries to get back in the
Dan: room.
Dan: It depends on desperate.
Dan: You're half a sec, she's desperate.
Gav: She's like don't let me in If you need it,
Gav: if it's been a while.
Gav: You know it sometimes gets desperate, you
Gav: know.
Dan: Well, dwayne and his brother fight.
Gav: I think, you, I think as a man, you stop
Gav: for a moment and go right.
Gav: Then it's just a way up the situation.
Gav: I'm already at it.
Gav: This is great.
Gav: That's not great.
Gav: This is can I deal with this and that?
Gav: Probably, I'll just look this way.
Dan: Especially if you said to the person you
Dan: have a sex with, what is that in the middle?
Dan: And they go don't worry about that.
Dan: That's just my little deformed brother.
Gav: You would.
Gav: Why is he watching as a man guaranteed you
Gav: probably go, yeah, whatever floats your
Gav: boat Does he want to join in.
Gav: I'm guessing as a lady you'll probably go
Gav: lost.
Gav: It now Freed.
Gav: You know you've lost me.
Dan: Well, Dwayne and his brother fight and he
Dan: shoves him back in the basket and lays him
Dan: on the louis Right in.
Gav: Let us know, if there was a deformed man's
Gav: twin in his basket over there, would you
Gav: carry on or would you stop?
Gav: Let us know.
Dan: I've got a terrible story that I could tell.
Gav: Writing on the postcode.
Gav: Dan, please tell us the story.
Dan: So I know someone who this is bad I'm not
Dan: going to tell you the whole story.
Gav: I'm going to tell you every once in a while
Gav: you do one of these, do it.
Dan: Uh, so I know someone I don't anymore
Dan: really but she was with a gentleman, her
Dan: ex-husband, and neither of them would ever
Dan: listen to this show, so that's fine.
Dan: And he used to.
Dan: When they, when they had sex, he used to
Dan: make.
Dan: He used to say to her I need to pretend
Dan: that there's a girl in the wardrobe
Dan: watching us, so anywhere I can get it, get
Dan: it hard and get it done.
Dan: So they had to pretend.
Dan: So she would have to sort of look at the
Dan: wardrobe and go is she still watching us in
Dan: the middle of it?
Dan: And he'd be like, yeah, yeah, she's
Dan: watching everything we're doing.
Dan: And I just thought that was so fucking
Dan: weird and they're obviously divorced now.
Dan: That was one of the many red flags of their
Dan: relationship.
Dan: And if you're into that, guys like if
Dan: you're into voyeurism or whatever, that's
Dan: fine, but I just find that a little bit
Dan: creepy that he used to say there has to be
Dan: a woman or a girl in the cupboard watching
Dan: us.
Dan: That's the only way you can get it done.
Gav: How he should have done it better is put a
Gav: camcorder in there, a filming, and then
Gav: watch the cupboard.
Gav: No, just have that.
Gav: There Might have made it better.
Gav: It's a mutual understand, I think.
Dan: So that was my story.
Dan: It didn't involve any deformities.
Gav: Uncle Gav of his sect tips.
Dan: What you need to do, guys if you want to do
Dan: your own voyeurism, just follow Gav's
Dan: advice.
Dan: Anyway, Bilal crawls around the room
Dan: screaming at the window and his eyes start
Dan: glowing red.
Dan: And he is that guy's horny I think so, but
Dan: also it's like his telepathic power has
Dan: reached its potential potential.
Dan: I think Fucking gong to jizz everywhere,
Dan: isn't he?
Dan: Because he controls Dwayne now and Dwayne
Dan: dreams that he's running down the street
Dan: naked.
Dan: This is what I talked about earlier, and we
Dan: do indeed see him running stark bollock
Dan: naked down the streets of New York.
Gav: Oh, hang on, hang on, because the figma
Gav: jiggies.
Gav: I felt like this was a representation of
Gav: him, his brother, leaving the window again
Gav: a moment ago, and I thought it was a
Gav: corrupt presentation of his brother being
Gav: naked and going down the streets off.
Gav: What this was Can we go back to.
Gav: And my notes was like, yeah, he went out of
Gav: a window before what happened.
Gav: What did happen?
Gav: Did he not go out the window?
Gav: Was that a ruse for everyone who ran into
Gav: the room to think he had gone out the
Gav: window?
Dan: Yeah, he didn't go out the window.
Gav: Ah, it was so before that, right, thank you.
Dan: So Dwayne is running naked through the
Dan: streets and he goes to Sharon's bedroom and
Dan: he starts feeling her up while she's asleep,
Dan: yes, he feels a boob.
Gav: It's not something we'd ever recommend to
Gav: someone asleep.
Gav: It's a Cripshead 2 move.
Dan: It is, and we all know what happens there.
Dan: However, he wakes up and Bilal is not in
Dan: his room and, in fact, it's Bilal that's
Dan: the one that's feeling her up.
Dan: And he starts strangling her.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: She wakes up and he's so.
Dan: You wake up to this thing on top of you,
Dan: strangling you with its eyes glowing red.
Trailer Voice: Yeah.
Dan: Dwayne bursts into the room.
Gav: Too late, she's dead.
Dan: She's dead, but also it looks like he's
Dan: inserted in her because when he pulls her
Dan: off, he is.
Gav: He's like a leech.
Dan: And he's we'll go.
Gav: He takes her off but oh, he's sitting on
Gav: her groin on the area going up and down
Gav: it's like oh it's like it's like a
Gav: barbocram to get in the head in Reanomator.
Dan: From a head.
Dan: It's so bad.
Gav: It's just like oh, dude, and this was just
Gav: like.
Gav: I was not expecting this and I did not
Gav: remember this.
Dan: Yeah, man.
Dan: Well, because they don't explicitly say it,
Dan: I think it's implied, but it's definitely
Dan: what's happening.
Dan: So we go back to the hotel and again, the
Dan: final time, every single one of the guests
Dan: is awake.
Dan: And this time Bob Oskine says I've had
Dan: enough, I'm gonna kick him out of the hotel.
Dan: So he goes up to the hotel room and as they
Dan: walk in the room, bilal and Dwayne are
Dan: fighting and Bilal pushes Dwayne out the
Dan: window.
Dan: They both fall and then we get this kind of
Dan: bittersweet moment.
Dan: They're where they're hanging off of the
Dan: sign and Bilal realizes this is his chance
Dan: to save Dwayne, because he's hanging with
Dan: one arm and he's got Dwayne in his other
Dan: arm, but because he's only a little
Dan: deformed octopus fella he hasn't quite got
Dan: the strength to hold his brother and he
Dan: really wants to and you can see from his
Dan: face he's thinking I can't drop him, he's
Dan: my brother, although we're fighting.
Dan: But sadly he hasn't got the strength and
Dan: they both fall to their death in front of
Dan: all of the street.
Dan: Workers, prostitutes slash, sex workers
Dan: splat on the ground.
Gav: They should have kept playing here.
Gav: Where will I be famous, bross?
Gav: Why?
Gav: Because, brothers.
Dan: Well, the hotel was called the Hotel
Dan: Broslin.
Dan: See, the way they're hanging, is they cut
Dan: out the L and the I and the N, so it's the
Dan: hotel Bross.
Dan: So it's quite good Hanging tough.
Dan: So you're onto something there.
Dan: That was New Kids on the Block.
Gav: I know NKRATB.
Dan: If you're cool.
Dan: So yeah, they splat on the pavement and a
Dan: man comes over.
Dan: A random bloke just comes over and says, oh
Dan: yep, they're dead and that's the end.
Dan: Now they're not dead because they make two
Dan: sequins.
Gav: How the fuck is there part two and part
Gav: three, and can we please not watch them?
Dan: Oh, that's a shame.
Gav: I know you've said like and they're driving
Gav: away, they're gonna do a part two and part
Gav: three and they're upset and they're like,
Gav: oh no.
Dan: Maybe now, maybe we'll come to them at some
Dan: point Before we give our thoughts and stuff
Dan: on that just quickly.
Dan: Then Basket Case Two came out in 1990, so
Dan: many years later, like eight years later
Dan: and the synopsis is Dwayne and his
Dan: basket-bound mutant brother are taken in to
Dan: a secret home for wayward freaks with a
Dan: journalist hot on their tail.
Dan: Then Basket Case Three, which came out the
Dan: following year.
Dan: Synopsis is Dwayne recovers from his
Dan: delusional breakdown to find his freakish
Dan: basket-bound brother will soon become a
Dan: father.
Dan: Not everything is joyous as the once
Dan: tight-knit brothers no longer seem to trust
Dan: each other.
Gav: He's got his own little life.
Gav: What's?
Gav: He got a paper round.
Dan: He works on Wall Street.
Gav: Is he throwing papers while someone's in
Gav: the basket?
Dan: Ah, but yeah, so Basket Case 1982.
Dan: Now my thoughts, before you give yours,
Dan: because I know you've got your thoughts.
Dan: My thoughts are it's a really highly
Dan: original film.
Dan: It feels like we've seen this so many times,
Dan: but actually this was the first time we'd
Dan: seen a sort of conjoined twin type film.
Dan: The effects aren't always good, but when
Dan: you see his face for the first time and
Dan: then a couple of times throughout this,
Dan: it's quite terrifying because it's like you
Dan: said, there's no expression, it's got very
Dan: soulless eyes, the way it screams and that
Dan: whole flashback is just really takes you to
Dan: a really dark place and it's quite a
Dan: serious tone all of a sudden.
Dan: And because of that, I've really enjoyed
Dan: this and it is a silly early 80s, almost
Dan: trauma type film.
Dan: But there is a lot going on in there that
Dan: pushes it slightly above for me.
Dan: Definitely, it's definitely one of those
Dan: ones that people talk about.
Dan: It was one on the playground that people
Dan: talked about and yeah, that's kind of it
Dan: for now for me, but I really liked it.
Dan: But tell me about you, what did you think?
Gav: I haven't seen it for many years and watch
Gav: it again it was.
Gav: I became a little bit bored of it.
Gav: My attention span didn't really stick with
Gav: it anymore.
Gav: It's not a Gav movie, I can't you know.
Dan: I can't recommend it and is that because of
Dan: the horror.
Gav: Yeah, yeah, I can't recommend it to someone
Gav: who doesn't like the movies I like or likes
Gav: the movies I like, doesn't like basically
Gav: me and I don't like it.
Gav: But you might be into this film.
Dan: Yeah, if it does the job of making you feel
Dan: a bit uncomfortable and a bit dirty and
Dan: gross.
Gav: It's early 80s New York grimy movie and
Gav: it's kind of almost a sub genre.
Gav: So like, if you know what you're getting
Gav: into, you'll probably be into it and if
Gav: you're like, you might be like, yeah, I'm
Gav: really into that sort of thing.
Gav: I really like the New York scene of that
Gav: time.
Gav: I find the history you know everything went
Gav: on there Quite fascinating.
Gav: I've watched documentaries on the crack and
Gav: the Democratic stuff.
Gav: I find it really interesting.
Gav: I know it's terrible in a lot of places,
Gav: but very interesting.
Gav: And this is a type of film and you might be
Gav: into it, you know.
Dan: Yeah, and, like you said, if you know what
Dan: you're getting into I mean the synopsis
Dan: alone if you know you're going to be
Dan: watching a film about a guy with a deformed
Dan: half brother, in his basket, kind of yeah,
Dan: the ex-anist or something.
Dan: Yeah, it's not Shakespeare, but it does
Dan: what it says and there's some good deaths
Dan: in it and it's quite a good story in my
Dan: opinion.
Dan: You know, this kid was wronged as a
Dan: 12-year-old and so when he's older, I mean
Dan: his mutant brother go on the murder's
Dan: rampage.
Gav: I could say it don't the really emotionally
Gav: done by David Cronenberg.
Dan: Oh God, yeah, oh my God, If he ever did
Dan: something like this because he did the
Dan: Brood, didn't he?
Dan: With the children growing off of the woman
Dan: and going out in Kenneby Falls, that's kind
Dan: of his version of that.
Gav: Yeah, Stolt a Rumour.
Gav: David Cronenberg's remaking a basket case
Gav: Stolt a Rumour.
Dan: He's producing it and Rob Zombie is
Dan: directing it.
Dan: No, Sherry Moon is grimsy.
Dan: Sherry Moon is in the basket.
Dan: She's going to be in the basket.
Dan: She's going to be in the basket.
Dan: She's going to be in the basket.
Dan: She's going to be in the basket.
