The Psychosemantic Podcast EP 125: Spoiler Free ‘They/Them’
Speaker 1: You, you.
Speaker 1: It's a great day to be alive, isn't it?
Speaker 1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Speaker 1: I'm guessing that some of you you're not happy.
Speaker 1: Maybe you don't fit in.
Speaker 1: People make fun of you.
Speaker 1: Well, i can't make you straight, but you give us this week and we might be able to help voice cabin over there.
Speaker 2: Girls cabin over there.
Speaker 1: I use they them pronouns as in they can't believe they're at this camp.
Speaker 1: I Have zero interest in not being gay.
Speaker 2: There's no judgments in this room.
Speaker 2: Sometimes Oh he sure was invisible.
Speaker 2: I Would understand it a lot more if there's Bible fumping and queer bashing you can believe in any of this.
Speaker 1: Come in, please.
Speaker 1: Do you think your parents are disappointed in you sometimes?
Speaker 1: so what do you do?
Speaker 1: you try to make yourself special.
Speaker 1: You Become a.
Speaker 1: Today we're gonna be exploring traditional gender roles.
Speaker 1: Look how long they've been doing this.
Speaker 1: It's time to play.
Speaker 1: This could get a lot worse.
Speaker 1: Where's my killer?
Speaker 1: We need to get out of here.
Speaker 2: Just enjoy the sunshine and work on your time.
Speaker 2: It's been a minute.
Speaker 2: You and I last spoke on here in February.
Speaker 1: Oh, god damn, don't we say every fucking episode or like all right, let's not go like six months again without recording, and tomorrow's July 1st.
Speaker 2: We got it down to four and a half five months.
Speaker 1: We're getting there, we're working.
Speaker 1: Oh god, yeah, dude, this has been the fucking weirdest, wildest year.
Speaker 1: Well, all kinds of shit.
Speaker 1: Fucking.
Speaker 1: Where to begin?
Speaker 1: I assume we're rolling ever just gonna roll right into the cell, as we usually do.
Speaker 2: Yeah, why not?
Speaker 1: So, uh, yeah, before before we get to all that, i have a point of point of business here.
Speaker 1: So, uh, i visited my local uh, these aren't really dispensaries, because all they sell is like CBD shit and Delta 8 shit and all all that stuff that I don't quite understand.
Speaker 1: I've been, wouldn't paid them a visit today For for some supplies for this holiday weekend.
Speaker 1: Here We're recording this the last day in June 2023, uh, so still technically pride month and we'll get back to that here in a minute.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i visited my local uh, pot heads gone legit here here in my hometown and, um, as I was checking out, they're like hey, man, have you tried any of our mushroom products?
Speaker 1: I was like, uh, what?
Speaker 1: because we, i, we, i definitely do not live in one of the two or three, i think, states now where Mushroom stuff is even decriminalized.
Speaker 1: I I've heard rumors of a few dispensaries in Denver selling, like you know, psilocybin products, uh, which I still don't think is legal because it's only decriminalized in these places.
Speaker 1: There's like, no, the definitely federally.
Speaker 1: You know, mushrooms are this.
Speaker 1: It's still the same thing as we.
Speaker 1: It's illegal across the board, but, you know, on a state level or whatever, if you get caught a bag of mushrooms in certain places.
Speaker 1: It's like Denver, somewhere in California, san Francisco maybe, uh, and somewhere in Portland Probably.
Speaker 1: Portland Yeah, i think you're right.
Speaker 1: All the, all the same places that are usually pretty liberal as far as this stuff goes Are, like you know, a very, very small step away from basically selling psilocybin in fucking stores, which is, uh, really exciting and also has me a teeny, tiny bit worried, because they also used to be I think you can still get like certain kinds in Amsterdam, uh, but they were legal there for decades and decades.
Speaker 1: It wasn't until, like I want to say, within the last 10 or 15 years, that they made them illegal because a bunch of fucking tourists came around and took them and got a little too wild and crazy and shit happened and Uh, anyway, uh.
Speaker 1: So, yeah, as I was checking out this, these like we got these mushroom products.
Speaker 1: Uh, we have gummies and chocolates and we had a few people tell us that the chocolates didn't really do anything.
Speaker 1: So, by all means, if you take this, like this is like a new product for them, apparently, that They don't make or anything There's.
Speaker 1: You know it's just a shop, they just sell the shit.
Speaker 1: But so they were like, if these don't do anything, like, definitely come back and tell us.
Speaker 1: But also, if they do something, come back and tell us so, for $5 each.
Speaker 1: About two of these?
Speaker 1: uh, this is by a company.
Speaker 1: This is not an endorsement at all, by the way.
Speaker 1: This is, if anything, this is a science experiment.
Speaker 1: I'm gonna munch on this thing.
Speaker 1: Uh, this is not psilocybin.
Speaker 1: This I can.
Speaker 1: This has the tiniest fucking printing on the back of this thing, like I feel like I need trifocals to read this shit.
Speaker 2: Uh, really wonka fine print going on.
Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, but it does say does not contain psilocybin, in pretty big fucking letters.
Speaker 1: The dude at the shop told me this is made from some sort of extract of like Amanita mushrooms, which I have never tried.
Speaker 1: I'm sure at some point on the show I probably mentioned I've tried psilocybin more than a few times.
Speaker 1: But uh, yeah, there's a big ass fucking.
Speaker 1: I probably am an eat a gummy.
Speaker 1: Yeah, the dude at the shop told me he tried one and it was kind of like a mild mushroom buzz but like the back end of it is, it makes you feel a little more drunk, kind of which.
Speaker 1: This, historically, is kind of what I've heard.
Speaker 1: Amanitas do I also know.
Speaker 1: Yeah, this is not.
Speaker 1: Oh, there's two of them in here.
Speaker 1: This is not in any way an endorsement.
Speaker 1: Kids, don't try this at home.
Speaker 1: Uh, if I die on this fucking podcast, uh, i want the information of the product out there that I took.
Speaker 1: This is these are called magic mushes.
Speaker 1: They're kiwi berry gummies by a company called high exotic.
Speaker 1: Uh, it doesn't.
Speaker 1: Yeah, there's no real indication about any kind of dosing.
Speaker 1: I assume I'm supposed to take two of them, but there's nothing about.
Speaker 1: You know, usually when you buy like a, like a weed edible, it says how many milligrams are in it, but this doesn't really Doesn't really specify, and the ingredients are so fucking small that I can't.
Speaker 1: This is something about a proprietary Neuotropic blend.
Speaker 1: Well, one, two.
Speaker 1: Better not sue down the hash.
Speaker 2: If you do enjoy yourself, I am not opposed to a paid advertisement for recreational mushrooms.
