The podcast on Haunted Hill will contain spoilers and swearing.
I am the devil and I am here to do the devil's work.
I saw this by account.
Be one of us.
I didn't tell you my name. I didn't tell you my name.
They're all apart of the devil. They're all apart of the devil.
It is time to keep your appointment.
And welcome to the podcast on Haunted Hill, episode one hundred and forty nine. My name is Gav.
And you sound like a bingo caller, my name is Dan.
Uh I was about to do the one for two fat ladies. Is that appropriate anymore? What what would it be now? What was it what was that?
Why is that why are they just 'cause I don't know.
Uh bingo is an eighties thing. I've only ever had a go at bingo once and uh I think I've got like this Rain Man thing going on and I was just like I want and then all the old ladies can look to me and they're like yeah that's very quick. And I kind of went uh I reckon I could be really good at bingo like some fucking bingo Paul Newman fucking shark hustler type sort of thing going on here. And um I thought I can't do it so I left my bingo career behind me that day. With fifteen pound in my pocket.
I I go to bingo every time we go on a caravan holiday in the E_K_ we do bingo. Alice absolutely loves it. And I've won I've won year, I've won seventy quid um which I then spend on behind the bar on my family. I bought my fa 'cause it was back when I used to drink. M we were with all my family and bought them around couple of rounds of drinks. But um what I like doing is 'cause it's usually lots of old ladies and I'm usually I've I used to be a bit drunk playing it. Whenever they call m I used to do it. And I used to be in
button thing going on there. Um whenever they'd call sixty nine, 'cause they used to say dinner for two, sixty nine. Um yeah, but they don't do that obviously again, they don't do that anymore, and they don't say th i i
Well I used to like it when they called sixty nine 'cause I would always do a big wolf whistle um and all the old ladies would go oh oh oh oh oh oh. Yeah. There we go. A bingo. A bingo. Bingo. Oh that's Christ. Yeah.
Still likes bingo. And uh Sarah essentially wants to go do bingo with my mum. Anyway let's get off this. Anyway we're a horror movie podcast we're not a uh uh a reco an uh sort of a very uh t traditionally old recreational uh background podcast.
Well this is episode a hundred and forty nine. Thank you for joining us. We are excited because we it's our tenth year of podcasting so one thing we're doing this year is whenever there isn't a patron pick or a birthday special or a Christmas special or something we're either gonna do a franchise that we've started and we're sort of coming to the end of or in the middle of or we're gonna do a director's special. So I believe this is our first director's special of the year.
Yeah 'cause we've done them previously. We've done a a like a a three maybe of two or three of John Combs at once where he'd done double bills and crease. And we have done other directors over the years. We've done some of the old classic directors back in the day.
One of one of our one of our m most popular uh by shows back in the day, I don't know if it still is um, was the Spielberg episode. I got a lot
Yeah, I like a lot of views. Uh listens.
um it's funny actually because uh you sort of program this and but out of all of the direct specials we do uh Adam Green I've. had uh uh interactions with before over the years uh not not because I'm special in any way he does it for everybody he's one of those characters who's a uh very nice gentleman and um he will message back if you message him I. don't think he does so much now nowadays because that's because there's so many fucking idiots on the internet and uh uh I think they just probably drummed him down to like fuck
is um but I'm sure he pretty pretty pretty would if you if you got a hold of him um but he's it out of all of the ones we do, I've spoke to him a couple of times before and um I will mention him 'cause I do I'm actually a patron of his podcast, funnily enough um so I've been listening to his show weekly for the past ten years so you do get to know your hosts like imagine you lo know us.
And he does come across, and we'll get into his bio and his b uh back catalogue, but um he does he does come across as a likeable approachable person um and he although he m hasn't done a huge amount of um features, you know, you most people will know his movies, you know, l like the two movies recovering, which I'll mention now, like recovering Frozen, not the Disney Pixar one, recovering Frozen from twenty ten, and we're also covering
digging up The Marrow from twenty fourteen, which is kind of a faux mockumentary slash almost a Frank Footage movie um, which I uh uh uh is well I'm I think it's awesome, but we'll get into that sorry, to spill my beans already um, and then of course the the hatchet series, and he's done some other stuffs television, he's do got a regular podcast, so we'll get into all of that, but although he hasn't um done a huge amount, it's the quality not, the quantity without 'em and um he's definitely a voice that
of people hear Adam Green's got a new movie out, they love it, they wanna go see it, and he will always push for it to be premiered at U_K_ Frightfest as much as possible He. really loves that community.
that that's uh that's well actually no that's a lie actually I was gonna say that's where I've kind of uh uh spoke to him before and that's a lie actually I spoke to him many moons ago on Myspace when he he's he's beep Well. I was given a book for Christmas once, a book of lists and he and there was a list in it where um this person, Anne Green, I didn't actually know at time uh who it was uh a dr just basically said Caffee Bates is uh hot um in this list of hot women in horror and I and I don't know why I s got on Myspace and
sent him a message and uh went back and forwards from there and he said oh I've made a movie called Hatchet, I said oh really, and I thought oh I'll go pick it up and went and picked it up and um really liked it and stuff and um yeah, then interacted variously over the n uh uh Frightfest and then a little bit over the internet um, but I'll get into that.
Yeah. So we're all gonna be covering those two movies Adam, Green, we're gonna t be chatting about his bar graffiti in Bat-cast log as well. I was gonna say very critically, him and Joe Lynch are g g um are kind of like ambassadors for Fright Fest. So like most people who who listen to this show who go to Fright Fest would've ha yeah, him and Joe haven't been over for quite a few years. Um uh a couple y uh little oh a little while I think now Um. but they used to back in the day like yearly almost sort of thing Um. so a lot of older fans uh of Fright Fest and
listeners this show would know. Probably have chatted to them both as well. And Joe Lynch is also a very nice fella too. But him and Adam are both good chaps.
So it'd be a good chat, two good films to talk about. Um obviously Bill Murray is he's arrived early actually, he's taking a shower upstairs so I'm not sure why but uh I dunno. He's t he's taken a shower upstairs and he's been up there for about forty five minutes and I haven't even heard the water running yet. So
we doing up in the toilet? I think he might have blocked the toilet, we'll have to see. Uh but he's here and he's got a list of things. That's all he's d revealed to me so far. So that'll be more of the strange later on. But yeah, that's what that's what's going on for episode one hundred and forty two. But Gavin, my friend, my dear sweet bearded brother, how are you? What have you been doing? What's going on in your life? What have you been watching? Um I'm very well, thank you very much. Uh what's been going on Uh. well, today I took, so hopefully listeners, I'm gonna be focused today. Today
I got uh uh and I took my first uh dose of dirty uh which is like a lines made mushroom uh supplement thing where you just take a spoonful, put it in your drink, have it daily, and I've got the one which is for focus, listen listeners, ready, I'm gonna focus on my co-host this evening, and when he speaks I shall stay with it I shall stay with it like a a a greyhound on a a rabbit, a whip it on a rabbit, that's how I stay with it. S so what he's
saying is dear, sweet listeners is you can expect even more tangents 'cause Cabs' brain will be firing off on all cylinders and it'll be going down loads of rabbit holes. I've got I've got the mushroom stuff which is focus, concentration and digestion. So we must we must say it's not dodgy mushrooms though guys, he's not tripping balls right now. No. No. No this, is a this is a very expensive thing which but I dunno I'm, trying to out though just because uh I have days where I struggle with mo with brain fog. I dunno if other people get that as well but, I do.
Um so uh yeah the focus is good. So what have I been doing? Um uh also with Sarah at the weekend we've been still going on a sort of shallow binge watching a few movies scorpions, tailed or something, curse the scorpions tailed or something like that. Uh few few of those films they were good. Ah tell you one which I've really enjoyed, a strip nude for her for your killer, Luchelle Fauci. It's it's pretty sleazy, it's c w imagine what you can imagine what it's like and thoroughly enjoyed it. Really liked it actually. Um
did watch one you, know that island of death which she recommended me which Sarah and I are fucking loved and we're and you you and I have to cover that movie at some point. The director also did another movie called I will have to look it up it, has George Kennedy in it. It wasn't as good though which, I was quite gutted with um um 'cause I actually noticed this director Nico N masteral caius, oh fucking hell I'm butchering that name. Yeah yeah yeah,
um he has done actually a few movies which sound okay, like the names of them and things and after d island of death and I was just like I was blown away by island of oh he done one called hide to kill nineteen ninety and do you know who it stars?
- Brian Thompson. - Oh we, love Brian Thompson on this podcast.
You know Brian Thompson. Nigh nightmare at noon's what we watched and, it wa just wasn't as good. It should have been I'm gonna show you the tr uh picture now for it. See that. Yeah, it should have been better than it was, but um it was okay. It wasn't too bad. Um apart from that, I've just been uh working away editing um uh a new deadbolt film which would be coming out well, I don't know what's where it's gonna go at the moment. There was a discussion Um. I've been doing that I. sent you a bit. Did you like that little bit?
Yes indeed I did and uh I'm gonna be I'm gonna mention I'm gonna mention one word. And this uh hopefully this isn't a spoiler. Chainsaw. Uh that's what I'm gonna say. Um yeah and a big bet and just I dunno is it was filmed like two years ago and it's just never been cut. Now Ben's on in deadbolt films with us um I've just been cutting it for horror and stuff and we're gonna get that out but he wants it i he wants it to try and be like a a show 'cause like a
sort of thing. Um but it's really good, it looks amazing looks, incredible. So just uh the shots that is now and s just put it together. So didn't that really work on that? What have you been doing?
Uh well, my children have been sick for weeks. Um poonami in my house. Um diarrhoea for ten days straight. Um th th th the best thing is see, now you've got twins, so I don't know this. But the best thing is like they do it and and it's oh god and there's uh you gotta go wash stuff and all of a sudden it's like oh I'm running out of sheets and I'm running out of stuff. But you've got it twice. So uh you just all of a sudden been like washing machine on constantly. Yes, yes. I remember those days. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes. That's what we were actually we've actually
thrown away lo well I mean they're growing out 'cause they grow so fast, they're three in a few months. Um so I've actually just thrown away some other stuff and I've been putting them in their older clothes. But I'm pleased to report the last couple of days have been solid poos. I know our listeners will repeat to know um my children's um bowel movements. So yeah, solid poos the last couple of days. Uh the thing is they haven't been ill, they've just had this like tum tummy bug, they've not lost their appetite, they've not had temperatures, you know, everything else has been normal, apart from the fact that every forty five minutes one of them ships
Um you know and, nappies are great. Yeah. Um it's nappies are great, but there's only so much a nappy can hold, you know what I mean. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's a good idea. And there's just like tips you should do on holiday, and one of 'em was just r putting all your possessions, your wallet, your keys, your passport, the inside of nappy, folding it all up. Is that fair? You could do it and go even one more though, couldn't you You? could actually get some
close moose and have it on there. And then it could be like we're not going anywhere near that Smells. some spray some fart smell on there.
uh before well you've just reminded me of a good story before I um tell you what I've been watching um which is I've only been what really watched one thing, that's why because my children have been pooing a lot. But um I my first shared house when I was about twenty four we had a bit of a poo prank wars going on in there um one of the guys was so good at the poo pranks and uh one of the things he did I had a pair of no no, but um one of the one of the things he did to me was I had a pair of white carbon climb box
'cause you know it it was back in the day. Well what happened was I put my whites in the washing machine and went out down the pub and when I came back I brought a girl home and and I was chatted to her in the kitchen hanging up my laundry you know a bit drunk and then I pulled this pair of white carbon-clined box shorts out not knowing that he'd got home before me and smeared chocolate all on the inside of the crotch. So I pulled these out and then looked down and my eyes almost popped up my head and I thought is it like a
I thought, I don't even remember having skidders. Like what what's happened? How did I get skid marks? So I shoved them in the machine and just assumed that it w I'd forgotten to wipe properly. But the next day he revealed to me it was him that had done done the prank. Me this went backwards and forwards for about a year. It was brilliant. But w w w
everything gets into the taxi, gets to the end, and she's like oh sh can I come in? And she's like no, I d I d I've wanted to say this the whole time for you, but you've got a shit on your head. He's like what? I've got shit on my head. And then next to th oh it's moose, it's chocolate moose. So fucking hell, man. There's an episode of um extras, the Ricky Gervais show, where um Stephen Merchant brings a girl home back to his apartment, and it's really romantic, he cooks her a lovely meal, and they're having a great time in in
they're really falling for each other and then he goes off to his bathroom and he's gone for about forty five minutes and then he steps out and he gets a whisk and he says to her, I'm just gonna have to use this whisk because it I'm gonna have to try and break sort of chop it up a bit to flush it away and then he says I think I'll put a plastic bag over it and then he goes out and while he's while he's in there and you can hear all this sort of splashing, she just she gets up quietly gets a coat on a
Oh man. Did you tell me b was it in a world so strange to be doing on here? Uh uh b that woman uh was on a date or whatever of her boyfriend at their place, went for a a shit. But then put it out the window. She t she t what I did want to him to know that oh no it, wouldn't flush. Yeah, so she took it out, threw it out the window, then it got stuck between these two. So she then would spin.
g yeah but then she reached through try and get it and got her arms stuck and uh and then the fire brigade had to come and rescue her. How does it what happens then? Do you is it are you alright Jane? Uh you're right f Fred you're gonna have to break the door down but be prepared I'm. stuck with my hand in a window trying to grab a shit out. I don't know if you want another date but we could talk about it later. Right now I just need the fire brigade. Then there's that classic I don't want around a massive shit, isn't not the shit
then there's that classic sin in training spotter when he wakes up in the morning and he's like, can I I'll just put the uh shits in the wash.
amazing and he just flicks them out, goes over everyone. I mean poo is funny isn't, it? It's not funny at the time. But it's funny. Yeah, it's funny later on down the line. Um the only film I'd been watching which isn't shit despite what critics have been saying now, it's ju the only reason I'm gonna bring this up really is because it touches again on a topic that we've discussed which is how um toxic the internet is really when a film is announced straight away you,
get people saying, well that looks shit, I could have done written something better in my sleep, you know, uh and it it just really not depresses me, but it just really s saddens me that that's the way the world is. Back in our day we didn't even know that film was coming out until we saw a trailer or, you know, a poster at a cinema. So I'm talking about Marvel, the Marvels, the new Marvel film um hit Disney+, I didn't get to see it in the cinema because of various things. Um
was really gutted, but it came out it's got three women in the lead, um a Pakistani woman, um a black lady and a white lady straight away as soon as this first trailer's dropped. Well, Marvel'll go in well, can't they? And it's like oh for God's sake really what 'cause they got three women and some of them aren't white in the lead and and str and people have just been ripping into this from the very announcement of its production all the way through to its release. I watched it. It was one of the best Marvel films in the last couple of years and actually
all the critics since it came out have gone very quiet, because it's actually a pretty good film. But I watched the marbles, it was a hell of a lot of fun, uh if anybody hasn't seen it, it's now on Disney Plus. You know my thoughts on the Marvel films. So I li I like I liked I liked it if they'd done one Iron Man, one one fucking Hulk, one Avengers movie, I'd have been like that's fucking cool. And then it was just like so that's I don't really wanna talk about it even. Zero fucking interest. Uh I personally think that they have
fucking lost it and it's a bit of a like we don't know what to do now. Not saying that that's what they're doing now, but it's uh it's the same with Disney and the Star Wars. It's kind of like they were both Tarin giants and they have kind of just g this is me from an outside perspective as not being really a uh I am a Star Wars fan, but not a superhero fan. Apart from I do like the characters, the original characters I grew up with.
Mm-hmm. That's good. It i it uh oh, good. Oh, good.
I imagine men like Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds. He is Ryan Reynolds is a a thing men will look at and go he is look at that body and women will also look at and go ooh look at that body you, know. And it it it it fits for a m a male look at things, you know.
there's much wrong with it, but there has been a few blips. But he actually says at one point, some they say to him, you need to go on this mission to go through all the different multiverses and fix it. And he says, oh, I get what you're saying, I'm Marvel Jesus. So that could do it if you keep kind of still with the fan base a little bit and keep it a little bit grounded and not just go a bit too fucking a it's like you don't need to. They've been dominating cinema for like what, twenty years now? Fifteen to a years? And it's kinda like you'd
don't need to be pushing this stuff out constantly. I know there's a fan base, that fan base will wait and will wait and l want something if you leave it longer, let it grow. Yeah that's, and that's why it really started disliking them from a uh from an audience member and a movie maker um a film maker just l just like I d you know, it's just kind of like I don't know what you're doing, isn't it? It's kind of like please stop, it's almost like they might have even started like this juggernaut train or whatever, and
couldn't stop it once it's started going they're, like fuck we've got you know we've we're still in this phase one phase two phase fucking three hundred and thirty fucking five.
Yeah, yeah.
I still love Spider-Man.
that's it that's it and I would probably still be with it if it was one 'cause I really love that first movie. I was like really good then by Avengers three or four, whatever it was, I don't I could have watched it and you could literally a minute later what happened stuff, big explosions, fuck those, you know. But you know co it is what it is and everything comes to an end and hopefully this would be a better way for them to go on. So, yeah.
they're redoing X_Men and they're redoing Fantastic Four in the way that they probably should have done. So they they've got a new chapter coming up and I think I think they've looked at the lesson from the last two. But also I think they suffered with Covid, you know Covid. really of course, yeah and, you know I, think. Yeah yeah, okay, cool. Um well.
thing is I'm I know that you don't it's not that you don't like them, you just don't really have the time for for the amount of content there is which, is fine.