Gav: Can you imagine, I want it, I want it Twerk
Gav: in.
Dan: Yeah, I want it, oh God.
Trailer Voice: Well, there you go, guys.
Gav: She played both, though didn't she, she'd
Gav: be like him with a big, really big afro,
Gav: and the basket as well.
Dan: Do you think Rob Zombie's ultimate film
Dan: would be like Men?
Dan: But instead it's like.
Gav: Sherry.
Gav: Sherry Moon is every character.
Dan: It's just called Sherry and every character
Dan: in it.
Dan: There's a bloke, there's a kid.
Gav: Somebody please make that movie right now
Gav: with AI.
Dan: Sherry Moon is every character in a village
Dan: and a man gets lost there.
Dan: Eli Roth turns up in the village and
Dan: everyone knows Sherry Moon.
Gav: Speaking of AI, I have turned to chat GBT
Gav: now, where before I was a bit like chat
Gav: what?
Gav: I couldn't get the letters right when you
Gav: turned me.
Gav: I'm in there now.
Gav: I'm on it.
Gav: I'm on it.
Gav: It's so good, it's interesting isn't it.
Gav: It's so amazing what you can do with it.
Gav: Very, very helpful tool.
Dan: Well, I've got to say, Gav it is basket
Dan: case is a big deformed thumbs up.
Dan: For me it's a big deformed raw sausage in
Dan: my basket.
Gav: Yes.
Dan: What about you?
Gav: I don't know what has to be raw.
Gav: It's just a boxbark in a way.
Dan: Well, it's because we're talking about raw
Dan: sausage.
Dan: Your opinions on body horror aside, try and
Dan: leave those aside.
Dan: What do you think of this overall?
Dan: Is it a thumbs up or a thumb stain?
Gav: Kind of it dragged for me.
Gav: It's a thumbs down for me OK.
Dan: Well, if you have seen basket case, we'd be
Dan: interested to know what you guys think.
Dan: It's one that people don't often talk about.
Dan: It wasn't quite a video nasty, but it was
Dan: probably quite close to it.
Dan: But if you have seen it, that's all right.
Dan: If you haven't seen it, go check it out,
Dan: but be warned it's a dirty and grimy.
Gav: If you see any, you can watch it and follow
Gav: up with greasy strangler for pudding.
Gav: Oh.
Dan: God Pudding Well talking of.
Dan: Drippy, drippy pudding.
Dan: Talking of drippy puddings, Bill Murray's
Dan: here and he has got his own rule sausage to
Dan: put on our baskets, because Bill Murray and
Dan: their drippy puddings.
Gav: Is that his?
Dan: band.
Dan: He's born a very nice tuxedo today Because
Dan: he's, you know, last couple of episodes
Dan: he's turned up in various gimp outfits.
Dan: So he's here today with a big list which is
Dan: going to pass to me so we can read out for
Dan: our world of the strange.
Dan: So, bill, if you're ready to lead us into
Dan: the world of the strange, please do so.
Dan: My friend, hi, welcome back to world of the
Dan: strange.
Trailer Voice: Oh, it's one of the New York strange.
Dan: Bill Murray, no stranger to New York.
Dan: He lives there, he loves New York, he's a
Dan: New Yorker through and through.
Dan: So, obviously, ghostbusters 1 and 2, both
Dan: shot in New York and, you know, set in New
Dan: York.
Dan: Yes, we are going to be talking about New
Dan: York for this world of the strange, and I
Dan: have got a list of urban legends that New
Dan: York is famous for, and we're going to go
Dan: through these, see if you've heard of them,
Dan: see what your thoughts are on them, and a
Dan: couple of them I can debunk for you as well.
Dan: Okay, okay.
Dan: So we talked about rats earlier, so the
Dan: first one on here is the rat problem in New
Dan: York.
Dan: Brilliant, apparently, there is one rat for
Dan: every human in New York.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: It's a lot of rats.
Dan: However, apparently that is no longer the
Dan: case.
Dan: They have sorted out their rat problem in
Dan: the last 20 years, but there are still an
Dan: awful lot of rats there.
Dan: I've seen that documentary and I'm sure you
Dan: have.
Dan: Where the guys are going around and they
Dan: sort of kick some trash cans, yeah, like 25
Dan: rats runs out.
Dan: It's just absolutely appalling.
Dan: But they do say one of the urban legends is
Dan: they do say you're never more than about
Dan: two foot from a rat when you're in New York.
Dan: And it turns me on, or me when I'm just
Dan: literally here.
Dan: Right there now, there you go.
Dan: Well, that was the first one.
Dan: It's not very interesting, but the second
Dan: one is.
Dan: The second one is, you might have heard of
Dan: him, Cropsy.
Dan: Yes, You've all heard of Cropsy.
Dan: Cropsy is a maniac who snatches children on
Dan: Staten Island and kills them with his hook
Dan: hand or an ice pick or an axe Depends on
Dan: your version of the story and that's kind
Dan: of the basis for a lot of things, like I
Dan: know what he did last summer Candyman.
Dan: A lot of these slashes come from this.
Dan: Now there's even been a Cropsy film made
Dan: and he's not real, apparently.
Dan: But there was an employee at a state school
Dan: on Staten Island it was a school for
Dan: children with disabilities and he was
Dan: convicted of kidnapping and potentially
Dan: harming children and that's where it came
Dan: from.
Dan: And then, apparently, that school shut down
Dan: and if you go back there now and you say
Dan: something like if you say Cropsy, five
Dan: times, you'll come and get you or something
Dan: like that Will he now.
Dan: He maybe will.
Gav: How has this been proven?
Gav: Because surely, if they've been killed and
Gav: we said it, how's the person who said that
Gav: this happened?
Dan: Someone tick-tocked themselves as they did
Dan: it.
Gav: Did they now?
Dan: Yeah, but I don't know.
Dan: We've all heard of Cropsy, though.
Dan: It is an interesting one, and a city like
Dan: New York is going to have a lot of urban
Dan: legends, and one of them's got to be some
Dan: kind of its own sort of Freddy Krueger type
Dan: killer, now something that New York is very
Dan: famous for, new York, new York, new York Is
Dan: Gab singing.
Gav: Is that a song?
Gav: Who sings it?
Gav: Jay-z the other teams are made up.
Dan: Yes, so New York is very, very famous for
Dan: its sewers, and we're going to be covering
Dan: more of that when we talk about Chud the
Dan: Edge, mutant Ninja Turtles.
Dan: Exactly Now, one of the things that New
Dan: York is very famous for, and its sewers, is
Dan: alligators.
Gav: Oh, and it's the alligator.
Gav: We covered that.
Dan: Yeah, although that isn't that set in
Dan: Chicago, but even so there is rumours that
Dan: people in the 60s and 70s had alligators as
Dan: pets and then when the law came in, the
Dan: dangerous animal law, and everybody got rid
Dan: of their monkeys and tigers, they flushed
Dan: them down the toilet.
Dan: Now in the UK this is true, because this is
Dan: why we have big cats living out in Cornwall
Dan: and Devon and they are real.
Dan: It's proven.
Dan: They are real.
Dan: It's because people got rid of their and I
Dan: use the term pet loosely because it was
Dan: like the early 80s they brought in this
Dan: little.
Dan: That said, actually it's really dangerous
Dan: to have a chimpanzee or a monkey or a tiger
Dan: as a pet.
Dan: But yes, so the rumour is that people would
Dan: flush their pets down the toilet.
Dan: And actually it's far back as 1932, the New
Dan: York Times reported an alligator was
Dan: sighted in the Bronx River and later on in
Dan: the 30s, some teenagers said they saw one
Dan: crawl out of a sewer and throughout the
Dan: years people still claim to see alligators.
Dan: The sewer workers that go down there say
Dan: they see all sorts and they've claimed to
Dan: see alligators living in the sewers.
Dan: It's never been proven.
Dan: But it's never not been proven either Garth,
Dan: and people do still have crazy pets in New
Dan: York.
Gav: There is a story tigers and shit.
Dan: Yeah, there was that story as a photograph.
Dan: You can look this up, guys listening.
Dan: A photograph of a fireman on a ladder.
Gav: Looking at it.
Dan: And there's a tiger coming out of the
Dan: bathroom window at him, like 20 stories up.
Dan: So somebody had a tiger in their 20 story
Dan: tiny apartment in Brooklyn and wondered why.
Dan: You know, it's gone a bit crazy.
Gav: It makes it Frank.
Gav: No, no, stop the ladder, frank, stop the
Gav: ladder.
Gav: Stop the ladder, it's getting closer to the
Gav: fucking tiger.
Trailer Voice: It's a tiger.
Gav: Just looking at you waiting for dinner.
Dan: But yeah, sewer alligators, man crazy.
Dan: We had the crocodile, the Bristol crocodile,
Dan: didn't we Do?
Trailer Voice: you remember what it is.
Dan: It's never proven and that story sort of
Dan: went away after a while.
Dan: But yeah, I think you always hear about
Dan: these things.
Dan: You hear about goldfish being flushed down
Dan: the toilet and mutating, or Ninja Turtles,
Dan: whoever you want to, whichever story you
Dan: want to go down.
Dan: Now here's a good one about some ghosts,
Dan: some ice skating ghosts.
Gav: Amazing.
Dan: Okay, so this is the story of the Vander
Dan: Vort sisters.
Dan: Now, they were spinsters in 1880 and they
Dan: died within a couple of months of each
Dan: other.
Dan: They were two crazy old ladies, didn't
Dan: speak to anybody other than themselves.
Dan: Sisters, and they died within a couple of
Dan: months of each other.
Dan: And people claim to this day even to spot
Dan: them, one in a red dress and one in a
Dan: purple dress, ice skating in Central Park,
Dan: on the ice rink, nice, in the middle of the
Dan: night, just skating.
Dan: And people say when they see them it's
Dan: always the same story their feet, they
Dan: don't have ice skates on, their feet,
Dan: aren't touching the ice, they're just
Dan: slightly floating above the ice.
Dan: Can you imagine seeing those two sisters?
Dan: I'd never heard of them.
Dan: So, the Vander Vort sisters if you're ever
Dan: in New York and you're in, I don't know why
Dan: you'd be in Central Park at the ice rink at
Dan: two in the morning, unless you're looking
Dan: to get mugged or murdered or worse.
Dan: Then yeah, look out for the Vander Vort
Dan: sisters.
Dan: They'll be ice skating silently, slightly
Dan: above the ice.
Gav: That's pretty cool.
Dan: Now let's skip from ghosts to pirates.
Dan: Splendid, we love pirates, arrr, arrr.
Dan: So we're talking about Captain Kid.
Dan: He was hanged in 1701 for piracy.
Gav: What is his shit name?
Dan: Captain William Kid.
Dan: He's rumoured to have stashed some pirate
Dan: treasure on Liberty Island.
Gav: Captain Kid sounds like a fucking rapper
Gav: from 2023, though he's got all the fucking
Gav: weird toes on his face.
Dan: Yeah, that's true.
Dan: So people have been searching Liberty
Dan: Island for this gold for centuries and no
Dan: one's ever found it.
Dan: I think it's probably not there if no one's
Dan: found it by now, but apparently some people
Dan: say they've seen pirate apparitions
Dan: guarding the area that the gold's supposed
Dan: to be in.
Dan: So I don't know.
Dan: Pirate gold, the goonies, that kind of
Dan: thing on Liberty Island.
Dan: It's cool, sounds cool.
Dan: These are all urban legends that New York
Dan: is famous for.
Gav: Another one there, all of them pretty cool
Gav: though.
Dan: They're all cool, aren't they?
Dan: What about?
Dan: You must have heard of this.
Dan: Next one, then, about people that have died
Dan: at the bottom of the Empire State Building
Dan: because someone's dropped a penny off the
Dan: top of the Empire State Building.
Gav: No, no, please tell me.
Dan: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Dan: So there is a rumour that if you drop a
Dan: penny or any coin off the top of the Empire
Dan: State Building, it'll build up such a
Dan: velocity that it will basically act as a
Dan: bullet by the time it gets to the bottom
Dan: and it will kill some people instantly.
Dan: But this has been proven by science to not
Dan: be possible.
Dan: It will hurt you.
Dan: It will really hurt you.
Gav: It wouldn't have.
Gav: I'll bet you it's because the direct course
Gav: it wouldn't have, direct course it'd be
Gav: going over.
Dan: Yeah, because it hasn't been fired out of a
Dan: gun.
Dan: So it's not real, but it's definitely
Dan: something I used to hear as a kid and in
Dan: fact even when I went to New York.