Speaker 1: Uh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1: If these actually do something, then this isn't just a huge fucking scam.
Speaker 1: Then by all, by all means, high exotic, reach out I'll.
Speaker 1: I'll pimp your fucking wares.
Speaker 1: I don't give a shit.
Speaker 2: I mean, you know there's so many cool things nature does.
Speaker 2: You know.
Speaker 2: Let's be trying to keep in the same lane.
Speaker 2: I had a friend who was like an eagle scout.
Speaker 1: Wow.
Speaker 2: And he would be just like, oh, here I'll show you the.
Speaker 2: You know, here's the plants you can eat that make you kind of trip.
Speaker 2: Uh, just like you know, he was that kind of Guy you know skateboarded, played soccer or fucking without shoes on, like, uh, pretty cool dude.
Speaker 1: Oh.
Speaker 2: But yeah, he uh Like knew all these cool like things that just like grow on the side of the like.
Speaker 2: There's one I forget what the fuck it was called, uh, but it would grow by the railroad tracks.
Speaker 1: Like a plant.
Speaker 2: Yeah, like, like a plant.
Speaker 1: And I was like oh okay, Yeah, Yeah, there's there's zillions of them that are like at least you know, to some degree hallucinogenic.
Speaker 2: Well, and you, you live in the wild west and we are talking about mushrooms.
Speaker 2: But, how you know, we're talking about like cbd and thc, and I never got great grades in science, but I do often watch videos of scientists talking about weed around.
Speaker 2: Uh, like drawn out.
Speaker 2: The molecule for Cbd and thc look pretty much identical.
Speaker 2: It's up, for one part of the molecule is open and the other one is closed.
Speaker 1: Right.
Speaker 2: Uh, i know, when you like 3d, graph it out.
Speaker 2: It's a bit different, but it's like man, i miss, i miss the whole.
Speaker 2: Become a weed scientist arc.
Speaker 1: Well it's, it's come, it's come insanely far since, like we were, you know, basically teenagers or whatever.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i never thought there would be this much science put into fucking getting high, but you know how, how naive I was, uh.
Speaker 1: But yeah, yeah they're, they're discovering all these other fucking things in weed, like you know, uh, the cbd, cbd a and fucking HCC and they're all, yeah, like basically just a molecule off from thc which is technically the only part of the plant that's like completely, still totally, of federally controlled substance.
Speaker 1: So, yeah, it's, it's kind of a weird workaround.
Speaker 1: It kind of reminds me of my days back in the day of perusing fucking research chemical websites, for And this is a long time ago, so this isn't me admitting to a crime and also, i never order, i never had the balls to order these things, because It just seems like such an easy way to get your money stolen or to get some some fucking poison or to get sent some shit.
Speaker 1: That does nothing.
Speaker 1: But uh, yeah, that was like a whole, and I'm sure it still is.
Speaker 1: I just haven't, i'm not gonna fuck with that shit.
Speaker 1: But yeah, if you, you know, digging the the cd dark quarters of the internet, you can find just about anything, including Sort of legal.
Speaker 1: You know analogs of stuff like lsd and fucking mdma and you know Stuff like that.
Speaker 1: That is one molecule away from The the real deal, which makes it kind of legal.
Speaker 1: And, yeah, it's Marketed as a research chemical, basically for research purposes.
Speaker 1: Only kids Don't be ingesting this.
Speaker 2: Waiting to find out if I don't want to get in.
Speaker 2: Well, I do want to get into politics immediately, but I don't want to get into drugs or political Absolutely we are waiting to find out if enough signatures were gathered.
Speaker 2: We have recreation or not, right?
Speaker 2: We don't have recreational here, we have medicinal here right and like generally.
Speaker 2: Possession of below three and a half ounces of flour is like a fine able misdemeanor.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 2: But there I think there have been enough signatures gathered for I don't know.
Speaker 2: I mean it's I kind of like How blatant it or like how clunky this the name of this bill is, but you kind of wonder if, like, it would be better if it had a cool one, but it's regulate.
Speaker 2: I believe it's regulate marijuana like alcohol bill.
Speaker 1: Oh really.
Speaker 1: So I mean people that was like the nickname for Prop whatever the fuck it was in Denver when they first legalized to.
Speaker 1: That was kind of the whole, the whole motivation behind that.
Speaker 1: It wasn't officially called that or anything, but that was kind of the.
Speaker 1: The idea behind it was to actually regulate weed like alcohol.
Speaker 1: And I, the car got a way and say his pre-all stuck to that.
Speaker 2: So Yeah, you know, and maybe it's like a cool left-wing version of like Alec and stuff, all the right-wing people that just write like Here's how you get rid of abortion and everybody has that law.
Speaker 2: How do you pick on trans kids?
Speaker 2: And they all have the same law.
Speaker 2: They just scratch out the name and write the new name.
Speaker 2: Maybe there's finally some like pro marijuana and pro choice and pro like other things that are coming around because, like The children of the wealthy assholes now have their money, yeah, or something.
Speaker 2: But, um, yeah, so you know you can homebrew here.
Speaker 2: We actually have pretty they re.
Speaker 2: Or they laxed a bunch of the alcohol rules because they were trying to get the first American brew dog brewery here Out of the.
Speaker 2: Was that in Scotland or England That were originally from?
Speaker 1: It's, either.
Speaker 1: One of the two are Scottish.
Speaker 1: Friend Duncan talks about about it all the time, so I don't assume it's Scottish but I could be wrong on that.
Speaker 1: But yeah, i remember you talking about that how they wanted to build like a not just a brewery but like a big ass fucking like resort centered around brew dog in your, in your neck of the woods.
Speaker 2: They do have that.
Speaker 2: It's kind of out in the suburbs But not hard to get to, you know, on the freeway, basically not too far from downtown really.
Speaker 2: But yeah, they have like a hotel and you know they have beer coolers in the shower, i think even it's.
Speaker 2: I haven't stayed there, but they also, you know, have a deal with the hockey team that we have here.
Speaker 2: As such, there's a bunch of brew dog at the arenas, but they made it so you could have like up to 36% proof beer or something holy shit.
Speaker 1: Why would you need that?
Speaker 2: just in case some there's like some stuff called like dragons milk and some other things that are like really boozy like a bottle or two of dragons milk and you know it's just kind of like, oh shit.
Speaker 1: I guess 36% is kind of roughly where like mead is, i think.
Speaker 2: Yeah, you know, it's a little bit below gas station whiskey.
Speaker 1: Yeah, it's.
Speaker 1: Yeah, it's kind of between whiskey and beer and that weird like yeah, because it's.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i can't.
Speaker 1: I can't imagine drinking a beer.
Speaker 1: That is you.