Yeah, that's I think that's what ha my p fear of everything is is content. If something like if it's one of my favourite artists, then they started banging out three albums a year, I'm gonna be like ah, I f I liked one album but, you're not I wanna linger on something so I can re-watch it or re-listen to it and really love that wha that's so good I, love that and r like as a kid I'd re-watch Rambo.
over and over, you know. So it'd be nice to have that sort of feeling again. But we are in a world where there's fucking uh a movie popping up on Amazon or whatever every, second. So of degrees of no li literally no budget to, you know. Oh yeah. The only other thing I watched is uh a documentary which is ab ab about a year old now, maybe even older. But I've been meaning to watch it actually uh I think it's only came out a few months ago. It's called the Hatchet-wheeling Hitchhiker. I'm sure most of you have seen it. Um of the
the hatchet-wielding feature and go. It's a documentary a, real documentary. Oh, that was a fucking dude. The Kai, the, uh server Yeah. Yeah, I kind of knew this story. My wife didn't. So we watched it together and um I knew where it was gonna go And. it it it you couldn't have written that. You know, if that was a film, you'd say that plot is unbelievable. But the fact that he kills that guy at the end and there's lots of sort of male rape implications in it and
he's such a weird stoner guy, he's like every member of Jackass rolled into one human, he's just a very strange person. I do feel sorry for him. Um I think he's just kind of like uh yeah, I can't remember what he was now, I've I've talked about him before. He he he he's very um I think he's very c I look got a lot mo a lot of mental health stuff that's gone un unchecked and because he was allowed to roam as a a nomad or a homeless person as whatever he wants to call himself, you know, uh he made up a lot of stories about his childhood and
he did or didn't suffer and yeah, the guy the guy's head just isn't screwed on. He's in prison now, and now that's it. You know, kill kill someone. Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. For anyone that doesn't know, uh it's on Netflix U_K_ now, but it's about um that viral guy that went it went viral because he basically saved someone by bashing another guy's head in with a
He didn't kill that guy, but he bashed his head in enough to save the person that the he was trying to strangle. But within three months.
In three months.
Uh th uh just the the one thing where he's looking, and then he starts t s then goes on and on. But you gotta believe in yourself, man. If you don't think you and start s going into like some fucking thing, and it really made people interested with him.
He he he he if if he had had his uh uh faculties there obviously, is sort of saying not correct there, he could have been a cult leader.
It w it really could have done Well. basically within three months of that video going viral, he ended up imprisoned for murder over somebody else. So yeah, it's a crazy ride, worth checking out Um. but good like that. But that's it. That's it for me. Um so Adam Green, shall we have a little breather and then come back and get into Mr. Green and discuss not like that Adam, uh and talk about what he's been doing, how he got started and then get into his first of our two films recovering. Okay.
Let's do it. Let's do it.
Here we are. How do we discuss Adam Green?
Uh so uh I do g I kind of feel like I know I feel like I'm an ambassador for Adam Green and Joe Lynch to be honest with you. Um I know quite a lot of observed most people who have listened to a show. Um Adam's actually a very nice fellow. When I actually uh had a bit of a marriage breakdown and stuff um I knew he had already done it because of his podcast and I actually reached out to him and he sent me a couple of big mes uh emails. Um and uh it was good the the first email sent me I actually read quite a few times 'cause I was in that sort of place when um you don't know what to do and you
kind of just put in from anywhere and at the time listening to his podcast I was like I'm gonna reach out to him and he's nicely got back to me. Um uh funny enough though, I do have a really f uh funny time whenever I see Adam Grinn in uh um Frightfest I, end up having some awkward situation. The last thing he said to me was like are you gonna go watch the next movie 'cause he's L_ side and I misheard him and I thought he said how was the last movie and I went yeah it's alright and they just kinda looked at me weirdly and we just kinda looked at each other a bit weirdly and I went
And then some of them I said, he asked you if you're gonna go watch it, and I was like ah yeah. So I have one of these things because I that's just me. Um and multiple people actually who go to Freightfest, I'll sort of end up sending a message saying sorry, didn't chat to you. I was hav and I kind of looked at you a bit weird. I was just having a bit of a weird moment and didn't want to. I'm a bit better nowadays. I've been going for so many years, I know so many people, but um but yeah, back to Adam. Um he started um aeroscoped pictures with uh his friend um the director of photography, Will Barrett.
who shoots all of his movies apart from
Victor Crowley, I think the, fourth or fifth? Actually maybe um um 'cause he wasn't available at the time. Um and they started that um uh as a thing 'cause Adam first made a movie called Coffee and Donuts for, I dunno, six seven hundred quid or seven thousand quid, I dunno, a dollar sorry. And um he uh it was just shot like um um tape to tape he cut it and it was shot on whatever it was shot on.
and the music was spliced onto it, so he couldn't take it off. So you never no one's ever seen that movie 'cause of the copyright, because obviously it couldn't get the release for the songs.
Yeah, I I I don't. Mm. I don't know just, time line. But he uh he had that movie and I think he showed it to p people and um I think he always wanted to be a filmmaker. So went to Hollywood um well L_A_ um I guess with Will. I see I might be com I'm not completely with all this. I might be a little bit out Anyway. um they wanted to make a movie and Hatchet was the first film they came about and they I think I might be wrong here. I feel like they shopped it around. The thing is with Adam and Will, Star and Aeroscopes
pictures. They've done kind of like what uh Robert Rodriguez has done with Troublemaker Studios and um kind of just working outside the Hollywood um, you know, kind of more on the fringe of it a little bit, but still being able to be a Hollywood player?
Yeah. But but not not like that. Like Adam's actually started like the studio he's made, he writes all of your own scripts and gets uh they produce produce the funding for their films. Do you know what I mean? Where uh um is that like a whole they wou use a whole lot all the time. But obviously uh Eli Ross go of gonna have different productions by the way, it's for different films.
Both for Boston.
Yeah, it's it's it's it's it's it's yeah.
Um. but yeah, it does act in it. And funny enough, he actually saw what they had seen, what uh um Eli did with cabin fever. Saw that and went oh, okay, we can make a movie. Like like funny enough, what I w I did when I saw like Planet Terror and Deathproof, I was like fuck it, we can make a movie, you know, and did Shadow of Death. Um and he saw that and said oh, this guy's from where we're from, he can make a movie. And that's what they tried to do, hatch it. And they did obviously end up making hatch it, and um did a really good job of it. It's a really
You got Robert You got Robert England in it for his first film and um Kane Hodder. And it's like fucking hell, that's that's cool. Yeah, totally. And I think it's really good, like i i he just jumped and that thing within that whole sort of slasher film I. s funny enough, I kinda did the same with Shadow Death, I was trying to make that eighties slasher film. When we did it and you were like officer Craven in it and shit like that, it was a homage to that homage, to that. I think
uh Adam was probably doing the same with Hatchet series and it's like all those movies, Halloween, Hatchet. Oh. Yeah, it uh Zach, look, Kane Hodder, Tony Todd and Robert England in your first film, fuck me.
Well, we've got like this hatchet army which really like it Now. it has got to the point when um 'cause um he made the other films. He had a massive problem with hatchet two when it came out because the American uh uh board of certification went with it. They were just like like no, fuck that, you gotta take out some gore. And I think that was on the day it was gonna be in the cinemas and it just caused problems. Also you got like the fans keep saying oh, we want another hatchet, we want a hatchet, like let's have hatchet five and that stuff. But he's to the point of like fuck off, like because you get the producers. And not to the
hands to the producers. The producers say like hey we wanna uh uh um why don't you make a movie let's, have a look at the budget from your last film. And they sort of show it and they say look we, did this budget with doing favours, like mon you know, I probably directed it for free. I don't wanna do that. If we're doing this we need proper money, because all the hatchet movies have made merchandise and sold loads of copies and made those money. But he's never seen a penny. He's been totally fucked by uh uh the distribution companies and stuff like that. And it's really actually to the point where
now we're right this moment where Adam Green is now, he's kind of a bit like you know, fuck this shit a little bit um like I was saying with Covid, he had a movie which is planned to do with um produced by uh Christopher Columbus's company you, know like, Home Alone Christopher, Columbus yeah, and um it was I was like a dude that hunts monsters into there's a pizza delivery guy or something like that and there's gonna be a series on stuff and then Covid hit uh and he would've probably just that probably pushed him
into the sort of more mainstream bit more and like giving a bit more of that passion back for that sort of stuff. But yeah, he's just been pushed down quite a lot from um the whole Hatchet series, I think. But he's done other films as well.
Yeah and, you know, personally you I feel with the Hatchet movies you can feel that the love isn't quite there for the last couple. Um it's almost like although it's still got his fingerprints all over it, you can feel the studio's pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing. I believe it's
a studio it's it's the b outside producers. Yeah, um I believe the fourth one, which is a bit too crowded, was was that filmed in secret and then r um no one knew that it was gonna be a Hatchet movie. No, they didn't no, they did uh did that. And they also with digging up the marrow, funny note of it um he did a really good thing of that with the artist Alex Pardee Paar something really, good amazing, artist team, but of him. They kept that kind of secret and they just actually went around and toured that film and sold tickets.
And did that kind of, you know old-school side show type thing, you know, tour around your picture and show it. And rather than going the old-school route um just because of I think he's just been fucking pushed down by like downloading and uh um and the trouble is with Adam as well, he's a sort person wears his heart on his sleeve and he p and having a podcast you do get to say a lot and people get to know you and stuff and I d I think people probably just um you get you know what it's like fucking the trolls and shit.
give him shit stuff uh and I think he's uh someone who probably takes it to heart a little bit um and you know, just been disgruntled by the whole fucking thing, but still probably love to make movies it and but it al always c always getting people say oh let's make another movie so I can just click it and go yeah let's watch that film and then cool when you can make another one then and it's like come on, give me some money sp, buy it rent, it you know. Um it's one of those things but he's made other movies as well um digging up marrows uh
as we were gonna get into was super fun film, and obviously frozen, um which we're also covering, and that's probably one of his more commercial films, only in that he had some actors in it that um you would n you would know from outside of horror. Um. Um and obviously then Hatchet two, um Hatchet three um, tickled up the marrow, Victor Crowley was his last sort of main um
sort of big film and he's but he's got a T_V_ show that he's been producing um on his t uh no he co sort of co-directed a movie called Spiral which he did after he did um yeah yeah co-directed funny enough. So anyway he's co-directed Andy um I haven't seen it Andy um did that director after had to 'cause he didn't wanna be uh s top cast as a uh sort of slasher director which makes sense to do stuff like you know jump on something else Um. yeah quite a lot of shorts. He does do a fun thing every
He does like a Halloween short film every year. I think they're gonna stop at like thirty one Um. but yeah, he he's a he's a dude who loves fucking horror movies He. likes making horror movies and he's done pretty fucking well for himself and he should be proud of it to be honest with you. Yeah. Yeah, and like I said to you, with him it's quality over quantity He's. not he's not banging out loads of rubbish. Everything he puts out is he's made a place for himself in the horror fan base. People love him Um. he's got a voice, you know, and he w
Um well you've got a respect to God that not only directs but writes as well at the same time you, know.
stuff he do he directs. Um like I said, he doesn't really edit edit so much as far as I know. Um but yeah, he he's done just done pretty well for himself. He's the sort of dude that'll go to convention. You get most conventions most, people ask um uh for money for their autographs. And uh him and like Joe Lynch and stuff don't do that. Um and they and I think that's one reason they really th uh took on a fright fest and the feeling that fright fest has fright fest isn't a money thing. Uh it's t like
early, just fucking horror fans that just wanna hang out and mingle, we're not we're not cunts, we're not trying to do stupid shit and come up to you and say hey a, porridgeous movie man, I fucking love downloading your film. You know, we're not we're not doing that. Um 'cause I think they they really enjoyed that. I do gotta give props to Joe Lynch as well as his sidekick Adam, and Gr Adam and Joe both sidekicks and Joe's a fucking decent guy. He even watch watch Century Moon actually. He says it's a good it's a good movie. Um so back
long we've kind of covered really in that, you know, there are really six main films. There's a h a ton of short films. Um we're talking spiral as well, um which neither of us have seen I don't think, but if you wanna check out if you wanna get a good idea of him, there's the Hatchet movies, um Hatchet one two three, and then the fourth one Victor Crowley. Victor Crowley himself is now um a bit of an icon, much like Freddie and and Jason et, cetera. Um i but obviously Frozen, digging up the marrow as well.
He's got a style, but the style is hard to pin down what it is. The style is more in his humour. Um i i i i i he's got that sort of uh I suppose you could say sort of frat boy humour I guess kind of thing. But he also is passionate about what he does and I think that's why his projects are always so people as soon as you say it's uh Adam Green's attached to it, people wanna see it 'cause he is passionate about the genre. He's passionate about filmmaking, but he's passionate about the horror genre as well. Um and I'm really excited to talk about these
I I think if you d if you don't know any of these films, yeah, odds they go with froze and a hatch, you check those two out and be like okay, cool. You know, it's good indication.
No. I really enjoyed it. I 'cause I was at the m premiere of uh digging up a paro uh uh digging up a paro digging up a marrow. I mean yeah, digging up my ma I did hold on, I'll get into that. And um uh what was all digging up? And um um lost it, trained it for gone. Don't know. Yeah, don't know. I was at the premiere.
No, I've probably enjoyed the film and um re watching it again, I've probably enjoyed it Um. no, I kind of I I kind of had an idea of it. I liked I liked the fact that obviously we're gonna get into the film, so I'm not gonna touch upon it too much now. Um I like the fact that it's it's him being like yeah, I'm uh this is me and I'm getting kind of it's kind of like how we've done stuff before, occasionally just filming stuff out of it and I sort of did started doing Joseph is Missing, which I'm gonna go back to and try and make us a feature found footage for him now. Did that 'cause it was in COVID, so w I was going around
started making a fucking film with myself trying to do this like sh series with Tom, like and you know you've seen bits of it. And it's kind of like doing that I do like with Digging Up and Marrow's case of like oh we've got the studio, let's film the studio, let's film me on conventions, let's film me doing this stuff and put that into it. So um I I really enjoyed Digging Up and Marrow, but um. I mean I'll say now to be honest with you, my favourite movie of his is Digging Up and Marrow um I think it's fantastic. But I also think Frozen is awesome as well, and everybody knows Frozen.
such a simple great concept. Oh you're watching this one again tonight brilliant, you know um. It's it's it's accessible for people it's, a really s what you want is a really simple concept it's, three people stuck in the d uh uh f is is that is what you want is your lift, your elevator pitch, jump in it's, three people stuck up on a ski slope thing and you can't get down. And it's it's the weekend. But obviously he's well known for the Hatchet movies as well um, you know, and and they've got the huge follow-in which we'll get into, you know, some of that comes up a little
bit and dig a lot of them around. And f someone we know pops up with his tattoos in that as well. So um but yes, old looky boy shows up there, don't he? Yeah. Um but yeah, we we love Adam Green. We will always check out anything he does. Um if you are listening, Adam, you know, you do great work, but you've been told that a billion times. Um but yeah, w we're gonna be discussing Frozen first. So shall we take a little trailer for Frozen here?
Yeah, let's do it.
Let's go Oh. let it go. I bet though, when when Frozen Disney, Frozen came out, I bet Adam was like it's like yes, mother, click that oh no yes, grandmother, click that frozen button by accident and rent out my film. He must have made some bucks from it or I say that he might not have made any bucks, you know.
Alice said to me, are there any other films where there's a kids' films got the same type of horror and I said the only one I can think of we've covered which is Jack Frost which came out almost the same year as as that Michael Keaton. And I know that in blockbuster videos they accidentally or I say accidentally somebody muddled it up and rented out the horror of a film of Jack Frost. And I wonder if anyone's ever done that where the kids brought home Frozen but, at home. Oh Jesus, what's the porn parody of Frozen? Oh, I don't know. I don't know what that is.
Look at my eyes pop.
My dick's stuck up. Sorry Adam. He's dying. I think that's probably a good time for us to go to a trailer Jesus. I don't know if this mushroom tea's any good for you. Right, let's go for a trailer.
You guys sure about this? Yeah, it works all the time. All you have to do is go over there and you say like. I said that I could pay for all three lip tickets and then I left my credit card at the gas station. Totally on money. Just not enough for all three. Last run, gotta make it count.
No one knows that we're up here.
This is so nice stuff.
Hello? Hey.
It's Sunday and they're not opening kids, are they?
If we're up here all week, we're gonna die.
Oh my God. Oh my God.
I don't wanna die again. Help.
Frozen from two thousand ten, writing fifteen and one thirty three minutes Listen. quick get, in there get, out Three. skiers stranded on a co uh chair lift
are forced to make life or death choices which prove more pero perilous than staying put and freezing to death. Sorry, I didn't say that very uh poetically. Um no, but but basic premise like, I said earlier, there's three people on a chairlift and it's the weekend and everyone's gone out and they're stuck. It's like the shittest situation. Dan, have you ever been on a ski slope?
No, I've never never gone skiing, I've never done dry ski slope or or anything like that. Um I know that uh Adam Green had never set foot on a um a ski slope until uh he made this movie.
'Kay, sorry.
I think that's that.
Fucking nice. This is carry-on.
I know that Adam Green had never set foot on a ski uh resort or a ski slope until he made this movie. And I also know he's got an incre or did have at least an incredible fear of heights. So this was probably quite cathartic for him to write and direct. Uh particularly because the chairlift that they shot everything in was actually very high up in the air. Obviously all very lot very safety conscious, not guerrilla filmmaking style. But um no, I've never done any sort of skiing. Have you ever been skiing?