Dan: On the top of the Empire State Building,
Dan: you know, there's gates up and raining so
Dan: you could never throw anything off anyway.
Dan: But I even thought of it then I thought,
Dan: christ, imagine if I accidentally dropped
Dan: my like can of Coke and I killed someone
Dan: you know.
Dan: Wow, imagine that.
Dan: But that one has been debunked.
Dan: So I'm really sorry.
Dan: There is no such thing as a killer penny.
Dan: But what is real is the more.
Dan: There's a shit horror movie in it the
Dan: Killer Penny.
Gav: Killer walks all the way up to the top and
Gav: just drops a penny off.
Gav: It goes back down.
Dan: It sounds more like an episode of Columbo.
Dan: It sounds more like an episode of Columbo
Dan: to me Sarah's getting me the box out for
Dan: Christmas, Lucky boy so excited.
Gav: Yeah, fucking because for free, free.
Gav: They just fucking taking them all off.
Dan: Oh, I hate when they do that.
Gav: Fuckers.
Dan: So let's move on to something you touched
Dan: on, and that's the mole people, Don't tell
Dan: people oh yeah, the city of the mole people.
Gav: You can tell about the mole people I
Gav: touched.
Dan: Don't talk, don't touch my mole.
Trailer Voice: Oh.
Dan: Yeah, the city of mole people.
Dan: So in all the tunnels beneath New York City
Dan: there is a society, a city of people known
Dan: as the mole people, not because they look
Dan: like moles and they sort of scramble around
Dan: in the dirt, but because they live
Dan: underground.
Gav: This is what I was talking about earlier.
Dan: It's a documentary dog days.
Gav: Check it out.
Gav: It's really good.
Dan: It's really interesting and it's real.
Gav: There's all politics down there Because
Gav: they're like neighbors, legit, like you
Gav: know.
Gav: That's my space, that's your all space.
Gav: Don't come into my space.
Dan: But also part of that that it's not even an
Dan: urban legend, but part of that story is
Dan: what spawned Chud, because some of the
Dan: rumors were before it really got fully
Dan: investigated.
Dan: Some of the rumors were that these were
Dan: like deformed people that live down there
Dan: or cannibals, that kind of thing, so that
Dan: kind of inspired films like Chud.
Dan: But yeah, there is a whole city below a
Dan: city of people that.
Gav: It's not anymore, but yeah.
Dan: It's crazy, crazy, crazy.
Dan: Like Skid Row, but underground.
Gav: People down there like really trying to
Gav: like something, really trying to stay clean,
Gav: and they'd cook down there and have like
Gav: legit cleaning kitchen type of thing they
Gav: had made and you know there was apparently
Gav: a church.
Dan: There was doctors that lived down there.
Dan: It was like what's going on?
Dan: Yeah, Would you want to live under New York
Dan: City?
Gav: Well, it's rent-free but it comes with,
Gav: obviously, rape yeah.
Dan: Yeah, well, let's move on to another ghost
Dan: story, and I'm talking about the Hudson
Dan: River ghost ship.
Dan: So when New York was a very small village,
Dan: many, many years ago, there were reports of
Dan: a spooky ship seen floating on the Hudson
Dan: River.
Gav: Not a spooky ship seen floating on the
Gav: Hudson River.
Gav: Not a ship.
Dan: There was a lot of ships floating in the
Dan: river, but not a spooky one.
Gav: Because that ship is really creepy and
Gav: spooky, but a ship with a P.
Gav: Why would a ship be spooky though A turd?
Gav: How could a turd be spooky, do you think?
Dan: Um, could be sort of white to the ghostly
Dan: face.
Gav: Or it could have like a little fog around
Gav: it as it went.
Dan: Yeah, could be.
Dan: Maybe, Well, over many, many hundreds of
Dan: years.
Dan: People say that if you look carefully and
Dan: if there's enough fog.
Dan: So, basically, if you can't see properly,
Dan: if there's enough fog and it's quite dark,
Dan: you will see If you're short-sighted and
Dan: you take your glasses off and you poke
Dan: yourself in the eyes.
Dan: And you take some drugs.
Dan: Put a blindfold on, you will see the Hudson
Dan: River ghost ship floating around.
Dan: Now what I love about all of these is this
Dan: is all reminding me of like Ghostbusters
Dan: and Ghostbusters 2, and all the ghosts come
Dan: out, you know and start doing everything
Dan: Very much.
Gav: Ghostbusters 2, yeah.
Dan: Yeah, so that's that one and the last one.
Dan: You're going to love this last one.
Dan: This last one is called the Bermuda Car
Dan: Triangle Splendid.
Gav: Splendid.
Dan: Um, now you've heard of the obviously the
Dan: Bermuda Triangle.
Dan: Yeah, ships and planes disappear.
Dan: But in Manhattan there is a phenomenon
Dan: called the Bermuda Car Triangle, and it
Dan: only happened for one year, in 2008,.
Dan: There was a five-block radius near the
Dan: Empire State Building and any car that
Dan: would drive into it instantly broke down.
Gav: Wow, it's just Like a magnetic field going
Gav: on there or something.
Gav: It couldn't work it out.
Dan: And the funny thing is, tow trucks would
Dan: come in, take the car out and then, but
Dan: when it got out of the radius the car would
Dan: start back up again.
Gav: But how come the tow trucks are all right?
Dan: Well, this is the flaw in the story, isn't
Dan: it?
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: It was only cars, trucks, buses and other
Dan: things were fine, yeah, but it was a
Dan: phenomenon that people reported in 2008.
Dan: Right so, the Bermuda Car Triangle.
Dan: So that's my list of New York.
Dan: Oh, that's very good.
Gav: My favourite ones are I bet Bill liked it
Gav: because obviously he's a native.
Dan: He's telling me to say remember the time I
Dan: drove the Statue of Liberty using a
Dan: Nintendo controller.
Gav: That's a weird one.
Dan: Bill, my favourite out of all of these is
Dan: definitely sewer alligators.
Dan: I love a good sewer alligator.
Dan: Yeah, I love a good sewer alligator, not
Dan: when I shit ones, I also love Cropsy.
Dan: I love good Cropsy as well.
Dan: I love a good Cropsy story as well.
Dan: But, yeah, if you ever go to New York, go
Dan: have.
Dan: Yeah, definitely.
Gav: Watch out for these things, check them out
Gav: or watch out for them, whatever you fancy.
Dan: Don't drop your money off the top of the
Dan: Empire State Building, because it won't
Dan: kill anyone, but you'll be skinned.
Gav: Yeah Well, thank you, Bill Dan.
Dan: Bill.
Dan: Any thoughts on that?
Gav: No, we're not going to talk about that.
Gav: That's disgusting.
Gav: Take a saver.
Dan: Okay, let's head off here.
Gav: That's all the time we've got for this week.
Trailer Voice: on World of Strange Next week though gimme
Trailer Voice: iron Hairless pets Weird, we're.
Trailer Voice: Beneath the city of New York are living
Trailer Voice: catacombs, an endless maze of subterranean
Trailer Voice: tunnels unfit for anything human,
Trailer Voice: unauthorized for anything experimental and
Trailer Voice: unlikely to bring anyone down there.
Trailer Voice: So they're coming up.
Trailer Voice: Chud Chud, check your basement and your
Trailer Voice: bathroom, keep off the street and try to
Trailer Voice: hide, but remember the dark is their place,
Trailer Voice: the night is their time, and tomorrow the
Trailer Voice: only things living in the city of New York
Trailer Voice: will be Chud Chud, cannibalistic, humanoid
Trailer Voice: underground dwellers.
Trailer Voice: Chud, they're not staying down there
Trailer Voice: anymore.
Gav: Chud from 1984.
Gav: A bizarre series of sudden disappearances
Gav: on the streets of New York City seems to
Gav: point towards something unsavory like a
Gav: sausage roll living in the sewers.
Gav: I added that Like a sausage roll.
Gav: There's no sausage roll living in the
Gav: sewers.
Dan: Yeah.
Gav: Chud.
Gav: Funny enough, I and he's saying this for
Gav: the first time with Sarah last year and we
Gav: didn't get to the end because ten minutes
Gav: of the ending on Amazon Prime went and the
Gav: soundtrack just went like slow mo, like
Gav: proper slow mo, and I was like what the
Gav: fuck?
Gav: But I thought it was a stalled choice.
Gav: After a while I was like nah, robert Foster
Gav: has not.
Dan: No, he's an alligator An alligator.
Gav: I think of the dude in this, john Hurt.
Dan: John Hurt.
Dan: Kevin McCulloch has just had.
Gav: Yeah, it does not talk, it doesn't talk
Gav: like that, but anyway I was actually more
Gav: familiar and had on videotape and watched
Gav: it quite a lot Chud too.
Gav: But the Chud, yeah, take a type of
Gav: different type of movie, horror comedy,
Gav: where some college kids find it would be
Gav: good for a prank to take a corpse from the
Gav: medical school, the mortuary, and it
Gav: happened, and then revive it, I think, and
Gav: it happens to be, then classes Chud too.
Gav: Nothing like this.
Dan: Well, it wasn't really anything to do with
Dan: Chud.
Dan: No.
Dan: They just added that to the title and
Dan: turned it into a sequel.
Gav: Just used that yeah.
Dan: But yeah, we've seen that type of film lots
Dan: of times, haven't we?
Dan: Yeah, vamp, and there's a bunch of movies
Dan: where they two kids do a college prank and
Dan: then it all goes wrong.
Dan: There's a bunch the creeps.
Gav: Yeah, maybe that should be a subgenre.
Dan: Yeah, college pranks gone wrong.
Gav: Yeah.
Trailer Voice: So this one, yeah, Chud.
Gav: A cannabasic humanoid underground douelard.
Dan: Yeah, or contaminated.
Dan: What was the other thing that stands for
Dan: Contaminated?
Dan: There's another thing that stands for as
Dan: well, that they talk about in this.
Gav: It's a cool name, it's CHU Chud.
Gav: It's great for a video shot, that's for
Gav: sure.
Dan: Especially because you see the word and
Dan: then underneath it you see cannabasic,
Dan: humanoid underground douelard.
Dan: You think, ok, wow, does that tells me
Dan: everything I need to know?
Dan: The fact that then on the front cover there
Dan: was a little sewer peeking up, but instead
Dan: of a friendly Ninja Turtle peeking out, you
Dan: got these glowing eyes and a claw coming
Dan: out Again.
Dan: This is one of those ones.
Dan: I mentioned it earlier.
Dan: You see it in the video shot when you want
Dan: to know what that's about.
Dan: I was talking to our buddy, rj McCready,
Dan: about this earlier today and I said I've
Dan: got a bit of a story with this one because
Dan: it was one of the ones that I always wanted
Dan: to rent.
Dan: And then I feel bad that I tricked my mum
Dan: into renting it for me because she said oh
Dan: no, it's an 18.
Dan: I'm not going to let you watch that one.
Dan: And one afternoon I said to her please,
Dan: please, mum, I think it's related to the
Dan: Ninja Turtles.
Dan: Look at the front cover.
Dan: And she thought, oh, if it's got something
Dan: coming out of the sewer, then he's probably
Dan: right.
Dan: I watched it and I was kind of a bit scared
Dan: of watching it, but it's one that I
Dan: definitely saw as a kid probably a bit too
Dan: young and it's probably the better of the
Dan: two films that we're covering in this
Dan: episode.
Dan: But again it's got a really great plot, a
Dan: lot of political undertones in this to do
Dan: with the underground, the homeless people
Dan: the Uppies Real life.
Gav: pixie in it.
Dan: Real life pixie.
Dan: As a lady, it looks like a pixie, oh, yes,
Dan: yes, she does a bit, doesn't she?
Gav: Well, it looks like a pixie.
Gav: I could get my head around last time with
Gav: Brian May's hair, and this time it's a
Gav: pixie, and it's got a fantastic score as
Gav: well, a really memorable score.
Gav: I wouldn't say memorable, but I'd say
Gav: unique and interesting.
Dan: Yeah, it's got its own score like you, sort
Dan: of its own motif, and it's got some good
Dan: acting in it.
Dan: And let's talk about those actress briefly,
Dan: john.
Gav: Goodman very quickly just thrown that in
Gav: there just the first time I ever roll as a
Gav: cop not acting fairly decent actually.
Dan: But not of an ice cop either.
Gav: A bit of a bit of a.
Gav: But, then gets killed straight away.