Speaker 1: Only I would only be able to get through one because I'm a fucking lightweight and I would probably need to go home.
Speaker 2: Yeah, i tend to, you know, i try at least to just have like a cocktail or two or like a shot and then drink some soda.
Speaker 2: Anyway, sorry, i'm getting sidetracked.
Speaker 2: This is the sidetrack show.
Speaker 1: Don't worry about it.
Speaker 1: We didn't really we don't really have a super specific topic.
Speaker 1: We were recording this during Pride Month, so we kind of toyed with the idea of talking about some LGBTQ plus kind of kind of movies.
Speaker 1: If we get to that, cool.
Speaker 1: If not, you know whatever it's a to be continued.
Speaker 1: Yeah, we'll get to it next time, but yeah, it's been a while, so we got.
Speaker 1: we got plenty of stuff to talk about.
Speaker 2: We're having.
Speaker 2: it's our psycho beach semantic party or psycho shenan tic.
Speaker 2: Well, let's come up with a good summary Fuck it around, kind of party.
Speaker 1: I don't love this feel about beaches.
Speaker 1: Do they feel kind of the same way about this?
Speaker 1: They do golf courses, or it's just a bougie, fucking giant waste of real estate or beaches for the people.
Speaker 2: I think it varies.
Speaker 2: I think when I do go to the beach, which I do not like the beach, but I married a leftist who likes the beach- Right.
Speaker 2: I am more of the beaches for the people like.
Speaker 2: I don't really respect the this straight imaginary line No borders, fuck the border, as propaganda said, but when they they're like you can't be in this area.
Speaker 2: this beach is for the people who stay in this one condo.
Speaker 2: Yeah, that doesn't really bother me.
Speaker 1: Usually, i agree.
Speaker 2: It's because you know I look out of place at the beach.
Speaker 1: I am kind of chuckling, imagining you at the beach with your fucking huge Mohawk and shit.
Speaker 2: I've got a couple pictures and you could barely tell that I'm like at the beach, except for maybe my shoes are off because of Amanda's dad lived in Florida for a while, so sometimes we would go down and there and she, yeah, she got accustomed to the beach, but anyway, yes, another.
Speaker 2: I'm going to side tangent into this other tangent about if anybody is listening and you are registered to vote in Ohio.
Speaker 2: It would basically be like anyone 21 or over can consume it and with the same sort of limitations, like don't don't get high and drive or whatever, which I'm not sure how they're gonna.
Speaker 2: I mean, yeah.
Speaker 1: I guess I'll just roadside sobriety shit, because they don't have like a breathalyzer for fucking weed.
Speaker 1: I know they were trying to get that off the ground, but I don't think the science and shit really know it's that hasn't been put into use yet.
Speaker 1: So yeah, i think they are for sure busting people for DUI in like Colorado for weed.
Speaker 1: But yeah, i think it's.
Speaker 1: You failed the roadside sobriety test and we found fucking a freshly smoked blunt your fucking astray.
Speaker 1: So duh, yeah, be smarter than that People go home or you know, go home, go for a walk.
Speaker 2: Yeah, you know, you can sell it amongst each other, as people sell each other.
Speaker 2: you know, people can homebrew, so you can home grow.
Speaker 2: Nice Yeah it can't be like Oh, i homegrow when I sell to 1000 people It's.
Speaker 2: it's more like a deal between a couple people.
Speaker 1: Right, you can't be setting up fucking shop.
Speaker 1: is the weed grower of the whole town or whatever.
Speaker 2: At least I think that partisan, but the whole 21 and over consume like that you can have, you can grow at your own house.
Speaker 2: I think three, three or four plants, which is enough for personal use was it's like three or four per person.
Speaker 2: So if two adults you could have twice as many.
Speaker 1: So this, this is technically like a recreational bill, right, like this doesn't it would be, yeah, i mean there?
Speaker 2: will be stores.
Speaker 2: It won't be like stores can exist, but it's kind of like food or you know.
Speaker 2: You know, like I said, with home brewing, like I know like five people at least that make their own beer at home.
Speaker 2: Right, probably more than that, but so that is supposed to be on the November ballot.
Speaker 2: At least it looked like the signature gathering was good.
Speaker 2: The State House, of course, is trying to block it because we have a really fucking crazy gerrymandered supermajority.
Speaker 2: They're also forcing a special election to try to get people to vote to give up less power of creating laws because pro, like enshrining abortion rights into our state constitution, has gathered enough signatures to go on the November ballot.
Speaker 1: Right.
Speaker 2: So last year the State House outlaw or passed legislation making like getting rid of August elections because it has the lowest turnout something like six to 12% of voters show up and it costs, you know, 15 to $20 million to have the election.
Speaker 2: So they outlawed it for everything except for, like, appointing new members of the House or the Senate or something like that.
Speaker 2: Okay, well then the abortion thing like abortion rights, you know, pretty expansive, like just freedom of medical choice got enough signatures to go on to the November ballot.
Speaker 2: And so then they were like okay, well, we're going to pass a law to re Institute August elections and we're going to pass a law to put on the on the special August election, a thing that now to pass things like the abortion law, you have to have 60, more than 60%, of the vote, instead of right now, it's a simple majority of more than 50%.
Speaker 1: So you have to have 60% or more.
Speaker 2: Yeah, 60% or more, So 40% of voters could block anything from happening in this or in this area which is harsh shit.
Speaker 2: Yeah, to pass the law making it so it has to be 60% on this August election that they were going to re Institute.
Speaker 2: To pass it, you only need 50%, plus one in a special election where six to 12% of the people show up.
Speaker 2: It went to the state Supreme Court, which has the governor's son and somebody else that he appointed on the court Now who are like you don't have to follow the law that you passed last year outlawing because they couldn't get enough votes to re Institute the August election.
Speaker 2: So they just said, fuck it right we're going to take it to the court.
Speaker 2: The court said yeah, you don't have to follow laws, you pass.
Speaker 1: Okay.
Speaker 2: So we are having.
Speaker 2: I think it's been challenged, but the Supreme Court just went on vacation, So I don't really know what can be done about it now, and I believe absentee ballots have been sent to military personnel.
Speaker 1: So they are having the election.
Speaker 2: It seems like they are having the election under congressional districts Now.
Speaker 2: this is a statewide vote, but the representatives that voted for it were elected in an election under districts that were ruled an unconstitutional.
Speaker 2: J A Mander Jim Jordan is one of the Congress famous Congress people from our state.
Speaker 1: He's a notorious Twitter villain.
Speaker 2: Yeah, i can't wait for that documentary about him and Ohio State comes out.
Speaker 1: Hopefully the football coach or whatever right Wrestling coach, the wrestling coach, sexual abuse.
Speaker 1: I think that's right.