Yeah, I know, I've been snowboarding. Uh I've been on uh uh in Andorra which, between uh I think France and Italy? I think it is Um. uh went out there snowboarding. Um it's weird 'cause I've got a bunch of friends who love snowboarding, go out snowboarding and stuff and they're like come out, I was like okay cool, 'cause I'm a skater and um it's a weird though, it's it's a strange thing, you go to a place and you're kind of stuck uh stuck there with everyone else. It's a l very youth mentality. There's loads of little pubs everywhere Uh. there's one which
was like this disco tech, and it was like something kind of like so it's all black, shiny, and it's like what the fuck like a proper disco tech. It was stuff like and just there's just loads of people getting pissed everywhere at night-times, but then snowboarding day-time and it's just that, like a real party f thing. Um I went there for my twenty fifth birthday. Um it was alright, it was a bit weird though skateboarding, I like uh having trucks and wheels underneath me, when you got a snowboard, like that's taken away, so you can feel the floor, you can feel the ground, you know. And uh I d
I just couldn't I just didn't completely get into it. Is that is okay. Um a buddy of mine broke his arm like the first day.
Yeah I know I've. got a friend who loves snowboarding um and he saved up loads of money and him and his girlfriend went went snowboarding. The first day there he tried to grind uh a a rail and he he's he's shattered his coccyx or he did something to his coccyx so he basically couldn't walk. So it was well I mean he's a he's an experienced snowboarder but i but he just decided
think he was showing off to his girlfriend and, yeah, he the first day there he fractured base of his spine basically. Look, he could b he could walk around with a walking six and stuff and it's obviously healed up but, what a waste of money going there for two weeks when all you can do is fucking lie there. Yeah, my buddy my buddy ended up I ended up lending him the money to get his arm cast, you know. Um and it's like fuck dude. So he could do anything He. could still beat us at pool. He'd beat everybody at pool. Yeah, ab that's weird. That's a weird
week my my mate my mate John's, who does Malchus say his name, he um there's a group they're a group of uh European people who are just who are being real bastards they, had electric shocker and they're trying to have fights at night-times. And uh one one night they were all getting ready for their coach to leave next morning whipping up drinking uh co I think it's my birthday, so it's about four in the morning. John's went down there, took all his clothes off and just put a sock on his gentle worker, went down there and sh uh from the
staircase stood there. I went to watch I wish I'd a camcorder and filmed it. Went to watch these stood there, said come on then, and challenged everyone, everyone waiting for the coach naked, to fight them. And they said say you won't do it, and they were just like what the fuck. It's like whoa dude Calm. down. Yeah. There isn't actually, there isn't. There isn't.
This movie is notorious because uh it's one of those ones, like you say, Gavin, it's very accessible um because it's not a strict horror movie, it's more of the situation. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And this falls into the category of your phone booth, your your buried your your
you know those place those movies that for ninety percent of the movie you're stuck in one location and and most recently and brilliantly done was full um where she climbed there and a mate climbed to the top of the tower. That's fantastic Even. you're sort of thirty seven metres down where you're trapped in a shark cage. All of these things that probably cost a lot more 'cause you're under water filming and there's sharks etcetera. But but yeah the i it's one of these ones where p the premise is enough to make people talk Have. you seen the movie about the three people trapped in
to stay at a channel. You know. Yeah, and then and then it inspires conversation what, would you do what, would you do what, would you do. Me and my wife my wife watched this with me. She loves this movie. She's watched it a few times, although she always finishes with like I'm really anxious now, I need to watch something else. And it is quite anx anxiety ju inducing, you know. Uh I've probably seen this movie up about six times now. It's definitely the most viewed Adam Green movie uh that I've seen. But it's brilliantly done and because it's
it's quantity over qu quality over quantity, because there's not many cast in it. He's made sure he's picked three actors who I consider all very good at what they do. Um there's a handful of people sort of extras, including Mister Kane Hodder uh briefly in this and Adam himself and his ex-wife and a few other people pop up, Will Barrett's in it as well. Um I think it's Joe in it as well I'm not sure if Joe's in it. They're in the stand, isn't they? Not in the stand, if it keeps saying
Hello. Yeah. Um so but for the most part it's the three main actors Sean, Ashmore, that which most people would know, talking of Marvel earlier, as Ice-Man from the X_Men movies in the nineties. Uh th and then you've got Emma Bell and you want Kevin Zegers And. these are the three buddies. So yeah, and they're pretty it's pretty mm-hmm. If you're gonna have uh a movie of any length really o over an
hour uh of just a few people stuck in one place and you're stuck with those people 'cause it's you know films like this is like uh like uh rope you, know s uh Hitchcock's rope and stuff like that. Um not saying you could do this in one take, but you could potentially take this to a a stage and uh make it play out of this. Um uh and I like that, but if you're gonna have this situation in very small ti tight place and real tight-knit situation where it's gonna be a lot of
uh performances going on here, you gotta have the right casting. If you got the wrong casting and you're just like oh, I can't get this movie, you're you're you're interest going, you're fucking loo you're lost.
And if even one of these people didn't work then, but it's the di it's the dynamic between the three of them. So essentially the setup is you got two best friends, one of them's now got a girlfriend and they've gone on a ski trip. But we'll get into that when we get into the story. But the way it works so well 'cause you truly feel these two dudes have been friends for years and years and years and and obviously he really likes his new girlfriend and there's this whole dynamic. So there's this whole like third wheel thing going on as well.
haven't um I know obviously sometimes it's hard to find the time in prep to uh do uh um uh rehearsals and stuff, but like th this dynamic I don't actually know how massive I've got a D_V_D_ and I shouldn't really watch the behind the scenes, but um I don't really know that sort of the dynamic of what's going on with these characters, but I wonder if it's a case of like right let's keep you guys together and just like do you guys just wanna you know as you would now make sure you watch that group and you guys just get together go watch the movies go,
get stoned together, go fucking get drunk together, go uh you know, get 'em in different situations, maybe go do something a little bit more scary, go fucking alter rapid riding or fucking whatever. Uh just to get that that thing 'cause when you get on set you've got this camaraderie and you've got this thing going on so like you can take that script but it just flows with a natural presence more.
And the only awkwardness is actually there on purpose, which is the fact that you know Joe, Sean Ashmore's character is a little bit wary of this new girlfriend 'cause she's kind of coming into the his little twosome he's got with his best mate and she's almost co she's literally comes between them. She's sat in between them and th uh but that's supposed to be there, that awkwardness you know. But it's fine. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Lynch obviously, b uh Adam's friend Joe Lynch and uh I've got Dan Walker. Um I actually know Dan Walker, he looks around the corner for me. And I've actually the name Dan Walker comes up so often I was working not long ago as a T_V_ plays uh where all the news uh is shown live news and there's a guy there called Dan Walker. This has nothing to do with anything I'm just saying.
else. There we go. So any damn walkers out there, please become a patron to our podcast. Well let's get into Frozen then. So Princess Elsa has got ma oh sorry no I'm, reading the wrong um no I, took the wrong one. Um yeah um yeah let's get into it. So we s I got a d I remember watching Frozen in the cinema or actually the uh the uh Disney one and going f f f it's a musical. My daughter has just discovered it and obviously it loves
I didn't realise oh really oh my God, I'm glad I have my children way past that.
Um so th I must say that at times there is a slight not not in a bad way, there is a little bit of a destination final destination vibe here and there, whenever you see the mechanics of the ski lift shown up close and things like that.
Uh I l I it's nice actually um I really like these little insert shots at the beginning uh just shown us the mechanics close up of it and it's just it's kind of put in uh uh a daunting aspect. It's almost like a final destination talk to you.
it's got that final destination vibe because, it it's fate. You you and also these three are putting their hands in the life of this, just basically some mechanics, some gears and some ropes and some cables um, you know, and it's p p p p ch sk sk sk sk sk lifts are very flimsy, pretty. Yeah, I can imagine. Have you seen that video, that viral video of the one that goes wrong? And they're all
crashing into each other like twen twenty five miles an hour just crashing into each other. Wow. People are diving off of them, aren't they? Maybe. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, there's no green screens or blue screens. It is shot on location up amount or halfway up amount in up in the air as well. So when they look cold, they probably are quite cold as well. You know, obviously everyone's taken care of. But um yeah, no, and it looks great for that uh.
Yeah, everyone's taken care of with a good hand job. Also later on when we bring the wolves in, you know they, didn't skimp on that, they brought in some real wolves, and I know they only had them for two days, but yeah, you know. Yeah, that's you wouldn't wanna fuck with those guys. Um but yeah, this is a this is a bit like we covered recently, sorcerer. This is a your situation is only gonna get worse and worse and worse and worse. And that's
Yeah, it's not it's you're not gonna make a r a rom-com out of this situation. You know. It possibly, I dunno. But nah, probably not. Yeah, let's kiss and our faces get stuck together, society-style. Frozen society. So we we meet Joe and we meet Parker and we meet Dan and uh Dan and and Parker are have been together for about a year as a couple and Joe and Dan have been best friends for many many years, probably since they were tiny.
kindergarten or or school. Yeah. And we c we get some fun stuff 'cause this is fun, there's some funny bits in this as well you, know, and and we start off with really seeing these three planning how they're gonna get they're gonna blag their way onto the ski lift. Yeah, and basically. Well they're no they're, plan on doing it, don't they? But then obviously they have a I don't know if they have a
than this time. Yeah. Yeah, because b uh Joe, he flirts with one of the women that usually is what the attendant who takes people on. Yeah. But instead we've got just some random dude who looks like he won't take shit from anyone. He just looks like he wants to go home and drink
jerk, off, you know, eat a cheeseburger. What's cool.
So they send they send Parker over. Uh they undo her top for her so that her cleavage is showing and they give her a hundred bucks and they say start it fifty. No. But she feels like well okay, we'll do it. So basically they wanna get like a really cheap trip up to the mountain on this ski lift. So over she goes and she says you know my me and my girlfriends you know we've left our purses in in the restaurant. And he's like I'll lose my job. He doesn't care. He's like I'll
just leaves my job and she's not please please and in the end he sort of says oh alright then it's fine that's fine. So they're they're very pleased that she's got the okay the funny bit is when he sees her walk past the to go and get on the on the chair and she's with two blokes. And he's like you said it was girlfriends. Pretty funny stuff. Um we find out that this is a trip to reconnect
for Joe and Dan because there's been a bit of a distance between them over the last year because obviously Dan and Parker have been building their relationship. So this trip is kind of to bring the boys back together a little bit, but also for Joe to get to know his friend's girlfriend a bit better as well. So and this is something that Joe and Dan always do, they always go to this mountain and they they forget everything else in the world for that time.
Yeah, it does become a a a a a thing at times obviously like oh she's a bit of a fucking spare wheel, what's she doing here for you know, two's company, three's a crowd and later on it's it almost blamed for their situation and f and one of a death spoiler um uh you know, it's brought up again.
Yeah and and done in a very realistic way 'cause grief can bring out a lot of weird feelings and blame and hatred and anger. Um so they hit the lift they're, on the lift and they start talking and they're sort of calling each other little nicknames and Joe says for fuck's sake I'm the third wheel here aren't, I. And yeah you're on a ski lift with a couple, but it is what it is. There's some um friction because Parker smokes and Joe doesn't like that even though he smokes spliffs.
So there's some. No no.
Everyone's got their voice, but also.
Oh yeah, yeah.
But it causes friction between the characters bec and they have that exact pretty much at that exact argument, you know, he says smile like an ashtray, that kind of thing.
They two of them are snowboarders um but Joe Lynch doesn't he's, a skier um he can't he can't snowboard he, doesn't like it he, likes to is that right he's, the one that skis isn't, he? Don't they? Oh, is he a dam skier yeah, yeah, I. think it's cast very well 'cause I feel like uh Lynch uh uh looks like he would be i and he does he, kind of it seems more of like a snowboarder, but yeah. Yeah.
Looks like the kind of guy that would definitely you know he, hits on the girls and he's a snowboarder, you're right yeah, he's the cool one, isn't he? Um.
Back in the night is
um now this ski lift that they're on has a little bit of a malfunction when they're half way there, sort of breaks down for a little bit.
it's it's really good to have this, it's just that thing to show like um it's gonna give it's different reasons, like the audience is gonna be like okay later on we obviously know from the reading of what the movie is before we get into it and so are most people. Um but it's good just to show this sort of the like the mechanics of this stop-it-night here, it's good for the uh cast member in the in the film like the characters to be like oh shit okay and for like um Parker not to panic
straight away later on 'cause that's the thing with the the fact that we're having someone and some people in the same situation for a long period of time. We're gonna have to draw that out. That could get really boring really fucking quickly.
Well it it's almost a double red herring as well because it might it leads you to think that perhaps later on um this is gonna be the reason why they're stranded. There's gonna be a fault with the mechanics where actually it's just some h human comun miscommunication um but also what it does is it sets up um th a little conversation just briefly while they're stuck you know about oh I knew a guy that once jumped off a ski lift yeah, really oh yeah yeah, and they sort of talk about oh it's far I've done this a billion times ski lifts get stuck occasionally, sometimes people
hurt themselves and you have to wait for a little bit. So it kind of sets this this whole thing up really of, you know is, this what's gonna happen later and you, know. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Um they get to the top of the mountain and uh Joe goes to hit on a girl who I believe is played by Adam's Adam, Green's ex-wife
Riley, um and she i he's cock blocked because her boyfriend comes over and he's sort of oh come on man, I thought I had a chance with her then, you know, all this kind of stuff. And then we get a nice little ski montage, you need a montage in one of these sort of movies. They're all trying things out, trying different moves, so skiing the snowboarding and the th th th th th th th you know me, I'm seasonal, and it is seasonal now, but it hasn't got that cold. Ski school
ever seen ski school? It's any good? I think so. Okay. Okay. Okay.
I I wait 'em for a time or I just go ah I'll just pop it in.
Oh yeah, but what about watching the film? Um later on after all their skiing and snowboarding they, go for pizza and they sort of sit and have a chat uh about you know it's coming towards the end of the day the, ski lift's only gonna go up a couple more times it's, getting dark. Let's do a proper run. And they're kind of a little bit being a bit nasty about Parker 'cause she's not very good. It's it's
It's not a bit nasty, it's just being realistic Like. it's ju like he's uh like saying, you know, this is supposed to be very fast to rekindle. Can't we go up there and just have a quick run down, like ultimate like me and you fast fucking to did it. I c I again, same as Lynch completely with him. If o if any of these characters that I was gonna be, it's gonna be Lynch. I'm completely understand that's come on, let's fucking have a quick go. And she comes along and kind of overhears it and she's kind of like that's cool, why don't you guys do it and then they're like oh no come, it's like I've been like yeah, chill the fuck out
we won't be long. The thing is give, flinch that. Once he's done that, that's like him jizzing. He's done that. He's happy. He's gonna go off and probably go and pull someone or go off and party. And he's rekindled a bit of that thing back. Do you know what I mean? It's you know Yeah. And. she they wouldn't have died. They would have got stuck up there. She would have been like oh, they haven't come back yet and called the you know parties. So so I it's it's it's a
let her say is is we're maybe maybe. Well, or they could have just fed her to the wolves Um. so uh so it is dark now, but but they do decide that the three of them are gonna go up the mountain for one last proper big run speed down. So they go over to the guy that they came to. Yeah. And there's a there's a good little bit of
um future building here in that she says well I'm just gonna go and get my mobile phone out of my locker and he's like don't get your mobile phone because it's just gonna be a bunch of messages from your mum leave, it there enjoy, the moment. So that's why none of them have got a mobile phone with them Although. I suppose you're probably gonna take one when you're skiing anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely take one and fucking dumbling take one. I I'm saying that I. don't know I. can't remember when I did
it it wasn't such a thing 'cause it was a long time ago when I did uh um s snowboarding. So s uh listeners, whoever snowboards or skis or whatever, do you take your phone on the ma course they do. No one's gonna leave their phone nowadays. It's like fucking stuck to them like basket case, isn't it? Fucking basket mobile phone case. Mm-hmm.
Well they go over to the fella who's not happy with them because he kind of obviously they tricked him. But he'd still took the hundred dollar bribe um and they say to him please please please can we go up and he's like no no we got bad weather coming in. Um it's dark now. I'm not really supposed to let anybody else on. He is. And they end up saying oh please she she does her please face pleeeease.
And he says oh for fuck's sake alright on, you go.
By persuading him. That's how I know he's correct in doing his work. He should be good job of employee of the year, but no.
Well he lets them on and just
after that r r r r r let me and my girlfriends come on and it's actually me and my two m my old buddies.
And after they get on the lift and start heading their way up the mountain, he pulls the chain across and they're technically they are the last people. But a guy comes over, another colleague, and says hey you need to go and see the boss. He wants to talk to you about shift changes. And he says alright.
He's f he's it's nice because it's very realistic actions. Uh uh one thing leads to another thing that rolls over to another thing Domino effect, but very natural realistic.
So he's wrong. So actually there's there's free coming down of here have just gone up. So that's six.
Fuck me. It's 'cause he's rolled up about the fact that he's bought a shift manager and it's his b bachelor pa evener his brother's brother's best pa and he's pissed 'cause he's booked a day off for that life. Fucking fuck at work I mean for people. Uh.
So no initial scared shockness because it happened earlier.
It is it's when later on we get to it's when the lights go out, it's like the first like only shit moment.