Gav: But you only just see a slight reaction,
Gav: that's it.
Gav: But just go just through that in there like
Gav: that.
Dan: And then we get a bit of a home alone
Dan: reunion, because we've got Marv from home
Dan: alone, one of the burglars, daniel Stern as
Dan: the sort of the ambassador for the homeless
Dan: people, and then you've got John Hurd,
Dan: kevin McAllister's dad, who is a
Dan: photographer in New York, and they sort of
Dan: team up along with another guy called
Dan: Captain Bosch.
Gav: Bosch, who is really badly cast.
Gav: He's a great character, though.
Dan: He's not good, he's not well cast, he is
Dan: like a poor man's Tom Atkins.
Gav: It's just, he has nothing going on.
Gav: It's very like.
Dan: I like him, though I really like the
Dan: character.
Dan: I don't know.
Dan: He's probably my favorite character, isn't
Dan: it?
Gav: I don't know, so I don't know, he like
Gav: Christopher George or something.
Dan: But yeah, so he plays Christopher.
Dan: Sorry, he's played by Christopher Curry.
Dan: So you've got three main guys, and then
Dan: you've got also got Lauren, who is Daniel
Dan: Hurd's girlfriend, who's a model as well.
Dan: So we've got a good little cast in this
Dan: great plot and there's a lot of political
Dan: undertones, like I say, a lot of commentary
Dan: on class, the yuppies, all that kind of
Dan: stuff going on it is interesting, speaking
Dan: of the cast, that there is a couple of
Dan: people in it who well, three people really
Dan: gone on to have big acting careers yeah,
Dan: like John Goodman as well.
Gav: I know that's very much just almost a cameo,
Gav: but it's quite interesting where that came
Gav: from and that must be in the production or
Gav: the cast and agents or whatever.
Gav: But not bad, you know.
Dan: And they play very different characters to
Dan: where they end up.
Dan: You know they all end up going into sort of
Dan: family comedies.
Dan: A lot of those go, apart from John Goodman.
Dan: So yeah, it's cool.
Dan: I really like it.
Dan: There was a sequel that we just touched
Dan: about.
Dan: There's nothing to do with this one.
Dan: So if you're going to watch Bud the Chud
Dan: and that's a great title, bud the Chud, but
Dan: it's nothing to do with this this is about
Dan: things living underground and this taps
Dan: into that underground in the sewers thing,
Dan: but also it taps into the mutated radiation
Dan: type thing as well, which was big in the
Dan: big in the fifties actually, but also came
Dan: back a little bit in the seventies and
Dan: eighties with deformed creatures.
Dan: Now the spoiler spoiler here straight away
Dan: is is that these creatures are actually the,
Dan: the homeless people that the government
Dan: have mutated by dumping loads of chemicals
Dan: underground and radioactive waste and over
Dan: the course of however many years, these
Dan: poor homeless people have turned into these
Dan: cannibalistic, humanoid underground
Dan: dwellers that the government then trying
Dan: cover up.
Dan: So again, it's like kind of bit of an
Dan: anti-government punk vibe to it, which was
Dan: very new york in the early 80s punk,
Dan: anti-government, anti-establishment.
Gav: So he's an ate, his fucking New York
Gav: government.
Dan: Yeah, fuck him, fuck the man.
Dan: So we start off with the score which I
Dan: mentioned and we start off with a dog, a
Dan: lady walking your dog in the middle of the
Dan: night I don't know why she's out late
Dan: walking her dog.
Gav: Yeah, it's a big, big, wide open shot of an
Gav: empty road.
Gav: It looks quite nice actually.
Dan: And we see a sewer lid slide open and a
Dan: claw grabs her ankle.
Dan: She screams dog, runs off.
Dan: Title card chud, chud.
Dan: There we are.
Dan: Now that lady is someone that will come
Dan: back, because it turns out that she's
Dan: actually the wife of Captain Bosch Bosch,
Dan: bish, bash, bosch.
Dan: So, but we'll find that out in a few scenes
Dan: time.
Dan: So there we go.
Dan: There's your first bit.
Dan: All that's left of her is a shoe.
Gav: We see lots of the streets in New New York
Gav: now in a day time and a trash lorry when
Gav: the brushes are outside the streets
Gav: Sweepers.
Dan: Sweepers.
Gav: It's going along.
Gav: We follow that for a little while actually.
Dan: Yeah, and it sweeps up the lady's shoe Last
Dan: bit of evidence that she was ever there and
Dan: her shoe's gone.
Dan: We see all the homeless people.
Dan: We see Kevin McCullis's dad who's a really
Dan: annoying photographer.
Gav: Who's such like egotistical stuck up is any
Gav: arse.
Dan: He's got this, so basically his story is
Dan: that I'm an artist.
Dan: Yeah, he's an artist and he's got this
Dan: project that he's doing on the homeless
Dan: people of New York and he's got a
Dan: relationship with some of them as well and
Dan: he's friends with them.
Dan: They let him into his world and he takes
Dan: these sort of documentary pictures, but no
Dan: one's interested in that at the moment.
Dan: People just want to pay him to take
Dan: pictures of models naked and so he does
Dan: that to make his money.
Dan: But when he's doing it, you know, even when
Dan: his girlfriend is doing a perfume
Dan: advertisement, he's still really sort of
Dan: against it all and he's like man, this
Dan: isn't what I'm here to do, I'm here to take.
Dan: You know, I'm here to document the world.
Gav: I tried to figure out this.
Gav: He's done that.
Gav: But I guess on the side she says we take
Gav: photos for me, or he, I think it would be.
Gav: He's been like, look, if you're doing any
Gav: pictures where you're taking clothes off or
Gav: anything like that, I'm the one.
Gav: But then he's like oh, what are we doing
Gav: today?
Gav: Oh, are we doing today ones?
Gav: We take them off.
Gav: That means he's a dog for a time, but does
Gav: that mean when she gets the gig, when her
Gav: agent gets her the gig, does she go?
Gav: The only tipplation is that my boyfriend
Gav: has to take his photos.
Gav: Do you know what I mean?
Gav: That's a bit of a company to be like no,
Gav: fuck off.
Dan: What could?
Gav: it be.
Dan: It could just be that they, either someone
Dan: else, do have their own photographer as
Dan: well, so it could be that, but also it
Dan: could just be that they move in the similar
Dan: circles it could be, I don't know.
Gav: Might be just as a package.
Gav: You just do these gigs, but he's so like
Gav: I'm fucking the shit and it's just he can't
Gav: see past in this bit like, oh, come on, man,
Gav: it's very childish actually, in the way.
Dan: But the first time he talks to his
Dan: girlfriend she is putting makeup on her
Dan: bottom because she's got a pimple on her
Dan: butt.
Dan: Cheek.
Dan: Yep and he's laughing at her and she says
Dan: I've got to go off and I'm gonna have my
Dan: butt photographed today so I can't have a
Dan: pimple on there.
Dan: He's got a phone, so and she says where's
Dan: my jewellery?
Dan: And he says what?
Dan: It's in the basement.
Dan: She says what?
Dan: So you've brought all your photographic
Dan: equipment up here because they've just
Dan: moved into this apartment, but you haven't
Dan: brought up any of mine.
Dan: He's just like go get it yourself.
Dan: He's a bit of a dick.
Gav: Yeah, and he's got a deadline as a phone
Gav: message for him, because he doesn't answer
Gav: the phone because he's too big for that,
Gav: and he's got a deadline, which just do
Gav: keeps hassling him for through the out of
Gav: the film.
Dan: And she goes to the basement.
Gav: He's an artist, don't you know?
Dan: Don't you know?
Dan: She goes to the basement to collect her
Dan: jewellery and she hears a scratching sound
Dan: coming from a grating so are the fucking
Dan: rats up here.
Dan: The rats above cams head.
Gav: Scratchy, scratchy.
Gav: There's a chance we might hear them at some
Gav: point.
Dan: And then her neighbour outside.
Dan: Her neighbour sees something in the trash
Dan: pile moving and screams, so we get the
Dan: sense that there's definitely something
Dan: under the ground.
Dan: Already Cut to the police headquarters, the
Dan: cop shop, and Captain Bosch is there, and
Dan: there's more and more reports coming in of
Dan: missing people.
Dan: But because they're homeless people they
Dan: don't really keep too much of a track of
Dan: them, and in fact some of the police say
Dan: it's not that important though, if a few
Dan: homeless people go missing, is it?
Gav: We've skipped past short-short-head Pixie
Gav: lady.
Dan: Of course, sorry, I do apologise.
Gav: Yeah, it's her his neighbour.
Dan: She's the one that sees the trash pile,
Dan: yeah she does look like a Pixie.
Dan: Little Pixie.
Dan: Yeah, she's the landlady of the whole
Dan: building, isn't she?
Gav: Oh is she.
Dan: Yeah, so the police basically don't really
Dan: care that they don't really care that all
Dan: these people are going missing.
Dan: But Captain Bosch he's been good captain
Dan: that he is he suspects there's more to this
Dan: story and actually we find out his wife's
Dan: been missing for a day and she was the lady
Dan: at the beginning who was dragged into the
Dan: sewer by a chud, excuse me.
Dan: So he goes to his captain and he says look,
Dan: I know you think that it doesn't count, but
Dan: there's so many underground people that are
Dan: moving that are disappearing and vanishing.
Dan: I think there's more to this.
Dan: We've got to investigate this, actually
Dan: make a horror version of the Wombles.
Dan: I did not expect you to come out with that,
Dan: rob zombies, the Wombles, wombles, rob
Dan: Wombles.
Trailer Voice: Rob.
Gav: Wombles.
Gav: I'm gonna change my name to Rob Wombles.
Dan: Brilliant, hi, I'm Robert Wombles.
Dan: Nice to meet you.
Dan: Um, do you think like when he goes places,
Dan: people are like, oh, mr Zombie, nice to
Dan: meet you.
Gav: Yeah yeah, they can.
Gav: After that he's good of.
Gav: I presume he's changed his name legit.
Gav: What dickhead To show.
Gav: Moon zombie, moon zombie, yeah.
Dan: Oh god, how do we always come up to back to
Dan: Rob Zombie?
Dan: I don't know but bless them.
Gav: They're doing whatever they want and
Gav: they're happy.
Dan: So they bring this crazy homeless man in
Dan: and they interview him and Captain Bosch is
Dan: speaking to him and he says come on, tell
Dan: me what's going on.
Dan: Then he says creatures, there's creatures
Dan: underground.
Dan: And he just pulls out this big, giant knife
Dan: in the middle of the police station and
Dan: starts stabbing it into the table and
Dan: rather than sort of shoot him or arrest him,
Dan: they sort of will just back off and go oh
Dan: gosh, he's got a bit of a story to tell,
Dan: hasn't he?
Gav: Doesn't feel like the typical film American
Gav: cop we would see in here is trigger happy.
Dan: So, george, who is John Hurd, who is Kevin
Dan: Macalester's dad, he's got a relationship
Dan: with this person and he bells them out.
Dan: I love.
Gav: You had to explain to three different
Gav: categories of people there the home alone
Gav: fans.
Dan: The people who know him by his acting name
Dan: and his character in this.
Dan: He bells her out because he's got a bit of
Dan: relationship with her and you know she's.
Dan: He takes photos of her, which all sounds
Dan: very creepy, but he's doing it for his sort
Dan: of documentary sort of thing, that he's
Dan: doing his project.
Dan: And she says, like what, what were you
Dan: doing?
Dan: Why did you get arrested?
Dan: She says, oh, I tried to take that cop's
Dan: gun.
Dan: I need it for self-defense.
Dan: There's things going on underground that
Dan: you know all us guys, as homeless guys, we
Dan: need weapons.
Dan: So guns, knives, anything we can we need to
Dan: defend ourselves.
Dan: So he says well, look, let me walk you back
Dan: to the cave that you live in, like the
Dan: opening to the entrance to the underground
Dan: bit.
Dan: So while they're walking along, another cop
Dan: starts following him because he suspects
Dan: hmm, why is he belled her out?
Dan: This is all a bit weird.
Dan: I'm going to follow this guy and see what's
Dan: going on.
Gav: Before be very, very, very, very quick,
Gav: jumping back very much.
Gav: Daniel Stern is talked to by old Dick Dick,
Gav: whatever his name is.
Dan: His name is Captain Bosch.
Gav: his name is Captain Bosch is talked to and
Gav: he explains to him that I've got a group of
Gav: people I've not seen recently, the homeless
Gav: group.