Speaker 2: I think the team doctor was shown to have molested like over 100, 150 students Jesus, and then he killed himself.
Speaker 2: When he was indicted And Jim Jordan was a assistant wrestling coach for the team And the captain of the team and other players said that they came to him and said that they were pretty sure the doctor was doing stuff to them that shouldn't be done And he ignored it.
Speaker 2: Yeah, he ignored it So yeah, so they are trying to block the pro abortion constitutional amendment by having a special election in August and changing the rules and changing the rules with I maybe, I don't know.
Speaker 2: I got recorded talking about it a little bit by one of the main groups that are like fuck this, we're going and knocking on doors telling everybody to vote against this stupid, fucking shit.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I may show up on YouTube or Twitter or something, but my Mohawk was down, So you know they may or not recognize you.
Speaker 2: Yeah, you might not recognize it, They might not use it.
Speaker 2: I was like God damn it, Like I'm so vain, But like I was.
Speaker 2: You know, I just sat down for dinner and I usually don't answer the door.
Speaker 2: Well, somebody I don't know knocks but I people are getting smarter and holding up their clipboards And I can see, like what they're there to talk about.
Speaker 1: Oh, that's kind of courteous.
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2: So I was like popped out.
Speaker 2: I was like, yes, i totally support you.
Speaker 2: No, i'm not giving my credit card information, just in case you're going to ask for a donation.
Speaker 2: I'll donate another way, right?
Speaker 2: So yeah, we may have abortion rights in marijuana on the 2024 ballot.
Speaker 2: Where What?
Speaker 2: Joe Biden, who doesn't totally suck but is very disappointing.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 2: Is what twice or thrice indicted Donald Trump is my guess about the next election.
Speaker 1: More than that.
Speaker 1: So that seems to be where it's going.
Speaker 1: They were talking fucking.
Speaker 1: what's his name?
Speaker 1: DeSantis for a while.
Speaker 1: Well, Florida boy.
Speaker 2: Yeah, trump, without the indictments.
Speaker 2: Well, mickey Mouse will cut off his balls and then they won't allow him to run in the Republican primary.
Speaker 2: And but you know what?
Speaker 2: I don't know if we need to talk about those fucking people, because the inevitable is the inevitable and Thanos isn't here right now.
Speaker 2: We are talking about drugs and partying and pride, and I don't know, i don't know.
Speaker 2: Did you ever watch the, the, that movie that we talked about maybe doing?
Speaker 1: Which they them.
Speaker 2: Yes.
Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, i watched.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i watched it back whenever the hell we were talking about it last, so it was early this year, late last year or something.
Speaker 2: I think it was last, yeah, last time it was warm out.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i didn't rewatch it for for this episode specifically, but yeah, i have, i've seen it.
Speaker 1: I mean, we could talk about it a little bit.
Speaker 2: It's a I don't mean to cut you off, but I wanted to say that, like we could either totally skip over that and talk about the other shit, which I'm cool with, or if we do talk about it, we should probably be brief and vague, because I bet It's still kind of like a spoiler alert kind of movie, because I don't know A whole lot of people that have seen it, you know, i mean.
Speaker 1: I mean, it's been out for a couple of years.
Speaker 1: But yeah, you're right, i don't know a ton of people specifically that come to mind that actually sat down to watch it.
Speaker 1: It was on Peacock, i think, mostly So like our international listeners may not be able to access that shit.
Speaker 2: Yeah, or where.
Speaker 2: I don't know who else carry it, because it was put out by Blumhouse.
Speaker 2: is Blumhouse right, not Bloomhouse?
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 2: It was put out by Blumhouse And I know Jason Blum was like the producer or the executive producer.
Speaker 2: That's probably how they got Kevin Bacon.
Speaker 1: Right But.
Speaker 2: I figured, if we do talk about it, we should probably be relatively vague, maybe bring up a couple of themes and tones, or we could just be like, yeah, this is this show.
Speaker 2: Sometimes we don't even talk about a movie and we both watched it yesterday.
Speaker 1: That's what this one we actually watched a while ago, so, like I'm Yeah.
Speaker 2: I do remember how it is.
Speaker 1: I would.
Speaker 1: I saw a lot of people that didn't like it.
Speaker 1: The letterbox reviews are kind of not not super kind of this movie It's.
Speaker 1: It's kind of corny, Like kind of a you know Brief.
Speaker 1: I got a notification that my computer is not plugged in.
Speaker 2: Oh well, well, if you want to check on that, I can ramble for a couple seconds Like I think it's corny, like a 70s or 80s camp slasher movie can be, But it was made, you know, a couple of years ago So.
Speaker 2: But there's still the you know the creepy tracking shots, the in the woods alone stuff.
Speaker 2: There's the Random aggressions, There's the counselors And the although I guess not a whole lot of Straight up slashers have have the kids there.
Speaker 2: Usually it's the counselors getting ready For the kids to show up.
Speaker 1: But did you mention that this, this particular camp, is a Jesus Christ, i'm black and what they're fucking called.
Speaker 1: I'm therapy a conversion therapy camp, a you're no longer gay camp or trans camp, oh which I thought, excuse me, fucking boys kicking in.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 2: Take a drink.
Speaker 2: Yeah it's a whistler something.
Speaker 2: Kevin Bacon is from the Whistler family.
Speaker 2: He is the head counselor.
Speaker 2: What his wife is the Like lunatic psychologist.
Speaker 2: And my girl is the camp nurse.
Speaker 2: It's an Anna Klumsky Chomsky.
Speaker 1: Who that is.
Speaker 1: Yeah, Oh shit.
Speaker 1: The girl from my girl.
Speaker 2: I thought it was.
Speaker 2: I thought she was looked like close, she was looked like Chloe Savinke, but knew that it wasn't her.
Speaker 2: So when that first time I watched it and I looked it up, i was like, oh shit, that is her.
Speaker 2: I haven't seen her since she was, you know, 13 or 14 in a movie.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i knew, i knew she'd done so.
Speaker 1: Yeah, that's Anna Anna Klump ski.
Speaker 1: She died.
Speaker 1: I knew she'd done some stuff as an adult but, yeah, the only one that, like they, really stood out in this cast, is like people I knew, was Kevin Bacon.
Speaker 1: Obviously.
Speaker 1: The rest of these people are all pretty young, i assume TV and theater actors maybe.
Speaker 2: Seemed like it.
Speaker 1: It's not gonna put Anna Klump ski's done.
Speaker 1: Recently as an adult, there's a sequel to my girl.
Speaker 1: What the fuck my girl too.
Speaker 2: You haven't seen my.
Speaker 2: Oh you, you don't have a little sister, do you?
Speaker 1: No, I have an older sister.