No. Nope. So we know it's actually just been switched off now. So they wait there for a while. They talk. Could we jump from this height? I'm not sure we could jump from this height. I heard about a seventy that did. Mm maybe we could I'm not sure. What should we do?
in a horrible situation I mean 'cause you're cold going right we need to get down there soon and then it's just gonna get later and later and at some point you could be like fuck. Have they got watches?
Um don't think they have 'cause none of them
But after about ten minutes of them talking about you know dif
Well they discuss ways to die because they're just passing the time What. would happen if you fell from a great height? You know all these different way things that they're talking about. And just as they're sort of relaxing and waiting for the what they think is for the machine to turn back on, the next thing that happens, Gav, is that all the lights are turned out.
It's it's the moment yeah I think everyone would be like in the audience would be like oh shit 'Cause. but we know what's gonna happen.
It it's the same thing of going to watch full it's the same thing with these sorts of movies. You're like we're just waiting for the moment. We just want that moment and we're watching the the scratchable build-up of it.
So essentially there's these big floodlights that track the path of the ski slope and the chair lift uh all the way up and down the main s but they're all turned out so now they're in the dark too. It's just it's just it's just a bit uh and like a snow storm starts up, the wind's hauling, it's just like the worst situation possible and imagine you're just sitting there like in that sort of situation, it could be like at some point like fuck we we we actually really need to think about this situation now, we could actually we got into a
now where death is you, know, something which is actually a b a possible factor to t to even discuss, you know.
Yeah, totally. But that seed at some point pops into your head. The anxiety pops into your head of like oh, this could be death. Now t stop at the stop at this is not all not all you'd say to yourself.
Dan says, do you think I should jump? And they said no no no, don't don't do that, you know. Y you you'll probably really hurt yourself if you jump. It is quite far, so they don't do that. They start getting worried, Parker starts freaking out, having a bit of a panic attack, as you rightly would, because they realise that today is Sunday and the ski resort is actually shut. Because first of all they think we just have to wait until the morning, but then they realise the ski resort is shut for five days.
There's nobody gonna survive up there for five days.
So they know at this point they're fucked. Although Joe says someone will come. Someone will come. Parker says I need to pee. Joe says me too. Obviously he can pee okay. But she can't at this point. Um and this is where the snowstorm kicks in. Just to make things worse, the snowstorm kicks in now. And this is the bad weather that the guy was talking about. He n he was right when he got off. He said bad weather's coming.
I know ma me ma me my bladder, if I was in that situation I couldn't pee. And it was a case of whipping my clothes down. They're coming down.
And I like I'm so I'm thinking as a as a lady I'd be like guys my, trousers and pants are coming down and I'm just gonna fuckin do some balance perch tip perch. And you guys gonna help me counter-weight this thing so my ass can tip over here so I can piss. And you never know, might do a little shit. It's freezing coming down like a lightning bolt. A frozen pissed lightning bolt.
At this point they started discussing that they can't really feel their legs, pins and needles.
I I don't like to be confined. I like to move a lot. I'm I can't sit still. Um this would d just uh yeah. You you wouldn't wanna be sitting next to me.
Oh I like a good comfort blanket.
And Cain is a good one. He's such a nice character and r uh person in real life.
Yeah. It's Cain Hodder. Yeah. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Uh however, he can't hear them because it's firstly the wind is taking their voices up and also secondly he's in a ski ply which is extremely loud. He stops and then he s yes he's stopping. But it's because he gets a radio call saying, hey what, are you doing. They're they're there.
fucked all the time before they do. The whole v the whole movie.
And he ends up getting a call to turn back around in the ski-plow. They throw some of their stuff down at him which he doesn't hear, he doesn't see. Um and he just drives off to go home and get drunk. Doesn't hear them at all. Next up their faces start to hurt from snow-burning. They got hit.
and their faces are starting to go a bit red from snow-burn and uh early frostbite. So to keep things, you know, entertaining they, start talking about their favourite breakfast cereals. You know, what we get at what was yours, mine's this one, oh yeah, like that one, oh I like that. My favourite breakfast cereal, that's a difficult one Gav, very difficult. The one I one of my favourites from a c from a kid is very expensive now for some reason in the U_K_ is um Lucky Charms.
I I only really had them for first time last year and it's fricking pretty good.
Oh I, fucking love lucky charms. Yeah really good. Yeah.
Frosties Oh. Yeah. Cocoa pops alright. I like I think 'em. I like the chocolate milkshake at the end kind of sort of thing you, know. Yeah, frosties are right. They could get a bit too sweet. I sometimes like bland cornflakes just for milk. I kind of dig that.
Fucking A_ raisins. Fuck you.
That curry I had earlier has got raisins in it. Okay. It's true. Um okay, so where are we Uh? yeah, so frostbite their, faces are hurting and, they're talking about breakfast cereal. And then s out of the blue, Joe says, somebody is gonna have to jump.
Well, or someone could shimmy over to the other the other stair cart. Well they talk about that a bit later on. But that's but that should have been the first f thought, because that's still dropping down from a length. So worst case scenario, you go along and you drop, you're still dropping down. I'd go with that. It but you're you're still getting the the desired effect. Well, so
Somebody needs to jump. Parker says I don't wanna die. Um and while they're in the middle of discussing what they do, she drops one of her fucking gloves. Not a fart. She drops her guts off the side of the she drops one of her gloves. And of course this is gonna lead to a scene later. Her hand is now gonna be exposed to the elements. And they've noticed that their tips of their noses are all turning purple. Don't touch it don't touch it 'cause if you do if you do anything to it you could lose your whole
I know where you could put your hand, keep it warm.
Dan says I'm gonna jump.
I was thinking about so close how sometimes a warmest place in an inside man. Why is that from the thing?
Yeah Imagine. if you'd have said that. I've dropped my glove. A warmest place to hide is inside man. Or if you look Skywalker inside a tauntaun. That too, but there's no tauntauns up there. There is a man though. There is a man. Get inside him. Wearing me like a glove. Jesus Christ. So Dan says I'm gonna jump. I'm brave.
I'm gonna take one for the team and I'm gonna jump.
'Cause he said I've done this before.
As a skateboarder I don't appreciate the ankle situation we are about to have.
Even reveals to them just as he's about to jump. I lied. I've never done this before. Do you think God be alright? They're like yeah, snow down there you should be alright. Now I said to my wife what they've forgotten is they've been up there for about five hours at this point and that snow is wi well before it was thin, it was powder, it was soft, it's been frozen fucking rock solid. Is it so he land he lands on his legs scav, doesn't he? And his legs just completely shatter.
It's just it's mushed.
he the shock the, acting is fantastic from Kevin's easy 'cause the shock because he doesn't realise it at first, he sort of sits up and then look the shock as he looks at his legs going in random directions and he starts going oh my God oh my God it's, more the the look of it than the pain that he's he's screaming about first of all. And they're going are you okay Dan? And he's like the bones are sticking out of my legs.
uh pain uh for yeah The. shock factor would be uh uh the initial thing going on uh and adrenaline would be spiking pretty hard. And they say right, can you move? And he's like no, I fucking can't move, my bones are sticking out my legs, can you slide down the hill? No. Um this is the only th thing I think like this is the only way I feel like he could still be talking like he is, otherwise I don't think so, I think it'd just be like s laying there like fucked, just go oh. Well he does say not
that quickly afterwards, he says I can't actually feel them that much anymore, that's is that a good thing or a bad thing, but that's because of the cold and the numbness and the loss of blood. So um I suppose that might be the reason why he could still sort of talk, 'cause he tries to reach for his ski pole, is it?
Well they throw in um a scarf to use as a tourniquet on his leg to try and stop the bleeding and it's just out of his reach. So they don't show it so much, but you hear him reaching for it and every with every little inch of him reaching for it you hear more bones sort of creaking and snapping. And you just keep cutting back to Joe and Parker's faces as they're listening to the screams and the crunch and bones of their friend Eventually. he gets it and he tries to tie it up um
And Joe Joe says why don't I climb the cable uh to a pole like like climb onto another chair and um you know I'll I'll uh be able to climb down the ladder. And they're like well I don't think you should try it, it's gonna be too cold there's too much ice. He says no I think I'll do it, I think I'll do it. And uh i i certainly this is where we get a first glimpse of our hairy little friend doesn't, it? Our.
hairy little friend. Oh wolf, troll. Well they hear a noise first of all and there's some howling wolves and it's it's it's it's it's not a good situation. Dan sort of uh worried. Joe's go, well I think it's probably just a coyote. It's not a coyote. I know the sound of wolves. Oh wha wha wha wolves are pussies here. They're not gonna do anything. They're not gonna attack you. They're more afraid of you than you are of
So they're trying to reassure him. Um. Um.
Y you must at at the point when you're laying down there with your legs broken anyway must be like well I'm gonna die. You must be. Like you're gonna freeze. There's nothing uh nothing no one's come up here. No one's it's you know you're gonna die. But then the wolves come along and say psh I'm really gonna die here.
Well the first wolf we see is just one on its own. And so Dan bur buries his head in his hands and he's crying and then he as he sits back up there's just a wolf in front of him growling. Yeah and it's all landing on.
A wolf. And it's such it's really well shot. Uh the act the acting of the wolf is great.
Uh so there's a shot where there's a shot where the actor looks to the camera for a split second and that's because he was looking behind the camera to the wolf handler who's in. Is this alright? And as soon as they s had cut they got the wolf 'cause the wolf got a bit too close. 'Cause although you can train any animal in for movies you can't really train wolves and tigers and things to be it's still a fucking wolf. Do you know what I mean? Uh-huh.
Well the there's a shot where the actor looks to the camera for a split second and that's because he was looking behind the camera to the wolf handler who's in. Is this alright? And as soon as they s had cut they got the wolf 'cause the wolf got a bit too close. 'Cause although you can train any animal in for movies, you can't really train wolves and tigers and things to be it's still a fucking wolf. Do you know what I mean?
of the day something could spook an animal uh the best trained animal you, know.
And and Dan says at this point I can't feel my legs. The other's frostbite is kicking in on their noses. Their noses are turning purple. And Joey says right, that's it. I am gonna climb now to the other s the other left behind us on the cable.
as he starts doing it for no reason at all he starts climbing back and you think well why is he doing that and that's because he's seen a pack of wolves heading for Dan and he doesn't want Parker to see what's about to happen and neither does Dan 'cause Dan breaks my heart when he says this he shouts don't you let her see don't you let her watch this 'cause he knows he's about to get scoffed. I feel like uh he should just carry on
climbing though. You know, um and they st they said earlier about the the the ropes being sharp. They're not sharp. Um obviously in the in in the scope of this film, in this film, in this story yeah, but they're not in real life. In the story of this film they are though, for whatever strange reason Um. yeah, um I I dunno how I just kept climbing and tried to get to you know, try and get keep going, but yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well we now have to watch um Joe and Parker
couldn't cuddle each other while they hear uh yeah you don't see any because they shot they shot the scene um very brutal bloody scene of a man being pulled apart and eaten by wolves. But Adam decided as is often the case, less is more. Let's show let's just hear it and let's show our other two actors' faces as they are having to kn kn acknowledge what's happening. So if you wanna go and watch
I believe that the scene is out there deleted, scene probably on the D_V_D_ Blue Race. I've never actually seen it but yeah you you can see Dan get ripped apart by walls, but you don't see it in the normal movie and I think it's more effective this way. It's just it's just what you hear really more than anything. It's just a p p
scene. It's quite an intense scene, you know. As she screams and it sort of sustain the echoes away as we fade to black. And it's quite a nice ending to that, having us scream out in a fade to black. And they cry together um because they've just lost their best friend and boyfriend. Um but once it's all gone quiet uh. It is now though uh a no point of return. This is a situation where there are like there deaths involved now. Like w w we are fucked. We have to now make uh life or death situations. It's a
it's to that point that everything decision we make now is lifeable death.
He kinda claims her a bit.
Parker says why did you let him jump? He says why would you say that? Why did you why did you even come on this trip?
It's gonna be the uh be the order for the f uh general things that happen with grief, isn't it Uh? those questions.
this scene in is for acting. This is the best scene. It's phenomenally done. The grief, the anger, and the fact that at the end of it it all just comes out and they hug each other. And they know that they need to hug each other as well, not just because they've both lost someone, but for their bodily warmth. So it's kind of p all comes together nicely really at the end of this scene. Um but yeah, all is forgiven. They're both up shit's creek without a paddle as it were, so we might as well work together rather than argue. That's all out of their system now. We do see a few little shots
Dan's fingers sticking out of the snow. Just to remind us that there's a body down there. Um they have a bit of a chit-chat. They just talk about random things really. Um they discuss dogs. Parker's got a dog. She's really worried about her puppy. Um and he's like we're gonna get you home. You're gonna see your dog. You're gonna see your dog again, I promise.
kind of like in that sort of situation where you start putting other li lives I know it's an animal, but uh putting lives in front of your own li or or just thinking of other lives which will be impacted by the fact you're not there. So yeah, thinking about the animal you can't go back and feed it's gonna start a death in in the apartment. Um i it is something you'd think of and you'd think of these sorts of other situations which would get a domino effect from your death, uh especially if no one knows uh if you died for a moment or whatever. So yeah, um you need I guess the
you need these conversations and stuff, but when you're up there.
Well they talk and talk and talk until they fall asleep and the next morning comes in very early morning daylight, and uh Parker's the first to wake up and she realises she fell asleep with her hand on the metal railing, Gav.
Not good Not. good without a glove.
She doesn't wake up Joe initially.
She sort of realises oh it's stuck How. am I gonna get this off?
It's 'cause uh she g lifts her hand and the whole pole comes up 'cause her hand's stuck to the pole.
Flash off the palm of her hand in a very gooey cabin-fever-y style effect. Very good stuff, looks great.
Uh and uh yeah it's a nice one 'cause it it's again realistic and uh could actually happen.
Um Joe says maybe someone will come now today. Today's the day someone will come. I don't think it is Joe, come on mate.
Joe's hands are fucked as well 'cause he cut his hands trying to climb the cable and he's got frostbite kicking in as well on his nose, she's got it on her cheek uh and the sun comes up and they start now getting sunburned as well.
not great not great stuff. Um Parker pees herself.
Yeah, it's a strange one, this one. It's like, does she hold a P_ this long? Like, this is not happening with me. Maybe it's 'cause I'm an older ma ma figure now, when I P_ I've got a P_. I guess, but like s again, w I don't know. And it becomes quite a moment which seems a bit strange, like it's all very emotional and piano movie music comes in. I know it's like it's sort of slightly degrading for a lady to to P_ herself. And obviously if you're just gonna sit there and P_ yourself, it another factor would be the fact that it's gonna be cold and
wet and that's gonna freeze essentially. Yeah, but that's not gonna last. Uh um but I think the emphasis on it with the sad music's the the the the grade in it and uh I dunno it seems a bit unwarranted, it's a bit like fuck off, your fucking friend's just been eatin boyfriend's been eaten by wolves Like. just fucking pissed. Like it's it's not uh a big thing, you know.
This is the reality of the situation now. I'm having to piss myself. I've lost my hand, have my hand, you know. I dunno. I think you need to get rid of the programme here, the situation. Just take a piss away earlier on. On a sili side tangent Gav, what music would you like to play while you were peeing yourself? Anywhere, not just on a ski lift, anywhere. If you had to sit somewhere and just start peeing yourself, what music would you like to come peeing up? If you are? Yeah.
music. Let me have a think. I I I'm gonna have, even though I don't like the song, it's the first thing that popped to my head, it's kinda like Ghostbusters at the end. What what just popped in your head, Ray? Basically Gav, what just popped in your head? Um the time of my life day, dancing. So I dunno why it just popped in. Oh, I've had the time of my life and I'm just peeing myself.
And. and when does the P_ start, what point of the song? The sax saxophone uh so no. Okay, that's that. Mine would be the Magnum P_I_ theme tune. Uh and I'm talking, you know, give it a good ten seconds and then ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. That's the
Pete start showing on my my trousers. This could be an OnlyFans thing. And they would have to request a song that we pay ourselves to. Well there we go Anyway. look, moving on we're back and back to this. They tr they talk now about relationships. She reveals that Dan was the one Dan was the one I wanted to marry. Um he
how they became friends they, met each other very very young age. It it it it a little bit here feels it a little drags just a little bit here. Mm yeah, I know what you mean, but I do like that there's a little bit of back-story there. Yeah yeah, yeah, it's there's there's that I understand why it's here, but it's just it it's that point where it's a bit like we've had some uh uh crazy shit going on. Um. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
look, we can't let Dan have died for nothing, so let's do this, let's do this I'm, gonna climb. So he starts to climb the cable th th do it, do it, do it. He climbs he climbs the cable to the chair behind them. But while he's doing that. I watch that again the other day and I really still really enjoy that film, Starsky and Hutch movie, I mean it's fucking brilliant, it really is. You know Vince Vaughn when, he slaps Snoop Dogg, that's a real slap. But uh Snoop Dogg I've, seen an
where he says there wasn't scripted and he said the gangster in me wanted to kill Vince Vaughn when he did that to me, but because it was one of my first acting gigs, I had to keep it together and afterwards Vince Vaughn came over and was like oh I'm sorry about that Snoop, you know, it just came to me and Snoop they joke about it now, but at the time imagine slapping Snoop Dogg when he's in his gangster prime, you just wouldn't do it. You wouldn't do it. He's a skinny man, ain't he?
that's a weird body, he's got a body of an eight year old boy. It's a really elongated eight year old boy. It's really old. Yeah. Um so i Joe um climbs the cables, while he's climbing the cables some bolts start coming loose, which means her the chair lift that they were originally in that that Parker is still in is now wobbling around and starting to tilt a little bit. Yeah, 'cause I these t obviously these lifts would be
uh chair-less would be p checked and examined regularly, but for a sustained amount of weight for a long period of time bolts, are gonna loosen up, I suppose. But then again sorry, I don't know if they would, because I think they'd be frozen. I don't think they would actually. Mm-hmm. That's my hypothesis of it. Well, he makes it to the chair behind them and he says to her, look, I can't make it all the way there. What I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna jump down. If you can throw me a
ski pole, at least I'll have some kind of a weapon to defend myself against the wolves. So she throws the ski pole, he prepares to jump, he drops, he's instantly attacked by wolves. They start biting him He. manages to stab one of them with the ski pole. Um this is the conversation my wife and I had. What would you do? She said you would go and fight the wolves. I said to her, how am I gonna fight a fucking wolf? You're not fighting wolves though. She she loves you 'cause she thinks you're a hunky
But yeah, I'm sorry Dan, I'm I'm a best mate of yours, but you're not fighting wolves.