Gav: It's like 12 of them I've not seen for like
Gav: two weeks.
Gav: They come up here every day for soup and I
Gav: have not seen them.
Gav: And it's only my underground people.
Gav: Do you understand?
Gav: Only the underground ones?
Dan: so that mystery element is thrown in there
Dan: as well, yeah, because he he's called the
Dan: Reverend Daniel Stern because he's a bit of
Dan: a like a cult leader.
Gav: he basically he's doing good deal as
Gav: detectives, like kind of like what you're
Gav: up to and merely.
Gav: I don't know his backstory but the text is
Gav: like a bit of a dick at first.
Dan: Yeah, but then he realizes all this guy is
Dan: trying to do is feed these, these homeless
Dan: people, and he knows them all so well.
Dan: He knows that some of them don't like to
Dan: come out, so he leaves like sandwiches in
Dan: certain holes for them in the ground so
Dan: that they can come and eat it and stuff.
Gav: He's a good guy and he's those rats and
Gav: have them straight away.
Dan: They would.
Dan: The chuds will definitely eat them.
Dan: Basket case well probably puts me like a
Dan: thing.
Dan: What would happen if basket case and chud
Dan: sort of bumped into each other at a tunnel
Dan: under New York?
Dan: I actually think basket case might win.
Gav: Maybe he's a bit of a psycho.
Dan: But yeah, you're right.
Dan: He tells him it's only the people that live
Dan: underground, the other homeless people that
Dan: live on the streets.
Dan: They're not disappearing.
Dan: It's like the people underground.
Dan: So this is also untied together now.
Dan: But yeah, so going back to Ruru sorry,
Dan: you're right, I did jump ahead a little bit
Dan: there so he walks her back to her thing and
Dan: they go through some tunnels together and
Dan: Kevin McAllister's like oh god, why am I
Dan: crawling for all this shit?
Gav: The dude the reason they go down there.
Gav: Well, they get to.
Gav: I think the dude's got the real bad cup
Gav: where they get to when they get to that
Gav: point, he's got a whitest teeth ever for a
Gav: homeless man yeah so what the fuck?
Dan: Well, they go through lots of tunnels, some
Dan: big, some tiny.
Dan: We see lots of different people living
Dan: underground.
Gav: Boss says.
Gav: He says why have you got such an interest
Gav: in this man?
Gav: And Boss says like uh, my wife, she went
Gav: missing.
Dan: Yeah, that's right, and they've met.
Dan: They also meet Victor, who's under ground
Dan: with the injury he's got pretty bad.
Dan: He says if you've got a gun, I want a gun.
Dan: His leg is really fucked because he's been
Dan: attacked by a chud although we don't know
Dan: what they're called at this point but he's
Dan: been attacked.
Dan: So yeah, boss, his wife is missing and they
Dan: start to discuss this EPA probe, which is
Dan: the Environmental Protection Agency's
Dan: investigation that's been going on.
Dan: Now.
Dan: It should have only gone on for two weeks,
Dan: but it's been going on for about six weeks.
Dan: So the government obviously think there's
Dan: more under New York than just, you know,
Dan: the usual two weeks, make sure there's
Dan: nothing bad under there, which they do once
Dan: a year, and that's it.
Gav: They find a gaga counter and pick it up and
Gav: it goes off the chain.
Gav: It's a bit like straight away, like get the
Gav: fuck out of here, let's go.
Dan: I love this team up now where you've got
Dan: this like leader of the homeless guys and
Dan: Captain.
Gav: Boss, I just wish the detective was better
Gav: at the cast.
Dan: I know what you mean but that side is it's
Dan: a cool little detective story almost this
Dan: part of it really you know there's a murder
Dan: mystery.
Dan: You're like what's happened then?
Gav: why is there a guy behind the set?
Gav: It's a shame because it could have been.
Gav: All the other castings pretty good.
Gav: Is it real shame?
Dan: Yeah, and then we end that scene with a
Dan: growling sound and they sort of get the
Dan: fuck out of there.
Dan: Now Kevin McAllister's model girlfriend
Dan: tells him she is pregnant and they discuss
Dan: it.
Dan: What do we do?
Dan: What do we do?
Dan: And she says, well, what do you want to do?
Dan: He's like, well, I want to keep it.
Dan: And she's like, well, then, we'll keep it.
Dan: So they're very happy.
Gav: Yeah, he ain't going to give a fuck about
Gav: that kid.
Gav: I'm too, busy.
Gav: I'm taking pictures.
Gav: He is not going to give a shit and they are
Gav: going to break up.
Gav: That's there.
Gav: I've seen it.
Gav: Seen it in the cards already.
Dan: So we get a little bit of backstory for
Dan: those two there.
Dan: So we now know that she is pregnant, so we
Dan: get that extra little bit of vulnerability
Dan: for her character throughout this film
Dan: early stages but even so, she's still
Dan: pregnant.
Dan: Cut to an old man and a little girl, which
Dan: sounds weird, but let me yeah they get,
Dan: they get lost.
Dan: They're lost in New York, like home alone
Dan: too.
Dan: And they go in a phone booth and he rings
Dan: up whoever he's calling and says look,
Dan: we're lost, we don't know where we are.
Dan: Can you come and collect us?
Dan: I'm I've got my granddaughter with me here.
Dan: Can somebody come and help us please?
Dan: And while this is happening she spots the
Dan: little girl, spots a chud coming out of the
Dan: sewers, and she's scared, but before she
Dan: can say anything to her grandpa, we see its
Dan: face, yeah, very quickly.
Dan: It's great, though looks good yeah, it's
Dan: got like bright yellow eyes, that sort of
Dan: go in different directions.
Dan: Yeah, I was into it.
Dan: It's like a cross between Nosferatu and I
Dan: don't know.
Dan: Really, it's just very slimy looking
Dan: monster, looks good.
Dan: Not what I remembered them looking like as
Dan: well.
Dan: In my head they're more like the basket
Dan: case, but they're not.
Dan: They're actually like well, humanoid,
Dan: cannibalistic, humanoid underground
Dan: dwellers.
Dan: Um so yeah, another death, uh.
Dan: And then we the little girl was in the
Dan: police station and they're saying bosh,
Dan: this man, this old, this little girl, says
Dan: a monster ate her grandfather.
Dan: And he's like what right, we're going to
Dan: start a search immediately.
Dan: And he springs into action and he starts a,
Dan: you know, assembling a crew of people and
Dan: they're looking at him like one earth.
Dan: Why is he so into this?
Dan: story about a monster avengers assemble
Dan: chud chud basher is assembled chud basher
Dan: that could be another thing um, at school,
Dan: when I was, uh, at school, if someone was a
Dan: bit of a sort of, if you wanted to call
Dan: someone a name, you'd sort of go oh, you're
Dan: such a chud, you need to call people chuds.
Dan: Oh, really, you're such a chud.
Dan: Same, same sort of time as we used to call
Dan: people stig dweeb, and we call people
Dan: dweebs, dorks, chuds, all these sort of
Dan: things dickheads gribo, that is all oh, we
Dan: never really had gribo, yeah gribo, we
Dan: didn't have that one it stuck for one of my
Dan: friends, though he's still called gribo.
Dan: Hope it's now funny enough oh, poor guy, is
Dan: he cannibalistic don't know is he?
Gav: humanoid last time, I'm sorry cruised, oh
Gav: so, yeah.
Dan: So captain boss brings into action and, um,
Dan: he goes to talk to marv again from home
Dan: alone and he says um, marv says right,
Dan: that's it, we're going to go and speak to
Dan: the man.
Dan: We need to present some evidence to city
Dan: office and tell them about all these
Dan: homeless people that are missing and that
Dan: there's more to this story than meets the
Dan: eye.
Dan: And now a grandfather's been killed as well.
Dan: And boss says yeah, don't forget my wife as
Dan: well.
Dan: They're like right, let's go, let's go to
Dan: city hall and tell them about this.
Dan: And they're going to show the geiger
Dan: counter as well and explain about the
Dan: radioactivity.
Dan: It gets very, very tense, but they're not.
Dan: They're kind of their story isn't really
Dan: fully listened to, as you would expect.
Dan: It's kind of like when the ghostbusters go
Dan: speak to the mayor yeah it's that kind of
Dan: story.
Dan: No one's interested in it.
Dan: Uh, meanwhile, loren and george celebrating
Dan: their um pregnancy by having some champagne
Dan: in the park.
Dan: Probably not a good idea for her to be
Dan: drinking, to be honest, but it was the 80s
Dan: yeah 80s different rules.
Dan: And while they're having their picnic, a
Dan: reporter sneaks up on them and says mr
Dan: wayscote from before yeah, he says listen,
Dan: I need to speak to you.
Dan: The police have been tailing you and they
Dan: want to know what your connection to these
Dan: homeless people is.
Dan: There's a story at work here.
Dan: I'm a reporter and there's something going
Dan: on with the homeless people going missing.
Dan: It's something to do with radioactive waste,
Dan: but they want to hide the evidence.
Dan: They want, don't want, anyone to know about
Dan: it.
Dan: You interested, you interested, mm-hmm.
Dan: He says I want to know all about these bums,
Dan: bums, oh yeah, the homeless people.
Dan: Yeah, not your bum, it's the bottom.
Dan: You perked my interests.
Dan: I want to know about your bum.
Dan: He says we think it's something nuclear,
Dan: it's.
Dan: It's always something's going down.
Dan: So he peaks kevin mcconnell's interest here,
Dan: because he's, although he's a photographer,
Dan: he's a bit of a a journalist as well, isn't
Dan: he?
Dan: He kind of documents what's going on with
Dan: these homeless people and he's got an
Dan: interest in it as well.
Dan: So he thinks, hmm, okay, maybe I'll, maybe
Dan: I'll listen to this reporter and see what's
Dan: going on.
Dan: Yeah, so back in the office they're
Dan: discussing the sightings of a monster.
Dan: Now they've got all the the mayor and all
Dan: of the people from high up in the city and
Dan: in this room you've got captain bosh and
Dan: then a homeless looking guy boy with a
Dan: suitcase full of weird photos.
Gav: You're not going to listen to what these
Gav: guys are saying, that they're telling you
Gav: there's monsters under the city no you're
Gav: not, so you've got to admire bosh for
Gav: trying it's a bit weird way things I'll
Gav: take this home is doing with me.
Gav: It's going to help well, they.
Dan: So, um they.
Dan: He finds the file, because marv kicks off
Dan: and he runs out the office and he finds the
Dan: bosh finds a file with chud written on the
Dan: top of it and he says what is this?
Dan: What's this about?
Dan: Cannibalistic, humanoid, underground
Dan: dweller, what earth is this?
Dan: Um?
Dan: And they take bosh down to a mortuary and
Dan: say, look, this is just between you and us,
Dan: but this is, this is a creature that we
Dan: think is killed some people.
Dan: And it's pretty cool, because you don't see
Dan: the creature really.
Dan: You see in reflection of his hazmat suit,
Dan: don't you?
Gav: oh, because it all goes a bit predator too.
Gav: They just send these guys down there and
Gav: they're.
Gav: They're up on a screen watching them.
Dan: It's so predator too oh yeah, but that
Dan: that's in just a moment.
Dan: Yeah, okay, sorry.
Gav: Before that, though, marv is outside and
Gav: he's trying to make a phone call oh, you
Gav: mean when they go down they say they've
Gav: caught one, and they go down and they
Gav: actually look at it.
Dan: Yeah yeah, that's, very much.
Gav: Yeah, it's just a reflection of it, yeah
Gav: and.
Dan: But while while that's going on, there's a
Dan: weird moment where marv is trying to make a
Dan: phone call but because he's been tailed by
Dan: these like fbi guys, one of them just takes
Dan: them the penny off of him so he can't put
Dan: it in the phone uh, the payphone and he
Dan: just swallows the coin.
Dan: It doesn't say anything bosh's guys.
Gav: Yeah, yeah, because the reason why,
Gav: basically, bosh is told not to send any
Gav: guys down there, because he goes okay, just
Gav: sends the people down and he goes whoa,
Gav: how'd you know, that's the only one.
Gav: And he goes no, no, no, no, it's fine, it's
Gav: fine he said.
Dan: He said he's the only one, don't worry, gas
Dan: choke on gas, so be fine.
Dan: So just send all guys go down there.
Gav: So then bosh bosh is all like, uh, all
Gav: sneaky like, and gets his group of men's
Gav: down there already yeah, because he says
Gav: I'm a commando team.