Speaker 2: I have a little sister, so I have seen my girl to at least five or six times.
Speaker 2: Fuck.
Speaker 2: she is Older, younger teens and she goes to California To see her, her uncle, who plays adult Stan, and the Tim Curry it Whatever his fucking name is I, that's just how I remember him.
Speaker 2: Do you know who I'm talking about?
Speaker 2: The singing?
Speaker 2: did you've seen Tim Curry's it right?
Speaker 1: Yeah, it's been a while.
Speaker 2: The guy that's the headless or the the decapitated head talking to them in the fridge, the guy that kills himself When they find out.
Speaker 2: But anyway, that guy plays her uncle in the first movie and She's out visiting him For whatever fuck, because they couldn't get Dan acroyd to do the sequel.
Speaker 1: He's listed in the cast on Google is he, maybe?
Speaker 2: maybe he and Jamie Lee Curtis like send him off or send her off to California, or maybe they're in a flashback.
Speaker 2: But Remember, most of the story is like she goes to visit the uncle and she gets romantically interested in her uncle's girlfriend's kid or something like that.
Speaker 1: Oh, i think the uncle is Richard.
Speaker 1: Mauser is actually in the thing.
Speaker 1: He plays The dude that keeps the kennel.
Speaker 1: The dog, the dog guy.
Speaker 2: Is it Clark?
Speaker 2: It's not Clark.
Speaker 2: Yeah, watch Clark.
Speaker 1: Yeah, you play.
Speaker 1: Yeah, it's Clark from the thing, richard Mauser.
Speaker 1: Yes, Fucking Ben Steins.
Speaker 1: In this movie he turned into a fucking douchebag.
Speaker 1: I'll be goddamn.
Speaker 1: Yeah, I had no idea there was a sequel to my girl.
Speaker 1: I assume Austin O'Brien filling in the McCauley Culkin role.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it would have been cool if they had McCauley Culkin come back like Jack and American werewolf in London.
Speaker 1: He's listed.
Speaker 1: He's also listed in the credits for this.
Speaker 1: I assume there is a flashback of him.
Speaker 1: Maybe.
Speaker 1: I'm sure, even if it's maybe just like a boy, or if they used any footage from, like, the first movie, they might have to credit him somehow.
Speaker 2: But anyway, I think Kristen Glover got that when they ripped off his image for Back to the Future.
Speaker 2: 2.
Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, tangents, another derailment.
Speaker 2: Marijuana to my girl.
Speaker 1: She's also the little Anna Klobski's also the little girl and Uncle Buck, which is definitely a movie that we had a lot of, watched a lot as kids.
Speaker 1: But yeah, it's just a ton of credits on here that I can see.
Speaker 2: But So, yep, she's the nurse.
Speaker 2: Zane, the cured gay man, is the Athletics director that has weird competition issues with the kids.
Speaker 2: I'd forgot about that and his cured wife likes to hit on teenage girls.
Speaker 2: And There's, of course, like a 70s or 80s slasher type movie.
Speaker 2: There is The creepy groundskeeper guy.
Speaker 2: I forget what his fucking name was, like Balthazar or some.
Speaker 1: Yep Balthazar riggs by played by Mark Ashworth.
Speaker 2: Yeah, so you know there is some slasherness in this movie.
Speaker 2: I think this is how we can just sort of like I think we both kind of recommend it to anybody that's listening to the show right now.
Speaker 2: But like a lot of the menace and fear and like Aggression in this movie is just gets his legs kicked out from underneath it.
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Well, that's how I felt you like this is like.
Speaker 1: This does set up like a what could have been like a really creepy, really fucked up movie and they Didn't really choose to like this is like a musical number that comes out of nowhere in the middle of this, which I wasn't like.
Speaker 1: It's referencing something that I feel like I'm a year or two or two old for, because I don't know what the fuck they were talking about through a few parts of this and, yeah, it undercuts the horror like a lot, and the ending is kind of goofy.
Speaker 1: But they also vary in in in the lane of a cheesy slasher movie kind of.
Speaker 1: But yeah, this, this movie is.
Speaker 1: This could have been like a.
Speaker 1: It's gonna been a completely different movie, i guess.
Speaker 1: But you know, maybe, maybe that's just not the movie They wanted to make, because you know, real life is pretty depressing by itself.
Speaker 2: Right, right, i did like the use of, you know, especially building the felony.
Speaker 1: if some characters Oh Yeah, they're all terrible, some of them in really not subtle ways, but you know it.
Speaker 1: Like the villains of this I thought are written really well to you.
Speaker 1: Like a lot of just Especially Kevin Bacon's character, you almost buy that he's not a bad guy at the at the beginning of the movie And then he's not a horrible fucking villain.
Speaker 1: But you know, you know he is, because you know what kind of movie this is and Uh yeah, they do a good job of like you're kind of questioning that at the beginning of the movie and you're like Maybe these kids are just like little shitheads kind of that have problems they need to work through.
Speaker 1: And uh yeah, it's not really a spoiler, because you know what kind of movie this is.
Speaker 1: Say that there, there's more to it than that.
Speaker 1: And no, these are not good people and the kids are all right.
Speaker 2: But yeah, that's they them.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i'd say, check it out.
Speaker 1: It's it's, it's worth a watch, especially if you're You know it is stuff like this.
Speaker 2: You probably.
Speaker 2: I don't know if you can watch it for free on peacock.
Speaker 2: I forget why I have the Regular like three dollar a month paid for peacock, but maybe because it's three dollars a month.
Speaker 1: They have cool stuff around Halloween time at least.
Speaker 1: Yeah, my brother got to cancel it Oh, go ahead.
Speaker 1: I just said you probably forgot to cancel it after Halloween time or something.
Speaker 1: If you don't remember why you have it, Yeah right, it definitely was.
Speaker 2: They do have.
Speaker 2: I know a lot of people like wrestling.
Speaker 2: It does have, like all of the old WWF stuff.
Speaker 1: Okay, that might be fun to jump into at some point.
Speaker 2: They've got all of the wrestle manias, i think, all of the royal rumbles and Survivor series and shit.
Speaker 1: That's about the last time I really actually like actively followed any kind of wrestling was in the like nwo, wcw kind of days.
Speaker 2: Yeah, uh, it's been a long time.
Speaker 2: I'm uh.
Speaker 2: No offense to our friends out there that know about all this shit but horror fans and wrestling fans.
Speaker 1: There's definitely a huge fucking like uh, like uh.
Speaker 1: The vendetta diagram is almost a circle.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I mean So, yeah, uh, they do have that.
Speaker 1: And They get all the they have.
Speaker 1: They usually have a pretty solid collection of the universal horror stuff around Halloween time because That's, you know, viacom, universal, they've shared all the rights to that shit.