It it it's in snow jumps, jumping down, like you're not gonna be starting jumping up doing fucking kickboxing, but it'd be like that Liam Neeson movie, but better.
You'd be like Steven Seagal fighting wolves in the snow.
I went down the fucking YouTube rabbit hole this weekend with some more Steven Seagal stories. I don't know what I did to myself, but apparently he actually because it's his like productions, all these films, 'cause it I they watch 'em in Malaysia or wherever the fuck they watch 'em, so he manages to keep making films. He actually fucking slaps the shit out of s dump people He. actually hurts them and and they can't do anything about it, and a lot of 'em don't get paid, they're not gonna get paid.
No, it's not w it's not how you make films.
And no one will work with him anymore. Um no one Hollywood will work with him anymore, 'cause he's he's horrible. He's a bully.
Yeah, and there's l lots of lots of interviews with him that have surfaced recently of them sort of saying what do you think of Jett Lee, what do you think of Jean-Claude Van Damme, what do you think of and he's laughing at them. They're not real.
They're not real. And it's like dude, you weigh about twenty five stone. What are you gonna do now?
Well back to the ski lift, he stabs a wolf and he he gets on a snowboard and he says to a ri I'll go and get help and he slides off down the hill on the snowboard to go and get help.
With two wolves fking about two after. No no no, there's two of them, but I imagine there might be more. Um yeah, 'cause actually there's more later on. Uh well they're they're they've got 'em real quickly What's. he gonna do th uh uh okay, so he's stabbing 'em behind and smacking 'em.
Well she just well
Well, she waits now thinking that uh uh Lynch is gonna do something about it great, but then she kinda wakes up again, she has a little sleep again and she just like realises like I need to fucking sort this out. So she decides to go and jump herself. 'Cause I guess she's c there's no way she's gonna have the strength in her arms I feel like after sitting there for so long to go and her hand's fucked to climb down that thing like Lynch. So yeah, she's gonna jump which her boyfriend did and she knows what happens, but she's to that situation. But all the m all the movement uh
the uh cable more. Yeah. So the chair falls about half the height, then stops suddenly, then she falls out of it. Yeah. Although when it finally snaps, it lands on her leg. Um damaging her leg. Um. Um if she's dropped then it falls down uh and it could have actually just fallen on her head and fucking taken her out there, isn't it? That's very true. She then drags herself, like literally desperately drags herself, using her
sends the mountain with her hands. Uh she goes she comes across a lot of blood trail and then all of a sudden it's like oh, there's Lynch eaten up, been eating by wolves.
He literally got just around the corner of some trees. That's about as far as he got. And uh yeah But. luckily the wolves are all very full and very hungry at eating him. Yeah. If uh if an animal is actually full uh and uh like a dangerous animal like, it won't it won't bother you. Yes. Yeah. So they look r look round at her and they go, well we've already got one of these over here, we'll eat this one anyway. So she drags herself all the way into the middle of the highway. The
car doesn't see her. It's one of the wolves actually though does sort of growl at first 'cause she sees it, but it's almost a like territorial thing like this is our mill. Have you come to take some of our mill? Because it's an animal. No uh no you, wouldn't show your teeth. That'd be the worst thing you could do. Yeah. Oh a bit of oh I was watching the I_T_ crowd really s do you watch do you like the I_T_ crowd? A bit where y they could do the
take a photo it's a candle, but ends up doing take photographs of nerds and he gets must have been down on all fours and turn around and go yeah. That's very funny. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
to the hospital now and takes her to the hospital and the last thing she hears is Dan's voice from what he said earlier, which is you're gonna be okay, I swear you're gonna be okay. And she is. And it it kind of ends with although she's alive, her best f her you know, two p guys have died. Never. There's more chance of Brodie going surfing.
'Cause you might pee her pants each time it snows. From now on the, trauma would be fucking terrible.
I'm a climber along the polar. I'm not doing either of those two. Absolutely. Yeah. Even if you're like I haven't got the strength to tell you in my arms, uh you pull yourself up so you can get your feet up as well in your arms and j hold on to your arm like that and shimmy yourself down with your feet. Well, it's just anything. Like, you know, I'm not jumping, that's fucking dumb as fuck. It's just uh no. You jump. And I
you when I would do it. I would do it in the morning when that sun was up for a few hours, melt in the top couple of feet of layers of the snow, make it soft, I'm jumping then. 'Cause then you've got a cushion, if you land right, you're probably gonna be okay. The reason he broke his legs when he jumped is because that's that they'd left it hours and hours and hours overnight. But in the morning when that sun's come up and it's f taking a bit of the edge off, I would have jumped. I would have jumped and I'd have run and taken my chances with the wolves. 'Cause I'd fight, I'd
for it. Alice told me she'd be a sitter. She said she'd just wait until she passed out and died in her sleep. She said I'd rather just die in my sleep, freeze to death. So if we're ever in that situation, I guess I've got as long as it takes the death while I run off fighting wolves to get back to this town and try and get some help. Meanwhile leaving you, monkeying your way along the
Okay, where are you going Dan? Wolves get, out I've, gotta fight these wolves.
Yeah. But like I said, do do I do what I said, try shimmying yourself down first and if you fall you're, dropping anyway.
You do that I'm, fighting the wolves.
You haven't got down there yet though have, you? I'm telling you, shimmy first, shimmy then drops. Shimmy drops. Shimmy shimmy drop, shimmy drop. Uh anyway, do you give this a thumbs up or thumbs down? Oh you're also giving it a frozen thumbs up out of the snow.
It's um a really really good movie, and accessible for non-horror fans as well 'cause, it'd be unique premise.
And my mum saw it and liked it um.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. She she would have been on the horror channel. She told me she watched it. I know she liked it Um. yeah, it's really it is accessible, but also if you like your horror and it's got some lovely little bits of gore in there, just splattered in um and it's one of these sort of, you know, the wilderness fights back movies. So it's definitely a thumbs up from me. It's definitely a thumbs up from you. And now I feel very very cold. But luckily Bill Murray has walked on in the
him. That that was a that was a very long shower you had there you, uh i i
Okay. Right. Bill. Hi. Welcome back to World of the Strange.
world out there. Strange world. It's a strange world. Here we are world, of the strange Thank. you very much Bill. Uh so we are gonna be looking at a series of real life people stuck in unusual or horrible places. Which is fucking brilliant because we just had Frozen Uh. it's such a great world of
strange uh uh golf clap for the list. That's like quite a bit well done Bill, well done Bill. Well done, Bill. Well done Bill, well done.
But she should be. She should be. But um yeah, most of these people survived. Some of them didn't though. So I won't I'll go through these fairly briefly, but you feel free to tangent and ask questions and get annoyed or stressed, as you often do. So we'll talk about a man stuck in an elevator first of all.
yeah I've I've been there. I've been stuck in one. I've uh dropped for a few floors in one. Yeah, we just went I was doing a paper range when I was about fourteen and the doors opened in the lift 'cause I used to deliver to a block of flats or apartments and it open it opened three quarters of the way between floors, so there was a gap. And I tell you, uh now I've seen
Destination 2, I'd never do this again. But I climbed up and out through the gap. 'Cause I was worried about being stuck in there. And I I I I'm an old maidy doing that in uh uh and for the only other day and I was like oh god, the whole time you're like is it gonna move? Is it gonna move? Jesus Christ. Well a man named Nicholas White was in a skyscraper in New York City in nineteen ninety nine years ago I was at work and um where we were working there was a
lift, but it's a see-through lift on the outside inside the switch thing. Um Johnny, you know Johnny, him and the old boss, they got stuck in the lift and they were there for about two and a half hours and we could see them both in the lift together and it was see-through. And he was and the boss was getting so annoyed. And we're just we're like we're just crack on, did the work. And we're just looking up and we're going hey right way thumbs up and laughing at my whole time and it's like and it must have been the worst situation 'cause my old boss was a twat.
Um yeah hilarious, Brilliant. Well this chap was working on the forty third floor of the McGraw building. He took the elevator downstairs to have a cigarette break. And when he came back he got the express elevator that doesn't stop. It just goes straight to the thirty ninth floor. It goes straight to the bubble room. Somewhere around the thirteenth floor, the
have stopped. And there's security footage, and you can watch this footage on YouTube if you want of him. He spent forty one hours trapped on the lift on his own, and apparently in the footage you can see him pacing around, trying to sleep, trying to open the doors, and slowly slowly going insane. Apparently he experienced hallucinations, yet no no water, no food. All he had was a packet of cigarettes and a packet of mints. So he lived off a
packet of cigarettes in the midst of forty-one hours.
Coulda done.
Wow, so so he's just peed and pooed in there or whatever he needs to do. He's probably doing poo Maybe. he just peed.
Well he probably w I pro probably pooed. Um but his life has never been the same He. was rescued. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um nobody knew he was there 'cause he was in the express elevator which is barely used and there was no d way to call out or dial out like there is There's. no alarm. I don't know. This was nineteen ninety nine but, you should c Well he was rescued um but he basically i is
ever ever got on a lift again since. And he refused to go back to work, but they fired him, because he w w w w because he would go back to work America. But eventually he got a settlement figure. Because he claimed, you know, I've experienced forty one hours of hell, he can't fire me after all of that. It didn't say anything. So it was a bit of a
It didn't say. It doesn't say. Doesn't say. But that's the first one. And that was that was the most normal of the ones really on the list. It was just an elevator. People were stuck in lifts all the time. But let's get into some weird places to be stuck, okay? How about if we mix heights and high voltage electricity together, and what do you think about that?
Well let's move to Lancashire in England, when an unidentified man combined these two things. Uh a thirty six year old man was spotted tangled up in a two hundred and seventy five kilo-volt line sixty five feet off the ground Electrow. Um so he was sixty feet up in the air tangled up in a two hundred and seventy five kilo-volt
cable. Nobody knows to this day how the man got there or how he got stuck there in the first place. He's lucky and he's rescued. Well no one knows. He hasn't told them. Someone somewhere must know. You know that advert that used to run on British T_V_ about the
frisbee the kite going up into the the electricity. Don't climb up a t a pylon tower, you'll die, you know. It's basically he's at one of those pylon towers tangled up. Right, sorry. Now I've got you. Um okay. So the u local utility electricity company had to cut the power to that little f grid, that area square, mile radius. Yeah. Then they had to get
the f the uh police and emergency rescues to climb up, cut him free from the wire, and he was taken to hospital, and was described as alive but incapacitated. The police considered pushing pressing charges against him for trespassing, but they didn't eventually. Yes yes. He's fine. But the mystery here is he never explained what he was doing up there.
Where is he now? What's he doing?
You can't just carry on with your life What. you do at the weekend Fred, Well. You got up. Everyone's forever is gonna be saying, what were you doing up there, your mum? What were you doing up there Fred? Oh, I dunno, mum. Sleep climbing?
let's uh let's move things over then to someone in Michigan called Ben Carpenter. Ben has muscular dystrophy and uses a motorised wheelchair to get around. He was travelling around. He's I have to mute myself though 'cause I
him coughing and laughing already. So he was travelling around the centre of Michigan and he tried to cross a busy intersection. The light changed and he was a bit slow off the mark and bear in mind he's in a motorised wheelchair so he's quite low down to the ground. A semi-truck a semi-truck didn't see him and took him for a ride and
him for a ride. His wheelchair was basically side-paced. The wheelchair is jammed into the grill of the truck. Well he's got muscular dystrophy, so he can't really do a lot. Um it then went onto the highway speeding along the highway. Well he's stuck on a speeding
I've never gone so high pitch in my life oh my God. But because he was strapped into the wheelchair, because of his muscular dystrophy, he was unharmed, but he did travel four miles sideways at fifty miles an hour, strapped to the front of a semi-truck. How did they how how did it come to a point where people knew what was th th th how did they drive a motor there?
So tourists were driving along and seeing it and calling nine they got inundated with nine one one calls because people were saying there's a man on a wheelchair strapped to the front of a truck. And the driver was under didn't even know he's just driving his truck got, this delivered get, all this stuff delivered. He's having a sandwich and a coffee, just stroking his dog's head listening to radio. He's having a right all time and smoking a fag. He's loving it. Fag's sake. So yeah he, was stuck there for four miles.
About an hour he's, probably there. Life flashed before his eyes. It's on one side of his face, in his ear. Anyway let's, move on.
Poor fella. But what was he like, I'm not going shopping next week, I'm gonna stay in for a bit. So I'm getting fucking Amazon from that one.
Well I hope you got some compensation for that.
The job's gonna be like I'm not even shocked by it. I think we know what's happening.
Let's move on to the next one then. So everyone's locked themselves haven't, they out of their house. We've all done it.
Uh probably.
How do we get in? Did we close have we left a window open? Does is the back door open? How do we get in?
Well a, man in Arizona
learned the hard way that you should never go full Santa Claus.
Are we getting into some fucking baby Kate's monologue?
However, when he got halfway down the chimney, he realised this chimney's a bit too small. It got his feet on the ground in the living room, but then realised there was not enough space for him to crouch down and climb in, and there was absolutely no way he could go back up 'cause he was stuck. Uh it took him screaming for four
until neighbours, 'cause he couldn't reach his phone in his pocket, he couldn't move, his al his arms were pinned.
So he screamed for four hours and s alright Santa, I. uh i i are you hearing this outside? And he was just like am I c am I hearing in the air help, I'm in the chimney.
That had been la you'd have to be loud.
I thought it's just someone died, so maybe I don't know this then.
He did.
What would you think of going down the chimney though?
I don't know.
Or call a locksmith. We locked ourselves out of the house about a year ago. Alice said have you got your key? I said no. She went oh don't worry I've, got mine.
She didn't. So we were locked out with the two kids. So we just called a locksmith and all he did was he opened the door in three seconds flat and then we had to go in and find I_D_ to prove it was our house. And that was it. Yeah. It's fucking hundred and twenty quid or something. Yeah. I'm in the wrong
job. Yeah. Yeah. Um well what did he do?
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Well the next one is probably one of my favourite on the list, if not my favourite on the list.
Not A_ and A_s. But but my first question is uh they're not around anymore. So how is this happening?
Okay. Well in Spain there's a big attraction that you can go to uh where there's lots of big model dinosaurs uh just outside of Barcelona. We all of 'em. And there's a giant stegosaurus. And uh the statue um had to be cut open by firefighters and a body was found in there that had been in the leg within there for several
days. What had happened is what had happened is the tourist had decided to shine his light on his phone inside the mouth of the Stegosaurus to see what was inside, dropped his phone, so he thought oh for fuck's sake I'm gonna have to get that out, he's lent in to the mouth, falling in to the leg head first, trapped, and about five days
people started smelling
This dinosaur's got really bad breath. What's that smell 'Cause? obviously we're talking Spain, Gav. It's hot.
You imagine though, when they've the first the first uh bits of the smell come round it'd be like wow, this attraction is great. They've got like this smell-o-vision thing going on there Smells. like dinosaurs, as you can imagine that they smell like.
Well eventually someone shone a torch into their statue to see if an animal or something had called it.
God the, shark.
Shit. Uh you're gonna like this next one 'cause this would make a great movie. Okay. So this is a place rather than a thing to be stuck in alright, So a group of children,
uh an orchestra, a child's orchestra,
uh left their native Bolivia to go and tour Germany.
But the timing of this was that COVID-19 was starting to shut meant countries are starting to shut their borders down.
So these children traveling on a coach. So the orchestra uh arrived in Germany for the tour in March twenty twenty shortly after their arrival their performances were all cancelled as large gatherings are obviously banned. Then Bolivia closed its borders, meant meaning they couldn't go back to their own country.
So they found themselves
stranded in the middle of nowhere and they found a place called Rhinesburg Palace which, is a very very old hundreds of year old castle in the wilderness half an hour uh sorry an hour and a half away from Berlin.
And pandemic restrictions meant that they had to stay in the castle because they had to stay in the castle 'cause of the pandemic restrictions. Um but it is one of the most ho haunted castles in that part of Europe. Uh it's former occupant King Frederick the Great said to haunt it as well as many other ghosts.
A group of children all guessed through a uh not to mention, Gav, that they couldn't leave the castle because there were packs of wild wolves roaming the castle. I knew you would like this one. So the orchestra, whenever they would try to leave, they had to come back inside.
the castle had a few bare-bones staff that stayed on.
Yeah, so there was like a f few staff members there that were able to donate clothes and cook for these kids. They had to live there in a haunted castle surrounded by wolves for two and a half months. Children.
Now that would make a great movie, wouldn't it?
Throw the wolves into the mix as well. So you can't leave.
And you got no service, you gotta throw that in there, you know. Uh there's gotta be some d death of children, definitely.