Dan: He says I want to send a crack unit down
Dan: there with flamethrowers, not just like
Dan: with guns what if there is gas, though?
Gav: isn't that really a bad idea?
Gav: Yes, it's.
Dan: I want to send them with flamethrowers.
Gav: I don't want them wearing shell suits
Gav: anything like go home, go home, go direct
Gav: traffic bosh don't worry, they'll have a
Gav: canary with them.
Dan: Um, he wants to send them down that's why
Dan: they've got the gas masks.
Dan: He says, just in case there's more than one
Dan: of them, because he now knows that there's
Dan: definitely at least one one of these
Dan: monsters.
Dan: But they overrule him and say, no, that's
Dan: not happening.
Dan: Yeah we're sending out, don't send down
Dan: down flamethrowers there's, they've got gas
Dan: masks, because there's gas so it's a good
Dan: little chest move here now because they
Dan: override him and they say we've got our own
Dan: men going down there now.
Dan: And while they're down there on their their
Dan: video cameras, suddenly all of bosh's dudes
Dan: show up with flamethrowers and they're like
Dan: who are these guys?
Dan: And he's like they're my men.
Dan: And they're like no, no, you can't have
Dan: them down here.
Dan: And he says they're not happy about, we're
Dan: not happy with bosh, what you're gonna do
Dan: about it yeah, we're already here, but
Dan: again, though, there's a reason.
Gav: There's gas.
Gav: Flamethrower is bad.
Gav: I don't think we've written till now.
Dan: Ridiculous, what well, he says to them what
Dan: are you gonna do?
Dan: Your men have got video cameras, my men
Dan: have got flamethrowers brilliant you would
Dan: win so, yeah, it has gone all predator two
Dan: really has um.
Gav: One thing those cameras would be really
Gav: fucking heavy, yeah.
Gav: Another thing is you'd need a long cable.
Gav: It's 1984.
Gav: You're not talking about a little pocket
Gav: phone you're not transmitting it yeah and
Gav: if you are, it's gonna take run off so much
Gav: battery.
Gav: You'd need the electric probably, so it's
Gav: good, probably wired yeah well they they.
Dan: They actually come across a chud and they
Dan: burn it um, but it seems to survive the
Dan: fire, um, and it starts killing the
Dan: cameraman.
Dan: It's a bit like aliens as well.
Gav: The camera shut off it's funny because this
Gav: is before aliens yeah that's kind of cool
Gav: actually, um, and then there's camera
Gav: signal, probably because of all the leads,
Gav: I'm guessing probably yeah.
Dan: I need really long leads.
Dan: Well, they take this footage of these men
Dan: dying back to city hall and say right, I
Dan: told you there was something going on down
Dan: there.
Dan: There's creatures down there.
Dan: They've just killed a bunch of government
Dan: officials.
Dan: Uh, I want permission to go to war against
Dan: these chuds, these cannibalistic humanoid
Dan: underground dwellers to war yeah, I want to
Dan: go to war much.
Dan: Um now, george Kevin McAllister, dad, he
Dan: realizes someone's broken into his
Dan: apartment while all this is going on
Dan: because, in order to get the evidence they
Dan: needed, marv and captain Bosch Bosch have
Dan: broken into his apartment and stolen stolen,
Dan: all the photos of homeless people.
Dan: So he's aware, the hell are all my photos.
Dan: This is crazy.
Dan: And he says to his girlfriend have you seen
Dan: them?
Dan: She's like no, I don't know where they are.
Dan: And he's like well, someone's broken into
Dan: our apartment.
Dan: Marv and Bosch meet up again.
Dan: Bosch, big Bosch, stop saying this.
Dan: I'll help you if you're drinking while you
Dan: listen.
Dan: Every time gav says Bosch in this
Dan: particular way please take a swig.
Dan: Uh.
Dan: So Bosch tells marv about the monster
Dan: autopsy and says I've seen one of them.
Dan: They're real.
Dan: They showed me the body.
Dan: Um, this is, this is real and I'm getting,
Dan: I'm putting together a war.
Gav: I'm getting a war started against these
Gav: chud things underground and marv's like
Gav: it's like a jaws moment where they go right,
Gav: let's just go down there now.
Gav: So, uh, let's go like out now in the water,
Gav: like in jaws, that one pump they're drunk
Gav: yeah let's do it, let's go, let's go, let's
Gav: go.
Dan: What now?
Dan: Yeah, okay, cool, um.
Dan: So they go to the sewer.
Dan: Meanwhile, while that's happening, george
Dan: and the reporters go to the sewer as well.
Dan: So they're going to go down there and find
Dan: out what's going on.
Dan: But the reporter gets killed by a chud chud
Dan: chud, chud, chud, chud, chud, chud, chud,
Dan: chud.
Dan: Um Bosch in city hall finds out that the
Dan: government are going to flood sewers with
Dan: gas and he's thinking I've got flame powers
Dan: down there.
Dan: This isn't good and what they're planning
Dan: to do is just gas them all, any that might
Dan: be left over.
Dan: But what they don't realize is is that the
Dan: reporter and marv are down there sorry
Dan: reporter and Kevin McCann is just out of
Dan: down there.
Dan: So they're going to kill some innocence as
Dan: well, as well as all the homeless people
Dan: that live down there, and this is the point
Dan: that they don't care about the homeless
Dan: people no they just want to hide the
Dan: problem, hide the nuclear waste, hide the
Dan: mutation isn't hiding the problem the
Dan: government of the homeless, something
Dan: they've always done
Dan: yeah, really yeah.
Dan: Oh, gas, getting political guys.
Dan: Oh, anything else you want to say?
Dan: No, I love it.
Dan: Um, yeah, chud kills the reporter.
Dan: George runs off, um marv tries to find
Dan: another exit and he sees he accidentally
Dan: comes across like six chuds who seem to be
Dan: doing some kind of like ritual, like
Dan: they're praying or doing something.
Dan: They've got all got their arms up in the
Dan: air and they're also going uh um, yeah,
Dan: that's a really cool moment.
Gav: I wish I'd lingered on that for longer,
Gav: because he's really cool he peeps around
Gav: the corner, doesn't he's?
Dan: like 70s Italian and then he goes back and
Dan: then he sneaks out, but then he acts that
Dan: he makes a noise with his foot and they all
Dan: turn around so he runs off.
Dan: Uh, cut back to pregnant Lauren, who's
Dan: she's now found this trap door in her
Dan: basement.
Dan: She thinks hmm trap door oh good, there's
Dan: something down.
Dan: There was a.
Dan: There was an animated kid show.
Dan: For anyone who's not from the UK, there's
Dan: an animated kid show, uh claim to claim
Dan: motion yeah, claymation.
Dan: Stop motion animation about um.
Dan: It was called trap door and it's brilliant.
Dan: Each episode was only four minutes long and
Dan: it was about a guy called Burke, a big,
Dan: round blue creature, and he basically lived
Dan: in a castle with bones and a little skull
Dan: called bony um, and upstairs you never
Dan: heard what, you never saw him, but you only
Dan: ever heard his voice.
Dan: He always wanted feeding, so Burke would
Dan: have to get something at the trap door for
Dan: him.
Dan: In each episode, in every episode,
Dan: something would come out a different animal
Dan: creature, ghost, zombie whatever it was,
Dan: sort of get it back in it was brilliant.
Dan: It was so simple.
Dan: Yeah, that's it, that was it, but yeah,
Dan: that's what we were singing there.
Dan: Trap door, there's a bit on youtube, easy
Dan: to find.
Dan: Yeah, stoners, stoners, you love it but
Dan: yeah, she decides it's probably a good idea
Dan: to go down into this trap door underneath
Dan: her basement and she finds the dead dog
Dan: from the beginning of the film.
Dan: So she screams, she's not happy about it.
Dan: Um morning comes and Bosch and the cops
Dan: have been called out.
Dan: This is brutal.
Dan: Been called to the the docks because, uh,
Dan: someone's found a body it's right.
Dan: His acting doesn't make it a fit scene
Dan: brutal, so it's fine and as they get closer,
Dan: one of the cops says oh my god, it's his
Dan: wife's head, it's.
Gav: Bosch's wife's head, just that.
Gav: Oh, bosch isn't too bobbas it's fine.
Dan: Well, he is.
Dan: Because he goes straight to a bar and gets
Dan: absolutely shit-faced and the cops are like,
Dan: uh, should we just take you home soon?
Dan: He's like no, no, no, he's gonna have
Dan: another drink.
Dan: It's fine.
Gav: Um, meanwhile, Lauren calls it's better
Gav: than him sorry, uh.
Dan: Meanwhile, um, lauren calls the cops and
Dan: says there is a mutilated dog under my
Dan: basement.
Dan: Someone's put it there, please, it's
Dan: creeping me out, can someone come?
Dan: Um?
Dan: And while she's on the phone, something
Dan: creeps out of her trap door.
Dan: So because she feels a bit dirty, gav, and
Dan: because it's a 1984 film, she decides to go
Dan: and have a shower she's dirty, so I thought
Dan: the corner of her trap door she's dirty, so
Dan: she's gonna have a shower.
Dan: Yes, all sorts of wrong here so she's
Dan: having a lovely shower and suddenly the
Dan: shower plug seems to be clogged up, doesn't
Dan: it?
Dan: Yeah do you think so?
Dan: Yeah, I'll have to put my hands down here
Dan: and unclog this uh this train and loads of
Dan: blood fires out of the shower drain into
Dan: her face, but it's good always good blood
Dan: splurts in the face and here is john
Dan: goodman in the next scene in his first ever
Dan: film lection on a woman yeah, so he's a cop
Dan: with some other cops in a bit of a cafe.
Gav: He's got some quick, quick comebacks yeah.
Dan: She says, oh, you're really asking for it,
Dan: and he came up for it himself I'm not sure.
Dan: There's one point where he's really
Dan: flirting with the bum and serving them and
Dan: she says oh, you're really asking for it.
Dan: He says I've been asking for it all my life.
Dan: I just never get it.
Dan: It's like are you being a real pervert?
Dan: You're supposed to be a cop.
Dan: What's going on?
Dan: Well, anyway, he gets his comeuppance
Dan: because just before he can eat his
Dan: cheeseburger and say any more perverted
Dan: lines he reacts he reacts to something
Dan: that's it that's it.
Dan: Some chuds come in and they're massacred
Dan: all the cops.
Gav: We don't know that.
Dan: We don't see any of that we see that a bit
Dan: later on, yeah, so he's out unfortunately.
Dan: My note here says the chuds surround the
Dan: hamburger bar yeah that's exactly what
Dan: happens.
Gav: We just hear lots of screaming which, if
Gav: you're in there eating a hamburger, it's a
Gav: good burger.
Gav: You're like, man, this comes in top 10.
Gav: And you're like this is gonna be top five,
Gav: all bugs, and like this is gonna be top
Gav: three.
Gav: At that point, you're just going down to go.
Gav: Could this be top one?
Gav: At that point, chuds of attacking outside
Gav: do you not even looking?
Gav: Do you continue the burger?
Trailer Voice: are you?
Dan: do you harry you see, I'm can die happy
Dan: because I've eaten the best burger in new
Dan: york.
Dan: True true I don't care if he's chudging
Dan: then, then worry about it.
Dan: Worry about it with indigestion in a moment
Dan: now we get a real it's halion sort of style
Dan: scene next, with a little boy who is
Dan: playing in his apartment the same apartment
Dan: block that the chuds have come out of the
Dan: sewer's in and he hears banging on the door.
Dan: Something's trying to get in his apartment
Dan: and he thinks oh, I'll unlock it, but he
Dan: can't reach it.
Gav: No, and then his mum's like jimmy, jimmy,
Gav: come and get your dinner and I cross that
Gav: kid that kids could be running the street
Gav: as soon as he can he's never heard of
Gav: stranger danger, is he?
Dan: he's just he's getting in people's vans
Dan: left right in center for freeing off well,
Dan: he runs off to his dinner.
Dan: But then he runs back at the last minute
Dan: because he forgot his toy car.
Dan: But, um, luckily nothing happened.
Dan: And as he runs off into the other room, the
Dan: door bursts open and the chud's arms come
Dan: through.
Dan: So there's now a chud impression.
Dan: So there's now a chud bursting into his
Dan: apartment and probably other apartments in
Dan: the block as well.
Dan: Now, back at the diner, we see the
Dan: aftermath of the thing they never showed.
Dan: They showed us all the press are there, all
Dan: reporters, cops, and it's a blood bath.