Speaker 1: So You know, universal has been one of those studios.
Speaker 1: It's like, even even nowadays, when you know studios are taking zero fucking risks on anything, universal Has been pretty good about putting out a couple real fucking oddball shits every year, like I mean, this year was like cocaine, bear and Renfield, which I'm sure probably made their money back, but we're, like, you know, colossal fucking hits or anything.
Speaker 1: So I mean, somebody's probably losing money So the universal can continue putting out these goofy fucking movies.
Speaker 1: So I do kind of salute the balls on them as far as that goes.
Speaker 1: Yeah, the fucking writer strike is still going on as of this recording it is, so I don't.
Speaker 2: I don't know what's.
Speaker 2: Does that include Writers for award shows?
Speaker 2: because I feel like they're still having award shows throughout the summer.
Speaker 1: Uh, i don't, I don't know.
Speaker 1: I would assume that people who work on those are probably union, but maybe not, and I'm sure that's something you could probably pretty easily like.
Speaker 1: You can't just hire anybody to write like an episode of you know Fucking the bear or you know Shit like that, but you could probably hire just about any fucking slope to write a shitty award show.
Speaker 2: Yeah, uh, instead of, you know, giving in to the workers.
Speaker 2: I think that's how we ended up with the last uh, reality tv boom Was the last writer strike, and right studios were just a fucking.
Speaker 1: We gotta make something reality tv.
Speaker 1: He has.
Speaker 1: It's it's fair share of writing going on.
Speaker 1: I recently caught an episode of hoarders that I think was from one of the more recent episodes and like I watched about five minutes of it and I turned to my wife and I said They got really good writers on the show because these people talk like nobody actually fucking talks, like they talk like they're reading off of cue cards and like being fed shit to say and it's really weird and distracting.
Speaker 1: I feel like that show didn't used to do that and it was a little bit more like just you know, running gun and film kind of style, yeah, or like intervention like that shit's fucking that's.
Speaker 1: That's raw and real.
Speaker 2: It's probably gonna be a bunch now on HBO.
Speaker 2: I mean Max, because you know, rebranding a name that everybody's known since the what 80s.
Speaker 1: Yeah, early 80s, like, yeah, fuck it, whatever, max, it's all of these things put together which, yeah, is like That's, that's, that's a bad idea when you're becoming this giant conglomerate, the gobbles of all these fucking companies and assuming that, like people will just, you know, forget about those and it'll be this convenient thing to have everything under one roof, like Facebook pretty much tried, has been trying this for years and years now with Metta and trying to also be like a virtual reality thing and a selling thing.
Speaker 1: And there wasn't like Facebook dating at some point, like real briefly, and it was a horrible, fucking disaster.
Speaker 1: And they tried to do like, be like, indeed, with job listings And, yeah, there is, there's very much a thing, such a thing as these companies trying to do way too fucking much And it becomes not convenient and it becomes a big turnoff.
Speaker 2: I think the dating thing is still happening because Is it?
Speaker 2: I accidentally had.
Speaker 2: Yes, when I open the app I usually only go in through the group, that I admit, but it's home watch marketplace dating notifications menu And if I click on dating, welcome to Facebook dating new ways to date, 100% free.
Speaker 2: God free privacy first, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 2: Get started Question mark like new.
Speaker 1: I have like fantasy football and shit on here.
Speaker 1: Now to fantasy games.
Speaker 1: I really want to switch to fantasy hockey.
Speaker 1: Oh, I wonder if this is because, yeah, we've been the old midnight horror show boys.
Speaker 1: These are the fucking Yahoo fantasy system for Football, I wonder.
Speaker 1: I wonder if Facebook sucks a little bit less.
Speaker 1: It would be easier to use.
Speaker 2: Who knows?
Speaker 1: I don't know.
Speaker 2: But it would require change.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i think, i think it's hilarious that there is Facebook dating on here, not ready to start dating?
Speaker 2: Nope, exit, fuck it, leave me alone.
Speaker 1: I mean, i don't know Anyway this sort of kind of tie up, the they, them talk.
Speaker 1: I went to my first pride like event ever this year, which we apparently do in our tiny ass little town of there's 20,000 people here, something like that not very fucking many It was.
Speaker 1: It was remarkably chill and calm.
Speaker 1: I don't get.
Speaker 1: I don't get what the conservatives are so fucking.
Speaker 1: It felt like a, it felt like a bake sale or something Like I could Yeah, yeah there was a lot of booths, which was cool, like, and there was a lot of companies that, like one of our local politicians, i can't remember who, off the top of my head, got real shitty about because she found a picture of all the sponsors that had like, like the Red Cross had a booth and the Humane Society for Animals had a booth and the the suicide prevention people.
Speaker 1: Like all these people is like this fucking dumb bitch.
Speaker 1: We're at this scathing Facebook thing.
Speaker 1: There was like boycott all of these people.
Speaker 1: It is like the Red Cross Yeah, really is suicide.
Speaker 1: People is like a veteran outreach people.
Speaker 1: I'm pretty sure we're out there too.
Speaker 1: It's like what the fuck lady, did you look at this?
Speaker 1: And yeah, they're just there with a booth.
Speaker 1: They're handing out rainbow themed you know pamphlets and items.
Speaker 1: You know target had a huge booth where they're giving away all kinds of fucking free shit.
Speaker 1: So everybody had the same like rainbow sunglasses and umbrellas and show, like you know, fill you up a swag bag while you're walking around looking at the booths.
Speaker 1: And I was pretty much it There's, there's a bunch of people there Like I was there as it was winding down because I think I had to work part of that day or maybe I had to work after or something.
Speaker 1: But anyway, like I was there as it was winding down and there's quite a few people there and lots of people there with their kids and pretty fucking mellow man Really they had like a march through the streets, i think, like the next day or something, which I didn't end up going to.
Speaker 1: I think I had to work for that.
Speaker 1: But yeah, the actual like Pride Fest event as it was, was in like the, the, the, the I don't really it's.
Speaker 1: It's in like the middle of our downtown kind of it's.
Speaker 1: It's almost like an amphitheater, slash park, like for city events type shit, like they do like free concerts and stuff down there in the summertime.
Speaker 1: And yeah it was.
Speaker 1: It was like like I was almost bored.
Speaker 1: It was so chill, i was expecting something, but like I don't know, i was happy.
Speaker 1: You know, i was happy that this existed.
Speaker 1: Like it was something that you know teenage me probably wouldn't have thought possible And I'm sure they started somewhere.
Speaker 1: They started real small and now it's like not a super huge thing but like they've got it down, like dialed in pretty well.
Speaker 1: So it's a very chill, very family friendly.