No more symbols. Who does cowbell? Don't let 'em outside.
I actually thought that they played music against the wolves. So I was quite liking that actually. Trombone against a wolf.
That guy with the big boom.
Or you could do like some Benny Hill music.
Or mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma mamma.
'Kay. Should briefly mention um many of you would have seen, hundred and twenty seven hours, the movie about uh Aaron Rolston whose arm got stuck in a
uh a rock and he had to cut his own arm off. You've seen that movie. Great movie James Franco, good very good. And that's another one of these movies like Frozen where someone's stuck in one place for a very long period of time. Yeah um great movie. Just wanted to mention that one briefly as well. Um just see if there's any more on the list worth mentioning. Oh yes, uh there is another one about a child, the last one on the list.
Little boy. Went to see his grandparents.
They had an antique barrel worth hundreds of pounds, hundreds of dollars. He decided he'd climb into this barrel.
Got in. Got in it.
No he, doesn't do it. He squeeze himself into it and then realise he couldn't get out because he'd had to squat to get into it, but because his knees were pinned, he couldn't straighten his legs again. Couldn't get out. So they found him eventually in the barrel. Wasn't crying or screaming, very calm.
And they said well the only thing we can do is smash the barrel Grandpa. No no no no no no no no this barrel's antique. Because he's pinned he's pinned in there. His legs are pinned in. You have to gonna have to break it to get him out. He's got himself in such a position he might break his legs. Immediately Grandpa says no no no don't smash my barrel. It's worth hundreds of dollars. What are you on about? So they X_ rate they had to
X_ ray the barrel with a boy in it in the emergency room to see where his legs and feet were, to figure out a way to undo this sort of weird jenga puzzle of a child in a barrel. So imagine X_ ray in that. Boy in a barrel.
But why why can't you break it out and get me out? Your grandfather says the barrel's worth a lot of money. Right um but I'm stuck in here. Yeah we're working on it. Wow.
They tried to use the jewels of life to free the boy, just to slightly widen it enough. But that didn't work W. w I was gonna say, couldn't you just cut down cut strips down where his knees are?
In the end grandpa agreed to let them cut just the bottom of the barrel off. And then he could stretch his legs out and then they pulled him out the bottom.
He never got on a barrel ever again.
you didn't. And he never fucking gave his grandad a fucking birthday card again either. Yeah, we'll get it. So that's my list of people being stuck in unusual places Um. and none of them were sexual. I think my favourite is probably the Stegosaurus leg, but for dramatic cinematic storytelling. The children in the haunted castle, surrounded by wolves,
that that's that's a good one. I'd rather it as a more a ruins, but no I still quite like it. It's kind of reminds me a little bit of that uh Howlin' Four I think it is um, and it's a real bare bones castle. There's only like two, three members a month.
Imagine imagine Argento directing that in very early eighties with a real like group weird group of kids you, know, all playing different instruments.
There is I c I I wish I could find it again 'cause I quite enjoyed it. There was like a movie of a group of kids w many Italian horror movies, a group of kids eighties go and find a castle. There's a wind and shit and they do find a a ruins castle. But I can't think what it is.
I'm thinking Udo Kier is there as sort of teacher is, the only adult, you know, in the driver's Yeah. That'd be great movie. Well there we go Bill, that was a brilliant list Thank. you buddy Um. of course, yeah. But the kids are sort of they've put the goblin score over the top of the kids while they're to play in their instruments to make out that they're playing it. There we go. W we'll we'll get that made Alright. then. O I'll phone Udo Kier up
this and we'll uh get a remote control. Bluedo, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh. Well Bill if you could do up the dressing game please. Uh no we, don't wanna see it. And uh take the list. Back with you. Thank you. And if you could take us out of here Bill. That's all the time we've got for this week I'm, nervous. Next week though, gimme Ira. Hairless pets. Weird.
In every society there are the deviants, the ones who are pure evil. We've been shooting this documentary Love. to roll. Take one. One hundred yards beneath the surface of the earth exists a metropolis that mirrors ours in very many respects. I call it the marrow. William Decker claims that he's found monsters. I'd see their shapes.
Moving through the woods.
Is he crazy? Um is he is he mentally ill? Is it at all uh a hoax? You believe this. You're a believer. What if this guy's conspiracy theories are all true? So please don't get hurt.
It's right up there at the entrance to the marrow.
Okay, did you did you see anything?
Oh god, he's right here in front of us now.
Take turn turn it on. Tell the wait. No no no no no. Turn on the wait if it's here I wanna see it. Turn on the what?
You're too blind to see what's going on around you. What are you gonna see? You're gonna see. Are you kidding me? You should just go.
I warned you.
I warned you some of them were dangerous.
Just tell me the truth about one single thing. They know we found them.
Stay away.
So here we go. Digging up the marrow from twenty fourteen.
A documentary exploring genre based monster art takes an odd turn when the filmmakers are contacted by a man who claims that he can prove that monsters are indeed real.
directed and written by Adam Green, starring Adam Green and, starring the one and only mister Ray Wise. Fucking hell Fucking hell. Well probably one of my favourite performances from Ray Wise. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um yeah, it's f it's a really fun choice for Ray Wise Really. really fun choice 'cause Ray Wise fucking just
it when he gets a chara you know, he's a real character to kiss i he just loves getting in there. But you it well, it's only character to be. He'd get ray-wise when he get ray-wise, but we all love ray-wise.
Exactly. And I can't really think I'm I was racking my brain thinking who else could have played this role, you know.
Yeah it, is it's it's a nicely played role because it's uh uh it's it's it's almost like a thin line that you could almost p probably just accidentally go more sort of almost parody or comedic or a different way or you gotta play it just right. Excuse me. And I think Ray does it perfect.
Indeed. And this as as we talked about in the intro, this is a a mockumentary, a an almost as close as to uh found footage as you you you likely to get really um because it's all you know, it's all shot talking heads um on loca but people are on location filming. So it's done as in I suppose it i is this a found footage movie?
Um it w yeah, you would put it in the found footage genre. Um i and uh uh anything which is kind of film like this 'cause you've got us uh some first p uh point of view sort of shots. And um you would you would put in uh the umbrella of found footage. But it's not it's not t it's not Blair Witch tro like t as in uh uh example. Uh in style.
And they keep cutting back to they go to different places they, go to conventions. Yeah.
It's really cool this movie because um it is a love letter in some ways to horror fans and to why people get into horror. And why I say that is because the community, the horror then, you know, at the conventions at fright fest no less, and many other horror conventions. And we actually get to see Mick Harris, Tom Holland, Kane Hodder's in this again as himself. You know, everybody plays himself apart from Ray Wise who, plays William Decker.
So Luke who's there shows his tattoos, all his tattoos. He's got a tattoo of Adam Green. It's a dude who um uh chatted to me and Dan around then. He just kind of popped up at five first didn't, he? And stu and i I think he b I'm pretty much I pretty b I pretty much remember him saying um that he'd just been off being filmed by Adam Green. And I was like wh wh what do you mean you'd been filmed by Adam Green, what for? And i and it's really confusing. Um but i and he said he was well I dunno he's just filming something, I dunno he's doing
that. Okay. And and he was really into the shadow of death wasn't, he And? um was keen to sort of see that and talk to us about it and uh b yeah. But he he's i he was in the film yeah, really, Adam Green tattoo. Yeah. That's cool. So this movie does blur the lines quite nicely because it has real horror fans in it, it has real horror directors t talking about why they l especially at the beginning, we're talking about why w they got into horror and what they love about monsters and
stuff. So it's really interesting um and a fun but I think Adam doesn't didn't want to trick the audience into thinking this was real, because the audience would know it wasn't anyway, which is why they cast Ray Wise, because he's such a a a personality that as soon as you see him in it, you're like well this is definitely, you know, not gonna be try and make itself out to be real. Um. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the other way of doing it is obviously you you you cast someone who
one knows. And um you do it like that where you know a film like so example you could compare that next to um Creep. Uh that that where it starts off kind of uh gonna be a documentary then just starts to go off and it kind of works, you know obviously, don't know. But for this in this way I c I don't know you, could go that route having an unknown say that it has monologue, but it just works better with Ray Wise 'cause he's such a good actor as well. Really plays a great.
He really every scene he's in you're just watching him Yeah. So yeah let's let's get into it then. So really basically um we start with the sort of talking heads you, know why, I got into th I love monsters I. love monsters because of this. You know and we are at lots of different horror conventions including Luke at Fright Fest and we see Lloyd Kaufman, Tony Todd um and uh Don Coscarelli is there and he says
Do I think monsters exist? I do. I think they exist I. just don't think we can see them they, exist on a different plane you, know of existence but, I do think they are there I. do think there is such a thing as evil.
And uh it's really cool it, leads you into even though you know this isn't real, it leads you into that then that path of it just sets it up nicely for you. Do you know what I mean? And Adam my name is Adam Green he, says to the camera and he starts to laugh oh, I can't take myself seriously. My name is Adam Green he, tries it again. And he talks about his fan base.
And talks obviously about 'cause with any with anything you do in life you're gonna sometimes get fanatics who are uh more that word the fanatics rather than the fan who are a little bit more uh uh over the top shall, we say.
Yeah, and he says people send him things emails, things in the post. But he says the reason I'm putting this footage together is because recently I've been sent something by a man who calls himself William Decker.
And he says he's found monsters and tells me that they're real and he wants me Adam Green to tell his story to the world.
Great premise. You know take, any R_A_ director imagine, the scenario of someone and I'm sure they've had it writing to John Carpenter John, aliens are real. I know you directed the thing but listen aliens are real John, I can prove it. Come on let's be friends come, and meet me. It's a great premise. Mm-hmm. It feels feels like it should have been done.
So Adam is gonna go and meet this guy. William Decker, played by Ray Wise. So we get straight into the story really. Jump in the car, the road trip. Um again i it's a it's a dude saying that he's he's found like a hole. He's kind of kind of like your night breed uh if you remember that film. He's gotta found a he's found like a hole and it's like uh uh uh monsters living on the ground.
they arrive at Detective 'cause he apparently he used to be a cop Detective. William Decker's house.
Uh and there's always a discussion about should we go do this 'cause I generally I if y uh if y you know, people are saying to yourself you're not gonna go c wicked let's go to film this guy ju yeah it's like no this dude's probably got a shotgun waiting for us I think you know.
You can imagine it's just a bit like really do you wanna do this 'cause like y you don't know what this is and obviously and when it comes down to obviously he doesn't actually have found a hole f with monsters underneath, so why are you gonna go and film it could be like you know.
But the boy in Adam Green, the young boy that the w is in the young boy or girl that's in all of us horror fans, that does part of us wants to believe.
Yeah, I guess and and if there are he wants to
But I think he thinks if anyone's gonna bring this t evidence to the world, this could be a really cool opportunity as well. But it's
Yeah, the new season of horror stars and what are you doing? Why are you focusing on this sort of thing? But it's 'cause he's got that childhood lovehood for it and he can't get like passion you, know, to not be his focus, his hyper focus in fact.
Well they go to Ray Wise's house, William Decker's house, Adam's wearing his frozen T-shirt, really cool T-shirt actually, I like that. And uh they meet him and he tells them he's a reti retired police detective. And they make him up they, get all the make-up on him ready for the he says do I do I have to wear all this ma yes you do.
Well they're just giving him a little bit of a touch-up call, see you know, um just to help out a bit. And um they're setting up behind him and he's just like be careful back there, don't touch my things and he's playing it really well.
He's playing it amazing. His house is full of memorabilia boxes, drawings, art. We'll get into all of that in a in a bit later on. Um so they sit down and they start talking to him and interviewing him and he says
he has a theory that deformed children vanish, but do they vanish? Because no one knows where they go and they're all looking at him like what? And he says I know where they go. I've discovered a hole in the earth that I've called the marrow.
And it's about a hundred yards under the surface of the earth. And underneath here is an entire civilisation of these outcasts, these freaks, these deformities, these monsters. And they live there and they come out of the hole, out of the marrow occasionally. And I've seen them and they're real. And I've got drawings of them. This is the ravings of a madman.
And it's set up in a uh sort of uh documentary style shooting s format uh um with the main focus obviously being on yeah, yeah person who's doing the interview. And um but we cut we do have Adam and Casey look back and you can see his eye line going to um it is uh it's Will, isn't it, but it is eye line going to Will behind the camera. Um so it's in a bit like are you getting this You're? like this is fucking gold, right? What the fuck is this going on about Like? you know you,
should at least as well be a little bit cautious of this guy 'cause he couldn't fucking lose it any second, or.
But whether uh this is real or whether this is the ratings of a madman, this is like you said, this is gold They're. geti this is gonna make a great story. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So he uh he tells them about uh his old his childhood. And again, only ray-wise with such conviction can you d you listen to these stories and really be sucked in They're. so compelling. He talks about when he was a loner as a
He had no friends, and he hung out in an old lumber yard on his own, just outside of town near a cemetery.
Sounds like a sounds like a song.
When I was a young lad sitting at the lumber yard I, was a young lad sitting at the umber lard.
I also I also called it a yumber lard, rather than a lumber yard.
Oh, I've never been to a yumber lard before.
I can thank you for that.
There's a brilliant moment here where he says, I saw a man with and then he pauses for about ten seconds a serpent's mouth and they're like this is another time where Adam's like what the fuck is he talking about? And he says he had a a forked tongue and snake eyes and then he ran i I went around the lumber pile to find the man and he was gone.
I never told anybody about this, but I went back to the place many times and I saw many other monsters, some big some small. I saw their shapes.
I've d I've got I've drawn them. There's many different species of them and they're thinking this is incredible. This is at the very least we can write a script off the back of this, you know do, something with this. Um he shows them footage of the entrance to the marrow.
That's the trouble though of making a documentary. It is a very hard thing to do 'cause you've got a point of like at some point we have to finish the doc filming and just cut the documentary. We can't keep going unless you've got a definitive ending point, someone goes to prison or something like that.
Trouble is with this. This is gold while you're shooting. But if you actually haven't got any proof, you haven't actually got any actual monsters or anything like that, it's a bit of a dead end. There's like we we need it doesn't it doesn't go anywhere. That's the thing. It's a great lease. Oh my God, this is like putting a hook in the uh water. And you've you've you've got me. But you can't keep me. You need to show me more, you know. Which which Adam does get to us later on and sa say that
need more stuff, you know.
They can't say anything obviously, it's just footage of what he calls the entrance to the marrow. And then they say well look, we've gotta go now.
they can't he says there's one of them stood there that he's they're like there's nothing there, they're like can't you see the one behind the tree and they're like no no Ray-wise we can't see anything. So they say look we've gotta go now, it's gonna take us a bit of time to pack up all our equipment. And while they're doing that they see a d a door to a basement with a b great big chunky chain across it, have got no he's not a wrapper. Although if Ray-wise was
a wrapper, that'd be amazing. I'd love that. Uh he says that's my storage room. Can can we look inside? No, you gotta go now, you've gotta go. So they pack up their equipment and they leave. So later they're discussing um over a barbecue. Yeah. it's a bit sketchy like what was in there which is nice little uh hook for us audience members. And they're talking about monsters. Do you want monsters to be real? Um oh are they
Are they just misunderstood? This is where Riley says, you know, I'm really worried that this guy his wife could says I'm really worried this guy's a psycho I. don't think he should go back there if he's got a chained up room and he's talking about all these monsters and drawings of monsters that he's he's seen, this doesn't sound good to me. But they're like no no, it's great, it's cool, it's g it's good Adam's really into the project So. is Will. Will's like yeah yeah yeah, we'll go back there, I'm happy to do that, I'm happy to do that. So
Uh it does get to a point though uh we do get to a point where he even his wife is a bit like I'm not really into it we, don't see she's not on camera, but he sort of says like I can't keep doing this.
Yeah. Well, it goes on for too long, doesn't it, the project, you know. Well the next day they go and meet Decker in the woods and he wants to take them to the spot, the entrance to the marrow. So they have to walk through a cemetery as you do. He's s yeah, I I like thi this is um this movie does have quite a lot of rewatchability to it because stuff like this, like just get uh Ray Wise at day time in a cemetery and he's taking you to a monster hole. Who doesn't wanna see that? Yep. I wanna see Ray Wise
is whole. And woods. Yep. Jesus Christ. Oh wait lads come out to the woods and check out my monster hole. Are you sai are you saying a large hole? No monsters in the hole. My entrance to my monster hole? Do you're like you're huge hole? No, there's monsters. Not just a huge hole. I'm not just saying monster is in large. My monster hole.
to get into the monster hole.
So um.
A kid's soul. That's so funny. A boy's soul. Sorry, isn't it? Are you saying a boy's soul? Oh, I won't say the alternative.
You've made me cough. Um so go through the cemetery and he says just out on the other side of the cemetery there's a bit of land, a bit just a bit of space and that's where the uh entrance to the boy's soul is. At the point the entrance to the
entrance to the marrow is. But he says this is all public land. It's f we should be fine with this. We should be fine Well. they're not fine 'cause the next scene is then a cop telling them off asking, them what they're doing here. Why are you here? And obviously, you know.