Gav: There's blood everywhere, there's a radio
Gav: dj, like sort of saying over the top to
Gav: make the plot even a little bit more, like
Gav: well, what's going on here?
Gav: They're sort of saying like there's, uh,
Gav: there's, it's really weird, there's.
Dan: There's no bodies, there's no witnesses,
Dan: just blood everywhere yeah, and they sort
Dan: of say, oh, it's a gas.
Dan: I think it's a gas explosion.
Dan: Why?
Gav: is it gas every time?
Dan: it's like weather balloons, whenever
Dan: something happens to the government or like
Dan: it's a weather balloon it's like it's.
Gav: It's like uh uh aeroplane gag or something.
Gav: Do you know what I mean?
Gav: A bloome, don't gas.
Dan: Bloome, don't gas, it's just gas no, I saw
Dan: the chud, the chud, ate my leg in front of
Dan: me.
Dan: No, let's just gas.
Dan: It was gas.
Dan: It's just gas, my friend, just gas.
Dan: But yes, blood everywhere.
Dan: No bodies.
Dan: Meanwhile, george is still on the ground
Dan: and he finds lots and lots and lots of dead
Dan: bodies.
Dan: Um, I was half a homeless person.
Dan: You what?
Dan: Sorry?
Dan: Oh yeah, he finds half.
Dan: I thought you said I was half a homeless
Dan: person Months, I thought you were revealing
Dan: some which half.
Gav: It's like a sexual thing.
Gav: I get I sort of dress, half of me sort of
Gav: more, like more freddy clothes, sort of
Gav: different clothing.
Dan: I was once half of a Bandsome horse.
Dan: I was once half of a homeless person yeah,
Dan: great.
Dan: So the plan to pump the gas into the series
Dan: is still going ahead.
Dan: Bosch tries to stop it because he also
Dan: knows that his buddies are under them.
Dan: And Lauren sees all of this happening on
Dan: the news and they again.
Dan: They say a gas explosion is to blame for
Dan: all these dead cops in a grill bar.
Dan: No, is it, though?
Dan: Is it really?
Dan: Is it really so?
Dan: The chud start coming after Lauren, she
Dan: blocks the door, and then we cut back and
Dan: forth between her and what's going on at
Dan: the diner here and the surrounding area,
Dan: because the cops get killed.
Dan: George and Marr find some nuclear waste.
Dan: So this is the cause of it all.
Dan: Yep, and what's been happening for years is
Dan: that the government have just been chucking
Dan: all their nuclear waste under New York.
Dan: No, just not Not caring about what happens
Dan: to it, who it mutates into, a chud or
Dan: anything.
Dan: Don't care about giant alligators on
Dan: injured turtles or chuds living under the
Dan: sewers, don't care.
Dan: Don't care about the homeless people, but
Dan: they just they need to find a way to let
Dan: people know that they're underground.
Gav: Come back to Lauren's apartment and you can
Gav: really see the chuds like really clearly
Gav: here.
Gav: They look great.
Dan: Yeah, they're.
Dan: It is really good practical effects.
Dan: Mutant red eyes yeah, and it's a guy in a
Dan: suit, but just looks great.
Gav: One of them's head's going to really
Gav: stretch his fur out, which is really weird,
Gav: and she just gets a bat and just saw what
Gav: she gets something and she cuts it off.
Dan: She gets a samurai sword off of him Ah cool.
Dan: And she chops his head off and it's a great
Dan: shot and in fact the head looks great when
Dan: it rolls across the ground and the eyes are
Dan: still sort of glowing.
Dan: Yeah, just so happens, they have a samurai
Dan: sword hanging on the wall.
Dan: Yeah, it's good to have one of those, just
Dan: in case.
Gav: Dude escapes from the drains.
Dan: Yeah, well, don't forget, lauren steals a
Dan: police car.
Dan: She's such a badass that she steals a
Dan: police car because she wants to go and
Dan: rescue.
Dan: You know her, her bloke.
Dan: So she's stolen a police car.
Dan: Amongst all of this nonsense, yeah, they
Dan: want to get out, but they park a car on top
Dan: of the sewer.
Dan: The police do so that the guys can get out
Dan: of the sewers.
Dan: Bosch gets shot and it all is.
Dan: You know, like some films we say they, they,
Dan: the third act was a bit, it dragged a bit
Dan: too much.
Dan: Yeah, but for me the third act goes too
Dan: quickly.
Dan: It all happened so quickly.
Dan: It wraps up in the last 15 minutes, so much
Dan: goes on.
Dan: Offer the dragon myself.
Dan: Oh, really, yeah, okay, well, they
Dan: eventually fight their way out.
Dan: The guy that the sort of not the mayor, but
Dan: the man in the office is trying to stop all
Dan: of this and cover it all up, he rams his
Dan: truck at them.
Gav: Why?
Gav: Oh yeah, because it's trying to cover up.
Dan: Yeah, but they they end up shooting him.
Dan: The whole truck explodes.
Dan: Bosch is actually still alive, even though
Dan: he got shot.
Dan: He's lying there on the ground, marv's
Dan: helping him and Lauren and George kiss as
Dan: the van burns behind them.
Dan: Quite a nice shot and real practical.
Dan: They actually set a van on fire Again.
Dan: You wouldn't do these, do that these days,
Dan: but they set a van on fire and they just
Dan: kissed right in front of it and that's it.
Gav: That's it what happened to the chuds.
Dan: They all got burnt and exploded in the fire.
Gav: Oh, right, fair enough, yeah, yeah.
Dan: No, it feels like we rushed through that,
Dan: but that is because it snowballs so quickly
Dan: that the third act just bounces along at
Dan: such a pace.
Dan: And it's quite a short film anyway.
Dan: I think it's only about 80 minutes long.
Gav: They didn't have a huge amount of speak of
Gav: it.
Gav: Really it was okay-ish.
Dan: Okay Again, for me the plot is really good.
Dan: I love the whole government cover-up.
Dan: I love that kind of stuff.
Dan: Throwing stuff in the sewers, throwing
Dan: radiation and things being mutated Love all
Dan: of that.
Dan: My biggest problem is there aren't enough
Dan: chuds in this.
Dan: I want more chuds.
Dan: Gav More chuds.
Gav: I'll be on my great scene.
Dan: I would like to have seen more of the chuds?
Gav: Absolutely, that would be splendid.
Gav: I think that's the best way.
Gav: They should have gone with it.
Gav: More of that stuff.
Gav: I think a film could have been fucking
Gav: amazing classic but I feel like it was
Gav: handled okay, but not amazingly, it's all
Gav: right, but it could have been like man,
Gav: that's a great movie People wouldn't really
Gav: have got it because back then probably
Gav: because it was so anti-the-man People
Gav: didn't want that in their horror films.
Dan: They just wanted A to B.
Dan: They didn't want to understand a government
Dan: cover-up Around.
Gav: Then you would have had quite a lot of
Gav: government cover-up movies, which would
Gav: have been as I got it's, definitely with
Gav: Watergate type things going on, yeah, but I
Gav: do think this is the kind of If you went in
Gav: to watch this.
Dan: You're not the kind of audience member that
Dan: would be wanting that right Like a teenage
Dan: boy is going to watch this, so that's
Dan: probably what it did.
Dan: It's become a cult classic on VHS over time.
Gav: I think I actually have it on VHS, but it's
Gav: hard to get to, but I'm pretty sure I have
Gav: got it on VHS.
Dan: Nice Well, it's definitely one that people
Dan: talk about.
Dan: It's in that weird genre of radioactive
Dan: mutated mutant creatures that basket case,
Dan: chud and a few other things fall into.
Dan: Yeah, and if you're into that sort of thing,
Dan: you'll want to check out that sort of
Dan: subgenre.
Gav: but do check out chud.
Gav: It's a good start.
Gav: I think it's more of a A good start in.
Dan: I think it's more commercial than basket
Dan: case.
Gav: So I think this is going to be the more
Gav: accessible one.
Gav: I think it'll be alligator as well.
Dan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, ninja Turtles, that's
Dan: slightly off.
Dan: I would say this is the more sort of
Dan: commercially accessible of the two.
Dan: I think if you want to be disturbed, watch
Dan: basket case, but if you just want to be
Dan: sort of entertained, watch chud.
Dan: But they're both decent films.
Dan: It's a thumbs up from me, yeah, it's a
Dan: thumbs up from me, I think.
Dan: So you prefer this one to basket case.
Dan: Yeah, what I'll say is my sign off with
Dan: both of these really is with such low
Dan: budgets they really did a great job and
Dan: horror films didn't do, didn't make loads
Dan: of money at this time, but on video they
Dan: did, and both of these did great on rental
Dan: and pirate probably, and I think they for
Dan: me, revisiting them after many, many years,
Dan: they kind of still hold up well.
Dan: They've got a lot to say about society,
Dan: government mutation, that kind of stuff,
Dan: even family stuff in basket case, and
Dan: they're surprisingly entertaining still.
Dan: Which do I prefer?
Dan: It's difficult to say.
Dan: I've always loved chud, but actually I
Dan: think I slightly prefer a basket case, just
Dan: for I get the same sensation as when I
Dan: watch, like Texas Chainsaw Massacre or
Dan: something a bit grimy, you know, and you're
Dan: like, why don't I watch that?
Gav: Fair enough.
Dan: But no, they're decent.
Dan: And yeah, check it out, check out chud.
Dan: But the chud is.
Dan: A lot of people love that one.
Dan: I probably love that one more than chud.
Gav: I don't know if I watch it again.
Gav: I might be like this is awful, but I
Gav: probably would.
Dan: Yeah, I doubt if we'll ever cover it.
Dan: But yeah, chud big chud a thumbs, chud chud,
Dan: thumb, chud, thumb, pfft up it goes.
Gav: Right, let's get into the outro and we're
Gav: back again.
Dan: Thanks for listening, thanks for chudding
Dan: with us.
Gav: We'll see you in the next episode.
Dan: We'll see you in the next episode.
Dan: If you've got a basket with something in it,
Dan: give us some of your raw sausages.
Gav: Yeah, by the same guy?
Gav: I think no, not by the same guy.
Gav: It's a dude who was maybe on set for
Gav: something.
Gav: He's a younger guy, also of age, I think.
Dan: Well, there we go.
Dan: So, yeah, fun episode Been wanting to
Dan: revisit these two for a while.
Dan: There are two movies that I don't often
Dan: hear people talk about, so I always love it
Dan: when we cover films that other podcasts or
Dan: other shows don't really mention too often,
Dan: and we've still got so many classics to
Dan: come.
Dan: Talking of which, should we talk about what
Dan: our next few episodes are going to be?
Gav: Yeah, please.
Dan: Okay.
Dan: So for the next episode, episode 145, we've
Dan: got a little anthology special.
Dan: We're going to be covering the Twilight
Dan: Zone Movie from 83, and Cat's Eye, the
Dan: Stephen King film from 85.
Dan: Drew Barrymore is in that one.
Dan: So a couple of good little anthologies
Dan: there to talk about Interesting, yeah.
Dan: And then after that will be our Christmas
Dan: episode slash, our 10 year anniversary
Dan: episode.
Gav: This is weird.
Dan: Which is weird.
Dan: We must say that only a few days ago, it
Dan: was 10 years ago that our Facebook page was
Dan: created.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: Which is nuts.
Dan: 10 years that's been going.
Gav: If anybody does want to send a message in,
Gav: we shall play it if you wish to you know,
Gav: yeah, or even just write something and
Gav: we'll read it out.
Dan: I will be putting the reminders out as we
Dan: enter closer to that.
Dan: Yeah, it is really weird Longer than some
Dan: people have had jobs.
Dan: So, yeah, we'll be covering National
Dan: Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for that one,
Dan: because we both love that movie and it's
Dan: Christmas and it's our 10 year anniversary,
Dan: so screw it, that'll be a fun one, and then
Dan: we'll talk all things Christmasy and we'll
Dan: probably reflect on 10 years of podcasting.
Gav: We're just doing one movie Home Alone yeah,
Gav: yeah, not Home Alone.
Gav: What is it?
Dan: National Lampoon's.
Gav: Christmas yeah.
Dan: And we can cover Home Alone as well my
Dan: favourite Christmas film of the time, yeah
Dan: that's fine.
Dan: Yeah, so that's episode 146, and then that
Dan: takes us into 2024.
Dan: So the first, our first episode of that
Dan: year, of next year, will be a patron pick,
Dan: a pa-pa-pa-pa, patron pick, pick, pick,
Dan: pick.