Speaker 1: You know kind of just go hang out and go down and socialize and go to the booths kind of thing.
Speaker 1: So I was cool.
Speaker 1: I'll probably go again next year.
Speaker 2: Nice, i did not go to my city's pride.
Speaker 1: They're probably a big old fucking pride parties and events in your city, huh.
Speaker 2: It's pretty huge.
Speaker 2: The parade kind of kicks it off And you know, yeah, it's pretty huge.
Speaker 2: There's a decent amount of corporate, corporate pride the Bud Light float rolls the rolls by.
Speaker 2: Yeah, and you know, some do other different things.
Speaker 2: We've got a really good youth center here called the Kaleidoscope youth center.
Speaker 1: Yeah, you've mentioned them before.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I'm a big supporter of them there for you know, like anybody youth, but they really kind of work on like tweens and teens and young adults.
Speaker 2: They have like an alternative prom and they do all these other things and they're generally who the hockey team does, that they're.
Speaker 2: They're like pride month charity money for.
Speaker 1: That's cool.
Speaker 2: And so the hockey the mascot marches in the parade every year.
Speaker 2: So do some of the writers that follow the teams and stuff, especially the writers that talk about social issues, and I've tried to keep it vague enough.
Speaker 2: I have a family member with a non binary child right who is getting to that age where they they wanted to march in the parade this year.
Speaker 2: So, family member and their kid, who, like there's some really, i think, weird and clunky Non binary terms for you know, like cousin.
Speaker 2: cousin is, you know, gender neutral.
Speaker 2: But you know son, daughter, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, like all those are like yeah what's the non binary version of that?
Speaker 2: And it's like child, child, siblings, siblings, child siblings, parent, you know.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 2: But so I'm being clunky and vague or whatever, because it's not my story to tell, and you know.
Speaker 2: But they, they were very stoked to do it And you know they've had not really any, at least especially in our family.
Speaker 2: It's all like fuck it Awesome.
Speaker 2: You know, tell me if anybody fucks with you and I'll kick their ass.
Speaker 2: Sort of sort of ship.
Speaker 2: But there are some people that are like I support you, but I'm going to mess everything up.
Speaker 2: I'm going to misgender you all the time.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 2: And there's people that are like OK, old person, let me work with you on this sort of thing.
Speaker 2: And I also have a family member in high school who just came out as gay and is gender neutral, And I'm very, very afraid to tell their dad.
Speaker 2: Which is pretty common, yeah, yeah, very common.
Speaker 2: So I don't know.
Speaker 2: It's like I'm just realizing now that I feel like I need to tell these family members, especially if I know them through their parent in the family, you know more right being close to my age, i should probably tell them like, hey, give, give your kid my number if they ever need, like a adult, technically male figure To someone to talk to about.
Speaker 1: You know, Yeah, there's definitely there's a way of doing that That's uber fucking creepy And there's a way of doing that that is really cool and really beneficial to queer youth.
Speaker 1: And yeah, there's been studies like this as long as a young person is somewhere on that spectrum, as long as they have one fucking adult in their life that is supportive of them and their lifestyle, then, like, their chances of committing suicide go way fucking down.
Speaker 1: So, yeah, i mean, i think that's important that young people have mentors like that.
Speaker 1: But, yeah, happy You will not be hearing this during tomorrow's the first, so all the corporate logos are going to lose their rainbows.
Speaker 2: Yeah, And you know the ones that they'll start matching the, the.
Speaker 2: you know the corporate Twitter account in Saudi Arabia, which never changed.
Speaker 1: Oh, we're China.
Speaker 2: China.
Speaker 2: You don't understand here.
Speaker 2: Here's these military plans.
Speaker 2: I was lying.
Speaker 1: Is our technically declassified.
Speaker 2: Higher.
Speaker 1: Oh God, yeah, Oh, it took me about five seconds.
Speaker 1: I remember waking up that day and getting on Facebook and seeing all the fucking memes with the piles of boxes in the shitter And it took me about five seconds to realize what the fuck the whole story on that was.
Speaker 2: Yeah, did you see?
Speaker 2: somebody did that to the Hollywood Star of Fame or whatever?
Speaker 1: I don't think so.
Speaker 1: Did what to the Hollywood Star of Fame?
Speaker 2: Somebody took, because he has one, i think, for the apprentice.
Speaker 1: Yeah, it gets.
Speaker 1: It gets defaced all the time.
Speaker 2: Somebody set up a thing with a bunch of those office boxes and a toilet and police tape around his Hollywood Star, and it was a week or two ago.
Speaker 2: I don't know how long it lasted, but it lasted long enough for there to be photographs.
Speaker 1: You know, that's all that matters.
Speaker 1: God bless those, Those Mary pranksters in the night wearing ski masks looking fucking toilets down.
Speaker 1: how Hollywood Boulevard.
Speaker 2: Yeah right.
Speaker 1: Like that takes work.
Speaker 2: We got to lean into the absurdism.
Speaker 1: Yeah, it's the only way we're going to get through this.
Speaker 2: So yeah.
Speaker 1: I don't know.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i don't know how long we've been recording to give an update on the mushroom gummies.
Speaker 1: I don't know if they're doing anything.
Speaker 1: It might be too early to tell.
Speaker 1: Like, like, i've been ingesting a little bit of THC during all of this.
Speaker 1: I don't know.
Speaker 1: I think I'm feeling that more than I'm feeling the magic mushies.
Speaker 2: It's like in you ever see that movie go.
Speaker 2: Yeah it's early 2000.
Speaker 1: Yeah, that's probably about the last time I saw it.
Speaker 2: When she's selling the fake exes she's like oh, just, it's really it.
Speaker 2: You feel it a lot if you get a lot, if you smoke a lot of pot.
Speaker 2: Really make the ecstasy.
Speaker 2: Just smoke a whole lot of pot, like yeah.
Speaker 2: I totally feel it, man, i was.
Speaker 2: yeah, i would say there was a minute there that I was thinking you were talking like a guy on mushrooms.
Speaker 2: We were talking for about an hour.
Speaker 1: Oh yeah.
Speaker 2: But it's also just kind of the way we talk when we talk with each other.
Speaker 2: No, no matter what's been imbibed, consumed or absorbed into our systems.
Speaker 1: It's been a very stream of consciousness kind of shows when we record sometimes.
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 2: So I think it's.
Speaker 2: yeah.
Speaker 2: I mean, who knows, maybe could kick in.
Speaker 2: I know one of the like wildest trips I ever had.
Speaker 2: I never really got a lot from mushrooms Right, But it was a friend's graduation night And we we each took like a 10 strip And like three hours later we were a lot for the layman.
Speaker 1: That's like 10 hits of LSD.
Speaker 2: We were.