And Ray's being really sketchy just kind of looking the other way and uh 'cause he said to him, I'm up here all the time it's fine. And it's not.
and they the cop says look, well you need to leave before dusk. The cop's acting weird, like he knows something, he says you you can't be here past dusk. It's it's it's it's
don't find any reason for these people going missing? Or people say they see things up here? Or or w w w
have you m has he bothered you before? And he says yeah yeah yeah, he gives me shit all the time. So this is like an encounter that Ray so Ray Wise has had with this cop before. Um and they get into the woods and he says listen, you must follow my instructions when we're here. You must listen to every word I say and follow my instructions. Very alright okay, Ray Wise, yep. Then we get the little night one text
that. And it's dark and they chat they're waiting in the dark and they chat a little bit and Ray Wise says something about an ex-wife that doesn't give any other detail and they again Adam Adam's great at doing the little looks to will. Like oh I'll have to dig up on that one tomorrow and ask him a bit more about that okay, good. Um and they discuss whether or not they should use night vision because they can't really see much with the camera and the light
they've got. And then suddenly in the middle of a conversation Ray, why shushes them all. Shush shush shush shush Can. you see that one over there moving really slowly?
And we're doing what Adam Green and Will Barrow are doing. We're squi squinting so hard in the dark to try and see is there something there? I can't I can't tell Is. it is it something there? And he says di did you see that one there? And they're like I think I can see a tree branch. I c I can't can't see anything to be honest with you. And then that's kind of it really. That's and then it cuts to them reviewing the footage. Uh which is great. I li I p I p 'cause I just
stuff like this 'cause I'm a nerd and I edit myself. So it's nice to be s it's popped into the old editing bay there, and uh sitting there and just going over the foot footage I d I liked it. Yeah. And that their buddy Josh is the editor um and he sort of sits there with them like w w going through the footage. Says that he says look I can't see anything. I I don't I feel quite bad for him later on where he says no I've just been watching eleven hours or something of graveyards and footage. 'Cause I I it'd be quite good if you're looking for ghosts, but
wall lot I, feel quite bad for me like oh, God. Uh and Adam Green is pissed off at this point 'cause he thinks oh, this guy's just full of shit, you know. Obviously, you know, monsters. Yeah, well then they go and see Decker again and Decker then says look, I wanna show you some drawings of the various creatures I've seen. Again okay, okay, we're we're back now, we're back okay, Yeah. The first person is this one Vance.
and it's basically like a big version of um uh what's the kid from uh trick or treat called with the b sack head. Sam Um. and it's a bit like that. And he said oh yes, I've drawn that. I I guess he wears that sack over him so he doesn't uh show uh the real you know h the real face to anybody. But I believe that he is responsible for bringing new members to the underground world and they're just thinking he's
all these characters up. This is brilliant stuff. So he's drawn them that. He says some of them wear weird masks, uh some of them, you know, cover their faces, others are disguised, some are big some, are small. Uh there's a conjoined creature which I've I've drawn here. I call it frog and huck. And they're like right, okay. He mentions some he says my son drew that one for me. And they go well, it you've got a
sun, you've got a sun, he he just brushes past it, moves away from that subject. But he says look the lights scare them, they scare them away. That's the trouble. I think that's why they didn't really come out the other night. And Adam this is where Adam says look, I believe you, I really do, but we need to really see these monsters. Otherwise I'm c I can't carry on with this project with you. So really why he's
like alright we'll go back to the graveyard. So night two Gav. And this time Will's picked up some cheeky little night vision goggles um and they're sat there again waiting and they can see the h the entrance which is just a hole in the ground you, know, just in the distance. And uh all of a sudden sh there's one of them over there behind a tree. And Will's saying I can't see anything and I'm gonna have to turn the light on. And he's like don't
to stop making so much noise. And he's like I'm gonna turn the light on. Don't turn the light on.
Well they turn the light on gov, don't they? And I jumped out of my fucking seat at this point. Uh is it the first time you've seen it? Second time I've seen it. I'd forgotten. Did it just make me jump, made me go whoa fucking hell. And my wife laughed her head off at me. 'Cause she was crocheting in the chair, so she wasn't she was watching but, not like fully watching, so she just saw me jump up in the
great shot of this monster really up close to the camera 'cause it obviously they've turned the light on and it's just right in their faces.
You got mention uh the the artist as well involved in this.
Uh we come up with all the art and work like the posters, fucking amazing. Yeah, it's just b beautiful artwork he does lovely, great stuff. Yeah. So Ray wa Ray was just pissed though 'cause he says don't turn lights on, but Adam's uh so we got a see he's saying turn the lights on turn the lights on and he's saying don't turn the lights on.
And yeah.
he says we have to go now. They know we're here, we're done, we have to go. So back at the editing speak uh they check it again and Josh actually thinks that they they're messing with him and says wha wha wha what effects is it? What is it? And he say no this is real. It's very excited. The young the young lad and him has come out. Yes. Um and they re-watch the footage over and over again and then Kane Hodder uh 'cause they called him to come check it out.
And he says uh it's pretty good guys uh whose effects is it you, know.
And they're like it's not effects and it's like oh come on like what what's this you're working on is this one of your new movies? And they're like Kane this, is a documentary.
It's real this is real found footage. And then he starts talking about like found footage, no one cares about found footage, there's bollocks you know that sort of thing. Yeah. I guess. I like it it's cool. Um two weeks goes by.
And Decker says you need to be more careful this time. So they meet up with him two weeks later. And he kind of gives he kind of says, okay fine.
He says to them look, if there's a way that we could do it without the lights or without us being there, and Adam says well funnily enough, Will and I have been discussing this for the last two weeks, we've got a plan which is we're gonna strap five cameras up around the trees.
And we're gonna make a fake lamp post that looks like all the cemetery lamp posts which will give off just enough light uh with all the cameras that are hidden from anyone's view. When none of us have to be there, we just gotta set all these up in the day. And we'll do it nice and quietly as well. And then we can come back and review the footage in the morning.
And Ray Wise loves this idea. He says great, this is good, this is good, you know. I like that. So they set up this fake lamp post and um they even make it look like the ones that are in the cemetery. And then they put all the cameras up. Um
And they're all ready to go and it's very exciting. We're like wondering what they're gonna capture on on the footage. Well we got to another interview there. Just before they start interviewing him though, Ray Wise, he decides to put on a little song doesn't, he?
Yeah on, the on the final record player? Yeah, you can't really have music on 'cause you can't really edit around the music. We can't like t you know, we're like cut between your takes. And he just blanks them, does it and says I love this song. And he says oh okay, who who's it by? I don't know. And it says it's my favourite song. I'm who's it by. I don't know. Like it's it's the way he says it that time. I don't know. It's in almost question in it. S so it's in light to be like
Why does it matter? It's my favourite song. Why do I need to know who it's by I'm? I'm I'm a little bit in that band camp. There's a load of songs I know they're amazing I. don't know what their names are I. don't know who they're by, but I won't know what the song's called.
So funny. Um well this interview now, he starts talking about he says there's over forty different species, 'cause he's been studying these for like thirty years, forty years. He says so far I've discovered at least forty different species of monster, and I've found six different entrances all over the U_S_, um I've travelled all up and down, you know, f looking for them. There's one entrance near an eye hop. I was about to say to you no no, not two entrances, half a
doesn't. I was like don't don't say that Kev.
he says why an IHOP? They say s they like pancakes. I have you v yeah in Canada I actually went to an IHOP. Yeah, got great big stack of pancakes Absolutely. amazing pancakes and bacon and shit I, mean as well. Um he talks more about um he says it's country-wide and he says all there's one girl there's a girl monster that I've nicknamed Brella and they're like what? And he
is yes, she's got like a big umbrella for her head and I once followed her and she picked up a drunk sex crazed college guy outside of a bar in an alleyway and you know and they're like what I? think they're like he's like you know and I what what happened are you saying that a monster had sex with a human and he's like well I didn't see it but all I know is three weeks later a boy's body was found
in the creek in the woods. And they're like oh my God, now you're telling me that an umbrella headed monster lady raped a college kid to death and left his body in the woods. And he's like yeah, pure evil. He says pure evil Although. not all of them are as dangerous as others, but some of them are pure evil.
So they're intrigued. And we're not doing our listeners justice really because part of the it's the it's the artwork that as he's describing them, it's so simple 'cause we're not seeing these monsters, we're seeing these sketches of them. And you're imagining what these monsters might look like if they were real. It's fantastic.
back in the studio and uh they're producers there and she's saying like you know you you gotta uh you gotta like focus on what's at hand here, the T_V_ show, not not not this thing wha what is this thing what you're doing. Uh as a producer does and would do um and like you say the director of photography there uh says like well no we can we can kind of carry on but yeah i no no this is about his wife s says like oh I dunno maybe
then this is where Adam actually starts getting a bit like why don't you fucking you could actually help me out a bit instead of like you know oh no that's later on uh, spending time in the argument on Friday and he says you could back me up Will, no sorry wrong, point Anyway. the, producer's saying you should be focusing on this and he's focusing on the wrong thing. Yeah, yeah yeah,
hold. And this starts to cause some tension between some of them. Will Will's like look, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth and back Adam, but it does seem a bit crazy to put this T_V_ show on hold. But you kn if that's what you wanna do, let's do it. And Adam does, he wants to push on. He says ch uh let me ask you one question Adam. Do you a hundred percent believe in this guy and these monsters? And he says I ninety percent believe. And he says well that's good enough for me, let's do it.
project continues. So they collect some equipment um and all the cameras from where they put them in the woods, and they are reviewing the camera footage. Yes oh yes, camera three or camera four is missing. Yeah 'cause they argue uh yeah they argue about that. There's some um parallels to Blair Witch with this, like the
go missing, or that's my equipment, or that equipment's gotta be back, you know, that kind of thing. You're always gonna you're always gonna get that with fine footage type movies. Um so they they look at the footage and they see a new rays like there's a new species a new species of monster, I'm gonna call it Little Bigfoot. Little Bigfoot, you love Bigfoot don't, you say? Um is this the one where Adam's like can I he's like why don't you name it?
And he says no, I think we should call it Little Bigfoot and he's like really? He's like yeah, Little Bigfoot, that's what I'm gonna call it. Okay, Ray, you obviously I wanna know his thought process when he's naming these monsters.
Uh I p I don't think there's much to it, to be honest with you.
Well the editor, Josh, is now he believes this now 'cause he's looking at this footage with them um and we go we then cut to one month later we're at another horror convention and he shows the a print-out of the f original creature to director Tom Holland horror director Tom Holland and Tom Holland's like that's really great who, does your work who's, doing your your special effects and he's like no no no no no no no this, isn't
special effects this, is
you know this, is real I. I've got this from.
This is the sort of thing if you would say do this with someone and say n no no no this, is real straight away you're going like it why are you well you're trying to take the piss out of me why what are you doing 'cause it's not obviously not real there's, not real monsters so, you're never gonna c believe them especially, in day and age now that's why you can never believe whatever you see on a YouTube or anything it is 'cause the way it is. It is gonna be that sort of thing like what are you saying?
Like what do you mean it's real how do you respond to that like and i and if they're doing it really with earnest and they're like no no honestly, and you're like and you have respect for the person like okay like w you know it's, a bit of a weird one.
And this is where a bit of a uh little bump in the road hits now because he says no no no Tom, it's um I've met this guy basically, this guy's taking me to this place where there are real monsters he says and d d regardless of the it's which you're about to say. Um uh i they have got proof of monsters though. You know stay it it you know no one else has. But yeah go on what does he say Well? let's talk about tell him.
He says, hang on a minute, this isn't that Decker guy is, it? He says Mick, Mick Garris come over here Mick, comes over and he says hey Mick, you never guess who uh Adam's been speaking to and he says who? He says you remember that Decker guy and he says oh I'm not this guy again and Adam Green's poor heart is broken at this point. He's looking at them like what do you mean you've heard of him and he's like yeah he's written to us, he's written to John Carpenter,
he's written to everybody in horror, you know, and said oh I found monsters, come and m write my story for me. Oh it's a load of nonsense, just some crazy guy. And Adam just looks so hurt because it these are his his peers, his colleagues in the film industry, in the horror film industry, but they're also his heroes, Mick Garrett's, Tom Holland, and then they're talking about John Carpenter, and he's thinking I've been led up the garden path here. I can't believe I've fallen for
He's very worried, he's very embarrassed and we see some shots of him sort of in the car now, sort of very sort of down. So they go and they sa he says look, what we'll do is we'll meet him for a coffee, we'll meet Decker for a coffee, and we'll just ask him, see what he says. He's given the benefit of the doubt and given the chance to explain. They ask him outright, who else have you contacted? No one, he says. You haven't contacted anybody else? Nope, never You're. the first person I
come to. The reason I've come to you, and he's been to really good sort of I like your work, but you work slightly outside of Hollywood, Adam, you know, and and this is why I've come to you, because I think you're the guy to come to with this kind of information. So he's kind of now on the fence 'cause he he he's been told by his colleagues in the horror industry this guy's full of shit, he's come to us and b in the pa in the past, but he's also thinking but, I still kinda wanna believe.
And it's a great story and a great
is, but I had this wonder if the whole was a m metaphor for Hollywood. And and like you and I as well would love growing up Hollywood and it's such an amazing thing with all these c such cool things there and we just want it to be real and all that and then in the end we find out that there's just a load of monsters in Hollywood like Harvey Weinstein and people like that. I wondered if it was like some sort of Hollywood metaphor and just loads of horrible people in the ho in the business that are out for them
cells are just lost. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I didn't know if it was a metaphor for Hollywood. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Yeah, so um Decker lies to them and he says nope, no one was there. Um they they uh find some footage from one of the cameras that shows Decker arriving at the hole in the middle of the night.
Yeah, the editor uh Josh is just a bit like you gotta check this out, it's a bit weird and shows in. It's nice to have these little bits go back to the editing suite to watch the videos. I think do you know why I like the editing suite and I love being an editor, of all the things I do I, could spend almost my time all my time editing happily is uh it's a safety blanket, it's a screen there, it's not real. Do you know what I mean?
You can look at it, you can go you can light it, and you can dark, and you can do anything you want, and you could change the most horrible thing into the nicest thing possible if you wanted. You could do anything you want in editing.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It's weird, isn't it?
So he's talking to it. Is he putting something oh, he's getting something out with a spoon No. no, he's not. He's putting something in with a spoon. He's feeding something in the hole with a spoon. What the fuck And. they're like this is cr this is taking a weird turn. Then he turns all the cameras back on um and then they look at the second night's footage and they see him just crying, talking to something in the hole and then just crying for ages with his head and his
and they're like this guy is not well man he's really like it's got something going on here um they turn their chairs around to face the camera and while they're chatting about all of this business, if you're very keen-eyed, you'll see a monster on the screen behind them don't, you?
Oh yeah, funny enough, this time round I didn't but I do know the bit you mean so I I b seeing it in a I see in the premiere on a massive screen, I think you can see it quite easily.
Yeah so basically there's a load of tombstones um behind them on just a still image wh well it's not still but it's just like hours of footage of the same thing so nothing's moving but while they're chatting to the camera and talking about what they think he could be doing and how his mental health is, one of the tombstones lifts up and it's the head of a monster so this monster is called tombstone head I think and it kinda just scuttles off off sc our camera and of course they haven't seen it because they're looking at us the
audience they're discussing to the camera you know what they what their thoughts are they, never see it but we see it and apparently there's loads of monsters hidden in this I've. only really spotted a couple in the shadows but but there are loads so this is definitely one that's worth um repeating viewing. Um Adam's theory is that he thinks his kid died 'cause he mentioned his kid doing a drawing and he thinks he's suffering really suffering mentally uh. Yeah.
So he says we the only way we can do this is to find someone who knows him.
So maybe we can go back to Boston and um have a break uh see some family and uh go chat to the detective or someone.
Yeah so they they make a call they get a c a contact i the Boston P_D_ and they fly there um they they go and speak to this cop who says look I've worked here for fifty years, I know every detective that's come and gone, there's been never been anybody by the name of William Decker that's worked here I'm. really sorry but even if there was I'm not gonna be able to give you any information on him am, I? Because the information's protected.
But I can tell you now there's never been a William Decker working here.
and they're like and again it's another kick another kick for Adam 'cause he wants to believe what we do as well the audience we want to believe this. So they fly back and they decide the first thing they're gonna do is go straight to the marrow without Decker at at night time. And uh they're just we don't want him interfering let's just go and do it our own way without him giving us instructions. My heart was
beatin' at this point 'cause, again, this isn't in my second view and I couldn't remember some of this.
Well it's actually very miracle well for London uh opener when they're walking through the moors and they go off after being in slawed lamb um when they're going along and one of 'em falls over the camera in a moment and it's very miracle well for London. Yeah yeah, it feels it. It does feel it. Yeah a, bit yeah, yeah. Yeah yeah, yeah.
Um well they hear some noises as they get close to the entrance to the morrow and oh it stinks, it really smells. Um put your head in. Yeah the, whole smells. Raise raise whole. It stinks. Mm-hmm. Um they hear some noises, it smells bad. Oh he puts his head in and he says hello monsters.
I've gotta say here, this whole scene going on, I really enjoyed this whole scene going on here with the shoe that falls off in a minute and all this stuff, but it very much it makes me think and reminds me of Abbott and Costello. It reminds me of an Abbott and Costello sketch. It's so just it really does the whole situation for the whole. Yeah, of course. Yeah yeah, yeah.
I I didn't really see that myself, but I I get what you're saying. Um yeah, he trips in his shoo he says help me help me. What is it? My shoe's something's taken my shoe off, it's gone down a hole and that he's like what are you talking about?
Yeah, 'cause at any side no, it didn't. He said something fucking took the shoe off my foot. Uh I don't believe in he says okay, this is great, I love this. This is when you fucking turn the tables of power on someone. Okay then, you go pick up my shoe out of that hole. If you don't think anything's there and you think I'm full of shit, go on then. And he might do it and it's just like ah, gotcha. But then that does mean I've gotta go kick me out of the shoe.