Dan: And it's back to Matthew Godley.
Gav: Oh yeah, I never looked for that thing last
Gav: time.
Dan: A patron pick, pick, pick, pick.
Dan: So for episode 147, our first episode of
Dan: next year, matthew has selected two very
Dan: different films.
Dan: We will be covering the brutal and gritty
Dan: British Brutal.
Dan: The brutal there's a new word will be
Dan: covering the brutal British dirty
Dan: uncomfortable Revenge.
Gav: Thriller Revenge thriller.
Dan: It's called Dead Man's Shoes, from 2004.
Dan: Excellent film, really good stuff.
Dan: And he's paired that one up with none other
Dan: than 1980s Flash Gordon, amazing.
Dan: So, that's going to be a hell of a way to
Dan: kick off the new year.
Gav: Or only feet away from Brian Blessers a
Gav: couple of days ago.
Dan: Yeah, Gav sent me a photo.
Dan: He went to Redding Comic-Con to promote
Dan: Sanctuary Moon and sent me a selfie of him
Dan: smiling, and in the background there was a
Dan: very old Brian Blesser at a table signing
Dan: people's photos yeah, probably shouting at
Dan: them.
Gav: Hopefully he doesn't die soon or go missing,
Gav: because last time I did that was with
Gav: Julian Sands.
Gav: I sent it to Sarah like that.
Dan: And then he went missing, julian Sands, and
Dan: he's dead.
Dan: Rest in peace, julian Sands, we covered
Dan: your movie.
Dan: I'm Ratanaphobia.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: So yeah, that's Matthew's episode.
Dan: Matthew's episode coming up the other day
Dan: someone on a Facebook post, just someone.
Gav: All the horror movies come out this year.
Gav: And I went, wow, not one isn't a remake.
Gav: And someone went what I think trying to
Gav: like question me like I don't know what I
Gav: was talking about or something.
Gav: I don't know why, because it's very easy to
Gav: see that.
Gav: And I went, what?
Gav: Ratanaphobia is not a remake, it's a remake.
Gav: I was like, yes, what's original is great.
Dan: Yeah, I forgot they're remaking that.
Dan: It's a shame that there's so many remakes.
Gav: Or making another movie, Spider movie, or
Gav: make the same Spider movie they're making
Gav: and don't call it Ratanaphobia.
Dan: Yeah.
Gav: That's fairly easy.
Dan: There's been a few spider films out.
Dan: It's Hibitsia watched recently.
Dan: It wasn't very good, though you know I
Dan: don't think anything really can live up to
Dan: Ratanaphobia because it isn't a horror
Dan: movie as such, although it is terrifying.
Gav: It's a great movie, it's just a it's never
Gav: watched it.
Gav: I'm like, come on, it's one like it's
Gav: accessible for kids.
Gav: One.
Dan: Well, what's good about it is it's all
Dan: wrapped up in a sort of family friendly,
Dan: spielberg type Spielberg type thing, but
Dan: then it's a really creepy creature feature
Dan: it's such a good movie.
Gav: It's a good movie.
Dan: Yeah, we covered that for our Spider
Dan: episode many, many, many many years ago,
Dan: along with eight-legged freaks.
Dan: So yeah, that's our next three episodes.
Dan: So yeah, it's crazy that we're talking
Dan: about it next year now.
Dan: But yeah, christmas episode, then into New
Dan: Year, then after that will be your birthday
Dan: at the end of January and we already know
Dan: now that we're covering the Sorcerer and
Dan: Studio 666.
Dan: I'm excited to watch that because I haven't
Dan: ever seen it so You're appreciated because
Dan: it's a love letter to 80s horror.
Gav: Yeah, jc is in it as well, kind of in the
Gav: same way like in our Ross Dermot
Gav: Thanksgiving, but actually more fun.
Gav: Tongue and cheek like really good go at
Gav: times in it as well, I look forward to that.
Dan: I quite like the Food Fighters as well.
Gav: Dave Grohl's great in it actually.
Gav: Yeah.
Dan: Yeah, he's a pretty good actor in anything.
Gav: I've seen One of these band members, a guy
Gav: called Pat is absolutely appalling, but
Gav: it's kind of endearing, okay, and obviously
Gav: one of he's gone to sweet.
Dan: One of those guys passed away recently as
Dan: well.
Dan: Yeah, we can talk about that as well, cool,
Dan: alrighty.
Dan: Well, let me do some admin and then we can
Dan: say our goodbyes and farewells, if you may,
Dan: if I may.
Gav: You may.
Dan: Oh, you may.
Trailer Voice: Before yeah.
Gav: You can be may away.
Gav: So thank you, may away Say, say I may.
Dan: Say I may.
Gav: Away.
Gav: Okay, roll around in the hay.
Dan: So thank you for listening.
Trailer Voice: Thanks for listening out of clay.
Dan: As always, we are the podcast on a haunted
Dan: hill.
Dan: We are a proud member of Legion Podcasts
Dan: Network.
Dan: If you head over to the website, which is
Dan: you can find out about us
Dan: and all the other shows that are a part of
Dan: that network and all of their back catalogs.
Dan: Yep, that's it.
Dan: Hey, Now we are most active on Facebook.
Dan: We have a Facebook page which has been
Dan: running for 10 years now, we can say, which
Dan: is crazy.
Dan: So just go on Facebook and search for the
Dan: podcast on haunted hill.
Dan: You do have to ask to be added.
Dan: Now that seems to have stopped the porn
Dan: spam, so that's great.
Dan: We no longer are getting that because I've
Dan: made it a private group.
Dan: But as long as you're a real person and not
Dan: a bot and you haven't been on Facebook just
Dan: for one month, then I'll probably allow you
Dan: to join.
Dan: Not that I'm being a little Nazi, but I
Dan: have to be careful because I don't want to
Dan: log into porn spam, if you remember, and
Dan: legion have a Facebook page as well, which
Dan: is legionpodcasts.
Dan: It's probably self explanatory.
Dan: If you want to message us, tell us what
Dan: you'd like us to do next, or if you want to
Dan: ask us a question, give us some feedback.
Dan: You can either message me on Facebook or
Dan: you can email us at:
Dan: the podcast on hauntedhill at
Dan: That's
Dan: We're really listening to us now, as we're
Dan: where you can continue to listen to us.
Dan: So platforms Spotify, YouTube, pod night,
Dan: Apple podcast app, pod bean and all the
Dan: other bits and bobs.
Dan: We're on Instagram, which I use mainly to
Dan: promote the episodes, and I always attach a
Dan: link to a little montage, a little collage
Dan: of the movies that we've covered for that
Dan: episode.
Dan: It's just the podcast on haunted hill Insta.
Dan: If you follow that, that'd be brilliant and
Dan: I'll follow you back.
Dan: And yeah, you can just look at the little
Dan: monta collages I've created and you'll have
Dan: a link to the episode there as well.
Dan: And aside from that, we are also deadbolt
Dan: films.
Dan: So go to deadboltfilmscom or visit our
Dan: YouTube channel.
Dan: It's just deadbolt films.
Dan: Right now we have Star Wars, Sanctuary Moon.
Dan: We've got just over 9000 views in just over
Dan: two weeks.
Dan: We're very proud of that project.
Dan: Please watch it.
Dan: Let us know what you think.
Dan: Just watch it.
Dan: Tell your friends about it, your Star Wars
Dan: fan friends, your horror fan friends,
Dan: anybody who likes film, anybody who likes,
Dan: you know, low budget filmmaking.
Dan: Just tell people.
Dan: Tell them to watch it.
Dan: We've done so well with it.
Dan: We're so proud of it.
Gav: And we've sort of updated the YouTube
Gav: channel, so have a little look around.
Gav: It's a lot more cleaned up and it's got a
Gav: few other short films and bits and bobs
Gav: Deadbolt films are on Instagram as well.
Dan: It's just deadbolt films, so that's where
Dan: to find them.
Dan: And finally, we're also on Patreon, as
Dan: mentioned.
Dan: We have patrons who get a Patreon pick.
Dan: I'll come back to that in a moment.
Dan: So if you want to become a patron and
Dan: support the show in a monetary fashion and
Dan: help us keep things ticking over, then
Dan: that's brilliant and we would really
Dan: appreciate that.
Dan: But we would still always do this even if
Dan: we didn't have one single patron.
Dan: We'd be doing this for free.
Dan: But if you do become a patron, just go to
Dan: Patreon and type in podcast on the hill.
Dan: Again, message me if you can't find the
Dan: link and I'll send you in the right
Dan: direction.
Dan: If you become a patron, you will get a free
Dan: t-shirt.
Dan: You will get access to lots of, but all of
Dan: our entire show back at Slough, because I'm
Dan: dropping one every Friday in order.
Dan: Currently, we've just dropped episode 105,
Dan: I think.
Dan: So we've been doing that for 105 weeks in a
Dan: row.
Dan: Now you also get to pick your own show.
Dan: So every three episodes we will have a
Dan: patron pick, where the patron picks the two
Dan: films and gives us so many review or some
Dan: interesting information about why they
Dan: picked those, and we'll read all that out
Dan: and you get to wear the crown.
Dan: The crown for that episode will be the king
Dan: or queen patron and, yeah, you'll also get
Dan: me reading out your name in a silly voice,
Dan: which I'll be doing in just a moment, gav.
Gav: I think they always look forward to that.
Dan: It's probably the main reason.
Gav: It is probably the reason.
Dan: But yeah, even if you just want to donate
Dan: one pound or one dollar a month, any little
Dan: helps.
Dan: It helps us to keep the show ticking over.
Dan: Buy equipment, rent films, buy films, yeah,
Dan: it's amazing, it really is amazing.
Dan: So, as always, a big thank you to our
Dan: patrons.
Dan: So thank you very much, and I'll try and do
Dan: these in a bit of a chud voice or a basket
Dan: case voice.
Gav: I always feel like I should say thank you.
Gav: I don't know what to do.
Gav: I'll just stay quiet, though, and let you
Gav: do it.
Dan: No, you can say thank you after each one.
Gav: Oh fine, I never know Okay.
Dan: I quite like the way that dynamics built up.
Dan: So first of all I would like to thank
Dan: Gun-Ko-Ye.
Dan: Thank you.
Gav: Thank you Godly, Thank you very much.
Dan: I hope you guys can understand what I'm
Dan: saying.
Gav: Thank you very much, kevin.
Gav: Earth's Fire oh, sounds like a biggin.
Gav: Thank you very much.
Gav: Thank you very much, jesus.
Gav: Thank you, so okay.
Gav: Thank you, oh communications, oh traffic.
Dan: Welcome Contacting.
Dan: Oh, drive them in, please.
Dan: Thank you, take it easy attentously, boy.
Dan: Okay, cool, so hoo, thank you, thank you,
Dan: oh, thank you, oh, thank you.
Dan: And, lexbro, I will be reminding you all on
Dan: Facebook to drop us messages and voice
Dan: clips and whatever else is you want us to
Dan: do for our 10 year anniversary, because we
Dan: did that for our five year, which only
Dan: seems like yesterday, really.
Dan: That was what did we do for that one.
Dan: We did Predator, didn't we for that?
Gav: one yeah.
Dan: Gosh, that was five years ago now.
Dan: Yeah, so that's it.
Dan: That's it from us.
Dan: Thank you very much everybody.
Dan: Hey Gav, thank you Dan, thank me and thank
Dan: you.
Dan: It's a good night from my funny little
Dan: brother who lives in a basket next to me
Dan: and watches me get with the receptionist
Dan: from my doctor surgery.
Gav: Oh, red flag, red flag.
Gav: It's a good night from Dan.
Dan: It's a good night from someone I know that
Dan: used to pretend someone was in the wardrobe
Dan: watching him and his wife.
Gav: Did you?
Dan: Not me, somebody else I told that story
Dan: earlier, oh yeah it's a good night from Gav.
Dan: And it's a good night from Chud.
Dan: Oh, good night, chud.
Dan: Imagine if my name was Chud Bone.
Gav: Yeah, let's not go there.
Gav: It sounds like a weird thing you do.
Dan: Listen, guys, take care, remember, check
Dan: under the sewers, check in your basements
Dan: and check in your baskets of laundry
Dan: because, there might just be a chud
Dan: watching you have sex.
Gav: Sniffing on your pants.
Dan: Yeah, what a treat for basket cases and
Dan: chuds.
Gav: Thank you for listening to the podcast on
Gav: Haunted Hill.
Gav: We will be back again real soon.