Speaker 2: we didn't think anything was happening, so we each took five more.
Speaker 1: Jesus.
Speaker 1: And like I don't even have that much experience with that particular substance, but I know that's a lot.
Speaker 2: Oh, it was a lot.
Speaker 2: We ended up out in like some fucking like burnt up structure.
Speaker 2: We set up a tent It was like three or four of us and there was some burnt out structure that my brain remembers as being a place that was burned down because somebody said it was haunted, but that sounds like something I would tell myself.
Speaker 1: And that sounds pretty cool.
Speaker 2: But you know, just like way out of town, like in the middle of nowhere, when everything kicked in, we're like well, i guess we're going to hang out somewhere around here.
Speaker 1: I guess we're staying here for a while.
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 1: And I hope you got nothing to do for the next about month.
Speaker 2: So yeah, the one time or the not one time a couple times that I tried mushrooms and it sort of reminded me of being really stoned, really high, really elevated, really whatever the fuck the kids call it these days.
Speaker 1: See, i've had like 100 milligram edibles that I was questioning.
Speaker 1: I was like, did my guy give me some mushroom fucking chocolates on accident or something?
Speaker 1: But yeah, for mushrooms to feel like a good weed high, that's some fucking weak ass, fucking weak ass ones.
Speaker 2: It is some guy in high school, you know they probably be way cooler now, but I don't know when the fuck.
Speaker 2: I've got five to eight hours of free time.
Speaker 1: Ah, yeah, that's, that's my problem too.
Speaker 1: That's why this is usually like a once or twice a year kind of thing.
Speaker 1: Last time I did the was a bachelor party was, which was last July I think.
Speaker 1: So yeah, it wouldn't be like a tolerance thing.
Speaker 1: Of course, these are aminitas, so I mean that's a completely different thing.
Speaker 1: But, like you know, if you can't do psych and it looks super often and still have them have the same effect usually, Yeah, maybe you need to two packets of them.
Speaker 1: Yeah, i do, i do have another one, i might, might do that after we get off this call and see what happens.
Speaker 1: Well, wait, what are?
Speaker 2: you doing tomorrow?
Speaker 2: Think about that first.
Speaker 2: True kicks in in two or three hours, it might be.
Speaker 1: I don't think I have anything to do tomorrow, as far as I recall.
Speaker 2: OK, you'll have to report back, yeah.
Speaker 2: We have dozens of listeners, dozens of listeners that will be on the edge of their seat.
Speaker 1: These are vegan too.
Speaker 2: So we're going to do that.
Speaker 2: We could keep going, but we have talked about a regular OK ramble length thing, so do not feel any pressure.
Speaker 2: I know you went straight from work to the mic.
Speaker 1: Yeah, pretty, pretty close.
Speaker 1: I don't know.
Speaker 1: Is there anything else we think about?
Speaker 1: covered.
Speaker 1: Everything we were we talked about covered.
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, You know, happy pride everybody.
Speaker 2: The Supreme Court is on vacation with their billionaire benefactors.
Speaker 2: Now you've got a few months before they can fuck up your life anymore.
Speaker 1: Definitely don't rob their houses while they're on vacation.
Speaker 1: Do not be a terrible thing to do.
Speaker 2: They're probably being guarded by the Heritage Foundation and the boys fucking black water Yeah.
Speaker 2: Marjorie Green and Lauren Boebert with all their guns.
Speaker 1: I think I thought I saw that they hate each other now, which I think is a good thing.
Speaker 2: There was a spat on the floor of Congress between Marjorie Green and Lauren Boebert.
Speaker 1: Now they're both psychos.
Speaker 1: Them hating each other would probably be an OK thing.
Speaker 2: Yeah, she.
Speaker 2: I believe they are saying Marjorie Green is to establishment And she, lauren Boebert, introduced articles of impeachment for Biden before Marjorie Green did.
Speaker 2: The basic reporting was there's video of them are looking like they're arguing, everybody's gesticulating, but you all you can hear is the person with the gavel Like I remind everybody of congressional decorum.
Speaker 2: Could you take your conversations out of the aisle, because it was like during a vote And then then the next story of it was that Marjorie Green called Lauren Boebert a stupid little bitch.
Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, i think it's so bad.
Speaker 2: Green said this is so fucking high school.
Speaker 2: And then Marjorie Green said yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I said.
Speaker 2: And then she was mad because she had articles of impeachment.
Speaker 2: She said you copied my articles of impeachment and then you put them in first, and then you put it's like it's fucking shit show, like more of a shit.
Speaker 2: It's like the shit show that you know people were saying Congress was when they were being a little exaggerated.
Speaker 2: I mean it's like Saturday Night Live, it's an actual circus.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it is a circus and the clowns are in charge, and Kevin McCarty?
Speaker 2: Well fuck, we don't want to get into the deep shit, but anyway, yes, they are fighting and they're fighting over who is the biggest loony tune.
Speaker 2: Joe Biden is basically wilting, wilting.
Speaker 1: Is he turning into dust in front of us?
Speaker 2: Drake from the wrong grail.
Speaker 2: He's still mostly like I'm better than Trump.
Speaker 1: Which is not wrong.
Speaker 2: Which he's not wrong, but that's what he said last time.
Speaker 2: But then it was I'm better than Trump and I'll do student loan forgiveness and I'll raise the minimum wage and we'll do all this other stuff.
Speaker 2: That didn't happen.
Speaker 1: Well, now it's hey, at least I'm not Trump.
Speaker 2: Yeah, and then Trump is.
Speaker 2: you have to say you have to elect me and I will save you from the radical Marxist FBI Who, if they could come after me for hundreds or dozens at least boxes of top secret documents, they could come after you.
Speaker 1: You know you committed massive, massive fraud on a global scale.
Speaker 1: It could happen to you too.
Speaker 2: But well, he's keeping them in a bathroom which has a lock on the door.
Speaker 2: Like, yeah, it has a lock on the door, you can lock it from the inside when you're reading all the shit, but what bathroom door locks from the outside?
Speaker 1: Yeah, the ones in the fucking Playboy Mansion probably, maybe for different reasons.
Speaker 1: So yes well that's a fine note to end on.
Speaker 1: I'm proud of everybody.
Speaker 2: Think about ways to enjoy yourself and to help the people that these lunatics are going after, for the lulls or for the likes, or to own the libs We do.
Speaker 2: Yeah, here we we, we got it.
Speaker 2: Well, it is now no longer Pride Month in my part of the country, but it is in yours, so it's.
Speaker 2: It's the Gremlins paradox, but I will say happy Pride Month anyway.
Speaker 1: The corporate rainbow logos may fade away, but the ones in your hearts will not.
Speaker 2: The end, the end, the end.