Initially he says it what, you gonna do, walk back to the car and just just talk. He says well yeah, I don't really wanna reach into the hole. It's a it's it I tell you what, the trouble is with this is such a great setup, the payoff isn't as good as it should be. I was quite g it's almost like a really good joke build-up here and it just doesn't land as well as it should. But I do like this whole build-up of him putting his h a foot in the hole. It's such a good tension build-up.
He reaches in and he manages to get his shoe back. Uh it takes him a couple of attempts to reach right in there. And all of a sudden we get a bit of a jump-scare because uh when the camera pans back up, decor has appeared in the middle of the woods.
Yeah, and I it's a shame. I think it was too quick. It should have been that whole hand uh foot going into that hole, linger on that for longer and sustain that for a little bit more. I think that tension would have been fucking brilliant. Then have decor come along.
he starts shouting what are you doing here you're disrupting everything you're interfering he's really annoyed and then we cut to there they back at the car and he keeps saying don't film this don't film this and Will sort of lies to him he says the camera's off uh the camera's off now obviously it's not and they confront him at this point they say look we know you lied to us we know you've tried this with lots of other directors we've even been to the Boston P_D_ and he says well that's because I was a private detective they're not gonna know me you, know
there's lots of private detectives. So they have this sort of argument. And in the middle of it. But then, slime-o with legs sort of runs past them. Fucking horrible little c thing isn't, it? And then they're all like what did I see what I think I just saw? And then they hear lots of noises. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
doesn't mean that 'cause that's good.
this next one is the scariest one man, because they're looking around frantically with a camera and then they see a balloon in the tree and he's like oh it's just a balloon. But then the balloon lifts up and it's the top of a head of a weird demon clown face creature. It's fucking horrendous, isn't it? Um and they stop running. And this is very Blair Witch now, they're being chased, very frantic, camera's sort of panning around everywhere. And I mean that in a
a good way, you know, player which is obviously incredible. Um and lots of noises behind them. It's a good sound design here. They get back to the car and they get in the car and they turn the lights on in the car and in front of them is Vance the sack head. And he's but he's quite big big bulky kabloke. And then the sack lifts up and there's just these big fucking spiky tentacle things coming out the back of him. And
Is that it Yeah. The chest does look a little bit rubbery. Um but I do like the idea of it. It's decent. And it starts grabbing at the car and reaching in trying to pull them out the car and you wonder if it's gonna total the car or not. But they manage to drive away and they get back to to Deco's Obviously. they're really shook up now. They really are monsters. They've just been attacked by several of them. Um they're all arguing uh are we gonna run away? Are we not? What are we
gonna do um
and and Ray says I don't wanna run away. I've gotta go back there because I don't wanna lose him. Who? I don't wanna lose him. Who? I've gotta go back there and dig. Don't you see? I've gotta go and dig. My son. Dun dun dun. Um so they say well look look look look look, it's very late. Here's what we'll do. We'll do anything you want and just let us come with you.
He says okay meet, me here at sunrise.
Come back in a few hours at sunrise. So they go back and they get barely any sleep you, know 'cause it's only about two or three hours from sunrise.
And they get to the house in the morning and they're knocking on the door and there's no answer.
And then he sees one of the neighbours pulling away off of her driveway. So he runs over and he says excuse me excuse, me I'm looking for Mister Decker, William Decker. Who's he? The guy that lives here.
Well this house has been empty for a year.
What? What do you mean it's been empty for a year? Yeah.
Oh. She said he's he runs back. She said there's been no one in this house for a year. Well let's go in the house.
They break in don't, they Is? that right? They break into the house and the house is empty as well. Oh that's right. And there's not a single thing in there. Everything's been taken. No sign of a anyone ever living there. However, they see that the door uh is open that had the chain on it.
Well let's go down in the basement, they say.
What's in the basement, Gav?
Uh it's just uh b s shit uh, handcuffs. Yep.
Um so they c they go back out to the marrow and the hole has been covered over. It's gone. Maybe the creatures had moved on. Maybe they were never there. Maybe people had to then go in and clean that house up. And then I started thinking about the sort of people have to do house clean-ups and what they find sometimes.
The girl. There's a c it's really good. I've got it on V_H_S_. It's about a girl who gets a job as a crime scene cleaner. She goes in once everything's done and she has to clean up all the blood and guts and she kind of starts getting turned on by it. Um it's really good movie, really fun movie. It's called curdled. Yeah, it's good good stuff. Um yeah, just reminds me of that. But yeah, uh so that's the end of it really.
A few months go by
and Adam says he's not heard anything from Mister Decker and that this number doesn't work anymore. But he says very solemnly to the camera, however, camera two was delivered to me recently. And here is the footage.
Jesus. So the footage is we're in some kind of dark underground cavern. You can hear flies buzzing around and you something's got the camera in its hands and it's going walking along. And it comes up to a cage. And inside the cage is a naked Ray Weiss. Again, again it sounds like one of my parties. Naked Ray Weiss. Um and he looks at the camera and he says um
I was wrong. There's no marrow. There's no monsters. There's no such thing. And whatever you do, don't come looking for me. Don't come looking for me. And then the thing that's filming him sort of spamming the cage. However, that isn't the end of the footage. 'Cause the footage then cuts to something walking along outside Adam Green's house. It breaks in through his front door.
Creeps around his house and into his bedroom, where him and his wife are asleep in the bed. Goes right up to his face.
That's the second time her butt's been in this actually. She was in her underwear earlier. Um goes right up to Adam's face and in a weird sort of deformed hand reaches out and grazes his face. Little like hello, you're having a nice sleep there Adam, Green. And then we get a bit of a loud noise which makes Adam look up and jump and that's the end.
There's a monster going up, isn't it? It says uh uh. Yes. Humanist. Yeah.
Yeah. Um and that's the end. We and we play out to the credits with Ray Wise's favourite song who, he doesn't know the artist of playing over the credits. And that is that. I'd love to be Ray Wise. Oh, I'd love to be Ray Wise. Do you know I'd, love to be Wesley Snipes. I was talking about this the other day. I you'd be s yeah, because in Blade, man, there's no one cooler than him, and I just kinda wanna be Wesley Snipes. Yeah, I c I
school people I could go for like that, I just f poured a Ray Wise card just for some moment uh like uh okay. Um this movie is my second viewing, it's fucking brilliant. Um repeat viewings might diminish that, but also I don't think they will because I think I'll spot more creatures. Yeah it's, a fun movie. Um I haven't seen it for a long time, got on DVD in the sort of premiere and I haven't
it for a long time. Um but it's still an enjoyable film, it's still gotta stay in my collection. It's a movie which I'll be like ooh I fancy watching that, put it out to watch, you know. So it's about thumbs up from me. What's the thumbs up? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Interesting. Mm-hmm.
this to a few days ago and it might be controversial. This film to me is as good as the original Blair Witch Project and I know it's not a strict fine footage film but it does the same for me that that most of the original Blair Witch does. Great scripting story really, engaging sucks you into the story and I think what I love about it is the reality of Mick
on Holland being in it, just to remind you that this is sort of semi-set in a real world. Um and if it wasn't for Ray Wise playing the main character then I'd be sucked in even more, but I I give this a strong strong eight out of ten, it's on I_M_D_B_ I. l absolutely love this. And I bought it um rather than rent it for prime, I bought it like I do sometimes. And 'cause I thought I know I'll be coming back to this one, I remember loving it the first time in fact I
believe you lent it to me the first time. Yeah, yeah. Um so absolutely love this movie and, this is my favourite and, it's very very different to Frozen. It's completely different kettle of fish. Um Frozen's more acting and thriller almost, you know. And this is like balls to the wall meta, mockumentary horror. Uh and there's not quite a film quite like this that I've seen. Oh good, I'm glad you feel like that. I don't agree with you uh
your comparisons to Blair Witch. Blair Witch I think is a far more superior um. It is a different film though, they are both different films. Um so comparing them is quite hard I think really Um. but uh I do like think this is a very good film as well though It's. a very enjoyable. It is. Well there we go guys, Adam Green, Adam thank you, keep making more Go. back and make us another one please You. don't have to do another hatchet, just do another horror movie That's. what wha what I would say. Yeah, totally.
Um yeah unfortunately like I said he was penned to do considering he is the pen, the writer, he's gonna do some stuff and then just you know COVID and shit all that. Put a kibosh on it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I don't know um I wouldn't be surprised if he is possibly doing something in a little bit of secrecy s uh working on something I'm sure.
Well he turns fifty in a few months so maybe uh for his fiftieth birthday he can whip something together for us. Just for his birthday he do he do something for other people. I'm sure. Anyway uh yeah it's a good en enjoyable film so uh yeah do check it out listeners and we will be back for the outro.
And we're back. We're back again to say goodbye. We're back again to say goodbye. It's been another episode with Dan and I. Oh nice little rhyme there, Gav. Well done. What rhymes with Gav? Have.
I used the lab.
I look at you and I think poo-poo.
Yes I do. Listeners let us know. I think he has.
Yeah. It's been brilliant. Lion's mane mushroom If. you were gonna be a mushroom you'd wanna be that one 'cause that's got the best name. Oh this is button mushroom Uh. I'm Lion's mane. Yeah. Well that was episode a hundred and forty nine. So that means we've got another semi-landmark episode really episode, a hundred and fifty coming up. Bloody hell.
If you're creative, especially a filmmaker, it's fucking brilliant. It's just filmmakers going on there talking about their films. They've had all sorts on there. Loads of people, everybody. You know, Robert England, all sorts. Um very very very good. Um uh but yeah they they've been doing their show a few months before we started. And they've they're up to a good five hundred odd episodes a different more. And we're coming up to one fifty.
But what that means, Gav, is we've done um over one episode a month on average for ten years. So yeah, a hundred and fifty ten, years. That's fifteen episodes a year on average. Mm-hmm. Because we've taken probably nine ten, months off. We've had add-up all the I_A_C_s. Maybe yeah. Mm-hmm.
He's an absolute machine.
Even when he's going through a divorce and all like b he had a bad moment when a friend died and a divorce. All at the same time he still just kept podcasting and smiling and doing it every week. And it's like fucking hell, I couldn't. I thi I mean I had to stop when I went through a fucking mental breakdown and shit. I couldn't do it. So well done on that. But uh we could anyway we, are still here.
we are still there. So in the next episode, a hundred and fifty is another p-p-p-p-patron p-p-p-p big big big big big
will allow it. So nineteen eighties the, long good Friday with Bob Oskins. And the nineteen ninety eight classic lock, stock and two smoking barrels. It's gonna be brilliant. So talking of Tom Holland for episode a hundred and fifty one, we'll be continuing the franchise that he started by covering child's play three from nineteen ninety one, and
of course the follow-up Bride of Chucky from nineteen ninety eight. So a couple of Chucky movies coming up there as well. And then we're back to another director special because episode a hundred and fifty two will be our fourth John Carpenter special 'cause we fucking love him uh our fourth John Carpenter special we it is it really is um um be many more to come I should imagine we'll even cover some of the ones that
are considered rubbish at some point. Um we've picked one each. Gav has picked In the mouth of madness.
bit Sam Neill goodness, um nineteen ninety four. And I've picked the uh nineteen eighty three classic Stephen King written John Carpenter directed Christine. Which is crazy to me 'cause I love it so much.
I've gotta be honest with you actually, now you've said that, you've just reminded me I've only seen In the mouth of madness once. I know. I really enjoyed it. I absolutely remember I know. So yeah but, you've only seen Christine once and it's a cult classic. It's absolutely remarkable. I know. So yeah but, you've only seen Christine once and it's a classic. Yeah. No no, y y no no, y y you're saying that I'm saying that. So that'd be great.
We'll compare our what? Films. Oh right, okay. So that's hundred and fifty, hundred and fifty one, a hundred and fifty two. It's gonna be brilliant. Not our penises. Yeah, the episodes. And there we go. Looking forward to those. Looking forward to that. Right, let's do some admin and then we can say goodbye to everybody. I'll do my thing. So as always, we have been, the podcast on haunted hill. Thank you everybody for listening, supporting, sharing,
and all the other things that you do. We are a proud member of Legion Podcasts Network. You can find out more about it there if you go and visit where you can find out not not just us and all of our shows that we've done in the past, but all the other shows that are on there with, all their episodes too. Um we're all on uh Facebook. If you go to Legion Podcast's Facebook page, you can join that. Or you can join our little private party over on the Podcast on a Haunted Hill Facebook page. It's a sexy party.
goes. There's a bowl over there, go put your keys in it.
put your keys in there and pick up one of Ray Weiss's handcuffs. Um you can email us at the podcast on Haunted Hill at outlook dot com if you wish to message us or talk to us about anything or ask us a question or tell us this is shit you should really stop what you're doing. Uh which we won't listen to 'cause we've been doing it for ten years now so we don't care. We don't care. I'll th I'll just move your email to the spam folder. How about that? 'Cause I'm
come at us, we'll just delete it.
That's how hard I am. I'm a keyboard warrior. Wherever you're listening to us now is where you can continue to listen to us We. are on Spotify, YouTube, Podknife, Apple and many many many other places. We're also on Instagram which we use mainly to promote the show and link to episodes. Uh that's the podcast on Haunted Hill Insta. We mentioned Sanctuary Moon briefly which is our latest uh short film through Deadbolt Films Media. Um if you're going to go to, you can find out more about
what we do. Um. Yeah, at the moment it's, but that may change Um. I'm gonna keep that. Okay, cool cool. Uh and we're on uh Instagram. Please remember to pay for it, don't lose that. Uh we're on dead bottle films at Instagram and if you go to YouTube, that's where our channel is, you can go there now, or if you go on YouTube and just type in Star Wars
Moon, that will take you to our latest project we're incredibly proud of, our Star Wars horror film, but also that will then obviously easily take you to our main page, with all our other little bits and bobs on there as well. Finally, if you wish to if you like what you hear and you wanna give us some money and you wish to, you know, support us in that way, we're on Patreon. Um we have quite a few patrons at the moment um and we're very thankful to all of them um just
to Patreon and search for the podcast on Hunterfield. If you can't find the links, email me or message me on Facebook. I'm always available on Facebook Messenger. Um and if you become a patron you get a free T-shirt which will post to you anywhere in the universe or galaxy. Uh you also get to have your pic ba ba ba patron pic where you pick two movies for us to review and tell us why you've chosen them, what you love about them etcetera and you get to wear the crown for that episode.
And of course you get uh access to all of our back catalogue. Um because you'll get exclusive content and every Friday we release one of our old episodes um and we're doing that in order right the way through We're. just over a hundred episodes I've. been doing that for two years straight now every week Um. so it comes now to thank our patrons for their support. But exciting Gav. We have a new patron.
Oh it's so cool. Thank you so much.
Thank you.
That's crazy.
Uh but I believe if I remember rightly Canada, U_S_ and and somewhere else as well. So awesome long time listener. Brilliant that you've joined us. First time patron. Love you. Love you Dee. Thank you so much. You are now on the list of people that I have to read out silly voices for. And also Dee, just to make your way, your teacher will be being posted within the next couple of weeks. So you should get that very soon. Um so thank you to all of our patrons starting with you. Dee.
I'm not doing a sound this time. I'll just go late you, do it. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Well thank you very much.
Well thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
I, don't know why with that one, it's got it's a good word, fight f um in other countries you're fighting, where it's like fight Ralph. Sorry. Sorry Kevin, uh thank you to Sarah Kay Yeah. Thank. you to Rachel. Thank you to to R_J_ McCready. I'm polishing the crime ready for you for the next episode R_J_. And thank you of course to Lex Boo. Beautiful lovely wonderful patrons who helped keep the show ticking
over. It helps us to rent and buy Digging Up the Marrow and all these other films that we review. It also helps with equipment, T-shirt printing, a billion other things. So thank you, thank you, thank you.
Mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm,
And that's and that's it.
stay warm 'cause it's still quite wintery here in the U_K_ at the moment and if you get stuck on a stair-lift then pee on yourself to keep yourself warm.
Just balance balance get your mates to balance it so you can put your bottom over the side.
Or jump down and fight the wolves if you're down and if you're not down then climb across the cables if you can have. W or if you're my wife just pass out until you die.
That's all she's gonna do. That's her super power. I'm just gonna sleep. Oh it's a good night and it's a good night from uh Ray Wise naked in a cage. I'm gonna have to ask Sarah what she would do actually so she can start thinking about that now. Think about it now Sarah. What would you do with it Sarah if you found Ray Wise naked in a cage? She'd probably bring a moment just to have 'em with uh tractors and everything else.
Imagine going round there going oh I've, got so I've got some lizards, a scorpion, bust my Ray Wise over there.
It's gonna says to me you'll be happy I didn't get another trench so I was like yes we can't you can't get getting more and more tranches they take up room you, know Uh. so it should be like you're gonna b hate me but I got what another trench no, it's scorpion no, what what is it this time? It's a Ray Wise in a cage. A Ray Wise in a cage.
Well not if he's naked and ill like like he is at the end of it That's. not fun. That's not fun Ray Wise is, it?
Well I said it's a good night from Ray Wise in a cage.
Not ready. Um no I, don't know. Ray Wise could be naked in a cage saying goodbye to us.
And it's a good night from Adam Green who ninety percent believes in Ray Wise's bat-shit crazy story about monsters coming out of a a monster hole in the ground.
Thank you for listening to the podcast on Haunted Hill. We will be back again real soon.
Oh no tears please.
Oh no tears please.
Oh no tears please.
Oh no tears please.
Oh no tears please.
Oh no tears please.
Oh no tears please.